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AJ Page 17

by Jessie Cooke

  “Excuse me.” The meek little voice almost didn’t even register. It was Gaston who said:

  “Yeah, what?”

  Lion looked in the direction of the voice. It came from the man in the business suit that Finn had chased outside. As soon as Lion saw Finn run out, he’d run inside. He ran straight into the women’s room and searched the stalls amid the screams and indignant curses of the women in there. It was when he came out of the bathroom that he saw the open storage room door. As soon as he’d stepped inside, he saw the open back door. He’d jogged through it and all he’d seen was the tail end of an eighteen-wheeler pulling two trailers. He’d run after that, but the driver had either not seen and heard him yelling...or there was another reason he didn’t want to stop. He accelerated and by the time Lion got back around to the front, the truck was pulling out onto the interstate. He didn’t get a look at the license plate but he memorized the writing on the door and then turned his attention to the roughed-up man in the suit that Finn and the other two guys were trying to get information out of. He was telling them he just thought the blonde was pretty and he had never seen her before. Bubba was about to hit him again when Lion told them to look at his ID. The man was from a small town in Indiana. He was a fertilizer salesman who had been on his way to a conference in Oklahoma. He had paperwork for the conference, brochures for the hotel it would be held in, and nothing in his car or on his person that made Lion believe he wasn’t really traveling for work. He didn’t even have a weapon, not so much as a knife...if he was mixed up with the Garibaldis, he would definitely have that. From the looks of his face, he didn’t know how to fight either. He was a far cry from a wise guy. The only thing that made Lion tell him to stay put until he could think this through was the fact that he closely resembled photos Lion had seen of Eugene Garibaldi. Now as he stared at him again it suddenly dawned on him...they’d used him because he looked like Eugene, and the stupid fuck probably had no idea what he was getting himself into.

  “Can I go?”

  “How much money was in his wallet?” Lion asked Finn.

  Finn looked at Gaston, who must have counted it, and Gaston said, “About nine grand, in cash.”

  “That’s a lot of money for a fertilizer salesman from Indiana.” Lion walked over where the man was standing up against the car with Bubba and Finn on either side of him. He fingered the lapel of the man’s blazer and said, “That’s a nice suit. How much did that set you back? Five...six hundred dollars? Those shoes were what...another two hundred?” He held out his hand and without saying a word, Gaston laid the wallet in it. Lion flipped it open to the man’s driver’s license. On the other side was a family photo of him, a blonde woman, and two little boys. “This your family, Bob?”

  “Yes.” The man’s voice was shaky.

  “Your house in the background?” It was a classic white farm house, probably built in the 1920s. Bob was wearing jeans and a flannel shirt in the photo, his wife a sundress that she probably bought on sale at Walmart, and the two kids, overalls and flannels like Daddy. Lion could see the hint of a barn behind the house and it looked like it had holes in the roof.

  “Yes,” he croaked. “You’re not going to hurt my family, are you?”

  “Me? No way. See, Bob, we’re not the bad guys, believe it or not. Nope. Those guys...the ones that you just covered for...they’re the really nasty guys, the kind who hurt women and children. I sure hope they don’t have any of your personal information, Bob...because they could be headed to your house as we speak...”

  “No! They said the woman had run off with her boyfriend and her husband just wanted to talk to her.”

  Lion laughed, took out his gun, and pressed it to the side of Bob’s head. Tears began to run down the man’s face and he sunk as far back against the 1999 Cadillac as he could get. “They lied, Bob. You helped them abduct an innocent woman. She witnessed one of them commit a murder and they want her dead so she can’t testify. They’ll probably rape and torture her first,” Lion said, feeling sick to his stomach as soon as he did. Bob cringed and the tears flowed faster. “And then they’ll kill her, in some horribly painful way. Then if they get bored, Bob, they’ll head on over to Indiana and do the same to your wife, and maybe your kids...”

  “No! They’re going the other way. I met this man in Indiana, at a clothing store. I wanted to look nice for this conference. My farm’s in trouble and...”

