Blood Mates

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Blood Mates Page 16

by K. Grey

  “No! How they hell did they get here so fast? She’s unconscious so they can’t communicate.” Bram declared with a hiss.

  “Apparently you didn’t factor in how strong the bond had become…” Dantarius shook his head.

  “Then go out there and stop them!” Bram ordered throwing his hand in the air.

  Dantarius hissed at him. “I told you this was your fight. I have my own agenda. I’m not ready to destroy my brother yet so I’m done for now. I know when to lay low and wait to strike…” Dantarius turned and walked toward a door.

  “Where are you going? You gave your vow to our cause.” Bram hissed.

  Dantarius shrugged and smiled at Bram. “You aren’t the only one in charge, Bram… there is someone else higher than you are who wants to destroy the king… he is more powerful than you. I suggest you run now before her mate arrives. I can feel his need to kill from here and you are the main one he is after. He won’t show you any mercy.”

  “You can’t just walk away! You’re a fucking coward!”

  Before Bram finished the words Dantarius flashed across the room and grabbed Bram by the throat pinning him to the wall. The shorter man dangled off the floor. Dantarius hissed.

  “You just thought you were in charge… you thought you were important in the bigger picture, Bram. The others…. they wanted to see if you could actually pull off your plan. They knew you would fuck up... they knew you would die before you could finish it. THEY allowed you to carry it out or you would have already been dead.” Dantarius tilted his head. His crystal blue eye and his solid white one peered into Bram’s mind. Even though Bram was much older Dantarius was stronger. Dantarius had always been stronger. “They know all about the blood mates. They know there are more of them and they have their own plan for them.” He glanced over to the female on the table, her blood was slowly draining into the IV bags Bram had attached to her. He couldn’t hear her heart beating, but Dantarius knew she was close to dying. She had impressed him and he kind of hoped she did survive. He turned back to Bram. “He is going to kill you and I’m going to make it easy for him.” he chuckled when Bram’s eyes widened. “YOU aren’t important to the cause, Bram. You never were.”

  Rhage flew down the hallways swinging his sword at anyone who was in his way. He didn’t care about anything except getting to Ava. He didn’t keep count on how many immortals he decapitated swinging his sword. None of them knew what was happening because he was basically invisible to them. He had never thought about his defense, but tonight it was the best thing to use. He always loved a good fight, but tonight…he didn’t care. He wanted everyone dead that stood between him and his mate! He ran down the hall focusing on nothing, but her fading heartbeat. She hadn’t answered him in a while and her heart was slowing more and more. He came to a door and took it down with a single kick. Inside he roared seeing her strapped to a gurney and all the bags draining the blood from her body. His fury boiled within him. He also saw Bram pinned to a wall by a sword. Bram stopped struggling to pull it out when Rhage appeared. His eyes widened in fear. Rhage roared as his eyes narrowed on Bram…. For only a second. He wasn’t going to show any mercy. Ava was more important. Rhage moved to stand between Ava and the bastard.

  “Rhage please….there are othe----“his words fell silent as Rhage swung his sword.

  Bram’s head fell from his shoulders and rolled across the floor toward Rhage. Rhage looked down at the face. He didn’t see his father’s friend. He saw the bastard who tried to kill his mate. Rhage lifted his foot and slammed it down shattering Bram’s skull on the floor.

  Lucien stood with Sloane and Talon looking around. Lucien wiped his sword clean on the body lying at his feet.

  “They seem to have abandoned ship…” Lucien turned to Sloane. “Did you find Dantarius?”

  “No... The fucking snake isn’t here. I felt him and now it’s gone.”

  “Then let’s find Rhage…” just then they heard his roar echoing around him. It was full of anger and pain. They took off running toward it. As they rushed into the room they found Rhage holding Ava in his arms. She was limp and so pale. She wasn’t moving at all. She looked like a rag doll against him.

  He had ripped all the bags from her and they were scattered all over the gurney spilling her blood everywhere. He held her against him with one arm and his sword was extended with the other. He growled and hissed at them. His eyes were blood red and he was ready to attack.

