Mabe (Earth Resistance Book 5)

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Mabe (Earth Resistance Book 5) Page 22

by Theresa Beachman

  “I’m intrigued.”

  He grinned. “Don’t be too much.” He whipped the cloth away. “Tinned fruit, fish and Foster’s alleged sourdough bread.” His brows knotted. “I’ve given up trying to work out what he makes it from.” He paused. “He tells me Riley’s been helping him tweak the recipe.”

  Sarah picked a blade of grass, rolling it between her fingers. “He’s done nothing but take care of Riley since we arrived. He treats her like royalty.” She considered Foster’s gentle way with the youngster. “You said he had a daughter, maybe Riley’s helping to him heal?”

  “Perhaps.” He split the bread open with his hands.

  “Like you.”

  He looked shyly at her. “What do you mean?”

  “You.” She took his hand and studied his powerful grip. “You helped me move past what I lost. Showed me there could be more than revenge. Circumstances buried me underground at Carven for so long I had tunnel vision, and it almost killed me.” She sighed. “It would have been easier to leave us all there, but you didn’t.”

  He raised her hand to his lips and kissed it before he touched the back of his head. “You may have noticed I don’t take the easy way.”

  She quirked an eyebrow at him, smiling. Just being around him made her happy. “Are you saying I’m not easy?”

  He grinned in reply and pulled her close. “Quite the opposite actually.”


  “I couldn’t eat another thing. No more weird bread.” Sarah stretched out on the rug beside him. Her sweater rucked up a little, exposing her belly. She was still too thin, but that was nothing a few more weeks of TLC wouldn’t take care of.

  Heat arrowed through Mabe’s body as he ran his fingers up her flank, soaking up its softness. He couldn’t imagine ever having enough of her. Every day he saw her, what he felt ran stronger and deeper. “I enjoy looking after you,” he said.

  She peeped at him through long lashes. “That’s very sweet, but I can look after myself.”

  “I know.” He caught a loose lock of hair, rubbing its softness between his fingertips. “Chittrix killer.”

  She closed her eyes, smiling, sooty lashes calling out to him to be kissed.

  Mabe lifted his head, checking the sky, the sweep of the hill. “Still quiet.”

  “Mm hmm.” She opened her eyes, regarding him steadily. “I spoke to Darr earlier. Activity at the hive is still massively reduced. We really did it. We’ve wiped out an entire generation.”

  He nodded. “The corpses outside are...” He ransacked his brain for the right word. He wasn’t sure there was one to describe the liquefying puddles of Chittrix young. “Gratifying? Is that weird?”

  “No. It’s a victory.” She smiled and shifted onto one elbow. “It worked better than I ever imagined. We’ve dealt them a significant blow. When we can cloak the virus, infect their entire community…”

  She glanced away, her eyes bright. He caught her chin, tilted her head to look at him. “Hey. What?” Emotions washed over her face. Defeat, hope, determination. “So many have died to bring us to this point.”

  “Victory will come.”

  “You believe that, don’t you?”

  He stared at her beautiful face. “I do. I see the team we have here. It’s a matter of time.”

  She pulled at a loose thread on the blanket, a tremulous smile on her lips. “I couldn’t have done any of it without you.”

  He leaned across to kiss her, his free hand delving into the warmth of her hair. She kissed him back, her tongue a teasing caress before the kiss deepened into a wild exploration. When he pulled back, her chest was rising and falling in a rapid beat, a pretty flush rising across her cheeks.

  “After I lost Rachel and Lissy, I lost my direction, my future. There was only now and survival.” He stroked her cheek, soaking her in. Her scent, the way she felt under his touch. “You chased away the darkness and helped me find hope again, a way forward. I hope you will let me do the same for you.”

  She shook her head.

  His heart skipped a beat. “No?”

  She regarded him through her lashes and hooked her fingers under the leather of his belt. She worked the buckle free with one hand, teasing him with glancing touches. “Silly. You’ve done all those things already. Before you…” Her hand stilled. “Before you I was lost.”

  She looked straight at him. “The world is a terrible place. The Chittrix have brought so much fear and death.” She laughed. “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but without them I wouldn’t have met you and that would have been...” She shook her head, sucking in her lower lip. “I’m just glad that I found you.” Her hand slid inside his unbuckled pants, cupping his erection.

  He groaned and kissed her back. This would have to wait. First, he had to show her.

  He caught her hand, reluctant to interrupt. He pressed his forehead against hers. “Wait. I have something for you.”

  He led Sarah through the wood to the small clearing. Pine trees formed a dense roof overhead, screening the space from Chittrix eyes, and trees huddled close to form a leafy wall. It had only contained a sunlit oak stump when he’d originally found the space. But now…

  Sarah clasped a hand to her mouth. “Oh, my God.” She faced him, her eyes disbelieving. “Is this what I think it is?”

  He grinned. “Yup. Foster helped me set it up a few days ago.”

  “Really?” She sidestepped him and rushed forward. “I can’t believe this. This is amazing.” She ran her hand along the wooden edge of the ramshackle hot tub and dipped her hand in the water. A squeal escaped her. “Oh, my God. It’s hot!”

  He spread his arms. “I know you missed having a bath.”

  “How on earth?”

  He lifted one shoulder. “An old bath, wooden base so you don’t burn that perfect ass. Wood burner underneath to heat the water.” He ran a hand along the wonky edge. “Foster says it has character.”

  She bent low, peering under the tub. “Where does the water come from?”

  He pointed. “Water is siphoned in from the stream over there.”

  Sarah threw her arms around him and kissed him on the neck before pressing her mouth to his ear. “This is amazing. Thank you.” She released him, already fighting with the buttons of her shirt. With a triumphant flourish, she ripped it free, her bare skin glorious in the gleam of evening light.

  She pulled him close, whipped his unbuckled belt from his pants and threw it on the ground.

  “Come on.” She retreated a pace while shimmying out of her jeans exposing the delicate curve of her spine. Standing naked in front of him, she beckoned him with a curled finger. Her gaze heated and she winked. “I think this hot tub is big enough for two.”

  I hope you enjoyed Mabe and Sarah’s story as much as I enjoyed writing it!

  The sixth book in the series, Foster, will be published in 2021.

  Also by Theresa Beachman


  Garrick : Earth Resistance Book 1

  Sawyer : Earth Resistance Book 2

  Darr : Earth Resistance Book 3

  Hardy: Earth Resistance Book 4

  Mabe: Earth Resistance Book 5

  Foster: Earth Resistance Book 6 (coming 2021)

  Earth Resistance Omnibus Books 1-3


  Ocean Wolves

  Ocean Wolves II: Harbinger



  About the Author

  I live in the south-west of England with my family and a crazy cat.

  I watch far too many sci-fi B movies, mainly ones with dodgy special effects and sharks. I’m still recovering from the fact that Ripley never got it on with Hicks.

  I write the books I love to read, with smart female leads, a hot hero and as much danger as I can squash in. You may have gathered I like men in cargo trousers.

  Drop by and say hi!

  [email protected]<
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  Special thanks to A. W. Cross for beta reading. This book is so much better for her input, as always!

  Cover art by German Creative.




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