For the Love of Lisa

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For the Love of Lisa Page 13

by Callie Norse

  “Greg, honey, it’s okay. I enjoyed it. You must have noticed it gave me a bit of a rush. It was a long wait until we were alone. I do hope you locked the door though. We wouldn’t have wanted anyone walking in on us.”

  Greg hadn’t locked the door, but he didn’t tell Marta that. He just smiled. He knew she had enjoyed it. That didn’t make him feel any better about how he had handled it. He wanted to treat her as a lady, not as he had just done.

  He wandered off to lock the door before they went up to bed. Much to his surprise, the door was locked. This puzzled him, as he knew he had not locked it, and he was sure Marta hadn’t. She hadn’t known what he had planned.

  He returned to the kitchen and led Marta upstairs to his bed, where they snuggled and talked until they drifted off.

  Greg awoke first and looked at the clock. He kissed Marta softly, “Sweetie, it’s time to get up. We certainly don’t want Maggie to find us.”

  “I need to shower. You did say you had the shower fixed, didn’t you?” Marta inquired.

  “Yes, Hank came yesterday. He said it’s fine. Care if I join you?” he asked with that sexy smile of his. Marta returned his smile. Greg turned the shower on and tested the water before allowing Marta to get in. Together, they stepped in. He began lathering her back with a scented soap he had bought for her. He worked his way around to her breasts, then down to her thighs. Marta knew he was teasing. She wished they had more time. He reached between her thighs as she spread and let him in. Gently, he lathered and washed, much more thoroughly than was necessary. He wanted her badly; there was no time. His fingers were a bit playful.

  “Mmm,” she smiled, contentedly.

  Greg knew if he went any further, it would be too late. “Your turn,” he handed Marta a bar of manly deodorant soap. She started with his manhood, which was begging for attention, lathering and massaging all that desired her attention. Next, she washed his back and worked her way down his legs and back up again on the front of his legs, skipping over the parts she had already washed. Now she was teasing! She gently sucked his nipples before washing his chest. Oh, how his sexy, masculine body turned her on. How could they not please each other now?

  They stepped under the shower spray to rinse off, side by side, first facing the water, and then turning to rinse their backs. The water suddenly became scalding hot. They jumped out together as the room was filling with steam. Greg closed the door behind them, leaving the water on. “Are you okay, sweetie?”

  “Fine, I think, just a bit shaken. I thought Hank said it was fine!”

  “Actually, he said he didn’t find anything wrong with it. I’ll run down to the other bath and get some towels. Be right back!”

  When he returned, he handed Marta a soft white towel, and they quickly dried themselves off. The heat of the moment had definitely passed.

  Marta reached into her bag and took out a bright green bra and bikini panties to match. Greg watched as she put them on. “I see you are dressing for the season.” He reached into his drawer and pulled out some skimpy, red briefs Lisa had given him for Valentine’s Day one year.

  Marta laughed, “Okay, so now we are a matching Christmas set.”

  They finished dressing. Maggie could be heard stirring, as they passed her room on their way to the front stairs, to again look at the beautiful tree. They both gasped at the same precise moment. The tree was covered with the red substance and dripping from the lower branches onto the hardwood floor. The stench was overwhelming. Even so, they stood frozen looking at the tree that had been so magnificent the night before. How would they keep Maggie from seeing this?

  They ran back up the steps to find Maggie shivering, wrapped in a towel. “Who used all the hot water again?”

  Greg explained to her that there had been a problem in the master bath. “Breakfast will be ready in a few minutes. We’re having pancakes with strawberries and whipped cream,” Greg hoped his quick menu change would divert her attention from the tree, for a few minutes, anyway.

  “Mmmm, yummy!” She momentarily forgot about the tree and followed Greg and Marta down the hall to the back stairs.

  Greg was glad he had bought strawberries and an aerosol can of whipping cream. These and a bottle of premixed pancakes definitely were coming in handy today. Maggie set the table as Marta took the strawberries from the refrigerator, and Greg heated up the griddle. Within minutes, breakfast was ready. Maggie gobbled down her pancakes and quickly drank her milk. She took off down the hall toward the grand drawing room before they could stop her. Their hearts sank.

