Blood Mates

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Blood Mates Page 6

by K. Grey

  “Burns like a bitch I’m sure…” Rhage told him. “Feeling your body melt around you. Slowly dying… you want to die like that?”

  “No….” he gurgled beneath Rhage’s hand.

  “Then tell me who sired you? I want his name.”


  “Tell me…” Rhage growled.

  “I don’t know… I don’t know his name. I only saw him once. Dante is the only one who calls him.”

  “Who is Dante?”

  “He is in charge...”

  “Where can I find him?” Rhage snapped. When the half breed hesitated Rhage tightened his fingers around the bastard’s throat and lifted him off the ground. The half breed gasped and tried to claw at Rhage’s hand. Rhage eased up a little and the half breed gulped in air deep. “Tell me now. I’m not known to be patient.”

  “He isn’t patient at all…” Talon added joining them. Talon held a silver star in his hand. He twirled it through his fingers. “His name is Rhage… suits his personality…” Rhage growled low in his chest. Talon reached out and barely touched the Silver Star to the half breed’s cheek which quickly left a large blister in a mere second. “Doesn’t hurt us, but is deadly for you…. Now answer my brother or we will make your death a lot more painful than your friend’s.”

  “Dante will kill me…..” he squeaked.

  “We WILL kill you now….” Talon hissed. To prove his point Talon ran the tip of the star across the half breed’s cheek which began to burn and his skin began to melt. He howled and Rhage had to hold him still.

  “Alright!” he wailed. “There’s a house on Lincoln. Dante lives there.”

  “Address, dumbass…” Talon prompted.


  “And are there more half breeds there?”

  “Yeah…..that’s where we were turned. He usually has ten or twelve already there. He has a group he keeps around.”

  “And this is where you met your sire?”

  “Yeah…..Dante runs the show when he ain’t there. Oh fuck! My face! It burns!”

  “And the woman…” Rhage growled. “What does he want with her?”

  “Dunno… I swear! All I know is Dante has everybody out looking for her. The sire wants her bad…..Dante said she is important to the sire’s plan… something about her blood is special. That’s all I know, man... I swear! FUCK! Make it stop! Fuck it hurts!”

  “I don’t think he knows anything else, Rhage.”

  “I think that’s everything…” Rhage took a step back letting the half breed stand on his own feet. The half breed grabbed his face. Then Rhage palmed a knife and stabbed him in the heart. The half breed gasped grabbing the hilt with both hands. Shock on his face.

  “You said --- you wouldn’t kill me….”

  “Not what I said….” Rhage answered just before the half breed dissolved into ashes. He reached down and picked up his knife when it hit the ground and slipped it into his boot...

  “I’ll call Lucien and tell him…”

  “Wait… let’s check it out first. You know Lucien. He will want to know what we are up against first. We do recon and then call Lucien.”

  “You just want to kill this Dante.”

  “Damn right…” Rhage growled. “He and his sire wants Ava. I get to this Dante and then I get the bastard’s name. Then I kill them. Problem solved.”

  “Recon then I call Lucien.” Talon told him… he then looked at Rhage’s bloody sleeve. “Is that deep? Do we need to call Sloane before we go?”

  “No… it will be fine. We have a cooler. I’ll drink a bag on the way and it will be fine.”

  Sloane was munching on the bowl of popcorn he had fixed for them and was watching the rest of the movie that Ava had fallen asleep during. She was on the other end of the sofa curled up under the blanket he had covered her with almost an hour ago. George that ugly damn cat was sleeping on the back of the sofa above Ava’s head. Sloane gave up trying to pet him. It was obvious he was loyal to his mistress and wanted nothing to do with anyone else. He even hissed at Sloane when he tried to cover Ava up.

  Suddenly Ava sat up on the couch wide awake. She looked around as if she was terrified and didn’t know where she was.

  “Ava….what’s wrong? You’re safe…” Sloane said turning to her. He reached out to touch her leg as she began to rub her arm. Ava looked at him and then down at her arm.

  “I know I’m safe….” She nodded.

  “Good…” Sloane nodded. “Bad dream?”