  “Awwwww hell…” Talon whispered. “Please tell me she isn’t dead…” Rhage heard him and growled even more. Sloane looked at the table then to Ava.

  “I don’t think she is, but if we don’t help her she will be. It doesn’t look like the bastard had time to drain her. If her heart is still beating we still have time… Rhage needs to give her some of his blood.”

  “Wont that turn her?” Talon asked.

  “No… he would have to take the last of her blood and stop her heart then feeding her.”

  “Rhage isn’t going to let us near her… he doesn’t even know it’s us… he’s feral….”

  Lucien took a step toward Rhage slowly. He had laid his sword down. Rhage growled a warning.

  “Rhage…. You need to let us help Ava…. She is going to die if you don’t give her blood. It’s the only way to save her…. you need to calm down and focus…”

  Rhage’s growl echoed in the room. He took a step back and then disappeared from view. Lucien waved his hand. “Block the doors. He may try to run with her. And keep talking to him. Tell him who you are and we just want to help Ava… it might get through to him.”

  They could hear Rhage growling, but they couldn’t see him or sense him. Sloane and Talon blocked the two exits. Both of them held their swords ready for an attack. All of them began talking to him as if they were having a regular conversation.

  Rhage watched them…. They were trying to keep him from taking Ava somewhere safe. He moved around the room until he was in a corner so he could see all three of them at the same time. He leaned against the wall and lowered his sword so he could hold her closer to his chest. He felt her heart beating so slow. It was faint, but there. She was alive and she needed some where safe so he could take care of her.

  He was about to make his move and go through the one on his left blocking the door when he felt her take a deep breath. He looked down and saw her eyes flutter.

  ‘Rhage……’ she didn’t have to strength to speak out loud. ‘You’re so angry... ’ she whispered.

  ‘They hurt you.’ He didn’t want anyone to hear them. ‘I’m going to kill them all once you’re better.’

  ‘Your eyes…..they are so red….why?’ she tried to lift her hand, but couldn’t. Rhage lowered himself to the floor and held her. He laid his sword next to him and lifted her hand to his face.

  ‘You can’t die, ava…..’ he murmured against her palm. He closed his eyes. ‘You can’t leave me. Not now….’ Then he remembered the one saying she needed blood. She had given him her blood now it was his turn. He lowered her hand to her chest and cupped her head in his hand. He bit into his wrist.

  ‘What are you doing?’

  ‘Saving you…’ he held his wrist to her mouth and let his blood pour past her lips. She gagged and tried to turn her head away, but he held it firm. He had no idea how much it would take. He would give her every drop he had if she needed it. He bit into his wrist three times forcing the blood past her lips. Her eyes closed and she didn’t move. Rhage wiped the blood from her mouth with his fingers.

  ‘Ava….. Baby….talk to me. Open your eyes….’


  His head shot up. He had been so focused on Ava he had let his ability fall away and they could see him. He saw Lucien, Sloane and Talon standing over him. He saw the fear on their faces.

  “You said give her blood…” Rhage told them. “I gave her mine…as much as I could make her swallow.” Lucien squatted down next to them. Rhage pulled Ava c
loser to his chest and away from Lucien. He couldn’t bare for anyone to touch her. His anger was still just below the surface and he knew he would rip Lucien’s arm off if he tried to touch her. She was his and no one could touch her, but him. He loved her. She was the reason he took a breath. He knew he had never lived before her. He had been alive for centuries and none of it matter. He never really cared about anything or anyone until he laid eyes on her. She had given him a life. She had given him a reason to give a damn.

  “She’s mine…. She promised me….”

  “I know….she loves you.” Lucien nodded. Rhage looked down and ran his fingers across her silky cheek. She was beautiful… she was his. If she died he knew he would die with her. He wouldn’t want to live anymore. If she wasn’t alive there wouldn’t be any reason to live.

  “We need to get her home.” Sloane told him. “So we can take care of her.”

  Rhage looked at Sloane. “How did you survive it? When your mate died? Why would you have wanted to live without her?” he shook his head. “I can’t breathe without her…..”

