Blood Mates

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Blood Mates Page 14

by K. Grey

  “Of course. I felt him all the way downstairs.”

  Claudia stiffened. She even dared to look down her nose at Ava. “He is MY son no matter how much he wishes he wasn’t he is and you can’t tell me what to do.”

  “I think you missed the maternal boat a long time ago, lady and when it comes to Rhage I will do what I damn well want to. I love him and you don’t matter…you had your chance and you blew it. Not my fault or my problem so pack it up and hit the road. I was trying to be nice, but now you are pissing me off.” Ava told her. “He is all that matters to me…what you want doesn’t even register.”

  Claudia took a step toward Ava and Rhage was right there keeping her at a distance from Ava. He hissed at his mother. He knew Claudia was about to strike out at Ava. She did have a mean streak.

  “Don’t even think about it…” he warned.

  “Did you hear how she spoke to me?” Claudia demanded. “No one speaks to me like that!” her fangs were clearly visible revealing her anger.

  “You need to leave….” Rhage hissed. “Before I do forget I don’t hit women and I forget you are my mother for threatening my mate….” He knew Lucien had Ava at his side so he took his mother’s arm and nearly drug her from the room. She squealed and hissed all the way to the front door. He jerked it open just as Claudia jerked her arm from his hold.

  “You are my son no matter how much you dislike it!” she hissed at him.

  “I can’t change who gave birth to me, but you stopped being my mother when I realized what the word really meant. If you really want to make amends--- leave me alone…. “


  “OUT, Claudia, before you force me to throw you out…” he growled his own fangs showing. Claudia took a step back from him and her eyes were wide as

  Saucers. Rhage had never threatened her before and she knew not to push him anymore. She turned and stomped out of the door. A car was already waiting for her at the end of the steps. Rhage would thank Alfred later for it. He didn’t wait to make sure she got inside he closed the door. When he turned around he saw Talon.

  “I’m sorry, man….”

  “Don’t worry about it…Claudia is Claudia. She did make me realize I didn’t call your parents though….” Rhage rubbed the back of his neck. He was feeling even worse about it. Talon chuckled.

  “I gotcha covered, Rhage. I called mom and she cried because she is so happy for you. She said when you were ready let her know and they would be on the first plane here to welcome Ava into the family… she told me to hug you, but I will just tell her I did…” Talon wiggled his eyebrows. “She said to hug Ava too… I will be glad to do that part though.”

  “Don’t even think about it or I will cut your nuts off.” Rhage warned and Talon laughed.

  “Mom and dad both are thrilled and you know mom will want to come visit soon.” They visited regularly and Rhage was ok with it. He wanted them to know Ava.

  “Tell them to come whenever they want… Ava will enjoy it. I want her to know them.”

  Rhage headed back into the study and Ava crossed the room to him. She didn’t think twice about sliding her arms around him and laying her cheek on his chest. Rhage wrapped his arms around her.

  ‘Are you mad with me?’ she asked when he propped his chin on her head.

  ‘No…, but I didn’t want you exposed to her venom.’

  “They are doing that couple talk thing again…” Talon laughed plopping down on the sofa. “It is creepy and weird.”

  “Leave them alone, Talon…” Lucien chuckled pouring him a cup of coffee that Alfred had brought in. “one of these days we will give you hell for it too.” Lucien settled in his chair hoping he was right. Ava gave him hope for that. “I do have to say Ava handled herself quite well don’t you think so, Rhage? She didn’t think twice about telling Claudia what she thought…”

  “Yes, she did…” Rhage tightened his arms around her. No one had ever stood up for him like she did, except for Talon. She even told Claudia she loved him and he was the most important person to her. He had wanted to grab her and kiss her for it. She stood up for him like no one else mattered to her. He didn’t know how to tell her how much that meant to him so all he could do was hold her tighter. She snuggled even closer.

  “She is damn tough….”

  Rhage came out of the bathroom with a towel around his hips and found ava sitting on the bed waiting for him. It was almost time for dinner and for the brothers to hunt. After Claudia had left he brought Ava downstairs and made love to her trying to show her how much she truly meant to him.

  “What are you thinking so hard about, baby?” he asked running a hand towel over his bald head to dry it.

  “I heard Claudia ask if I had been turned already…”


  “I was wondering why she would ask that.”

  “You know blood mates are usually turned.” He told her. “And when or if you are ready then we will talk about it.”

  “What if I don’t want to be turned? Would that bother you?”

  “Then you won’t be.” He crossed the room to her and lifted her until she was on her knees in front of him. He framed her face with his hands. “It’s your choice, ava, not mine. You are mine whether you turn or not. We will have a damn long life together either way.”

  She smiled and looped her arms around his neck pressing close to him.

  “Keep rubbing against me and we will miss dinner.” He growled nipping at the corner of her mouth.

  “Lucien won’t get mad at me.” She laughed. She ran her hands over his bald head. “I’m his favorite…..” Rhage couldn’t help, but chuckle.

  “Baby, you’re everybody’s favorite….” He cupped her ass and lifted her a little more off the bed. “And especially mine…”

  She kissed him and then watched him start getting dressed. Ava watched him slide on his leathers and then a black t-shirt. When he was done they headed upstairs to the dining room hand in hand. “What movies are you and Sloane gonna watch tonight?” Rhage asked. He was glad Sloane stayed with Ava when he went out. It didn’t bother him anymore.

  “I don’t know… it’s his turn to pick. He said he was going get some new releases.”

  “If he gets the new Jason Statham save it for me.”

  “I will.”

  “We’ll watch it after breakfast when we go downstairs.”

  Ava laughed. “Sure we will… we never watch TV after breakfast…” Rhage shrugged and grinned then spoke. “Ok…after I make you scream then…”

  Ava walked Rhage to the tunnels and kissed him goodbye after dinner. When she pressed up against him he growled holding her closer.


  “What?” she feigned wide eyes innocence? He nipped at the corner of her mouth.

  “When I get back I’ll make you pay for that.” His cock was pressing against his zipper and if he didn’t leave now he wouldn’t leave at all. She giggled when she felt his hardened cock pressing against her belly.


  “I promise I will you tie to the bed again…and make you beg….” He whispered. “You like that…” he felt her tremble. He cupped the back of her head and kissed her hard. If she thought he would suffer all night well---- he would leave her with some issues to hold on to until he got back too.

  “Really?” Talon’s voice sighed heavily. “You two could save me money on porno and just let me watch….”

  Rhage lifted his head and chuckled. Ava slowly opened her eyes and whispered. “Can I kill him? You can hold him and I’ll stab him a little…”

  “OH!” Talon gasped grabbing his chest leaning against the wall. “AVA! I thought you loved me….” He teased.

  Rhage laughed. “Don’t do it, baby…. I’d be bored without him…just let him suffer… I have the sexiest female and all he has is his hand and lotion.”

  “Ouch!” Talon chuckled. “That was cold, Rhage.”r />
  Ava giggled and Rhage gave her a quick kiss. “See you in the morning.”

  “Be careful...”

  “I will.”

  When Talon reached she hugged him too and told him to be careful. Talon kissed her cheek and whispered. “I’ve got his back, ava…”

  “I know and he has yours…”

  When they left she turned and found Sloane waiting for her in the hallway. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

  “Come on, honey… we are going to start off with the new Sandra bullock movie…”

  “Who is making the popcorn?”

  “Holden. And I told him how you like it…”

  “Good…and chocolate milk too?”

  Sloane chuckled. “I didn’t forget…” she squeezed his arm smiling.

  Ava curled up on the sofa under a soft plush blanket one of the brothers had given her. Sloane was on the other end of the sofa and the other four brothers who weren’t hunting tonight were sprawled out on the floor in front of the sofa. They all had a rotation so there was always some at the house protecting it and now protecting her. Tomorrow night started Rhage’s two days off which she couldn’t wait for, ,but tonight felt like she was indeed hanging out with some VERY OLD OLDER BROTHERS. She had always wondered what that would feel like to have siblings. She had been an only child.