  “It felt real though.” She even pushed up her sleeve to make sure she wasn’t cut. “I didn’t feel pain, but I felt the knife.”

  “Some dreams are like that. So real you feel like you were there.”

  “Yeah…” she didn’t think it was that simple. This felt like the anger she felt

  At dinner earlier. She felt it all, but yet it didn’t belong to her. She didn’t want to talk about it anymore. She didn’t want Sloane to think she was crazy either. And bless Alfred he appeared in the doorway with a tray saving her from trying to lie to Sloane.

  “I thought you might like some hot chocolate, Ava…”

  “Lucien needs to give you a huge raise, Alfred.” She said smiling taking the cup he offered her. She sighed when she saw the little marshmallows in it. “And you will always be my favorite….”

  “Hey! I saved you…”

  “Yeah…” she nodded at Sloane. “, but Alfred used the cute little ones… see…” she held the cup out so he could see them. Sloane rolled his eyes.

  “I put them in yours too, Sloane…” Alfred said with a chuckle.

  “Alfred, will you join us?”

  “Oh…I’m gonna turn in, Ava, but I promise I will next time.”

  “It’s a deal...” she nodded. “And I will hold you to it.”

  Sloane smiled behind his cup. Ava was slowly wrapping everyone around her finger. And he knew not one of them would complain about it. She was indeed special and not just because she might or might not be a blood mate.

  Sloane was in the clinic with Holden, one of the other brothers. Holden had returned from hunting with a deep slash across his ribs. As Holden drained a bag dry Sloane was making sure he didn’t damage anything too bad.

  “Damn! Stop poking it, Sloane.” Holden grunted around the bag.

  “Shut up… and drink. You will need at least two more bags. The little bastard nearly cut your lung in half. He got lucky and went between your ribs. How the hell did he get that lucky?”

  “I thought I had him pinned and he had a switch blade.” Holden said pulling the empty bag from his fangs. Sloane shoved another one into his hands.


  “You’re telling me. He looked like a weasel. I didn’t know he was one.”

  Sloane held the pressure bandage to it knowing it would be healed soon. He just wanted to keep as much blood in him until the skin closed up then his body would do the rest. The brothers usually were able to keep a hidden built in cooler in their vehicles for emergencies which was what kept Holden lucky this time. He heard the doors open and a few seconds later Talon and Rhage appeared in the doorway.

  “Damn, Holden…” Talon swore. “You leave any blood in you, man?”

  “A little.”

  “Drink… talk later…” Sloane snapped. He looked at Talon and Rhage. “You two ok?”

  “Better than him….” Talon chuckled.

  Sloane nodded and then saw the sleeve on Rhage’s jacket was split wide open. “You get hurt?”

  “Just a slash. It was healed before I finished the bag.” Rhage shrugged. “I’m good.” He flexed his fingers and arm to prove it.

  Sloane grabbed Holden’s hand and slapped it against the towels. “Hold that there until you finish that bag….” He turned and glared at Rhage. “I need to talk to you two. Now and in my office.” He stomped past them throwing the door open. Holden chuckled around his bag of blood.

  “You two are in trouble….Sloane is pissed.”

  Talon looked at Rhage. “I didn’t do a damn thing to Sloane. What did you do to him?” Rhage snapped before Talon could speak. Talon glared at him hatefully because Rhage beat him to the punch.

  When they entered the office Sloane was pacing in front of his desk. He snapped around and pointed at the door. He was beyond pissed. His fangs was even showing and Sloane never showed his fangs. He was always calm and collected.

  “Shut it! My office is sound proof. I need the silence to work sometimes.”

  “Ok…” Talon closed the doors and Sloane turned on Rhage and demanded.

  “Did you know when you brought her in?”

  “Know what?” Rhage crossed his arms over his broad chest and kept his emotions flat. Sloane crossed the distance between them and stood nose to nose with Rhage.

