The Sea Fairies

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The Sea Fairies Page 15

by L. Frank Baum

  _Chap. 10._


  In following the fleet of argonauts the four explorers had risen higherin the water and soon found they had wandered to an open space thatseemed to Trot like the flat top of a high hill. The sands were coveredwith a growth of weeds so gorgeously colored that one who had neverpeered beneath the surface of the sea would scarcely believe they werenot the product of a dye shop. Every known hue seemed represented inthe delicate fern-like leaves that swayed softly to and fro as thecurrent moved them. They were not set close together, these branches ofmagnificent hues, but were scattered sparsely over the sandy bottom ofthe sea, so that while from a distance they seemed thick, a nearer viewfound them spread out with ample spaces of sand between them.

  In these sandy spaces lay the real attractiveness of the place, forhere were many of those wonders of the deep that have surprised andinterested people in all ages.

  First were the starfishes--hundreds of them, it seemed--lying sleepilyon the bottom, with their five or six points extended outward. Theywere of various colors, some rich and brilliant, others of dark brownhues. A few had wound their arms around the weeds, or were creepingslowly from one place to another, in the latter case turning theirpoints downward and using them as legs. But most of them were lyingmotionless, and as Trot looked down upon them she thought theyresembled stars in the sky on a bright night--except that the blue ofthe heavens was here replaced by the white sand, and the twinklingdiamond stars by the colored starfish.

  "We are near an island," said the Queen, "and that is why so manystarfishes are here, as they love to keep close to shore. Also thelittle sea horses love these weeds and to me they are more interestingthan the starfish."

  Trot now noticed the sea horses for the first time. They were quitesmall--merely two or three inches high--but had funny little heads thatwere shaped much like the head of a horse, and bright, intelligenteyes. They had no legs, though, for their bodies ended in tails whichthey twined around the stems of seaweeds to support themselves, andkeep the currents from carrying them away.

  Trot bent down close to examine one of the queer little creatures, andexclaimed: "Why, the sea horses haven't any fins, or anything to swimwith."

  "Oh, yes we have," replied the Sea Horse, in a tiny, but distinctvoice. "These things on the side of my head are fins."

  "I thought they were ears," said the girl.

  "So they are. Fins and ears at the same time," answered the little seaanimal. "Also, there are small fins on our backs. Of course, we can'tswim as the mermaids do, or even as swiftly as fishes; but we manage toget around, thank you."

  "Don't the fishes catch and eat you?" inquired Trot, curiously.

  "Sometimes," admitted the Sea Horse, "and there are many other livingthings that have a way of destroying us. But here I am, as you see,over six weeks old, and during that time I have escaped every danger.That isn't so bad, is it?"

  "Phoo!" said a Starfish lying near, "I'm over three months old. You'rea mere baby, Sea Horse."

  "I'm not!" cried the Sea Horse, excitedly. "I'm full-grown, and maylive to be as old as you are!"

  "Not if I keep on living," said the Starfish, calmly, and Trot knew hewas correct in his statement.

  The little girl now noticed several sea spiders creeping around, anddrew back because she did not think them very pretty. They wereshaped not unlike the starfishes, but had slender legs and big headswith wicked looking eyes sticking out of them.

  "Oh, I don't like those things!" said Trot, coming closer to hercompanions.

  "You don't, eh?" said a big Sea Spider, in a cross voice. "Why do youcome around here, then, scaring away my dinner, when you're not wanted?"

  "It isn't _your_ ocean," replied Trot.

  "No; and it isn't yours," snapped the Spider. "But as it's big enoughfor us both, I'd like you to go away."

  "So we will," said Aquareine, gently, and at once she moved toward thesurface of the water. Trot and Cap'n Bill followed, with Clia, and thechild asked:

  "What island are we near?"

  "It has no name," answered the Queen, "for it is not inhabited by man,nor has it ever yet been discovered by them. Perhaps you will be thefirst humans to see this island. But it is a barren, rocky place, andonly fit for seals and turtles."

  "Are any of them there now?" Cap'n Bill inquired.

  "I think so. We will see."

  Trot was astonished to find how near they were to the "top" of theocean, for they had not ascended through the water very long whensuddenly her head popped into the air, and she gave a gasp of surpriseto find herself looking at the clear sky for the first time since shehad started upon this adventure, by rowing into Giant's Cave.

  She floated comfortably in the water, with her head and face just outof it, and began to look around her. Cap'n Bill was at her side, andso were the two mermaids. The day was fair and the surface of the sea,which stretched far away as the eye could reach, rippled under a gentlebreeze. They had risen almost at the edge of a small, rocky islet, highin the middle, but gradually slanting down to the water. No trees, orbushes, or grass grew anywhere about; only rocks, gray and bleak, wereto be seen.

  Trot scarcely noticed this at first, however, for the island seemedcovered with groups of forms, some still and some moving, which the oldsailor promptly recognized as seals. Many were lying asleep or sunningthemselves; others crept awkwardly around, using their strong fins aslegs or "paddles," and caring little if they disturbed the slumbers ofthe others. Once in a while, one of those crowded out of place wouldgive a loud and angry bark, which awakened others and set them tobarking likewise.

  Baby seals were there in great numbers, and were more active andplayful than their elders. It was really wonderful how they couldscramble around on the land, and Trot laughed more than once at theirantics.

  At the edge of the water lay many huge turtles, some as big around as awagon wheel and others much smaller in size.

  "The big ones are very old," said the Queen, seeing Trot's eyes fixedon the turtles.

  "How old?" asked the child.

  "Hundreds of years, I think. They live to a great age, for nothing canharm them when they withdraw their legs and heads into their thickshells. We use some of the turtles for food, but prefer the youngerones. Men also fish for turtles and eat them, but, of course, no menever come to this out-of-the-way place in the ocean, so the inhabitantsof this little island know they are perfectly safe."

  In the center of the island rose high cliffs, on top of which were tobe seen great flocks of sea-gulls, some whirling in the air, whileothers were perched upon the points of rock.

  "What do the birds find to eat?" asked Cap'n Bill.

  "They often feed upon seals which die of accident or old age, and theyare expert fishermen," explained Queen Aquareine. "Curiously enough,the seals also feed upon these birds, which they are often able tocatch in their strong jaws, when the gulls venture too near. And then,the seals frequently rob the nests of eggs, of which they are veryfond."

  "I'd like a few gulls' eggs now," remarked a big seal that lay nearthem upon the shore. Trot had thought him sound asleep, but now heopened his eyes to blink lazily at the group in the water.

  "Good morning," said the Queen. "Aren't you Chief Muffruff?"

  "I am," answered the old seal. "And you are Aquareine, the mermaidqueen. You see I remember you, although you haven't been here foryears. And isn't that Princess Clia? To be sure! But the other mermaidsare strangers to me; especially the bald-headed one."

  "I'm not a mermaid," asserted Cap'n Bill. "I'm a sailor, jes'a-visitin' the mermaids."

  "Our friends are earth dwellers," explained the Queen.

  "That's odd," said Muffruff. "I can't remember that any earth dwellersever came this way before. I never travel far, you see, for I'm chiefof this disorderly family of seals that live on this island--on it andoff it, that is."

  "You're a poor chief," said a big turtle lying beside the seal. "Ifyour people are disorderly it is your
own fault."

  Muffruff gave a chuckling laugh. Then, with a movement quick aslightning, he pushed his head under the shell of the turtle and gave ita sudden jerk. The huge turtle was tossed up on edge and then turnedflat on its back, where its short legs struggled vainly to right itsoverturned body.

  "There!" snorted the Seal, contemptuously. "Perhaps you'll dareinsult me again in the presence of visitors, you old mud-wallower!"

  Seeing the plight of the turtle, several young seals came laughinglywabbling to the spot, and as they approached the helpless creature drewin his legs and head, and closed his two shells tightly together. Theseals bumped against the turtle and gave it a push that sent it slidingdown the beach like a toboggan, and a minute later it splashed into thewater and sank out of sight.

  But that was just what the creature wanted. On shore the upset turtlewas quite helpless; but the mischievous seals saved him. For as soon ashe touched the water he was able to turn and right himself, which hepromptly did. Then he raised his head above the water and asked:

  "Is it peace, or war, Muffruff?"

  "Whichever you like," answered the Seal, indifferently.

  Perhaps the turtle was angry, for it ran on shore with remarkableswiftness, uttering a shrill cry as it advanced. At once all the otherturtles awoke to life, and with upraised heads joined their comradein the rush for the seals. Most of Chief Muffruff's band scrambledhastily down the rocks and plunged into the water of the sea, withoutwaiting for the turtles to reach them; but the chief himself was slowin escaping. It may be he was ashamed to run while the mermaids werewatching, but if this was so he made a great mistake. The turtlessnapped at his fins and tail, and began biting round chunks outof them, so that Chief Muffruff screamed with pain and anger, andfloundered into the water as fast as he could go. The vengeful turtleswere certainly the victors, and now held undisputed possession of theisland.

  Trot laughed joyously at the incident, not feeling a bit sorry for theold seal who had foolishly begun the battle. Even the gentle queensmiled as she said:

  "These quarrels between the turtles and seals are very frequent, butthey are soon ended. An hour from now they will all be lying asleeptogether, just as we found them; but we will not wait for that. Let usgo."

  She sank slowly beneath the water again, and the others followed afterher.


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