Fate's Roar (Fate Series Book 2)

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Fate's Roar (Fate Series Book 2) Page 15

by Jalpa Williby

  “Let me touch you, Jared,” he whispered.

  Jared released a moan, and he reached behind Shane at his wrists and snatched the rope off. As soon as his hands were free, Shane pinned Jared against the wall, bracing his body against him. He continued to kiss his neck while exploring Jared’s body with his left hand.

  “Fuck! I want you,” Jared moaned.

  Shane could hear Samantha whimpering in the background. But ignoring her, Shane continued to focus on Jared.

  Tilting his head up, Jared braced himself against the wall as Shane’s hand traveled lower. Feeling Shane rub his erection, it was all Jared could do to not fall apart right there and then. With his breathing out of control, Jared closed his eyes tight as his body burned under Shane’s touch, barely holding on.

  With all of the strength he possessed, Shane moved at a lightning speed and cut across Jared’s throat with the rock he was hiding in his right hand. Shane had precisely aimed his attack to make sure to cut across Jared’s jugular vein. As the blood gushed out, Jared’s hand grabbed his throat.

  Shane shoved him to the ground and put his foot on his chest. “That’s payback for what you’ve done to Samantha, you sick bastard.”

  Jared’s eyes remained wide with shock and he soon began coughing as the blood started to choke him.

  “Grab the keys, Samantha, and run!” Shane commanded.

  Samantha was standing there with her hand on her mouth, shocked at the events before her. Coming out of her stupor, she snatched the keys from the ground, but she wouldn’t move.

  “Go!” Shane ordered.

  “Not without you,” she answered, shaking her head.

  “Damn you, woman!” Shane took his foot off Jared and grabbed her arm. “Let’s go!” As soon as they both were out, they closed the metal door and locked it behind them.

  “Is he dead?” Samantha asked as they sprinted up the stairs.

  “The only things that can kill a gargoyle are decapitation or being stabbed through the heart. We have to get out of here.” Despite his injuries, Shane was moving fast. There was no other choice if they were to stay alive.


  “I need your help,” Damien said as he stood before his father. “Shane has been missing for over a week. I’ve searched everywhere. I’m very worried because I can no longer sense him.” Damien was always able to sense his brother, so this was terrifying him.

  Master Sebastian approached his son. “I was wondering when you’d come to me. I knew something was wrong. I can’t sense him either.”

  Damien had requested to meet with his father. Typically, they were not allowed to participate in such meetings. But he was desperate to find his brother, and he knew he needed help from his father.

  “Thank you for meeting with me. I know it must have been difficult to get away.” Both, father and son, were standing on top of the Empire State Building. This was Shane’s place and since he’d been missing, Damien came here every night, just to feel closer to his brother.

  “I can’t be of any assistance, Damien. You know that.” His father’s tone remained indifferent.

  Damien sighed. “Please, Father, I beg of you. I have tried everything before turning to you. As a Master Gargoyle, your powers are much stronger. I’ve searched everywhere, and I’ve asked the others. Camille and her brothers have been missing as well. I know they’re behind this.”

  “I am not sure what you want me to do. You know the rules for Master Gargoyles. I can’t get involved.”

  “I don’t give a damn about the rules! I want you to help me! We are talking about your son. I wouldn’t have even come to you if I weren’t desperate. I know he needs our help.”

  “I am sorry, but there is nothing I can do.” His father turned and began to walk away.

  “What about the human?” Damien yelled at his retreating back. When his father halted, he continued, “Kelsey’s niece, Samantha, is missing as well. Shane went looking for her, and that’s when he disappeared.”

  Master Sebastian faced him. “Is Shane involved with her?”

  “He’s in love with her,” Damien stated simply.

  His father sighed and rubbed his forehead while he contemplated.

  “We are protectors,” Damien said. “As a Master Gargoyle, are you not supposed to protect humans, especially from our own kind?”

  “What about Kelsey’s influence within the police department? Have they been searching for Samantha?”

