Noble of Blood Trilogy Box Set: All 3 books; Blood Price, Blood Ties, and Blood War in 1 set

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Noble of Blood Trilogy Box Set: All 3 books; Blood Price, Blood Ties, and Blood War in 1 set Page 5

by A L Wright

  On one of her rare nights off work, she had been going through her mother's old things when she came across a small pewter chest. It was very small, and she had never seen it before. It had taken her years to even start going through her mother's old stuff. Her heart would break every time she even considered it before.

  Cradling the tiny box in her hands, she wondered what could be inside. