Staying on Course

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Staying on Course Page 24

by Ahren Sanders

  His eyes drop to my feet, and I start to worry if he’s going to literally blow up. “Devon, baby, you have to change. Please tell me you have something else that will work for tonight.”

  “What’s wrong with this?” I ask defensively, looking down at the deep purple halter dress Quinn insisted I buy.

  “Nothing. You look hot. Give it a twirl. Let us see the full effect.” Quinn spins her hand in a circle.

  As soon as I turn, Bryce growls. “Where’s the back?”

  Jamie starts to giggle and comes to my rescue. “I think she looks beautiful. The lace overlay gives the dress a very classy edge. If I had legs like hers, I’d show them off, too.”

  Nate whispers something in her ear, and she blushes slightly.

  “Caveman, I put that thing you wanted in Devon’s top dresser drawer,” Quinn tells him and rolls her eyes. “You’re welcome.”

  Bryce gives her a dirty look but comes over and leads me back to my room.

  “You’re not going to try to make me change, are you?”

  “If I said yes, would you listen to me?”

  “Not on your life.”

  “Then there’s no point.” He sighs and reaches in my drawer, removing a box. “It’s not that you don’t look exquisite; it’s that you’re going to attract attention tonight. I’ll need to be alert.”

  “You’re absurd.”

  “Maybe, but I’m also possessive and completely obsessed. Maybe this will help ease my nerves.” He pops open the box to reveal a silver choker with an anchor in the middle.

  I momentarily lose my breath. “It’s stunning,” I finally whisper.

  “No, you’re stunning.” He goes behind me and clasps it around my neck.

  “What is the occasion?” I run my fingers along the smooth metal.

  “No occasion. One of the things I thought about on the ship is your anchor tattoo. In my mind, it’s my mark, but its placement is for my eyes only. So I wanted another anchor on your body. It’s a reminder whenever you wear it that you’re my anchor.”

  “I love it.”

  “I love you.” He kisses a trail from my ear down to my collarbone. “Now, about changing your dress.”

  I lean into him, shuttering at the warmth of his breath. He continues to nibble on the sensitive skin below my ear, and I know he thinks he’s won. It takes all the self-control I can find to step away and out of my lust induced fog.

  “Not a chance. Come on. We don’t want to be late.”

  He sighs and hangs his head in defeat. I stop in my doorway and hold out my hand, which he finally takes and follows me back to the kitchen.


  The Fine Arts Building where the exhibit is located has been transformed into an elegant gallery with every wall surface covered with matted frames. I get chills as soon as we walk through the door and see everyone’s hard work on display. On one wall, there’s a flat screen television playing footage of all our video coverage.

  I look around and gasp when my eyes land on the wall leading to the main room. Quinn’s piece shines under the large spotlights. Instinctively, I link my arm through hers and walk us over. Our crew follows closely, Dean holding her free hand.

  No one speaks as we read it in its entirety. Whoever put this together did a superb job with the captions and the picture placement. Quinn’s whole team has a contribution, but it’s her paper that’s front and center.

  “Well, little Quinnie Jackson, how’s it feel to be famous?” Nate breaks the silence.

  “Nate,” Quinn’s voice cracks. “You promised never to call me that.”

  “It slipped. Standing here, looking at this, I’m so damn proud. It seemed appropriate.” His own voice is thick with emotion, which breaks Quinn.

  She turns and hugs him, her body shaking. He hugs her back then transfers her to Dean’s arms. He supports her easily, rubbing his hands up and down her back and whispering his own praises.

  She steps away from Dean and looks at all of us but focuses on Jamie. “Jamie, that’s your one and only. I’m not usually a crier. I’m more of a ball-buster.”

  Bryce nods his agreement, and we all laugh.

  “Okay, time to move on.” Quinn looks around, her eyes landing on the far wall. She grabs my hands and drags me across the room to stand in front of the blue team’s large display.

  Once again, we’re quiet as we read all the captions. Bryce slips his arm around my waist and shifts me in front of him.

  “Devon.” Nate steps up to us and squeezes my shoulder. “This is beyond incredible. I’m so fucking happy for you.”

  “Stop! Nate, stop making us cry.” Quinn slaps his shoulder lazily.

  He grins at her then kisses my forehead.

  “There you are!” Crystal runs up and almost tackles Quinn and me.

  We hug her back, squealing with excitement. When I move, I notice Morgan standing there, his face beaming. I give him a short hug and then introduce him.

  We go around the room as a group, inspecting every display and congratulating our classmates. Eric and Kenny join us with their dates, and we move to the main room, claiming a full table.

  Bill Thames comes by our table and surprises us by sitting down. Dean scowls when Quinn introduces him as her boyfriend. Bryce notices, too.

  “Something I should know?” he says in my ear.

  “He doesn’t want to be just the boyfriend anymore,” I answer quietly.

  His eyes grow wide, and he nods in understanding.

  When Bill leaves to work his way through the room, we resume discussing the upcoming summer internships and Olympics.

  The whole table goes quiet, and several people look over my shoulder. Jamie’s eyes bulge and her mouth drops. I turn to see Shana walking toward the table with a wide smile and her arms outstretched.

  Bryce gets up to pull out my chair, and I fall into her embrace. She gives me a firm hug then steps back to Professor Grant’s side.

  She looks at the table and throws her hands to her hips. “What? Is Devon the only one who still loves me? Come here!” She waves at the table, and Crystal, Eric, and Kenny jump up and come over, leaning into their own hugs.

  “I’m so damn proud of you guys,” she tells us and then glares at Quinn. “And you! I understand I lost you to Bill for the summer. What do I have to do to change your mind?”

  Quinn’s face turns deep pink, and she slices her eyes to Dean, who kisses her hand sweetly. She looks back to Shana with a sparkle in her eye.

  “Atlanta’s where I’m meant to be,” she answers.

  Shana smiles widely and nods with understanding.

  My heart swells at all the love and friendship surrounding the table. For the first time in a long time, everything is perfect in my world.

  Chapter 31


  Sorry it’s been a few days since I wrote. We’ve been working around the clock, but I’m finally confident we have all the kinks out. Nate and I agree that we’ve got a great team of guys (and girls) who have been crucial on this project. As of now, we’re heading back to base tomorrow.

  You don’t know how much I miss you. In the future, no snowstorm is going to keep me away. Maybe we should get you a new car that’s safer to drive in the snow? Actually, that’s a great idea—we’ll talk about it next week.

  I was able to switch some shifts around, so I’ll have four days off when you come for Spring Break. It’s not the whole week like I wanted, but I promise to plan something special. Even if it’s not beach weather, pack your bathing suit.

  I miss you, baby, and every time I close my eyes, images of you in my dog tags fill my mind. Thank you for giving me that.

  I love you with all my heart,


  I re-read the email and type a quick reply, hoping he’ll get it before he goes to bed.


  Great news about the project! But I never doubted it would be perfect, with Nate and you on t
he lead. Have I ever told you how proud I am of you? In my eyes, you’re Superman.

  Our parents are still scheduled to fly in next Friday. Quinn’s coming with me, and I’ll be there the minute you walk off the ship. Not even a snowstorm will keep me away.

  I love you, Bryce, and I know you worry about me when you’re away but don’t. Concentrate on being awesome and know I’m okay. Each and every time you walk on and off that ship, I will always be waiting for you.

  I love you with all my heart,


  PS- you are NOT buying me a new car!

  I watch the waves of falling snow out the window and pray we can leave next Friday morning for Norfolk as planned. It’s been four weeks since the exhibit opening, and because of the weather, we weren’t able to see each other before his ship went underway again.

  The one weekend it cleared up, I couldn’t go to Norfolk because it was the weekend Dean proposed. I helped him plan an elaborate proposal with the help of Shana and Professor Grant. We got permission to close the exhibit portion of the Fine Arts Building to visitors for one hour.