  “DON’T. FUCK. WITH. ME. ON. THIS.” Sloane hissed in a low tone that neither Talon nor Rhage had ever heard him use before. His fangs lengthened and Rhage swore his eyes rimmed with red, but before Rhage could say a word Sloane turned away and took two or three steps before facing him again. The red was gone from his eyes and his fangs retracted some. He was calmer than a few seconds ago, but not by much. He had never seen Sloane like that before. It wasn’t right.

  “I’m only going to ask once and you better fucking tell me the truth... is she your mate? You can hear her heart can’t you? You felt her pain when you brought her in….” he then pointed to Rhage’s arm. “And tonight she bolted straight up from sleeping rubbing her arm where you got cut. Don’t even think about lying so tell me.”

  “Sloane…” Talon sighed. “Leave it alone, man.”

  “I wasn’t talking to you, Talon… so shut up.” Sloane never took his eyes away from Rhage when he growled at Talon. “Answer me, Rhage.”

  “I have no intentions of claiming her.” it was all Rhage could say. He just couldn’t bring himself to deny it again. He couldn’t make his mouth say the words. He knew it was the right thing to do, but he just couldn’t say it out loud, not again. He didn’t see it coming. Sloane’s fist was so fast he didn’t even blur, but Rhage felt the impact of Sloane’s fist on his jaw which sent him flying across the room. Rhage slammed against the wall so hard he put a dent in the surface and sent a crack running up to the ceiling. Talon quickly stepped in front of Sloane.

  “Sloane, man clam down….” Sloane shoved Talon aside and glared at Rhage with a murderous edge.

  “Then deny her in ceremony so it severs the connection. She is already feeling you she just doesn’t know who it is or what is going on!”

  “Fuck…” Talon mumbled.

  Slowly Rhage rose from the floor. He looked at Sloane. “She deserves better. It’s for the best I don’t claim her.”

  “You are a selfish bastard… you are damn right she deserves better. For some unknown reason you were gifted with the only female who is perfect for you and your sorry ass doesn’t even know what that means.” Sloane hissed. He shook his head. “I always thought you were a damn intelligent brother and right now I’d love to sever your head myself!” Sloane stormed out of the room nearly taking the door off the hinges.

  “Fuck!” Talon swore. “Shit!” Rhage leaned against the wall rubbing his jaw. Sloane had cracked it in two places. Talon then noticed Holden standing there.

  “Now isn’t a good time, Holden.”

  “Sloane had a mate…” Holden said getting their attention. Both men stared at him stunned. “He never talks about her. He got drunk once…I mean REALLY drunk and told me. I think it was the anniversary or something. He doesn’t remember and I have never mentioned it. The day they were gonna take their vows his brother killed her.”

  “What?” Talon gasped.

  “Apparently he was a jealous bastard and he had always hated Sloane. He felt that she should’ve been his and not Sloane’s. You know that whole I’m older and deserve everything delusion. He raped her and killed her as Sloane was chained to the wall. Sloane watched her die in front of him and felt her pain the entire time. So I’d say you pissed him off royally with YOUR stupidity.” Holden then left.

  Sloane stormed through the tunnels trying to calm himself down. He hadn’t been that furious in centuries. He had learned a long time ago he couldn’t allow his rage get the best of him. He knew what would happen. He wouldn’t allow the rage to consume him again. Once was enough. He lived with what happened ever since.

  When he realized Rhage was Ava’s mate and then Rhage said he didn’t want her----- fuck! It infuriated him. He almost lost control. Rhage was a fucking selfish bastard! Sloane wanted to beat the living shit out of him. Rhage had no idea or didn’t care what a gift he had been given! Sloane did and he mourned her every day since.

  Sloane reached the main house and entered the foyer just as Ava was coming down the stairs. He heard her gasp and her eyes were wide. Not in fear, but surprise.

  “What?” he asked. He watched her hand come up and her finger waved in front of her mouth.

  “Your fangs are showing…..”

  “OH! DAMN!” Sloane reached up and rubbed his face until he made them retract. “Sorry…” ava nodded. “You didn’t freak out….” He told her with a smile. He knew he would calm down now. He wasn’t about to take a chance in terrifying Ava. He would never do that. Even though she wasn’t a female he could send screaming easily, but if he went into a rage she would do a hell of a lot more than run like hell.

