For the Love of Lisa

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For the Love of Lisa Page 10

by Callie Norse

  They lay in disbelief of what had just happened. Only yesterday, they had gone skiing, being just friends.

  “Could some good have come from the mysteries of this house?” Greg asked himself. Was this that just happened all out of need? He had so missed what he and Lisa had. He loved Lisa. How could he betray her and have sex with her best friend such a short time after her death? Two months was not nearly long enough. Why had he let this happen? Then he thought of Lisa’s dying wish that Marta had told him about. Would Lisa understand if she had been looking down from above? Sure, she wanted them to be together. Would she have wanted this to happen so soon? Would she doubt his love for her, if he could betray her so now?

  “Marta, we had better get our clothes on. Steve and Lori will be bringing Maggie soon. We really should be doing something about some supper. You hungry?”

  “Now that you mention it, yes, I am.”

  “How does pizza sound to you? There really isn’t much here in the house.”

  “Pizza is fine, Greg.”

  Marta could sense a change—some regret—some reluctance. “Greg, it’s okay what just happened. Lisa would be happy for us. She understands. I know she does. After all, it was her wish.” Marta seemed to be trying to convince herself of this, as much as she was trying to comfort Greg.

  “I know Mart. I just can’t help feeling a little disturbed about it happening this soon—like I didn’t really love Lisa.”

  “Greg, hon, I know you loved Lisa with all your heart. You loved her immensely, and you still do. Sometimes it’s difficult to understand how things happen. Just know that I understand. And…Greg, what just happened was wonderful.” She leaned over and kissed him—a gentle loving kiss. “Please, don’t over think this. Be happy we were able to enjoy each other. So, what kind of pizza are we ordering?”

  Marta was cleaning up the few dishes when Maggie came bouncing in. “Hi, Marta, you should see the new puppy. Her name is Tinker Bell. She is so much fun! I wish I had a puppy like her. Did you save any pizza for me?” Then she ran into the sewing room, flipped on the light, said something, and ran back into the kitchen.

  Marta wondered what that was all about. She was reluctant to question her. Maggie eyed the piece of pizza and glass of milk Marta had set out for her. Luckily, Greg had thought to have the pizza parlor leave some of the toppings off part of the pizza—just in case.

  Greg only appeared to be listening, as Maggie rambled on and on.

  Lori noticed he was quieter than normal. She cornered Marta and quietly asked, “Everything go okay with you two?”

  “Wonderful, almost too wonderful…talk to you later.”

  This left Lori extremely curious. She decided to say no more and wait until later to talk to Marta, when they were alone.

  “Maggie, honey, I must get back to the farm. We’ll see you later. You can come back and visit Tinker Bell, anytime.” She gave a quick wave to Greg and Marta and made her exit.

  After Maggie finished her pizza and milk, she went to the sewing room, which no longer surprised them.

  Greg suggested he and Marta go to the parlor. They curled up on the sofa together and he began to speak softly, “Mart, it was good. I don’t want you to think any differently. It just surprised the heck out of me. I don’t know what happened there. I do know that, somehow, it felt right at the moment. It’s now, that I have questions. Don’t get me wrong. I don’t question what I felt. I don’t actually regret it. But, Mart…how could I? Lisa has only been gone two months, and I have already had sex with another woman—her best friend of all people!”

  “Greg, please don’t dwell on it. It happened, and it was wonderful! So let it be at that.”

  They sat quietly for the rest of the evening. Greg turned on the TV, and they became interested in an old Steve Martin movie, Father of the Bride II. They were laughing and enjoying the movie, when Greg surprised Marta by reaching for her hand. Holding hands was a long way from where they were earlier, although it was warm and sweet. It appeared that Greg wouldn’t go cold on her now, as she had worried he might.