  “I don’t need your fucking life story, Bob. Get to the point.” Lion could hear sirens and they were probably just about a mile out.

  “The man, he just started up a conversation with me. He told me I looked like a friend of his and when I told him I was on my way to Oklahoma, he asked if I might do him a favor. At first, I said no...”

  “But then he offered you nine grand, in cash—am I right, Bob?”

  Bob nodded. He took a few seconds to sob and the sirens got closer. “He promised me that no one was going to get hurt...I’m sorry...” Lion rammed the gun into his head, hard.

  “You hear those sirens, Bob? If we’re not all gone when they get here, your ass is going to be in a jail for accessory to kidnapping in Missouri and you can explain that to the wife.”

  Bob started talking fast, and with a catch in his throat. “They followed me and I was supposed to stop whenever they told me to. We made about four stops before we got to this one and as soon as I got out of the car, I saw y’all pulling in, you and the girl.” He looked at Finn and Gaston and said, “Those two were already here when I got here. I got a text message to go inside...”

  “Where’s the phone?”

  “Inside, in the trash can right inside the door.” Lion looked at Finn and he took off toward the store. “They just told me to look at her and if she came in alone to kind of follow her around. She wasn’t alone, so I just stared at her while the guy had his back to me. I got nervous when I noticed her staring back, so I paid for my stuff and tried to leave and...” Lion let go of him and the man slid to the ground. He pulled the cash out of the man’s wallet and tossed that down on top of him. The sirens were exiting the interstate now and he knew they had less than a minute at best to get out of there. Gaston and Bubba followed Lion to their bikes. They already had them started when Finn ran out, held the phone up to show Lion he had it, and jumped on his. The four of them tore out of the parking lot seconds before the police descended on it. The man in the suit wouldn’t know anything other than that a bunch of bikers attacked him. They weren’t wearing their colors. But that only made Lion wonder...how the fuck had Garibaldi’s men known where to find them?


  Las Vegas

  “Mm, dinner and a show, what an amazing night.” AJ and Jolene were walking hand in hand out of the Cirque du Soleil show they’d just watched at the Treasure Island Hotel and Casino. After they made love earlier, twice, AJ insisted he take her out. Jolene had come prepared this time and when she came out of the bathroom in a tiny little black dress that clung to every one of her dangerous curves, he almost canceled the plans for the rest of the evening and took her back to bed. He fought through it, not wanting her to think he was a complete dog, and they got into a car on Fremont Street and took it down to the strip. Once there, they had dinner at a place called Prime Steakhouse inside the Bellagio Casino and then walked down to Treasure Island, getting there just in time for the show.

  “I’m glad you liked it,” AJ said. “What shall we do now?”

  Jolene gave him a sexy, sideways smile and said, “Would you think I was a terrible pervert if I said go back to bed?”

  He laughed, and just the mention of it caused the blood in his body to race down south. “Yes,” he said, “but I like it. Maybe, though...”

  “Maybe what? Is there something you’d rather do...than me?” She was smiling up at him and the bright lights of the casino were shining down on her beautiful face. AJ wanted to take her right there...but he also wanted to give her a night that she’d never forget.

  “Absolutely not
hing,” he said. “But there is somewhere I want to take you first.”

  “Hmm, mysterious. Okay...I’m yours.” Those two words did more for his raging hot insides than the mention of going back to bed had. It took him a few seconds to recover enough to be able to take her hand and lead her in the direction of the tables. AJ stopped in front of one of the craps tables and she said, “You want to gamble?”

  He smiled and said, “Yes, but not for money.”

  The only other person at the table was an older man who chuckled and said, “I’m taking donations.”

  AJ smiled at him, but leaned down so his mouth was against Jolene’s ear. “Let’s play for orgasms.”

  Jolene threw her red head back and laughed. When she realized AJ wasn’t laughing she said, “You’re serious?”

  He nodded. “Pick your number.”

  She looked at the table and then back at him. “Right here?” AJ pulled a stool out from under the table and patted it with his hand.

  Still looking like she wasn’t sure if she should go along with his idea, or run, Jolene sat down. AJ sat next to her and pressing his lips to her ear again he said, “I’m not sure we can pull it off at the table, but keep score...I’ll make sure you get every one before the night is over.”

  “Okay,” she agreed with a giggle.

  “Your number?” he said, taking his wallet out and sliding a hundred-dollar bill over to the dealer. As the dealer changed it into twenty-dollar chips Jolene said:

  “Well, seven, of course.”

  AJ laughed and said, “Of course.” He started to throw a chip out and she said:

  “Wait. What about you?”

  He chuckled and said, “Oh, trust me, once you’ve gotten yours, I’ll get mine.”

  She giggled again and AJ placed their bet. Almost an hour later he owed her three orgasms and on the last roll he’d thrown in a massage. He was already about half-hard thinking about it, he hoped he lasted through all three of hers. Hell, he hoped he lasted until they got back down to Fremont Street. He took her hand and led her out of Treasure Island and with his arm around her waist they walked next door to the Mirage. Jolene didn’t question him when he walked inside; she just followed along until he led her toward the pool area. “I don’t have a bathing suit.”

  AJ grinned. “You don’t need one, baby, trust me.” She cocked an eyebrow at him but stood quietly as he asked and paid for a cabana. They were given a stack of towels as they walked through the entrance and AJ stopped and bought them each a fruity drink with an umbrella and a mango submerged in the glass. When he turned to hand Jolene’s drink to her he saw her face and chuckled. She was looking around at the people in the pool and lying next to it. They didn’t call it “bare” for nothing.

  “They’re almost naked.” The women were, at least. It was a topless “Euro-style” pool for adults only.

  “Are you offended?”

  “No,” she said, her face coloring slightly. “Just...surprised.”

  “Well, we’ll be inside our cabana so you won’t have to look at them.” He juggled his drink and the towels as they made their way to the secluded cabana. It was surrounded by thick palms and a young man in a uniform stood near the front. He lifted the curtain as they got close and Jolene stepped inside first. There were two couches, a coffee table, and a mini fridge inside. The back of the cabana was also enclosed with a thin, white curtain. AJ slipped a hundred-dollar bill in the young man’s hand and said, “We’d like a ‘do not disturb’ for the next thirty minutes.”

  “You got it, sir.” Once AJ stepped inside, the young man let the curtain fall, and AJ smiled at Jolene and sat down next to her on one of the couches. Jolene took a sip of her drink and said:

  “Mm, that’s good. This is nice and...” She gasped when she realized AJ’s hand was already making its way up underneath her dress. “Cozy,” she said in a rush of breath.

  AJ let his fingers inch up her soft thigh toward her center. When he felt lace he smiled. It was already wet. He let out a little groan and found the elastic that hugged her leg, sliding his fingers up underneath. Jolene moaned and set her drink down on the table before leaning further back into the sofa and letting her thighs fall open. AJ dipped his fingers into her slick, warm wetness and then used two of them to swirl around her throbbing clit. She gasped loudly as he applied more pressure and used two fingers to pinch and roll the hard nub. Her dress had ridden all the way up around her waist and AJ pushed it up even further with his free hand and then slid the fingers of that hand in the other side of her panties. While he worked her clit, he slipped two fingers up inside of her and let them glide in and out against her warm, tight walls. She was beginning to pant and moving her hips up and down in time with the movements of his fingers. AJ leaned down and covered her mouth with his, and his tongue had just barely slid against the edges of hers before a sound came from deep in her chest and landed in his throat. Her body began to shake and quiver and she clutched onto his shoulders, hard, digging her fingernails into his shirt, as she experienced orgasm number one. AJ lifted his head up and she opened her sexy brown eyes and said, “Fuck.”

  He laughed. “You like that, baby?” She was nodding and she pulled him back down for another hot kiss. He felt her hand traveling down his body, but he stopped her and pulled away before she reached his cock. “Not yet. I still owe you two and a massage.”

