Fate's Roar (Fate Series Book 2)

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Fate's Roar (Fate Series Book 2) Page 22

by Jalpa Williby

  Jared was flying miles ahead of him, and it looked like he was heading out of the city. Shane continued to track him, his senses on high alert. Jared was going into a rural area and into the deep woods.

  Once they were in a secluded area, Shane watched him from afar. Every nerve fiber in him burned with hatred toward him. Not only had Jared tortured Samantha, but he had killed his best friend right before his eyes.

  When Shane was sure they were alone, he leaped toward him. Right before he could tackle him down, Jared flew out of the way.

  “You finally found me, Shane. I’m disappointed it took you this long,” Jared said, laughing.

  “Today is the day you die, Jared.”

  “I don’t think so, Shane. I’m so tired of your damn, cocky attitude. It’s just not appealing anymore. Hope you said your goodbyes to everybody before pursuing me.” Jared then charged toward him.

  Shane was ready and wrapped his arms around him when they collided. Both landed hard, causing the ground to tremble. Jared pulled his dagger out as he charged at him again. Shane leaped out of the way and flipped over him to kick him from the back. Just when he was about to pin Jared down, he suddenly sensed the presence of other gargoyles there. Before he could do anything about it, a couple of gargoyles grabbed him in midair and threw him down. Shane recovered quickly and assessed his surroundings. It looked like there were eight other gargoyles, all from Jared’s clan, circling him.

  “Did you think I was stupid, Shane?” Jared laughed. “I knew you’d show up sooner or later.”

  “You can’t fight your own battles, Jared?” Shane taunted, hoping he would take the bait.

  “Nice try, but not gonna work. You see, I’ve got nothing to prove. My brothers are here to back me up. Hold him down while I cut his heart out,” he ordered his clan brothers.

  Several charged at Shane, but he was fast and strong. He shoved the first one who reached him with enough force to throw him at least a hundred feet away. When the second gargoyle leaped toward him, Shane flew out of the way and pinned him down from the back. But then three more grabbed Shane and held him, pulling him back up.

  Jared seemed to enjoy the show because he couldn’t stop laughing. “You’re so pathetic, Shane. Look at you. You thought you were big and bad, but I’m about to take your life from you.”

  “So, this is what it comes down to?” Shane yelled at Jared’s clan brothers. “This is who we are now? We are protectors and guardians. That is our way. But, we are also warriors. Don’t forget what our forefathers have taught us.”

  “What is he babbling about? Shut him up!” Jared ordered.

  “No, hear him out,” one of the gargoyles intervened. Shane knew him as Andre and remembered him from various gargoyle functions. Andre had always been friendly with him.

  “Jared and his brothers, with the help of their father, took somebody very dear to me. They held us prisoners,” Shane explained, looking directly at Andre.

  “He’s lying! Don’t listen to him!” yelled Jared.

  “I have no reason to lie. I promise you, I will tell the truth. When my brother, Damien, and my clan brothers came to save me, there was a fierce battle. Jared killed Rennik, my best friend. My fight is not with you. I’m here for Jared. I believe in an eye for an eye. Let the two of us fight. Whoever wins, will win fair and square. Would you instead rather be known as the ones who broke one of our gargoyle codes and helped Jared take a life without a fair fight?”

  The clan brothers looked at one another, confused with this new information.

  “Don’t listen to him!” Jared said, his eyes full of rage. “I told you, he killed my sister. They also killed a lot of our clan brothers.”

  “It doesn’t matter which one of us you believe,” Shane said. “I’m not asking for any favors. Just let the two of us fight with no interference—like it used to be for us back in the day. Besides, what do you have to lose? If I win, I will turn myself in to The Council. You have my word. None of you will be mentioned, and you all can just walk away from this mess. And Jared, if you win, then you earned the respect as a leader the right way. Respect has to be earned. Show your brothers why they should follow you…why they should risk their lives for you. Unless, of course, you’re weak and rely on others to fight your battles? But then again, why would anybody want a weak leader?”

  “So be it. We will fight to the death. Nobody shall interfere,” Jared said, his nostrils flaring in anger.

