Songs of the Dancing Gods dg-4

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Songs of the Dancing Gods dg-4 Page 12

by Jack L. Chalker

  Joe thought about it. He was uneasy enough at anybody else doing it, but he didn’t want this job at all. “Doesn’t it seem stupid to send up the only guy they can get all the details from to make their Joe real?”

  “Ordinarily, yes, but I suspect you’re going to be more of a target here than in there. Also, you have certain advantages.

  There are few guns here, and no silver bullets, to my knowledge. As a were, without silver in your bloodstream, you’re essentially immortal. That’s a rather good edge in a fight. You’re resourceful, and you’re used to working in the enemy backfield. As a barbarian with a face as yet unknown to the enemy, you won’t be out of place in a militaristic state girding for conquest. And, frankly, you above all others have at least some stake in saving your adopted country from, essentially, yourself.”

  “What about Tiana?”

  “That’s up to you. She has many of the same advantages as you. She’s still tough, she’s as smart as she ever was—don’t ever forget that!—and she’ll do her duty. I think, in fact, she above all should have the right to be there.”

  “Have you told her yet? I assume you talked to her.”

  “I did, I didn’t tell her, and she won’t remember we talked.”

  Joe started. “What did you do to her?”

  “Nothing much, I assure you. She is the way she is for the same reason that you became fully and completely Joey the wood nymph, not due to my sorcery. I gave her some protections. She will no longer answer to Tiana. That’s an essential one, I think. She will answer to Ti, or any other name you want to give her, but if you call ‘Tiana,’ she will not respond. Since no one but Boquillas knows what the two of you now look like, it is a safety precaution. I might suggest a total name change if you can keep it straight. You, too, at least temporarily.”

  “It’s her body, damn it! Why didn’t you tell her of this, or at the same time as me?”

  “Because she would be incapable of making an honest decision on it, and because slaves do not discuss matters of import with their betters. They tune them out. You tell her, as master to slave, but she cannot be here as a coequal, even in this.”

  “If I take her, and they capture us both, they’ll have everything they need,” he pointed out.

  “That is not exactly true. She has a very strong memory of a slave she once knew, the daughter of a dirt poor serf who wound up a palace maid. I built on the memory, fusing it with a bit of imagination and other histories I know to give her a complete background from birth to now. She’s protected better than you in some ways.”

  “I still don’t like it.”

  “Tell me true—do you still love her?”

  “I—sort of. Not in the way I used to. I know that sounds terrible, but it hasn’t been quite the same since, well, she went from being a mermaid to this current body. But I do care for and about her, a lot.”

  “Don’t blame yourself for that. Tiana did it when she used the Lamp to wish you back.”


  “The mermaid’s spell. Men who make love to mermaids always consider it to be the greatest emotional and sexual experience they ever had. When she wished you back, when she was a mermaid, she wished you’d return as the perfect mermaid lover and make love to her. She thought it would insure your fidelity. It did—but no longer to her.”

  “Well I’ll be damned!” Joe breathed. “And I been thinking I was a dirty skunk!”

  “Does that make it easier?”

  “It does and it doesn’t. Damn, Ruddygore! This means I can never really be totally satisfied by any woman ever again!”

  “Everything has its price.”

  “Easy for you to say! And while I’m at it, I’ve got another problem along those lines.” Quickly he told the sorcerer about his encounter with the wood nymphs.

  “I’m afraid it’s true,” the sorcerer told him. “There didn’t seem much point in bringing it up, since at the time I could do nothing about it. When I had Boquillas/Mahalo under my spell I tried to get the mechanism, but he had cleverly laid the same sort of mental traps in himself as I use. The moment I demanded it, the formula and its concepts erased. Dacaro wasn’t much more help. He performed them, sometimes, but it was far too complex for him to understand, let alone remember. He only said that it was strikingly different every single time, as if each switch required its own independent spell. I’ve worked and worked on it and I can’t understand how it’s even possible.”

  “So I’ve got to watch out for silver and iron.”