  Holden came in carrying several bowls of popcorn passing them around as gage put the movie in. George made his presence known from the back of the couch.

  “Where have you been, fat man?” Ava crooned scratching him. She noticed he was still skittish around the men well except for Alfred. George purred and rubbed against her hand.

  “I think he hides in Alfred’s part of the house.” Sloane told her.

  “I’ve seen him downstairs…” Holden added. “I just let him go where he wants.”

  “He is so skittish though and he isn’t usually like that.”

  “He knows we are different. Animals aren’t stupid. He will eventually come around.”

  Talon and Rhage walked through the alley that separated the old abandoned buildings along the wharf. They had already come across three half breeds which wasn’t much of a fight. One of them had managed to get a punch in and hit Rhage in the face.

  “Will ava be calling?” Talon teased Rhage a little later.


  “Doesn’t she feel it?” Talon questioned a little bit serious. “I thought Sloane said she felt you get sliced down the arm before.”

  “When we go out hunting and I’m fighting I block it. I don’t want her knowing that shit…”

  “You block her? Really? You can do that strongly?”

  “Yeah….I started doing it when Sloane told me she was already feeling me.”

  “Oh—when you were being a stupid jackasss?” Talon asked with a chuckle.

  “Yeah….” Rhage grunted. “You aren’t going to let it go are you?”

  “Nope… it’s my job as your brother to always remind you of how you have fucked up.” Talon laughed. “And I enjoy it too.”

  “You are such an ass…”

  “Yes, I am… I can’t believe you can block her that easy.”

  “It ain’t easy, but I don’t want her freaking out. She’d probably make the brothers bring her out here…” Rhage shook his head. Talon laughed even harder. He even paused and bent over laughing. Rhage rolled his eyes at the dramatic show Talon was putting on.

  “OH! I could see her definitely doing that. She would probably be wearing your entire arsenal and trying to take out any of them she saw.”

  “Keep reminding me and I will have to lock her in the house…” Rhage sighed. He knew Ava would have the balls to do exactly what Talon was laughing about. He would definitely lock her in the house if it kept her safe. He did block her from his mind when he was out hunting. She didn’t realize it yet and he would pay for it later when she did. He wasn’t worried about Talon ratting him out either. “She wouldn’t like it. I don’t want her worrying.”

  “If you are blocking her can you still feel her?”

  “Yeah…” Rhage nodded. “She is sleeping right now…. Her heart is beating slower so I know she has fallen asleep probably during the movie. She always fall asleep watching a movie.”

  Talon shook his head. “It’s weird….I don’t mean in a bad way…just weird.”

  “I can’t read her mind or shit… I just feel her…” Rhage shrugged. He saw Talon smirk and he growled. “I ain’t telling your sorry ass shit!”

  Talon laughed again. “It’s cool bro… cool, but weird as hell.”

  “Don’t say that shit around Ava…” Rhage growled.

  Talon shook his head. “Hell, Rhage! She ain’t going to change her mind… any one can tell she is in love with you.” Before Talon could say another word his cell phone went off. “Shit! Darius and Lucien have been attacked by a nest of half breeds over on Pine hill. Slade said they are coming from everywhere.”

  “Let’s go….” Rhage said as they took off running back toward their Harleys only a couple of blocks from back. As soon as they turned the corner of the building they came to a sudden halt to find at least two dozen half breeds coming out of the building across from them. “Shit….” Talon grunted. “First Lucien and Darius… now this many at one time. Something ain’t right here, Rhage…”

  “Let’s just kill them and get over to Lucien.” Rhage said pulling out his guns. “You take the left and I’ll take the right.”

  “Yeah. And you need to keep Ava blocked. She sure as fuck won’t be happy about this.” Talon told him. “She’s gonna be pissed off as hell.”