  Before the gargoyles could release Shane, Jared flung his dagger toward him. Luckily, Shane was expecting his dirty tactics, so he threw himself on the ground just in the nick of time, bringing the gargoyles that were holding him down as well. As they rolled away from him, Shane leaped back to his feet, waiting for Jared to make his next move.

  Apparently, Jared had another dagger with him because he charged at him with the blade in his hand. Shane flew in air with Jared following close behind. Flipping up, Shane landed on Jared’s back. Jared was quick to turn around and strike Shane with the knife. As it penetrated his arm, Shane’s flesh pierced and blood came gushing out. Ignoring the pain, Shane grabbed Jared’s arm that held the knife. With his other hand, he squeezed Jared’s throat and smashed him against a tree.

  Jared fought back, though, and kicked Shane in the gut, tossing him to the other side of the clearing. When Shane crashed into the nearby boulder, he was shaken up. Jared took the opportunity and flew toward Shane. Wrapping his arms around Shane, Jared flew high in the sky and got behind Shane so he could strangle him with his arm.

  Shane attempted to shake him off, but Jared’s arm was wrapped too tightly. Close to losing consciousness, Shane knew Jared was depriving him of oxygen. Desperate, Shane pulled hard to pry Jared’s arm away. His arm was wrapped in such a way, though, that Shane’s attempts were wasted. When Shane saw Jared raise his other arm to strike him with the knife, he shifted to avoid being stabbed into his heart. When the knife sliced through his shoulder, it was all Shane could do not to scream in agony.

  Suddenly, Jared dove down with Shane under him, attempting to crush him against the ground. Realizing he was becoming weak very fast, Shane needed to act quickly. Just as he was near blacking out, visions of Samantha’s bruises flashed before him. He remembered how Jared had pulled her by her hair and dragged her across the floor. Then, he saw Rennik’s eyes right before his life was taken from him. The eyes that had looked directly at Shane, holding his gaze before his last breath. The same eyes that had accepted his fate and held a hint of apology and sorrow. Those eyes had demanded that Shane avenge his death.

  He would not fail his friend. Shane held onto the last memories of Rennik and used his rage to find the strength to fight. He grabbed Jared’s hand that held the knife. Squeezing with all his might—even with the knife cutting his hand—Shane was able to loosen Jared’s grip enough that the weapon tumbled out of Jared’s hold. Shane then grabbed his other arm that was wrapped around his neck. Throwing his head back, Shane smashed it into Jared’s. The impact made Jared lose his grip of Shane’s neck and threw him off balance in midflight for a brief second. Shane took advantage of it and was able to set himself free. Using his loathing toward Jared, Shane attacked him with full force by flying toward him headfirst. At the last second, Shane flipped and kicked Jared in the chest.

  Jared yelled in pain, but Shane roared in fury. As soon as Jared landed hard against the oak tree, Shane was already on top of him. This time, he was able to constrict Jared’s neck with his own arm. Smashing them both to the ground, Shane maintained his tight grip around Shane’s neck.

  When Jared saw the other gargoyles watching them in shock, he choked, “Help me, fools.”

  Couple of gargoyles advanced, but Andre grabbed their arms. “No, this is not our fight. Let the best gargoyle win.”

  Jared tried to scream at them, but Shane had enough. He twisted his neck, swiftly silencing him.

  “Let’s go, brothers. There’s nothing left to see here,” Andre said. He then bowed h
is head to Shane. “Good luck to you, Brother Shane.”

  Shane bowed back as he watched them fly away. He then turned his attention back on Jared. Even though he had broken his neck, he knew Jared would heal soon.

  Grabbing Jared’s head, he yelled, “This is for you, Rennik!”

  Pulling his father’s dagger out from the holder around his waist, Shane’s victory roar echoed into the silence of the night as he struck the blade across Jared’s neck, beheading him.


  “Master Sebastian, for your crimes, you will no longer be able to serve as a Master Gargoyle. You will also be on probationary period for one year. Because of your extraordinary powers, you will need to check in with us once a month from now on. We will always need to know your whereabouts.”

