Houffalize, 1095
Household Year for Girls, 254
House of German Art, Munich, 244
Hradschin Palace, Prague, 363, 383, 420, 448
Huber, Kurt, 1022–23
Huebner, General, 1101fn.
Huehnlein, Major, 71
Huetler, Johann von Nepomuk, 8, 9
Huemer, Eduard, 13
Hugenberg, Alfred, 138, 154, 166, 173, 180, 182, 184, 189, 196, 198, 201, 204, 206, 212, 257
Hull, Cordell, 843, 873, 877fn., 884–85, 886, 887, 888fn., 891, 894, 896
Hungary, 358, 362, 507–8, 800, 808, 824, 826, 845; encouraged by Hitler to seize Ruthenia, 377, 387–88, 400, 417fn., 421, 427, 429, 440–42, 449–50; German occupation of, 839, 842; army units on Russian front, 869, 909, 911, 915; Nazis’ mass killing of Jews of, 972; taken by Russians, 1090fn., 1096, 1098
Huntziger, Gen. Charles, 743–45
Hurricanes (Br. planes), 775, 776
Huxley, Aldous, 784
Iceland, 879, 880–82
I. G. Farben, 144, 190, 282, 597, 664–65, 968, 972, 973
Igorka rivers, 839
Illustrious (Br. carrier), 818fn.
Imredy, Bela, 387–88
India, 558, 560, 883, 901, 957
Indian Legion, 1102fn.
Indian Ocean, 810, 915
Indochina, 884
Informationsheft, 784
Innitzer, Cardinal, 350
Innsbruck, 75, 335, 553
Institute for Military Scientific Research, 980
Institute for Research (Forschungsamt), 338
Interior, Ministry of the, 275, 497–98, 1031
“International Commission” on partition of Czechosl., 417fn., 420, 421
International Military Tribunal, 1142
Iran (Persia), 757, 810, 915
Iraq, 828, 829, 841
Ireland, 474, 646
Irgens, Captain, 706
Iron Cross, 30, 122, 284, 754fn.
Ironside, Gen. Sir Edmund, 504, 682fn.
Iserlohn, 1129fn.
Istanbul, 1026
Istria, 1005
Italian Air Force, 556fn.
Italian Army, 554, 556fn., 817, 818, 825, 826, 827, 850, 869 909–11, 912, 915, 920–21, 925, 928, 929, 996, 1001, 1002, 1006
Italian Navy, 554, 818fn., 1000, 1002fn.
Italian Social Republic, 1005
Italy, 97, 291, 294, 307, 359, 436, 478–80, 490, 501, 511, 529, 530, 539, 800–1, 803–4, 806, 807, 850, 924, 995, 996; and Anschluss, 209, 280, 285, 296–97, 301, 302, 324, 327, 334–37, 339, 343, 345fn., 347; prewar policy toward Britain, France, 284–85, 289, 296, 298, 301, 400, 436, 508, 603, 687; invasion of Ethiopia, 289, 290, 296–98; aid to Spanish rebels, 297–99, 307, 814; in Anti-Comintern Pact, 299; role in German–Czech crisis, 377, 403, 404, 408–10, 414–21; friction with Germany, 400, 487, 492, 547–48, 665–66, 683, 687, 774, 815; invasion of Albania, 469, 813; military alliance with Reich, 482–84 (see also Pact of Steel); reluctance to take part in war, 493, 507, 508, 510, 512, 551–57, 561, 564–68, 598, 603–8, 620–21, 642–43, 645, 657, 687–92; enters war against France, 739, 740, 743–44, 746, 877 (see also Franco–Italian armistice); war against Britain in Mediterranean, N. Africa, 740, 757, 813, 817–22, 836, 900, 912, 914, 921; in Tripartite Pact, 802, 808, 889; invasion of Greece, 816–18, 821–23; royal family of, 820, 996; gets slice of Yugoslavia, 824, 826; war against U.S.S.R., 851, 873, 909–11; war against U.S., 871, 885, 889–90, 894, 898, 900; Allied landing and Battle of Italy, 921, 956, 995, 1000, 1001, 1006, 1008, 1009, 1033, 1036, 1043, 1100, 1107, 1138; ousts Duce, makes peace with Allies, 995–1001, 1003; German occupation, 1001, 1003–5, 1009; Fascist Republican Party, 1005
Jackson, Robert H., 432fn., 964fn.
Jacob, Franz, 1044
Jacob, Major, 1064fn.