  As Maggie’s bedtime approached, they found her still in the sewing room, as they knew they would. Maggie didn’t see them approach the room. They stood silently in the doorway listening. “I want to stay in here with you. Daddy doesn’t mind if I stay in here. Besides, Johnny needs me.” She then began to sing, “Hush, little baby…” Greg turned to Marta. He could see by her expression, that she was as puzzled as he was.

  “Maggie…honey, it’s time for bed.”

  “Oh, Daddy, do I have to?”

  “Yes, honey, go on upstairs and get in your jammies. I’ll be up in a few minutes to tuck you in.”

  Maggie reluctantly started toward the front of the house to the spiral staircase. There was no way she was using the back stairway at night.

  “What did you make of that?” Marta asked Greg.

  “It made no sense at all to me. She must be making believe her mommy is still alive. It concerns me that she hasn’t accepted Lisa’s death.”

  “No, that wouldn’t be healthy. You need to keep an eye on this,” Marta suggested.

  “Of course, I will.”

  Marta decided it was time she head home. It had been a long day…a long, wonderful day. Greg kissed her goodnight and watched her drive away. He was going to miss her after today—that, he knew.

  When he got to Maggie’s room, he found her tucking her dollies in bed, their day clothes neatly beside them on the window seat. She climbed into bed. Greg pulled the covers up and sat on the bed beside her. “Maggie, honey, who is Johnny?”

  “He’s my little baby. I rock him and sing to him. He goes to sleep when I make him happy. I love him. He loves me.”

  Greg thought that was enough talk for the night. He kissed her goodnight and turned her night-light on, as he switched the room light off. This little imaginary friend concerned him—this and the fact she may not have accepted Lisa’s death. He put it out of his mind, as he entered his office. He wanted to do some research on hauntings, on his computer. As he sat at his desk, his mind wandered back to Marta. The day with her really had been quite wonderful. Sex with her was more than he could have ever expected—much more. He thought about the letter Lisa had left for him. With this thought, he left his office to again read the letter that he had returned to her jewelry box. Reading it brought back so much. He carefully read…

  You must not grieve for long, honey. Life is too short to spend it in grief. Make Maggie’s days happy ones. She has lost her mommy; don’t let her lose her daddy to grief. God will be sure to help you. I will help you all I can. Surely, God will give me that much.

  In time, you must find someone else to share your life with—a new mommy for Maggie. Yes, honey, I want you to marry again. I know right now this may seem impossible. You will know when the time is right. Please, don’t hesitate on my account. There is no set time that you must be alone before you begin to see another. Who cares what people think! I know you love me and will never forget me. This doesn’t mean you can’t learn to love another. This is what I want for you. You are too young to spend the rest of your life alone—too young and too sexy!

  Yes, she definitely was telling him to move on, to find another love, a new mommy for Maggie. He reread the last few sentences…

  There is no set time that you must be alone before you begin to see another. Who cares what people think! I know you love me and will never forget me. This doesn’t mean you can’t learn to love another. This is what I want for you. You are too young to spend the rest of your life alone—too young and too sexy!

  These words began to ring in his mind. There is no set time. This is what I want for you. These words, especially, stood out to him.

  He undressed and got into bed. He lay there for sometime, rethinking the day’s events. It was such a full day, from mysteries—to wonderful—to wondering what was happening in Maggie’s mind. He rethought what he and Marta had done. He didn’t approve. It was way too
soon. How could he even think of having sex with Marta—as that was what it was—wasn’t it? He loved Lisa and would never forget her. He would always love her. He thought of how he felt with Marta, how warm and loving she was, how much like Lisa she was. Did he forget for a moment that it was Marta, not Lisa? No, he knew it was Marta. And, it didn’t seem like just sex. How could it have been anything more? He was puzzled, to say the least. It would not happen again—at least not for a long time, regardless of what Lisa wrote. Time did matter. It was far too soon! He wouldn’t let himself be so weak.