  “Oh, Jesus,” she said, “I’m not sure my heart can take two more like that one. Not yet, anyway. Let me give you one of yours and then we’ll go back to the hotel...and take it from there.” AJ was going to argue with her again, but her hand had found his cock and while she had a hold of it, the words got stuck in his throat. Jolene rapidly unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans and before he knew it, his cock was out and standing at attention. She held it in her right hand and used her left hand to push gently against his chest, willing him to lie back. Once he was stretched out on the couch, Jolene leaned over and licked his cock from top to bottom. AJ’s body convulsed with that first lick, and it only got better. With the second one, she traced every pulsing vein, slowly wrapping her tongue around him and working her way up to the tip where at last she opened her lips and engulfed him. He groaned and put his hands in her hair, wrapping his fingers up in her fiery curls and guiding her up and down as she sucked. Her tongue didn’t stop moving and her fingernails tickled his inner thighs and the spot just underneath his cock and above his balls, and by the time he felt his orgasm rapidly approaching, he had to bite down on the inside of his cheek to keep from yelling out so loudly that they might send security running.

  “Baby,” he rasped out, “I’m ready.” She didn’t stop, she didn’t slow down, she kept going and AJ couldn’t hold back any longer. He exploded with pleasure and Jolene didn’t miss a beat, not stopping until she had completely worked him through it. AJ reached down and pulled her up on top of him. She kissed him, deeply and he realized what a turn-on it was to taste himself on her tongue.

  They lay there like that until the intrusive knock of the cabana boy alerted them that their time was almost up. AJ’s only complaint was that their hotel was so far away. As soon as they climbed into the Uber he was already thinking about getting her naked the second they got back to their room. He still owed her two orgasms and a massage, and surprisingly just the thought of all of that made his cock begin to harden all over again.

  As soon as they got back to the hotel room AJ suggested Jolene take a nice, hot shower to loosen up for her massage. When she got out of the shower, she dried off and then slipped into the plush hotel robe that AJ had left hanging in the bathroom for her. When she came out of the bathroom he told her to lie down on the bed and he disappeared into the bathroom. She heard him cleaning up and brushing his teeth and when he came out he was in the same robe she was and he had a bottle of oil in his hand.

  “Lie on your stomach, baby...and take off that robe.”

  Jolene sat up and let the robe slide off her arms. She was past being uncomfortabl
e about her body with AJ. She actually felt beautiful when his eyes drank her in the way they were now. She smiled at him and then turned over and lay down on her belly on top of the robe. She felt him climb up on the bed and straddle her before brushing the hair off her neck. She could hear him rubbing his hands together and then, slick with the baby oil, he began using them to gently massage her neck and shoulders. Jolene closed her eyes and relaxed into it. She’d never had anyone give her a massage and it felt wonderful. He took his hands off her shoulders and seconds later she felt drops of oil splashing onto her back and slowly making their way down her spine. Then once again his big, calloused, amazing hands were on her body, massaging her back from her shoulder blades down to the tops of her cheeks. He worked the oil into her skin with his fingers and slid it around with his palms, applying just enough pressure to make her muscles feel so loose they were practically liquid.

  He stopped again and then she felt the oil slide down the cheeks of her butt. His hands began their work there, every so often sliding all the way down the crack and almost touching her aching pussy, but not quite. He spread the oil down one thigh, working the muscles there, and then he started on the other before moving to her calves. By the time he finished with her feet, she was dangling on the edge of sleep. She was actually slipping into a dream when she felt the stubble from his beard against the backs of her thighs. Moaning, she shifted her hips and when AJ pushed against her thigh, she opened her legs. The next place she felt that stubble was up against the lips of her pussy while his tongue worked its way up inside of her. Jolene pushed up against his face and AJ rolled his tongue around inside of her and then pulled it out and licked and explored her folds. His tongue felt amazing, the sexy stubble on his face felt even better, and it didn’t take long before she was crying out with orgasm number two. She dropped back down on the bed and AJ dropped down next to her with one of his legs resting across her backside. Jolene lay there for several seconds before she could find the strength to lift up her head and look at his face. He was smiling and she shook her head and said, “Jesus, man, where did you come from?”


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