  Dean’s plan had a critical timing element, so I was responsible for keeping everyone busy while he took care of the details. Mid-afternoon that Saturday, Michelle and Paul and Dean’s parents asked Dean to drive them back to their hotel so they could get ready for dinner and our trip to the exhibit that night. I made up a story about having to meet Crystal for class notes and asked Quinn to ride with me, claiming the weather scared me.

  Quinn was clueless as I drove up to the building and we went inside to meet Crystal. She looked around, confused, when we got inside, and the lights were dim everywhere except her wall. Dean walked out from a dark corner and surprised her. He crossed the room with a look of pure determination on his face. When he reached her, he wrapped one arm around her waist and leaned down for a deep kiss. As much as I wanted to get closer, I slunk back into a dark hallway, trying to give him his privacy. He led her in front of her wall and took her face in his hands.

  I couldn’t hear what he said, but I knew when Quinn started shaking that he asked her. He dropped to one knee, took her hand, and slipped a ring on her finger.

  Of course, she broke the intimacy of the moment by screaming, “Hell, fuck yes!” I cried through laughter at her spontaneous and obscene answer.

  The side door flew open, and Michelle and Mrs. Todd came running out followed by the dads. They got to her first and practically tackled her. Poor Dean was actually forced from his perch down to the ground. I couldn’t help but laugh harder. Quinn’s eyes found mine, and she broke away and rushed over, throwing her arms around my shoulders.

  Then the back door cracked open, and Shana stuck her head through. Once she saw the celebration, she came in carrying bottles of champagne, Professor Grant following with a smile on his face. For the rest of the hour, we celebrated, until the lights came back on and the doors opened to others.

  The next few weeks dragged since the storms were so bad and we were stuck indoors. Most of our classes posted our assignments online.

  I shut down my computer and rub my temples, trying to fight a headache. For the last few days, I’ve had a constant throb near my eyes and an uneasy feeling in my gut. I’ve told myself it’s because of all the snow and not hearing from Bryce, but now that I’ve gotten an email, it should go away.

  Quinn walks in and plops on the sofa. “I have cabin fever,” she whines. “Has it ever been this bad?”

  “I don’t think so.”

  “Well, what should we do tonight? We’ve exhausted our television shows, and wedding planning is getting on my nerves.”

  “I think I need to lie down. My head is starting to pound.”

  She gives me a sideways glance and squints her eyes. “When did it start?”

  “I’ve been a little on edge this week. Nothing I can pinpoint, just a bit jumpy and this aching in my head.”

  “Have you talked to your parents? Nate? Bryce? Sheila and Dave?”

  “Yes, everyone is fine.”

  “I don’t like it when your head hurts. It’s like an omen. Didn’t you have a bad headache before our graduation?”

  “I can’t believe you remember that.”

  “The night before you went out with Kevin and supposedly had sex?”

  “What? Do you keep a calendar of these things?”

  “No, but headaches are like your weirdness.” She waves her finger in a circle then points at me. “Did it hurt the night of the game in Nashville?”

  “A little, but that’s because we’d been cheering in the twenty degree weather for hours. Everything either hurt or was frozen that night.”

  “Come on. Let’s get you some knock out medicine and watch a movie. We’ll stay in my room tonight.”

  I roll my eyes but go to change then trudge to her bedroom and crawl into her bed. She hands me an Excedrin PM and starts a chick flick she’s been wanting to see. My eyes close before the intro credits are over.

  I don’t know how long I sleep, but when the cold cloth presses against my head, I am in a daze. My head swims with grogginess, and I reach up to wipe my face.

  “Wake up, Devon. You need to wake up!” Quinn’s voice breaks through my haze enough for me to crack my eyes. The bright light in the room blinds me, so I try to roll over and cover my head.

  “Devon, this is important. Please, please, wake up.” Her voice now pleads with me, and I turn into her.

  “What?” I croak.

  “You have to sit up and look at me.”

  When my eyes finally open fully and focus on her face, I jump and scramble back, banging her headboard. The look on her face is absolute terror.