  Shane stood before The Council with his brother and father, awaiting each of their sentences. They had told The Council everything and asked the punishment to be directed to them and not their clan brothers who had helped.

  “Brother Damien, although we understand that you were forced to be involved to save your brother, you still committed crimes by killing other gargoyles. We will grant you that you were still being a protector, which is our instinct. We sentence you to one year of probation.”

  Shane breathed a sigh of relief for his brother. Probationary period was not too bad. He would just need to check in with The Council regularly during the year.

  “Shane, because of your actions, many lost their lives. You are charged with murder of Camille and Jared. You will be imprisoned for one year and will then go on probationary period for five years.”

  “This is absurd! My son was blackmailed, and he was protecting the human. Isn’t that what we do? Aren’t we protectors?” Master Sebastian demanded.

  “Sebastian, watch your behavior. Your son is lucky he’s only getting one year of imprisonment. We took everything into consideration. We understand he was protecting the human, and we’re grateful you were able to use your powers to wipe her memories of such a horrifying ordeal. The bottom line is that all of this could have been avoided. Shane, you should have come to us in the first place instead of taking The Oath to Camille.” The head gargoyle from The Council was not going to lessen the sentence.

  Shane nodded, not wanting to upset The Council. The last thing he wanted was for them to change their sentencing and make it more severe. Even more importantly, he wanted to stay on their good side. They had not told them everything about Samantha, especially how none of the gargoyle powers worked on her and her memories were not erased.

  As soon as the sentence was read, Shane was immediately escorted to the prison. Although he had never been in one, he’d heard enough stories of the criminals behind bars. Shane wasn’t worried about it, though. He was content with the way things had turned out. His only regret was not seeing Samantha. Prior to coming to The Council, he had made sure to tie up all loose ends—except with his Sammy.

  After he’d killed Jared, Shane had flown back to Aisha and handed her his head.

  “Thank you, Shane,” she’d stated simply. She’d then taken Jared’s head and thrown it into the Atlantic Ocean. “The sharks must be hungry tonight.”

  Shane had returned to his father’s residence, but hovered on the outskirts. His father and brother had felt his presence immediately and met with him. After Shane filled them in, all three decided it was time to come out of their hiding and go to The Council. Shane had insisted not to tell the others about his whereabouts yet; he needed to find out The Council’s decision first. There was no need to drag everybody into his mess.

  Kelsey and the kids, as well as Samantha and her mother, were assured that their lives were no longer in danger. They were notified of Jared’s death, and they were free to live as they willed.

  Now, as the guards escorted Shane into the prison, he was soon thrown into a small, dark cell. His ankles were chained by an unbreakable metal, even for a gargoyle. When Damien came to visit him as soon as he was allowed, Shane’s heart was heavy.

  “What now?” Damien asked.

  “Go home and raise your kids. I will see them as soon as I’m out. Don’t tell them I’m in prison. They look up to me, and I’d hate for them to grow up knowing their uncle went to jail.”

  “You shouldn’t even be in here!” Damien hissed, his eyes furious.

  “It’s fine, brother. One year is better than ten years. It could have been worse. I’m sure Father’s influence helped with the lesser sentencing.”

  Damien nodded in agreement. “What do I tell Sammy?”

  “Nothing at all. I don’t want her to know a thing.”

  “Are you crazy? Do you know how much she’s hurting? She thinks you just left her. She probably hates you by now.”

  “Good! I want her to hate me. It’ll help her heal faster and move on with her life,” Shane said, turning away from his brother.

  “I don’t agree with this decision at all.”

  Facing him, Shane lowered his voice. “Don’t you see, Damien? If she knows I am in prison, what do you think she will do? She’ll try to come here. And then if she finds out I am charged with Camille’s murder, she’ll try to take the blame. Then what? They’ll try to use their powers on her to make her forget. When they figure out their powers don’t work, she’ll either be their lab rat, or they’ll throw her in prison, saying she’s got gargoyle blood running through her, so she should be sentenced according to their laws. I want her nowhere near this place. Do you understand?”