  As they got to the end of the hall, they could see Maggie standing facing the tree, her mouth wide open, and her eyes glaring toward the tree.

  “Isn’t it beautiful!”

  Amazingly, the red substance was gone. The tree was every bit as beautiful as it was the night before. Marta and Greg could not believe their eyes. The red substance had again vanished as quickly as it had appeared.


  The Christmas season was difficult for Greg. There were so many memories of Lisa. She had been gone long enough now that it seemed as if she should be coming home from wherever she had gone. Her death was beginning to be more of a reality than in the previous months. As he was shopping at the mall one day, he walked past Victoria Secrets. Tears welled up in his eyes remembering the sexy lingerie he had purchased for her—his beautiful, sweet Lisa. He felt guilty for the times he had been intimate with Marta. He knew it wasn’t right, as he still loved Lisa. What was it with Marta? Was it just sex? He enjoyed her company too much for it to be only sex. Was it that he was lonesome, and she helped fill the hours? He knew it was more than that. Could he possibly love her and Lisa at the same time?

  Greg had hired a licensed plumber to check the shower. It again checked out okay. Greg no longer trusted it. He was showering in the main bath now. The house was beginning to seem eerier. There were now more streaks of light about the house. His thoughts went more and more toward selling. He would put off the decision until after Christmas. He knew he couldn’t go on like this, although it would be hard to give up Lisa’s dream. Sleep was a problem for him. He wasn’t handling the issue of Maggie’s dependence on the sewing room well. It was time to get help, unless a new puppy would be the answer.

  He had phoned Marta, but had not seen her since they decorated the tree. She had stayed all that next day helping decorate the mantels. Even her taste in decorating was much like Lisa’s. She had done a beautiful job on the mantels.

  Two weeks had passed. Greg was having trouble with his shopping. In the past, Lisa had done most of it. He had no idea what to buy Maggie, other than the puppy. He called Marta to see if she would help out. Of course, she had accepted. They decided to get a preview of the puppy before shopping.

  Greg found himself quite anxious to see Marta. It seemed much longer than two weeks. Yes, it definitely was more than sex. She was forever full of energy, a bubbly gal, always making him smile. In the days since Lisa’s death, he certainly needed smiles. He rang the doorbell.

  Marta opened the door wearing a big smile. “Hi ya, stranger!”

  Greg took her in his arms and gave her a warm kiss, “Sorry, about that. We can make up for it in the coming weeks.”

  The lady with the puppies lived close by, on the edge of town. She had a kennel at her home. The puppies were adorable, even cuter than Tinker Bell. Knowing they were coming, the lady had brought them into the house. There were two females and one male. The male was two shades of brown with the most adorable little face ever. He was wearing a tiny, red collar. The lady believed in getting them used to a collar early. The puppies were comical trying to run on the glossy, kitchen vinyl. The little male would run as fast as his short legs allowed and then go sliding on his tummy, when his feet slid out from under him. Greg picked him up in one hand, remarking how small he was. The puppy seemed to take to him immediately. Marta watched, noticing how content Greg was as he held the little puppy. “You want a turn holding this loveable
little thing?” Greg handed him to Marta. The puppy got excited, licked her hand, scurried up her arm, and began licking her face. Greg laughed, thinking he wasn’t the only one who was fond of Marta. There was no doubt that Maggie would fall in love with this puppy. This was definitely the puppy for her. Greg made arrangements to pick up the puppy Christmas Eve day and take it to Marta’s. She would bring it to the house early Christmas morning.

  Marta was a huge help with the shopping. Her taste was excellent, of course—again, so much like Lisa’s. She had a wonderful idea for Maggie. She suggested a little doggie coat for the puppy. As much as she loved dressing her dolls, they knew she would love the doggie coat idea. They found a red one to match the puppy’s little collar. The coat had a matching red hat with elastic under the chin. They laughed, knowing how the puppy would love this! The sales lady in the toy store offered suggestions for Maggie’s age, as Marta and Greg were both a little out of touch in the toy department. Of course, they bought a new doll. The clerk had showed them one that was very popular this season. Marta found an adorable doll buggy, which Maggie was sure to love.