  “Yes, Kelsey has done everything in her power to find her. She’s got all of her units on this. They’ve found nothing so far. There’s a nationwide search for Sammy as well. Unfortunately, it’s as if she’s disappeared into thin air.”

  Master Sebastian sighed again, frowning. “I would suggest you go to The Council with this information. Again, I cannot be involved.”

  Furious, Damien swung away from his father and leaped up to the ledge of the building, ready to leave. He was not going to waste any more time on this useless meeting. He was a fool to think his almighty father would help. Shane was right about their father after all.

  “Damien, wait.” When his father spoke, it was never a request. It was a command, and the recipient better listen. “Head south, toward the Smokey Mountains. Even though I don’t sense Shane any longer, I am still sensing something there. It could be where Camille and her brothers are. If you fly through there—specifically in the North Carolina area—you should be able to sense something as well.”

  Turning to face his father, Damien nodded. At least it was a start. Without wasting another second, he dove off the building, soaring through the dark sky.

  Making a quick stop, he filled his clan brothers of the details. There were five gargoyles that had volunteered to join him on searching for Shane. He trusted them with his life since they’d all grown up together. He didn’t want to involve any more gargoyles than necessary.

  As soon as he reached home, Damien pulled his wife into his arms and held her tight. He needed to feel something real. Something to give him hope.

  “What did he say? Is he gonna help you find Shane and Sammy?” Kelsey had been waiting anxiously for Damien’s return.

  “He told me he couldn’t get involved. But he did instruct me to search in the Smokey Mountains.”

  “What? Do you know how large that area is?” Kelsey asked, stepping out of Damien’s arms. She was irritated that his father hadn’t been more helpful. His son was missing for heaven’s sake. What could be more important than family? “I don’t understand. He helped us so much during my pregnancies and deliveries.”

  “Yes, he was there for that because he’d promised he would make sure our babies were safe. But how many times has he seen his grandkids since their birth?” Damien was just as upset as Kelsey, but there was nothing that could be done about it.

  “Maybe I should try to see him,” she suggested.

  “No, it’s not going to work. He’s a stubborn man. Look, we have a start. It’s better than what we had before. It narrows the search down quite a bit, and it won’t take us long to fly over there. I’ve already notified my clan brothers that we’re leaving tonight. I know one of us will be able to pick up a scent or something once we’re in the area. I promise you, we will find them.”

  “I’m coming with you,” Kelsey said, her eyes fierce. “I’ll have Sofia stay with the kids.”

  “Absolutely not. You will stay with our children and watch over them. Besides, Sofia is a mess right now. She needs you to be around for her as well. Tell her we have a lead on her daughter’s whereabouts. Maybe that might give her some hope.”

  “Damien, I can help. I’m not afraid,” Kelsey insisted.

  Grabbing her chin, he lifted her face. “I know you’re not afraid. You’re my brave Kelsey, but I have no idea what we’re dealing with here. I will not risk your life.”

  “I can have the authorities involved there as well. I can stick with them, and we can do our part and comb the mountains. Let me come.”

bsp; “You can make those calls from here, Kelsey. You don’t need to be there for that.”

  “I can’t lose you,” she whispered.

  Damien pulled her against his chest, wrapping his arms around her. “I promise you, if anything’s gonna keep me alive, it’s wanting to come back home to my wife and children.”

  “Take me with you, Dad.” Ryan stepped out of his bedroom.

  Both Damien and Kelsey turned their attention on Ryan, unaware that he was listening.

  Damien shook his head. “No, son, I’m not willing to put your life in jeopardy.”

  “I want to help find Uncle Shane. I’m brave like you, Dad. I know I can help,” he insisted.

  Strolling toward his one and only son, Damien kneeled in front of him. “You are very brave already, Ryan. Uncle Shane would not want you to put your life in danger, believe me. Besides, I need you here to watch over your mother and sister.”

  Disappointed, Ryan dropped his head, glancing away from his father.

  “Look at me, Ryan.” When his son reluctantly lifted his head, Damien said, “While I’m gone, you’re the man of the house. I trust you to be the protector. Promise me you’ll watch over your mother and sister.”