  Damien stared at him, remaining speechless.

  “Tell me you understand, Damien.”

  Nodding, Damien said, “Guess I didn’t think it all through. You’re right, of course. They absolutely can’t find out about her.”

  “Just promise me you’ll look out after her. Protect her.”

  “That goes without saying, brother. I will come see you every week until you get out. Just keep a low profile around here and make it through the year.”

  Shane nodded. “Believe me, I know. And you don’t need to come here every week. We’re in the middle of a desert in Arizona. You can’t leave your family every week like that.”

  “Kelsey would expect nothing less of me. I will see you next week.” With that, Damien turned and walked away from Shane, unable to look at him while his brother stood behind bars.


  The year in the prison was not easy for Shane. All gargoyle prisons were underground to keep them hidden from the human world. There was no fresh air down there, and Shane felt like he was thrown into a dark dungeon.

  The security guards were allowed to do whatever they pleased with the prisoners. Shane knew he had to establish his dominance right away with the prisoners to avoid getting killed or raped.

  The first time he set foot outside his cell and went to the workout area, Shane was confronted by one of the gargoyles named Darth. Shane assumed he must be one of the head honchos because he ordered many of them around.

  “We have a newbie here, guys,” Darth taunted. “What are you here for, pretty boy?”

  Shane didn’t want any problems, so he nodded a quick hello and kept walking.

  “I’m talking to you!” Darth yelled.

  Shane stopped, but without turning around to look at him. “Look, I don’t want any trouble.”

  Darth grabbed Shane’s shoulder and forced him to turn to face him. “There’s gonna be no trouble as long as you follow my rules. I’m the boss in this joint. You do what I say. Do you understand?”

  Shane clenched his jaw, trying to restrain himself. “For the record, I don’t follow anybody’s rules. Again, I don’t want any trouble.”

  As Shane tried to walk away, Darth grabbed his arm and forced him once again to face him. He shoved Shane in the chest and said, “Maybe you don’t understand me. Maybe you didn’t hear me correctly. What I say goes around here. You have no choice.”

  “I heard you just fine. Maybe you didn’t hear me correctly. Get your hands off me

  “Lookie here, you don’t wanna cross me. I’m here in this joint for killing humans.” Darth laughed, acting tough.

  “Good to know,” Shane said. “I’m here for killing gargoyles for rubbing me the wrong way.”

  Darth narrowed his eyes at him. “We have a tough guy here,” he announced to the crowd. “But you’re too pretty to be tough. Let’s see what you got.”

  Swinging his fist at Shane, Darth tried to land a punch. But Shane blocked his arm with his and said, “Look, I told you I don’t want any trouble.”

  “Yeah, too late,” Darth said as he punched Shane in his abdomen with his other fist.

  Shane was thrown backward and landed flat on his back. The crowd cheered for Darth, yelling, “Kill him! Kill him!”

  As much as he was trying to avoid a fight, Shane had enough. Vaulting back on his feet, he tackled Darth down. Within minutes, he had his rival in a chokehold. The crowd went still, astonished at Shane’s strength and speed.

  Knowing he was in trouble, Darth begged, “Let me go.”

  “Not until you promise to leave me the fuck alone. Like I said, I don’t want any trouble with anybody. Stay away from me. Remember, next time, I won’t be so generous and spare your life.”

  “Okay, man, I’ll stay away from you.” Darth jumped up and scurried away in embarrassment as soon as Shane released him.

  Even though Shane was thrown into confinement for two weeks for his fight, he had earned the respect of not only the prisoners, but also the security guards. They knew he shouldn’t be messed with, and most of the time, they left him alone. Shane learned very quickly to do what he had to do to survive.

  True to his word, Damien visited Shane every week during the year. He filled him in on the kids, Kelsey, and Samantha. He even talked about Tom, the cat. Shane loved hearing his stories. He was trying to hold onto as much sanity as possible for as long as he could.

  His father visited him regularly as well. Several times, Rennik’s mate, Aisha, checked in on him, and so did his clan brothers.


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