  On the way home, they picked up a pizza, smothered with all the toppings, not having to worry a mushroom or olive might land on Maggie’s piece, as she was spending the night at Lori and Steve’s.

  After pizza, they decided to relax in the Jacuzzi. This would be something new for Marta. Greg brought out the chilled wine and set it on the ledge of the Jacuzzi, along with two glasses. He opened a fresh bag of strawberries ‘n cream potpourri and sprinkled it about on the ledge. By the time the tub filled, the room had the fragrance of a strawberry patch on a warm summer day. Greg opened the little refrigerator and brought out a bowl of fresh strawberries and a can of whipped cream—placing them on the ledge. He drew Marta near. “You feel soo good.” He kissed her—a long, slow kiss—feeling her voluptuous breasts pillowing against his chest. He tried not to rush things, although the thought of seeing her magnificent body again got his blood pumping. He watched, practically panting, as she slowly removed her clothes. He stepped out of his jeans, revealing a midnight blue thong, which left little to the imagination. Marta almost gasped at the sight of him. She took the elastic in her teeth, slowly sliding them down his thighs to completely expose him. Oh, how she wanted him. He removed his shirt, took her hand and helped her in. He sat down beside her and poured a glass of chilled chardonnay wine for each of them. They sipped the wine, while nibbling on strawberries and whipped cream.

  “So this is what couples do with strawberries and whipped cream,” Marta thought to herself. She had always been curious, thinking there was something more to it.

  She laid her head back and slid her body down. There she lay, just under the surface of the clear bubbly water. The jets were on low, allowing Greg to see her overwhelmingly beautiful body. As he was absorbing all this beauty, he was unaware that she was also admiring the effect her beauty was having on him. They lay back quietly talking, each knowing they were falling in love. As they were involved in a passionate kiss, their heads slipped under the water. They came up choking and laughing. The mood had been broken for the time being, and they decided to get out of the Jacuzzi.

  Greg watched her dry off, noticing the curves being in all the right places. She was lovely, inside and out. He slipped on a pair of leopard print bikini briefs and grabbed a robe to lounge in. He was intrigued, to say the least, with Marta’s choice—a semi-sheer Magenta nightie, which stopped just above her thighs. His eyes were fixed on her, as she slid on matching bikini panties. He suddenly was becoming interested in continuing where they left off. How could he have thought the fun was over?

  They took the spiral staircase down to the grand drawing room, passing by the beautiful Christmas tree, which remained free of any crimson substance, although the memory would forever be stamped in their minds. They sat side by side on the sofa in the parlor catching up on the last two weeks. Greg told her how Maggie was being even less sociable. He felt as if something was drawing her to the sewing room more and more all the time. He was hopeful the new puppy would take care of this problem.

  Greg’s attention was focused on the sexy bikini panties he knew Marta was wearing. When he could no longer dismiss his desires, he knelt on the floor in front of her. He began to massage her feet, kissing her ankles, slowly working his way up to her thighs, where he stopped. He kissed her love mound through her magenta panties, and began kissing his way down the other thigh. When he reached her ankle, he softly whispered, teasing, “What is it you want, Sweetie?”

  She was beyond answering. He knew she was at the point where rational thought ceased and physical sensations ruled. He slowly eased her panties off with his teeth, dangling them in front of her…again teasing…wanting to take her up another notch. Reaching under her, he pulled her forward, and dropped the panties from his teeth. Her eyes told him she was on fire with desire. When he touched her little nub with his thumb she soared into flight. He lifted her off the sofa and laid her on the floor in front of the glowing fireplace, where he threw his robe aside, stripped off his bikini briefs, and took them both far beyond the realm of imagination.


  “Daddy, wake up! It’s time to get up and see what Santa brought!”

  Greg rolled over and looked at the digital alarm clock on the bedside stand. “Maggie, it’s only four o’clock!”

  “I know. It’s time to get up!” she begged, as she tugged on the covers.