  “No, it’s more complex than that. Iron is only a threat if it kills at the same time both body and soul. Silver is fatal to the body; it will release the soul which will form its husk. Then you would be vulnerable to iron alone. The were curse goes when the body goes. In effect, the odds are that you’re as close to unkillable as anything short of angel or demon.”

  “Great. So I’m an almost immortal guy who can never be lucky in love again, but if I do get potted with silver or burned to a crisp, I become a wood nymph.”

  “That’s pretty much it,” Ruddygore admitted. “I wouldn’t take it all that hard. Fairies are immune from the Lamp. You knew that. If we’d brought you and the Lamp together early enough, we might have stopped it before your soul completely transformed, but by the time we did, it was already totally changed, and, of course, we also did it from a slight distance. The Lamp was faced with a dilemma and it did what it could. It formed the old ‘you’ as modified by Tiana’s wish around the fairy core.”

  “Isn’t there any way to unmodify it?”

  “Fairy flesh? I sincerely doubt it. Even if your soul was removed by whatever trick Sugasto uses, it would still be fairy. But is it so horrible? Marge seems to enjoy it.”

  “Marge is not a brainless bimbo living in a tree!”

  “Well, I can’t do much about the tree, or the bimbo part whatever that is, but Tiana’s wish at least insured that you won’t turn brainless. She also wished your mind restored with all of its memories. The Lamp’s magic supercedes the Rules of Husaquahr. That is why it is so dangerous.”

  “Wait a second. You’re saying that even if my body were destroyed, I’d still have my memories, who I was and what I was, and be as smart as I ever was?”

  “I guarantee it. In fact, even now, you’re a very rare breed indeed. You’re a hybrid. Your invocation of fairy sight shows that. The wood nymph is one of the most common creatures of faerie, and all will consider you one of them, since they see the inside first. If you really reach, you’ve probably got all the powers a wood nymph has, although there are, admittedly, fewer of those than with some races and the majority of those powers I’m sure you’d rather not invoke. Still, you should never reject something in the arsenal.”

  Joe sighed. “Yeah, and the only one I can think of that might be useful isn’t gonna be much good in the Cold Wastes. No trees.”

  “You’ll do it, then?”

  He looked at Ruddygore. “All right. Against all my instincts and better judgment, I’ll try. But I have a very bad feeling about this one, and the last one was something of a disaster. Most of all, I hate leaving Irving, but he’s not ready by a long shot to get into this sort of thing and, in a bad situation, he’d be a club over my head.”

  “I agree. But if he’s in Gorodo’s capable hands and learning how to be as great a fighter as his father, I think he’ll be okay.”

  “Gorodo! Oh, he’ll love Gorodo! On that son of a bitch’s final exam, I got turned into a horse!”

  “Oh, that Circe’s a setup. Didn’t you ever figure that out? Everybody winds up a horse or cow or pig or something. If you can’t face that kind of problem and still make it back, then you’re not going to make it in this world as a mercenary, are you?”

  “Well I’d be damned!”

  “Not before Judgment Day, if you’re cautious and lucky.”

  Joe got up to leave, then hesitated. “What about Macore? I could use a master thief on this kind of job.”

re sighed. “I’m afraid he’s gone mad, and I’m not certain where he is now. Again, fallout from that last unpleasantness. It started that first night, when he was exposed for the first time to that infernal cable television and wound up watching one hundred and twenty-two consecutive episodes of Gilligan’s Island.”

  Joe chuckled. “I remember.”

  “If there’s a better argument for keeping technology out of Husaquahr, this is it. On the way back, he bought, or more likely stole, a battery-powered television, a battery videocassette player, and, somehow, he got all of the hundreds of episodes of that infernal show. Naturally, being from here, he never really understood about batteries, and it didn’t take long for the batteries to run down. He was frantic! He offered all and sundry anything, slavery for life, any theft of anything, you name it— anything—for a battery recharge. I could have done it, of course, but I thought that, if it seemed impossible, he’d eventually give it up! Instead, he set out on a quest for someone, anyone, who could put more ‘magic energy’ into his batteries. When he was asked where he was going, he responded…” Ruddygore coughed apologetically. “He said he was going on a three-hour tour…”

  Ti was very pleased with the way she had unpacked and laid out the room, although, truth to tell, there wasn’t much to unpack. Well, traveling light made for easy work, and she never minded that.

  She wanted to do her exercises, but she wasn’t certain if she should. She’d been upset about something, although she wasn’t sure what—oh, yes, they wouldn’t let her clean up in the kitchen—and then that elf came to take her to the room and she had some kind of dizzy spell. Probably due to overeating that rich food after so long on short rations. It really screwed up the system. Well, she’d skip it one more day. After sleeping a night in a damp forest on wood chips, she felt as if she hadn’t slept at all.

  She went over and stared out the window. It was dark, but there were torches all along the outer wall reflecting eerily on the river below. It was kind of pretty, really. She imagined herself dancing along that wall, beneath those torches. It would be kind of neat to do it. She still felt a bit confused, almost as if she were two people, one Ti the slave girl that she felt was her true self, the other the grander figure of some other time and place and world, which she remembered but somehow could no longer quite comprehend.

  Joe came in, looking tired and oddly bothered, and she said, “Is there anything I can get you, Master?”

  He started to tell her never to call him “Master,” always “Joe,” then stopped. Even though it made him feel that he was trapped in an old episode of I Dream of Jeannie as much as Macore was hung up on Gilligan’s Island, it was the proper slave response here. If he was going to be using an alias in enemy country, and if she was what she now was, it was far better if she did call him “Master” and went through the rest of the rigmarole as well.

  Instead he said, “Yeah, Ti, it’s fine. Come, sit here. I have to talk some important things over with you.”

  She came over and sat on the rug at his feet, looking up at him.

  Briefly, but spelling out as much of the implications as he could, he told her the situation with their old bodies, Sugasto, and what Ruddygore was proposing. She listened attentively, but couldn’t conceal from her face that she didn’t like what she was hearing very much at all.

  “Any comments?” he prompted. “Speak freely and honestly. It’s your old body and your neck.”

  “My neck belongs to you,” she noted, “along with the rest of me. But I cannot say mat the news that my old self still lives does not fill me with longing, and the idea that we are to destroy it, well, it is very hard. When I thought it dead, that was that, but to find that it is alive, and that we are to kill it… If it lives, there is always some hope. If it dies, then I am a slave forever.”

  “I know. The odds are we won’t get the chance anyway. We’re taking a journey through lands we don’t know, held by people we do know and who hate us as much as we hate them, toward a goal we really don’t want to reach, and even if we do would most likely put us in the hands of our worst enemies.” He paused. “You do not have to go, you know. I know you’re not supposed to make big decisions for yourself, but this is one you must make. You can remain here, in service of Castle Terindell, and look after Irving for me.”

  “But you are going, regardless?”

  “It was put to me in Ruddygore’s usual democratic fashion, which is basically, ‘You don’t have to do this, it’s your choice, but, remember, if you don’t, evil will win, millions will die, and it’ll be all your fault.’ Yes, I have to go.”

  “Then I go.”

  “You’re sure?”

  She looked up at him. “If you go, and never return, then all of this was for nothing. If you go, and fail because I was not there when you needed me, it will be even worse. Perhaps this is why destiny has bound me to you. In the past, sometime, you have needed me before in such matters.”

  “We’ll probably be killed. Or worse, caught by Sugasto.”

  “Then we go opposing evil, and that has meaning. And we might just beat them, as before, which would make everything worth it.”

  There was more of the old Tiana beneath this servile veneer than he’d thought or feared. It made him feel better.

  “Okay, then. It means starting out again in just a couple of days. We have a long journey, and the clock is running, and we don’t know how long the clock runs.”