  Ryan sighed and then nodded. “Okay, Dad, I promise. Don’t worry about us here. I’ll make sure everybody is okay.”

  “I love you, son. Always remember how proud I am of you.” Damien then pulled him into his arms, cherishing the moment.

  Forcing himself to enter his daughter’s bedroom, he watched her sleep peacefully. God, she looked just like Kelsey. He sat on her bed and moved her hair out of her face. His heart overflowed with love and pride as he watched his beautiful daughter breathing softly. Choking back tears, he leaned forward and tenderly kissed her forehead.

  The kiss woke Tori up. Seeing her father, she smiled. Springing up, she wrapped her arms around his neck. “Daddy!” she yelled in delight.

  Damien laughed, his heart heavy with emotions. “Hey, baby.” He held her a minute longer against his chest. “Listen, baby girl, I have to leave for a bit for work. I want you to help your mommy while I’m gone, okay?”

  Tori looked up at her dad. Meeting his eyes, she asked, “Where are you going? When are you gonna be back?”

  “I’ll be back soon. I have to take care of something.” Damien wanted to give her as minimal information as needed.

  Tori glanced down for several seconds as her bottom lip began to tremble. “You’re leaving to look for Uncle Shane, right?”

  Damien was taken aback for a second, but decided not to lie. Even though Tori was only six years old, she was wise beyond her years. “Yes, I am, sweetie. My brother needs my help.”

  “Are you going to die?” Tori’s voice quivered as her tears slipped out.

  Damien lifted Tori’s face and looked straight into her eyes. “My darling daughter, no matter what, I’ll always be by your side. Even if you can’t see me, I want you to know I’ll be there. Do you believe me?”

  “I’m scared,” she whispered.

  “Don’t be. Your daddy is strong, and so is your Uncle Shane.”

  “I love you, Daddy.” Tori clung on, reluctant to release him.

  “And I, you. I always will. Lie down, my beautiful daughter. Let me tuck you in.”

  Tori obliged, and Damien wrapped the blanket around her. “Remember, I’ll always be by your side.”

  “Thanks, Daddy,” she whispered, closing her eyes.

  As soon as his daughter was asleep, Damien returned to his wife.

  “You will come back to me,” Kelsey said. It wasn’t a question.

  “Come here, beautiful.” He opened his arms for her. Once she was in his embrace, he said, “We still have to have three more kids. Of course, I’m coming back.”

  Kelsey rolled her eyes. She knew he was trying to cheer her up, but she also knew how dangerous this situation had become.

  “Damien, I can’t lose you.” Kelsey’s voice was barely a whisper, as she was on the verge of breaking down.

  “No tears, Kelsey.” Damien couldn’t bear witnessing his wife cry. That wasn’t the vision he wanted to carry with him. She was his tough Kelsey.

  “No, no tears.” Kelsey cleared her throat and put up a brave front. She grabbed his face and kissed him hard. When she pulled away, she said, “Go get Shane and Sammy. And kick some ass while you’re there.”

  “Yes, ma’am!” Damien slipped out of her hold. Without turning back, he shifted into a gargoyle and flew out of the window.

  The rest of the clan brothers were ready and waiting for him. These guys had grown up with Damien and Shane, so it was no surprise they wanted to help find Shane. Even still, Damien said, “None of you have to come with me. I’m not gonna lie. Any one of us could lose our life. I would completely understand if you guys change your mind.”

  “You and Shane are our brothers. We are with you,” Rennik said.

  “What did your mate have to say?” Damien asked. Besides himself, Rennik was the only one with a mate.

  “She said don’t come back without Shane,” Rennik answered, chuckling under his breath.

  “We will not send you alone, Damien. We will fight by your side.” Dante stepped forward and put his hand on Damien’s shoulder.

  Marcus, Seth, Nicholas, and Rennik did the same.