  “What’s wrong?”

  She reaches for me, and her intensity causes my heart to race.

  “Your mom called. There’s been an accident.”

  I try to clear my mind and focus on her words. “An accident? Is she okay?”

  “Devon, she’s fine. The accident was on the ship.”

  “The ship?”

  She nods slowly. “Dev, it’s Nate. He’s been hurt.”

  “Hurt!” I scream. “Is he okay?”

  Her eyes fill with tears, and dread slams into my chest. “Karen said they don’t know much. There was an explosion on the ship, and Nate was on shift. It’s touch and go, critical.”

  “Oh my God!”

  “Come on. We need to get packed, and I’m driving us to Norfolk. No matter what, we’ll be there.”

  I nod in silence, scared to speak. Her words replay in my head—Nate’s hurt.

  She runs around her room in a flash, packing a bag and giving me a minute to absorb the news. I can tell she’s scared, too, but is trying to hold it together for me.

  “Dev, it’s four am. We’re leaving at daybreak. The first sliver of light, we’re on the road. That gives you a few hours. Do you want me to pack for you?”

  I nod again in silence, unable to speak.

  She leaves, and I hear her on the phone.

  Suddenly, images and memories of my brother fill my head. So strong, so smart, so kind and loving. My mind then goes into overdrive.

  Someone needs to call Jamie.

  Bryce is no doubt a wreck.

  My mother is freaking out.

  Dad is probably barely holding it together.

  I find my phone on Quinn’s nightstand and dial home. The minute my mom’s tear-strained voice comes on the line, I lose it.

  “Mama,” I rasp.

  “Oh baby, oh baby, oh baby,” she cries.

  There’s a rustling, and my dad comes on and clears his throat. “Dev, baby?”

  “Yeah, Daddy. I’m okay. Are you okay?”

  “Oh, Devon.” His own voice cracks, and I hear his shallow breathing.

  My heart hurts at his pain, and I want to hug him so badly that I wrap my arms around my knees. “Daddy, Nate is strong. He’s going to be okay.”

here’s another shuffling, and my dad inhales deeply. “Baby, we just got the call. It wasn’t Nate who was hurt. It was a mistake.”

  Relief washes over me, and I whimper. “Thank God.”

  His silence turns my blood cold. “Daddy?”

  “Devon, it was Bryce in the explosion…”

  There’s an ear-piercing, heart-wrenching scream that shakes me to my absolute core. I realize it is me when Quinn rushes in with fear all over her face. That’s the last vision I have.


  Jerk, smooth, jerk, smooth…

  I open my eyes and focus on the patch of unfamiliar grey leather. There’s a warm blanket over me, and when I look down, I’m in my favorite black sweat suit. My body protests when I turn and hit the back of a seat, and I finally start to have clarity.

  I’m in a moving vehicle. Soft voices flow through the car, and I recognize Quinn’s worried tone. Slowly, I sit up and shake my head a few times when I find myself in the back of an SUV with Quinn sitting in the middle seat.

  Her head turns toward me, and I immediately remember everything.

  Bryce was in an accident.

  Nate is okay.

  There was a mistake…

  “What’s going on?” I glance around and see Crystal watching me carefully. Then I notice Morgan driving. “Where are we?”

  “Drink this.” Quinn shoves a bottle of water at me. “You scared the shit out of me.”

  I take it and swallow in little sips, my stomach protesting.

  “Do you remember anything after the call with your dad?”

  I shake my head.

  “You blacked out when I was on the phone with Crystal. Morgan was visiting, and they heard your scream. He was coming over to check your tires and looking at snow chains. I had you in my arms when they arrived. He insisted on driving us to Norfolk.”

  “How long did I black out?” I ask, completely confused.

  Both women look at me with horrified expressions, and I meet Morgan’s eyes in the rearview mirror, flaring with worry.


  “Dev, you woke up, took a shower, and packed a bag. For the five minutes I left you alone, you also packed another bag for Bryce. Then you made coffee, sent a few emails, and called Bryce’s parents.”


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