  “Is she dead?” Sloane snapped getting angry. “Can you hear her heart beating?”

  “Barely….” He murmured looking at her again. He cupped her cheek tenderly.

  “Then she isn’t dead YET!” he met Rhage’s gaze again. “Are you giving up on her? Then get your ass up! We need to get her home!” Rhage slowly rose to his feet with their help and Ava in his arms. He held her close to him. He laid his cheek against hers.

  ‘I’m not giving you up… you are my heart….I can’t feel it without you.’

  He stood in the doorway watching Rhage hold ava in the bed. He was curled around Ava like a shield. Rhage refused to let go of her when they reached the house. Sloane gave her as much blood through an IV as he could and Rhage opened his wrists a couple more times to force it into her mouth. She hadn’t woke up yet, but Rhage told them her heart was beating stronger now. “We are going to need somewhere else to live now… somewhere no one knows about.” Darius said joining him.

  “It’s already being prepared. We will start moving tomorrow evening.” Lucien told him. “Alfred has already gotten the ball rolling. This house is secure until then.”

  “How is it possible?” Darius nodded toward Ava.

  “I thought Lissette’s child died with them…. “He shook his head. “I don’t know what happened to her. I never even considered the little girl survived so I never looked for her. She must’ve been raised human. The only thing I can come up with is she never mated an immortal and lived a human life.”

  “Is that possible?”

  “I don’t know…, but how is it possible Ava is a born human blood mate? Bram betrayed me, but I don’t think he was lying about this. I think he figured it out somehow. She is here and that’s all that matters to me.”

  Rhage held her, running his fingers through her hair and kissing her forehead. He wasn’t leaving her until she woke up. He felt her strongly now. He felt her fingers moved on his chest. She had been so still and silent for hours and even though he could feel her heart beating strongly he was still worried.

  “Ava….. Talk to me, baby…wake up, ava…” he watched her slowly lick her lips. He held his breath and waited.

  ‘Rhage…….’ She whispered in his head. It was faint and sounded so far away.

  “Open your eyes, baby….look at me.” He caressed her cheek. “I’ve been waiting for you to wake up….don’t make me wait any more. It’s killing me.”

  Slowly her eyes fluttered and she blinked many times before she could focus on his face. “You’re smiling…” she whispered. “You hate to smile.”

  “I have a lot to smile about, baby… I have you back.”

  “I wasn’t worried. I knew you would come for me. You love me…”

  Rhage lowered his head to hers and closed his eyes. “You damn right I do…more than anything.”

  “I heard you… I wanted and tried to answer, but I couldn’t.” she whispered. “My heart doesn’t beat without you either. I breathe for you.” Rhage pulled her closer to him. He was too choked up to say anything.

  They were left alone for a couple of hours before Lucien, Alfred and Sloane came in. Alfred brought in a tray full of food for Ava. He sat the tray down and hugged Ava even though Rhage was still in the bed with her. Alfred smoothed the hair from her face like a loving father would then he kissed her forehead.

  “Rhage is right.” Alfred nodded. “You are never leaving the house again.”

  “Alfred!” she gasped and Rhage chuckled next to her. She hit him. “Hush!” Rhage lifted her hand from his chest and kissed her fingers. Sloane moved to stand next to the bed when Alfred moved. Ava saw the look on his face. She shook her head and spoke before he could.

  “It wasn’t your fault, Sloane. Don’t you dare think it!”

  “Rhage trusted me to protect you….”

  “And you did until he pinned you to the wall with a sword. You did protect me. I still trust you.” Tears filled her eyes. “I’m sorry he is your brother….” She held her left hand out to Sloane. “You are my family now. I don’t blame you for anything.” Sloane’s head dropped until his chin rested on his chest. He was silent for a few seconds. “Sloane…” she whispered.

  Sloane lifted his head and took her hand in his to squeeze it. He had tears in his eyes. Ava smiled.

  Lucien stood at the foot of the bed watching her. She did remind him of Lissette. They didn’t look alike physically. Lissette had been a golden blonde and smaller than Ava, but characteristically they were a lot alike. He felt guilty for not searching for his niece all those centuries ago, but he couldn’t change it. Now he had Ava and he wouldn’t change that…Ava turned and looked at him. He saw the smirk.