Jaeger, Dr. Wilhelm, 948–49
Jaklincz, Colonel, 634
Japan, 307, 487, 492, 521, 522, 539, 735, 753, 798, 803, 804, 806, 809, 839, 850, 884, 895, 1025; pacts with Germany, Italy, 299, 436, 506, 802, 808, 871, 876, 886–95; in Hitler’s strategy, 508fn., 821, 871–96 passim, 915; war against U.S., Britain, 870–76, 880, 883–96, 900, 901, 1007; neutrality pact with U.S.S.R., 876–77
Japanese Air Force, 901fn.
Japanese Army, 877
Japanese Navy, 872, 873, 887, 888, 891, 892, 895
Jaspers, Karl, 251
Jastrzembski, see Falkenhorst
Jeanneney, Jules, 437
Jena, 98, 173, 933
Jeschonnek, Gen. Hans, 621, 763, 771
Jessen, Jens Peter, 908, 1072
Jesus Christ, Jew or no?, 107, 108, 124
“Jewish Emigration Office,” Vienna, 351
Jews, 144, 157, 179, 355, 641, 700, 751fn., 828, 1088; Hitler’s hatred for, 25–27, 31, 35, 39, 41, 81, 84, 87, 97, 111, 119, 137, 1124, 1126; German writings against, 98–101, 106–7, 236; Nazi persecution of, 203, 209, 215, 236, 260, 351, 430–35, 685, 1028, 1031, 1071; exclusion of from arts and professions, 242–43, 245–46, 249–51, 268; laws against, 213–34, 237; in Czechoslovakia, 383, 438, 439, 991; extermination program, 659–65, 937, 944, 946, 953, 958–69, 972–79, 991, 1029, 1061; in U.S., 688, 749fn., 872, 875fn., 897, 899; used as slave labor, 948–49; Warsaw ghetto uprising, 974–79; medical experiments on, 979–81, 985
Jodl, Gen. Alfred, 142, 290, 291fn., 293, 316, 319, 404, 670, 671–72, 816, 821, 824, 825, 866, 873, 911, 918fn., 921, 922, 1010, 1034, 1077, 1098, 1112–16; on Blomberg affair, 311–14; on Anschluss, 326fn., 331, 334–36, 348; on Czech problem and annexation, 363, 365, 366, 369, 370, 377–79, 387, 392fn., 422, 424; on western-front operations, 378, 424, 635, 644, 718–20, 727, 732, 746; on Norway operations, 677, 680, 682, 683, 696, 709, 710; on French armistice, 741, 744; on invasion of Britain, 758, 760, 764, 767, 770; on invasion of Russia, 795, 797, 856, 858, 863, 925, 931; on Hitler’s Commando Order, 956; on Italian surrender, 998–99, 1001; on Allied landings in Normandy, 1038–40; injured by bomb aimed at Hitler, 1051, 1054; signs surrender, 1138–39; executed at Nuremberg, 1143
Johannmeier, Maj. Willi, 1129
John, Lieutenant von, 1050
Johst, Hans, 242–43
Juenger, Ernst, 242, 1042fn.
Jueterbog, 370, 1057
Jung, Edgar, 218, 222
Junge, Gertrude, 1123, 1132
Jungvolk, 120, 253, 255
Junkers, 53, 93–94, 96, 99, 154, 157, 162, 179–80, 186, 198, 201, 205, 215, 236, 257
Justice, Ministry of, 317
Jutland, Battle of, 486, 698–99, 707
Kaas, Monsignor, 189, 199
Kahr, Gustav von, 34, 51, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69–72, 75–76, 80fn., 223
Kaiser, Jakob, 373
Kaiserhof hotel, Berlin, 4, 154, 155, 156, 157, 168, 175, 176, 177, 182
Kaltenbrunner, Dr. Ernst, 956, 1070, 1143
Kampfbund, see Deutscher Kampfbund
Kant, Immanuel, 93, 97, 99
Kantzow, Carin von, see Goering, Carin von Kantzow
Kanya, Kalman, 387–88
Kapp, Dr. Wolfgang, 33–34
Kappel, 273–74
Kapp putsch, 3, 33–34, 43, 55fn., 60, 63, 75, 202
Karinhall, 777, 1112
Karlsruhe, 564
Karlsruhe (Ger. lt. crusier), 702