  It took longer than Rhage and Talon would have liked to get over to pine hill and all the others were fighting. And when they did get there Talon let out a low whistle at the size of half breeds fighting against the immortals. There were so many of them Lucien and the others had resulted to using their swords slicing half breeds in half. Killing as many as they could, but they just kept coming from everywhere. Rhage sliced his own long thick sword through the first one that came toward him. Rhage knew Lucien was able to defend himself, but he was their king and their first top priority. Rhage plowed through three more when he saw two half breeds coming up behind Lucien who was cutting his way through several in front of him. Rhage rushed forward.

  “DUCK, Lucien!” he snapped raising his sword to swing it. Lucien barely did before Rhage’s sword sliced through the air decapitating the two half breeds before they could attack Lucien.

  “Damn that was----“Lucien began and watched Rhage’s face tighten as he grabbed his chest. ”RHAGE?”

  “AVA!” Rhage roared. He reached out and grabbed Lucien’s shirt. “They are after Ava… the house is under attack!” Rhage then tilted his head back and let out a roar that was full of fury.

  “Kill em all!” Lucien roared. “We need to protect the house!”

  Sloane crouched over Ava again keeping her covered as another blast rocked the house and plaster fell from the ceiling.

  “I’m gonna grab you and make a run for it, Ava…” Sloane told her. “The others will hold them off. I’ve gotta get you out of here!”

  “Sloane….” She whimpered.

  “We’ll go out through the tunnels….”

  She lifted her head a little so she could look at him. She nodded. “I trust you. I just want Rhage…”

  “And I will get you to him… I promise.”

  She nodded again and wrapped her arms around his neck. Sloane wrapped his arm around her waist holding her tight against him. He lifted his head and looked at Holden who was nearby.

  “Hold em off…”

  “You just get her out of here... We got this, Sloane…”

  “Watch your back.”

  “Yep…” Holden flashed his fangs just before Sloane took off with Ava.

  The power was out in the house and Ava couldn’t see anything, but with Sloane going so fast e
verything was a blur anyway. He flew down the hall and had to jerk the door open that led below. Then he flashed down through the tunnels until they reached the lower level garage. Sloane put her on her feet and looked down at her.

  “Are you alright?” he demanded. She nodded slowly. “I think so…”

  Ava couldn’t believe this was happening. The house was supposed to be safe. She had been sleeping when suddenly a loud squealing whizzing sound pierced the house and the brothers jumped into action. There was a small explosion somewhere at the back of the house which knocked the power out. Then somehow there were half breed rushing through the French doors. Sloane grabbed her and covered her behind the couch when the ceiling started to fall down in chunks.

  Sloane’s head quickly shot up and he shoved Ava behind him. He hissed loudly. Ava felt how tense he was and knew he was pissed and she knew they weren’t alone in the garage.


  ‘Rhage!’ she cried out silently hearing Rhage’s voice in her head. She had screamed for him when it all started.

  ‘I’m coming for you, baby….I’m not far away…hang on for me.’

  ‘Sloane and I are in the garage. , but someone is down here, Rhage… Sloane is hissing….’

  ‘Can you see who it is?’

  ‘No… Sloane is in front of me. I can’t see around him….Rhage….’

  ‘Hang on, baby…we are almost there…’

  “Rhage is coming, Sloane….” She whispered clutching his shirt. “They are almost here…”

  He didn’t answer her, but tightened his hand on her hip to keep her behind him. Sloane looked around the garage. The backup lights flickered around them. He knew someone was down here. He could smell him.

  “Come on out, you bastard.” Sloane hissed. “I can smell you…”

  Ava jumped when she heard something scraping against the concrete. It sounded like metal being dragged across the concrete walls and she heard a low hissing sound. It made her skin crawl. She had a feeling it was more than one….. She managed to look around Sloane’s arm just as the scraping stopped. Then she saw him… the scar faced bastard from her apartment.


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