  “It just caught me off guard…” she smiled. “I’m good with the whole good vamp bad vamp thing now…” she giggled when she scowled at her. “Yes I know the difference I just like seeing that look when I say it. Lucien and Darius give me the same look too. I think it’s funny.”

  “You are warped….”

  “Yep…” she nodded wiggling her eyebrows. Sloane smiled shaking his head.

  “Sleep well?” he asked. “Any more dreams?”

  “Nope…” she answered walking past him. Sloane knew it was a lie. He didn’t say anything about it, but if Rhage didn’t severe the connection soon Sloane would go to Lucien. He turned and fell in step next to her. “I’m going to help Alfred with breakfast.”

  “You know you don’t have to…”

  “I know, but I need to do something around here to help out.” She told him. “If I just sit around I will go stir crazy. This way I feel like I am at least earning my keep in a way.”

  Lucien sat at the table as everyone ate breakfast slowly looking around. He knew something was going on. He just wasn’t sure what. He knew he could easily find the answers by reading the brothers’ thoughts, but he didn’t really like doing that. He respected their privacy and he only did it when he had to. He knew Sloane was pissed off about something. He didn’t have to read his thoughts. Sloane’s posture and facial expression gave that away. He kept clenching his teeth and Lucien knew Sloane only did that when he was pissed off. Rhage and Talon were unusually solemn. And then there was Holden. He was one of the youngest among them and he was always talkative, but not tonight. He was silent as a mouse.

  Most of the brothers were discussing the house Talon and Rhage scouted out during the night and tonight they planned to go into it. Rhage and Talon would answer the questions, but something else wasn’t right. Lucien knew it. He planned on finding out what just like he planned on finding this Dante. After breakfast when everyone disappeared from the dining room Lucien held Sloane back.

  “Everything alright, Sloane?”

  “For now….”

  “Is it something I need to know about?”

  “Not yet…”

  “Are you going to continue to be vague?”

  “Lucien… give me a day or so and then I’ll tell you.” Sloane sighed. “Right now I’m handling it…”

  “Alright, but you’re pissed off as hell…”

  Sloane made sure he kept his thoughts blank and the words ‘you would be too if you knew’ d
idn’t ring in his head too loudly or Lucien would know. He shrugged.

  “I’m good… don’t worry about it.”

  “You are one of my oldest friends, Sloane. I know you don’t allow your temper to get the best of you.”

  “No... I have managed to control it.”

  “Yes, you do. You are always the calmest and can kept me in line too…”

  “Yeah…” Sloane chuckled.

  “So when you need me to lose my temper let me know. Better me than you.”

  “Yep… you’re king. You can get away with it better than what I was thinking.”

  Ava was doing an assignment for one of her classes Alfred had arranged for her to do online. The man amazed her. The professor was old school and didn’t like doing any of his classes online. He preferred his students to actually come to class and sit in front of him, but somehow Alfred had convinced him to let her finish the semester online. Ava wondered if there was anything Alfred couldn’t pull off.

  She was researching one of her topics for a paper when her cell phone rang. She looked around the room for it and found it on top of the Lucien’s desk. Jill’s name and number showed up on the screen.

  “Hey jilly….”

  “Ava! Where the hell are you? I know you said you were going to be gone a couple of days, but I thought you would be home by now.”

  “Oh! I’m still at a friend’s house.” Ava hated to lie to Jill. She had been a good friend to her, but she really didn’t have a choice. What was she supposed to say? ‘Oh! Jill, those twilight movies you drooled over, well honey I have met the real vampire slash immortal hotties and they make those boys look like shit.’

  “Ava… I really need your help…”

  “Why what’s wrong?” Ava asked. Jill was too independent to ask anyone for anything and she was always doing for everyone else. She was just like that.

  “I twisted my ankle at work yesterday. I sprained the damn thing to hell and back.” Jill told her. “you know I have been telling max he couldn’t keep piling all those boxes in the back room someone was going to break their neck one of these days. Well---- that dumbass was me last night. The doctor at the ER said I can’t put any weight on it.”


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