Karmasin, Franz, 437, 442
Kasserine Pass, 1029
Kauenellenbogen, Dr. Edwin, 991
Kaufmann, Karl Otto, 1009
Kaunas, 794, 967
Kearny (U.S. destroyer), 883
Keitel, Field Marshal Wilhelm, 281, 319, 482, 542, 644, 667, 669, 760, 816, 824, 834–35, 873, 911, 917, 922, 945, 999, 1041fn., 1039, 1100, 1103, 1111, 1115, 1118, 1130; and Blomberg affair, 312–14, 316; Chief of Armed Forces High Command, 318; role in Anschluss, 325, 329, 331, 335; Czech invasion plans, 356, 357, 361–63, 365–67, 378, 379, 393, 396, 423–24, 428, 438, 440, 441, 444; Poland invasion plans, 462, 484, 497, 498fn., 518, 556, 557; and anti-Hitler conspiracy, 559–60, 1021, 1034, 1047, 1048fn., 1049–
52, 1054, 1058–60, 1064, 1073, 1077–78, 1079fn.; western front, 635, 651, 720; and Nazi war crimes, 660–61, 831, 832, 846, 941, 952, 954, 957–58; Norway invasion, 677, 679, 680, 682, 710; at French surrender, 742–45; named Field Marshal, 755fn.; Britain invasion plans, 764–68; war on Russia, 797, 858, 866, 909, 925; Battle of Berlin, 1112–14, 1120; his death ordered by Bormann, 1132; executed at Nuremberg, 1142–43
Keller, Helen, 241
Kelly, Dr. Douglas M., 837, 838fn.,
Kelly, Sir David, 751fn.
Kempka, Erich, 1111, 1133, 1134, 1137
Kennan, George F., 843fn.
Kennard, Sir Howard, 464–65, 466fn., 574–75, 586–87
Kennedy, Joseph P., 688
Keppier, Wilhelm, 144, 178, 339, 340, 342, 442
Kerr, Alfred, 241
Kerrl, Hans, 127, 238, 239
Kesselring, Field Marshal Albert, 722, 733, 755fn., 775, 912, 1001, 1006, 1099, 1106fn., 1112, 1113, 1138
Ketteier, Wilhelm von, 348fn.
Kharkov, 933, 1006
Kiel, 55, 281, 377, 752, 1008
Kiel, University of, 519, 987
Kielce, 626
Kiep, Otto, 1025, 1026, 1072
Kiev, 798, 811, 853, 857, 858–59, 939, 961, 1007
King-Hall, Stephen, 615fn.
Kira, Princess, 907
Kircher, Rudolf, 245
Kirdorf, Emil, 134, 144
Kirk, Alexander C, 561, 637
Kirkpatrick, Ivone, 397, 836–38
Kitzbuehl, 333
Kjölsen, Captain, 694–95
Kladno.991, 992
Klagenfurt, 13–14
Klausener, Erich, 218, 223, 235, 269
Kleist, Gen. Ewald von, 319, 373, 380–81, 557, 724fn., 855, 860, 861, 889, 914, 916, 928, 1027
Kleist, Heinrich von, 1027
Kleist, Peter, 555fn., 1017fn.
Kletskaya, 926
Klintzich, Johann Ulrich, 42–43
Klop, Lieutenant, 654–55
Kluge, Field Marshal Guenther Hans, 318–19, 625, 755fn., 860, 863, 864, 865, 868–69, 1013fn., 1014–15, 1018–19, 1020, 1021, 1030, 1041, 1046, 1047, 1058, 1064, 1074–75, 1076–77, 1079, 1082
Knilling, Eugen von, 64
Koblenz, 1101
Koch, Erich, 127, 939
Koch, Ilse, 983–84
Kochern, 273
Koeln (Ger. naval vessel), 697
Koenigsberg, 93, 349, 538, 843fn., 1069
Koenigsberg (Ger. naval vessel), 697, 701
Koestring, Gen. Ernst, 799
Koht, Dr. Halvdan, 705, 706
Kokoschka, Oskar, 243–44
Kola Peninsula, 942
Koller, Gen. Karl, 1112–13, 1115, 1116
Konev, Marshal Ivan S. 1097
Konoye, Prince, 884, 885
Konradswalde, 1072
Kordt, Erich, 381, 405, 406–7 408, 411, 415fn., 548fn., 550fn., 555fn.
Kordt, Theodor, 381, 382, 384, 406, 602, 649
Korherr, Dr. Richard, 963
Kori,C. H., 971–72
Korschen, 1021
Korten, General, 1051, 1054fn.