  He finally drifted off. He awoke, or did he? He felt a warm sensation on his penis. The skin was moving. His testicles felt as if they were being touched…or fondled. Then the skin began to move again. This he could see. He began to get an erection, and felt a slight pressure on his thighs. His hard shaft was feeling wonderful. Someone was riding him—hard and deep, faster and faster—harder than he had ever been ridden—too fast—too hard. He felt pain, which was increasing to the point of being unbearable. He began to scream, in both pain and terror. The pressure on his thighs lifted. “My God! What has just happened?” Greg was dazed and weak. He began to shake. His legs became like rubber, as he got out of bed and staggered to the shower. When he turned on the shower, the water became extremely hot. He frantically turned the knob toward cold. The water only became hotter and hotter. He jumped out of the shower to keep from being scalded. “What the hell was that?” he asked himself. He dried off, put on some shorts and returned to his office. He knew there would be no sleep tonight.


  Thanksgiving was a day Greg would rather have forgotten this year. Lori and Steve insisted he and Maggie come to the farm. They promised to keep it simple. Lori had asked Greg if he minded if she was to invite Marta. At first, he told her he would rather she didn’t; then later he decided it would be okay. He enjoyed Marta’s warm nature. She had an easy way of making him laugh.

  Lori was anxious to talk to Marta. She had a glow about her that Lori suspected was connected to Greg. She had sensed the night she took Maggie home that there was something different about the two of them.

  Greg, Marta, and Maggie all arrived together. Lori was pleased to see how cute they all were together. They arrived laughing and joking, quite unlike how she thought this day would be. The first holiday without Lisa was sure to be a difficult one.

  “Here’s the salad I made,” joked Greg.

  “Yeah, you worked really hard making that!” Marta chimed back.

  “Thanks, Greg. We really appreciate your hard work,” laughed Lori. “Dinner will be ready in about thirty minutes. Have a seat in the living room.”

  The house smelled delicious. The air was filled with wonderfully delicious turkey and pumpkin pie aromas.

  Marta stayed in the kitchen to help Lori.

  “Well…” Lori coaxed.

  “Well, what?” grinned Marta.

  “I think you know what.”

  “I do?” Marta teased.

  “Yes, you do! Out with it! What is that glow you have had since the night I took Maggie home and you were there?”

  “I guess it’s time I confess. Greg and I were wonderfully close that night.”

  “Close, as in…”


  “I thought so!” Lori grinned. “It must have been good!”

  “Oh, yes, very good!”

  “I’m surprised at how soon it happened,” Lori said.

  “Actually, so am I—and so is Greg. He was a bit troubled about it that night. Somehow, I think he feels okay about it now. We really haven’t had a chance to talk about it since that night. I think he was concerned that it happened too soon, and he wondered what Lisa would have thought.”

  Just then Tinker Bell came running into the kitchen. Maggie was trailing her, full of smiles and giggles. “She is soooo cute. I love her to pieces. Don’t you think she is just so cute, Marta?”

  “She sure is…and frisky, too. I bet she sleeps well.”

  Lori laughed, “She sure does. After Maggie left last weekend she went to her doggie bed and slept for hours.”


  Greg found this opportunity to talk to Steve alone. “Steve, I don’t quite know how to say this…I think our house is haunted.”

  Steve almost burst out laughing, but he could see how serious Greg was. “What in the world makes you think that?”

  “There have been some strange things happening in the house and carriage house for months now, things that I have found no other explanation for. It started before Lisa died. She didn’t witness this, and I couldn’t tell her, with her being so ill. She had enough to worry about.”

  “What kind of things?”

  “First a red, sticky substance, with the stench of death, appeared in the loft of the carriage house.”

  “What was it?” Steve asked.

  “I certainly don’t know. Then it appeared in the back servants’ hallway. I cleaned it up, only to have it reappear. I saw no traces of it for awhile, until after Lisa died. It reappeared the night before Marta and I went skiing. Maggie was alone in the house. I had taken a baby monitor receiver out with me so I could hear her. I forgot and left it out there. I went back early the next morning to get it. Much to my surprise, the red substance had disappeared. So had the stench. It makes no sense to me. Then, after Marta and I returned home from skiing, she wanted to see the third floor mansard. When I opened the door to the stairway, the same stench hit us. There on the steps was the same red substance.”