  Greg knew he couldn’t win this one. He eased his way to the edge of the bed and planted his feet on the floor.

  “Here, Daddy, here’s your slippers.” As he put his feet into the slippers, she threw his robe at him. Greg’s eyes were hardly open enough to see how cute Maggie looked. She was bubbly and all smiles, practically pulling him down the spiral staircase. She let go of his hand when she spied the little doll buggy. She oohed and aahed over it and ran back up the stairs to get one of her dollies, returning with three. “I couldn’t decide which one to bring, so I brought all these. I wanted them all to have a ride in my new buggy.”

  Greg sat in his favorite chair and watched while she strolled down the hall and back, doing figure eights through the grand drawing room and back down the hall again. This time she disappeared into the sewing room. He could hear her talking excitedly. He wondered if she was talking to her dollies or the imaginary friend he had concluded she had in the sewing room. As she came back into the parlor, he noticed a ray of light beside her. At second glance, he also saw a smaller ray of light beside the larger one.

  “We have got to get out of this house before it drives me totally nuts,” Greg thought to himself. There seemed to be no answers, other than the house was haunted. He had resigned himself to the fact that whatever it was, it was there to cause no harm to them, only discomfort with the fact that something was far from normal in this house.

  As Greg waited for Marta to arrive, he turned on some Christmas music while he watched Maggie play. She had begged to open more presents, and he had convinced her to wait until Marta arrived. Maggie settled in the sewing room with her dolls. Greg dozed until he heard Marta pull into the drive at seven. Maggie was so involved with her dolls that she didn’t hear her drive up. Greg ran to the back servants entrance to greet her. He took the puppy carrier from her hand. The pup had fallen asleep in the jeep and was now beginning to wake up. Hoping the pup would stay quiet for awhile, Greg draped a small cover over the carrier and hid it in the hall by the cellar way.

  Maggie heard them coming in through the kitchen and excitedly ran to greet Marta, knowing she could now open more gifts. Marta was dressed exquisitely in an off-white, wool, straight skirt and red, cashmere sweater, making Greg feel under dressed. He was still clad in his robe. Marta, of course, didn’t mind, because he looked sexy in anything, and she could only imagine what he was, or wasn’t, wearing under the robe.

  Maggie was as cute as a kitten, in a pink fleece robe Lisa had purchased at an after Christmas sale, just the
year before. It fit perfectly now. Marta bent down to give her a hug, which lasted about two seconds before she took Marta’s hand and began dragging her to the grand drawing room to the unopened gifts. So far, there were no little barks or whines from the servants’ entrance. Now, at the other end of the house, they would be sure not to hear the puppy if he began making noises.

  They continued to be amazed at how beautiful the tree was, remembering how it had been dripping with the red substance a few days earlier. It remained a mystery as to how it had disappeared so completely, without Maggie ever knowing there was a problem.

  Before Greg and Marta could get seated, Maggie was tearing the wrapping paper off of another gift. “Ohhh, how cute!” She tucked the new doll into the buggy with the older dolls and strolled back down the hallway. She came running back as fast as she could guide the buggy, “Daddy, Daddy, I hear something in the back hall. It…it sounds like a barking noise!”

  Marta and Greg looked at each other, almost laughing. “Let’s go check this out. Maybe it’s just the wind.” Greg suggested.

  “No, Daddy, I know it’s not the wind. It sounded like Tinker Bell.”

  “Maybe Lori and Steve are here. It might be Tinker Bell.”

  As they approached the back hall, the barking sounds became louder. Maggie got more excited. She knew it wasn’t Lori and Steve. She spied the draped carrier as soon as Greg opened the door to the hall. She looked up at Greg, with the biggest grin, ran over to the carrier, and quickly pulled the cover off.

  There she saw the little brown and tan pup looking up at her, wiggling, barking, as if to say “Get me out of here, pick me up!” Greg opened the door of the carrier, and the puppy ran directly to Maggie. Greg had never seen Maggie so happy. She picked the puppy up and held him closely as he wiggled and licked her adorable, smiling face.


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