Kortzfleisch, Gen. Joachim von, 1035, 1061, 1066, 1073
Kotelnikovski, 927
Kotze, Hans Ulrich von, 471
Kraemer, Gen. Fritz, 1095fn.
Kramer, Gerhard F., 270
Kramer, Josef, 664, 981–82
Krampnitz, 1046, 1057, 1065, 1115
Krancke, Adm. Theodor, 922
Kranzfelder, Capt. Alfred, 1048
Krause, Dr. Reinhardt, 237
Krebs, Gen. Hans, 839, 1112, 1123, 1126, 1129, 1133, 1135, 1137
Kreisau Circle, 374, 908, 1015–17, 1018, 1030, 1033, 1036, 1072fn.
Krejci, General, 363
Kremlin, 525, 526, 539, 863
Kress von Kressenstein, Gen. Frh. Fritz, 66
Kriegsfalle (war eventualities), 302
Kristiansand, 677, 702
Krofta, Dr. Kamil, 390, 420
Kroll Opera House, 198, 291, 598
Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach, Alfried, 950fn.
Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach, Gustav, 145, 189–90, 206, 949
Krupp works, 190, 282, 498, 948, 949, 968, 973
Kuban, 909
Kubis, Jan, 991
Kubizek, August, 8fn., 14fn., 15–16, 18, 25
Kuebler, Gen. Ludwig, 869
Kuechler, Gen. Georg von, 625, 660, 721, 738
Kuestrin, 1109
Kuibyshev, 860
Kummetz, Rear Adm. Oskar, 703
Kuntze, Otto, 105
Kuntzen, Major von, 183
Kursk, 1006
Kurusu, Saburo, 885–86, 887, 891
labor, German, 3, 18, 52, 179, 180, 231, 258–59, 261, 265, 355; see also trade unions
Labor Commandos (Arbeitskommando) 65
Laborde, Admiral de, 925
Labor Front, 202, 263–67, 282
Labor Service, 220, 249, 253, 254, 256
Lackmann-Mosse, Hans, 245
Lacroix, M. de, 390
Ladoga, Lake, 811
Lahousen, Gen. Erwin, 595fn., 1019, 1026fn.
Lambach, 10
Lammerding, Lt. Gen. Heinz, 993fn.
Lammers, Hans, 323, 941, 965, 1116, 1118
Lampe, Maurice, 955
Landbund, 180
Landespolizeigruppe General Goering, 216
Landsberg prison, 78, 79, 85, 90, 111, 122, 963fn., 965fn.
Langbehn, Dr. Carl, 1072
Langbro Asylum, 146
Langer, William L., 815fn.
Langsdorff, Capt. Hans, 669–70
Lappus, Sigrid von, 483fn.
La Roche-Guyon, 1074
Laski, Harold, 784
Latvia, 470–71, 494fn., 495, 539, 541, 542, 544, 630–31, 794, 833
Laval, Pierre, 745–46, 923, 924
Law for Removing the Distress of People and Reich, see Enabling Act
Law for the Protection of the People and the State (Feb. 28, 1933), 196, 274
Law for the Protection of the Republic (1922), 51
Law for the Reconstruction of the Reich (Jan. 30, 1934), 200–1, 274fn.
Law Regulating National Labor (Jan. 20, 1934), 263
Lawrence, Lord Justice, 831
League for Air Sports, 282
League of National Socialist German Jurists, 269
League of Nations, 112, 136, 210, 211, 280, 285, 286, 289, 290, 292, 294, 297, 344, 346, 347, 353, 439, 458, 464, 472–73, 480, 499, 544, 656
Lebensraum, 82, 256, 283, 305, 308, 427, 430, 449, 484, 488, 657, 804, 915, 941
Lebenswege (H. S. Chamberlain), 105
Leber, Julius, 373, 1030, 1044, 1063, 1072
Lebrun, Albert, 460
Ledere, Gen. Jacques, 1085
Leeb, Field Marshal Wilhelm Ritter von, 318–19, 646–47, 755fn., 853, 859, 903fn.
Léger, Alexis, 418
Le Havre, 762, 772, 1037
Lehndorff, Count Heinrich von, 905
Lehrterstrasse prison, Berlin, 1073
Leipart, Theodor, 202
Leipzig, 140–42, 193, 363, 372, 1016
Le Matin, 281
Lemnos, 817
Lemp, Oberleutnant, 637, 638fn.
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