  “This Sugasto is a coward at heart or he would not have stopped his war,” she noted. “There are only two bodies that will do. He will not risk them until he is very, very sure of them.”

  “Good point,” he agreed. He looked over near the window. “What’s that on the floor?”

  “A straw mat,” she responded. “It is for me to sleep on.”

  “Bullshit! Blow out that oil lamp and come sleep in this big featherbed with me! Who knows when we’ll get the chance to be this luxurious again?”

  She grinned happily and blew out the light.

  Joe was walking across the great hall on his way outside when a firm soprano voice suddenly said, in English, in a solid West Texas accent, “Hi, sailor! New in town? Want to have a good time?”

  He stopped dead, turned, and there, sitting on a fur-covered stool, was a creature of faerie. She was small, perhaps a bit over four feet in height, and quite sexy; almost a deep red variation of a nymph, to whom her sort were closely related, but with big, varicolored wings that seemed to catch any light and throw back a beauteous, changing, yet butterflylike appearance.

  “Marge!” he shouted, and she ran to him and gave him a big hug. He hesitated to return it for a moment because of the wings, but she said, playfully, “You ought to know by now that these wings can’t be damaged by hugs!”

  “What are you doing here?” he asked her, happy enough to see her in any event. “Did Ruddygore send for you?”

  “No, he doesn’t have to. I’m kind of tuned in to you folks and I just sort of know when things are wrong and trouble’s brewing, and that always brings me like a wildcatter to oil. So, how are you?”

  “Not good,” he replied honestly. “Everything’s going the wrong way, as usual.”

  “Nasty job? I assume the Baron slipped the noose.”

  “How’d you know that?”

  “I’ve just been around here long enough now to figure things like that out. The moment they brought that bastard back here I knew we’d eventually be in for it.”

  “Well, that’s part of it, but not the main job. And there are— well, complications.”

  “C’mon. Tell Auntie Marge about them. She’s a very good confessor.”

  Marge was a changeling, one of those very rare individuals who arrived in this world with just some long-unsuspected single gene or trace of ancient faerie in her that caused the Rules to change her outright to her ancestral race. A former English teacher in Texas who’d lost her job and wound up a battered wife, she’d been running away and contemplating suicide wh
en Joe had picked her up as a hitchhiker on a lonely stretch of West Texas highway just before being picked up himself by Ruddy-gore. She had, in effect, unknowingly hitched a ride to Husaquahr, where she’d turned into what she was now: a Kauri, a flying fairy race with a rather unique function.

  Like almost all members of the nymph family, the Kauri were natural, near compulsive seductresses, but, unlike most of the rest, who had some role in the management of one or another aspect of nature, the Kauri “weeded people” as they called it. Natural empaths, they could sense and were attracted to deep depression and other black moods in others, and, through seduction, they could take on and remove those heavy emotional loads, converting the energy into food. Because they had to absorb whatever came along, they tended to be the most intelligent of the nymph family, so Marge, in fact, had lost none of her memory or IQ; because part of their talents came in a sort of hypnotic hold over mortals, they could seem to look like any female the subject desired, so Marge had lost none of her personality and cunning. Like all nymphs, however, they were passive by nature, and rarely even able to defend themselves against an attack, although Marge had managed it, briefly, on one or two occasions. When you’re being grabbed by a rotting corpse, even instinct can sometimes be overcome.

  And, alone among the nymph family, they could fly.

  Joe told her about Ti, and what they had been asked to do.

  She whistled. “Wow! That’s as mean a kick as this world’s thrown yet.”

  “It’s like a pact with the devil, though,” he noted. “Don’t destroy the body and she’s still a slave but Sugasto wins. Destroy the body, and she’s lower than nothing forever. They’re not going to pull any more soul snatches with her even if they find out about her; being as she is would suit them just fine.”

  ’ “There’s still more, though, isn’t there? I can tell, remember. Your emotions are an open book here.”

  “All right,” he sighed. “You alone would understand my problem. But I don’t want anyone else knowing, not even Ti.”


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