  Damien nodded. “I am forever indebted to you, brothers. The wind should be our friend tonight. I believe we should still have several hours to search before sunrise once we reach our destination. If we run out of time, we’ll crash at the headquarters in North Carolina, and we can start our search again tomorrow night.”

  The others agreed.

  “Let’s go get our brother back,” Damien roared, and his brothers joined him as they all disappeared high into the massive sky.


  Now that they had locked Jared in the cave, Shane and Samantha rushed up the stairs. Shane had no idea what to expect once they reached the top of the stairs, so he made sure Samantha stayed behind him as he led the way. When they reached the top, they noticed an opening above them, covered by a wooden hatch door. Since Shane wasn’t sure what was on the other side, he turned to Samantha and placed his finger on his mouth, motioning her to remain quiet.

  After cautiously opening the door, Shane swung himself out, ready to strike with the rock he had molded or the keys that were now in his other hand. When he was satisfied they were in the clear, he pulled Samantha out. He was surprised to find that they were standing in the middle of a domelike tent. With the moonlight shining in, he scanned the area quickly and found what he was looking for. In one of the corners, there were water bottles as well as some canned goods.

  “Let’s grab some food,” he instructed. “It must have been brought here for our sake.”

  “Okay,” Samantha mumbled, but didn’t move.

  He found a backpack and quickly emptied the content. When he noticed the sweatpants, sweatshirt, and gym shoes tumble out, he said, “Bingo! Jared must have brought some clothes just in case he needed to put something on as a human.”

  Shane quickly slipped into the attire and threw the food and water bottles in the backpack. Samantha still seemed to be in a state of shock as she continued to stand there with her eyes wide.

  Standing up, he firmly gripped her shoulders. “We have to get out of here before the rest arrive or before Jared breaks through. Do you understand?”

  “Okay,” she repeated, nodding her head.

  Deciding to take one last look, Shane was stunned to see deadly weapons in the far end of the tent. There were spears, daggers, and bow guns. “Holy Mother of God!” he said when he reached the weapons. “These are not just any weapons, Sammy. These are the kind that would kill gargoyles.”

  “I don’t understand,” Samantha said, finally snapping back to reality.

  “I don’t, either,” Shane agreed, shaking his head. “There’s something not right about this.”

  “What do you mean?” Samantha app
roached him.

  “Not sure. It’s almost like they were preparing for a battle of some sort. There are too many weapons here.” Shane began to inspect the weapons to take a closer look. “Well, there’s no time to figure things out right now. Just grab whatever you think you can use.”

  Samantha nodded and grabbed a bow gun and one of the daggers with a wraparound waist belt.

  “Do you know how to use those?” Shane asked, pointing to the deadly weapons.

  “I’m a fast learner,” she answered, shrugging her shoulders. Wrapping the belt with the knife around her waist, she hooked the bow gun behind her shoulder.

  “Remember, all you have to do is place the arrow in position, aim, and squeeze the trigger. These are powerful weapons.”

  “Got it,” Samantha said, nodding.

  Shane decided to grab similar weapons, making sure he took multiple daggers. Once satisfied, he said, “You ready?”

  “Ready as I’ll ever be. Let’s go.”

  Not knowing exactly where they were, Shane was the first to step out of the tent. As he assessed his surroundings, he realized they were in the middle of nowhere. Although it was nighttime, there was enough light from the moon and the stars for Shane to see the open land, scattered trees, and mountains. He wasn’t too happy about the open land since they could easily be detected.

  Turning to Samantha, he grabbed her arm. “I see a tree line down that way with dense trees. Maybe it’s a forest. We need to get there ASAP. I know they’d still be able to find us with their scent, but it may buy us some time. The trees could at least help hide us from their sight, and it would be difficult to fly fast for gargoyles with the trees in the way.”

  “Okay, we can get there. Not that far,” Samantha agreed.

  Both moved as fast as they possibly could to get some distance from the tent. When Shane began to limp more, Samantha immediately went to his side, so he could lean on her. Shane didn’t resist, knowing they needed to work as a team.

  “How long do you think we have before sunrise?” Samantha asked the question he was dreading.


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