  “Wow, that is very strange. You are saying you found it at three difference places, at different times?”

  “Yes, and when Marta and I opened the door to go back up to the mansard the next morning, after cleaning it up the night before, it was already back.”

  “Good Lord, what in the world is going on over there?”

  “That’s what I would like for you to help me figure out. Until Marta saw it, I hadn’t told anyone. I would really appreciate your input on this. Also, there are a few other things. Marta and I brought a painting of a beautiful, young lady down from the mansard and hung it in the spare bedroom at the end of the hall. The next morning, she went in there to look at it again, and it was crying real tears, tears that disappeared after a few minutes. I went to get a broom to sweep up a broken vase that she had knocked over, at the sight of seeing the tears. While I was gone, the tears disappeared. The painting had been wet from the tears; it was now dry. I set the broom beside the stair door. It disappeared. Later, it appeared in one of the mansard bedrooms. We hadn’t taken it up there.”

  “Good God, Greg! I would put a lock on that door!”

  “Exactly, I did just that, the same night.” He hesitated a minute. “There’s more.”

  “You’ve got to be kidding!” Steve said, excitedly.

  “I wish I was! This is the eeriest of all.”

  “You’re telling me it gets worse?”

  “Oh, yes! That night after Marta left, I got into bed and drifted off to sleep, waking a little later. At least I think I was awake, when I…I was raped. Only, no one was there. No one I could see anyway!”

  “Greg, you had to be dreaming!”

  “I really don’t think I was, Steve. I knew I wasn’t when I found I was in dire need of a shower. I was a mess. I stepped into the shower and about got scalded. I turned the knob to cold, the water only got hotter and hotter. I had to jump out to keep from getting burned. That water was hotter than I have ever felt it. The next morning I tested the water to see if it ever got that hot. I ran it for quite sometime. It never got anywhere close to being that hot.”

  “This is very strange.”

  “I’ll say,” replied Greg. Ready to hear more?”

  “Oh, no…there’s more?”

  “Yes, before Lisa ever got sick, we both heard a baby crying. Maggie made the comment she had a dream in which a baby was crying. Lisa and I heard it different times. For a while, after her death, I didn’t hear it. Then, I he
ard it again the night the red substance first appeared on the mansard stairway. Now tell me this house isn’t haunted.”

  “I sure wish I could. I have no idea what is going on in that house of yours. Mind if I come over some time and check things out? Or…better yet, if this red substance should appear again, give me a call. I’ll rush over and see it for myself.”

  “Ok, be prepared to be spooked. It’s the spookiest thing I have ever seen. Well…before the invisible rapist, anyway. Actually, one previous night, I may also have been raped. It was entirely different, though. This was gentle and loving. The other night was far from gentle. I’ve never been ridden so hard before. It was as if someone wanted to hurt me.”

  “Be sure and call if that happens again. Maybe I can get in on some of the fun,” Steve laughed.

  “It’s not funny, Steve.”

  “I know, sorry, it’s just that it’s so unbelievable I can’t help but laugh.”

  “You don’t believe me then?” Greg was a bit irritated.

  “No, it isn’t that. I believe you. You couldn’t possibly make up a story so wild.”

  Just then Maggie and Tinker Bell came running in, “I’m supposed to tell you dinner is ready!”

  “Sure smells good!” Greg was glad for a diversion.

  “Oh, would you look at that bird,” Steve was admiring the beautiful, golden brown turkey. “Looks like we have enough to feed an army.”

  Lori smiled, “Sometimes you two eat like you were in the army and had been in battle for weeks with nothing to eat except army rations!”

  After they were seated, Steve said the blessing. “Dear Lord, thank you for all this wonderful food and all our blessings. And Lord…take good care of Lisa.”


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