  “And just what are you thinking?”

  “Does this mean I can call you Uncle Lucy now?” she grinned from ear to ear. Everyone laughed around her. Rhage nearly fell off the bed laughing. Lucien fought the urge to grin. He loved her humor. She did inherit his warped sense of humor. He forced himself to narrow his eyes on her.


  “I like it…”


  “It’s cute…”

  “HELL NO!”

  “It has a good ring to it…”

  “OH HELL NO!” he tossed over his shoulder as he left the room.

  AWeek later they were all settled in the new house Lucien had secured for them. Ava missed the old house, but the new one was nice. She and Alfred were allowed to decorate. She was thrilled and they made sure a few rooms were done in Lucien’s old world style. This new house was well hidden in the side of a mountain and was even more secured that the old one and she couldn’t believe that was possible, but it was.

  She walked into the study which was Lucien’s private domain. She was surprised to find him awake so early. It was a couple of hours before the sun set. He was sitting behind his desk going over some papers. He hadn’t been sleeping regularly since the attack and the revelations of a secret faction looking to destroy him and what he stood for. He looked up when she stepped inside.

  “You should be sleeping…”

  “I will…”

  “You’re worried.” Ava said crossing the room toward his desk. She perched on the corner of it.

  “Nothing I can’t handle.”

  “I know you and the legion will destroy them. They can’t win, Lucien.”

  He leaned back in his chair and sighed heavily. “This is going to be a war, Ava, and I know it is going to be ugly.”

  “And you will win. You are the king.”

  He smiled. “You are good for my ego….”

  “I’m your niece…five million times removed, but family sticks together.”

  He chuckled. “Yes they do…” he stood up… “I want to show you a sketching.”

  “Lissette… my….way too many times to count grandmother…”

  “You make me
sound old.”

  “You are…. You are old as dirt…”

  “Not THAT old…” he chuckled walking to the bookshelves. He pulled a simple soft leather bound book down. “My father had it drawn. He had all of us sit for one. I lost the paintings years ago when they were killed, but I did manage to keep the sketches.” Lucien took the book back to her. He opened it to the middle and held it out to her.

  “Oh! She is beautiful….” Ava sighed. Then she looked up at Lucien with tears in her eyes. “I know where I come from now….”

  Rhage was sleeping, but he knew the second she entered the room. He didn’t let her know that though. He watched her take off her clothes. His mouth watered and his cock got hard in two seconds flat. She was breathtakingly gorgeous. Then she stopped right before she took off her panties. Her hands went to her hips and her hair fell down hiding her sweet titties from his view.

  “Rhage! How can I slip into bed with you if you aren’t sleeping?” she demanded. He propped his chin in his hand and smiled.

  “Baby… I didn’t want to disturb you getting undressed…. I was enjoying the view…”

  “I was trying to be sneaky…”

  “Naked would be better….”

  Ava shook her head as she approached the bed. Rhage pulled her down on top of his chest and kissed her hard. Ava giggled feeling his hard cock pressed against her.

  “Are you happy to see me?”

  “Baby, I’m always happy to see you and thrilled when you are naked.” He arranged her thighs on each side of his hips as she straddled him. He ran his hands up her thighs and sides until he could tease her hard pebbled nipples with his fingers. Ava sighed…..

  “Close your eyes, baby…”

  She nodded and closed her eyes. She braced her hands on his belly as she felt his hands move away from her.

  “What are you doing?” she asked keeping her eyes closed.

  “Shhh… just wait.” She felt him lift one of her hands and kissed her palm then each of her fingers. “Don’t open your eyes…just listen….” When she nodded he continued. “I love you….I never expected to find a mate. I never even thought about ever having one, but now…. I can’t see a second of my life without you. I’m going to be an ass when it comes to keeping you safe. You aren’t going to like it, but you will get over it because I won’t budge on it. Keeping you safe is more important than anything else… you are everything to me.”


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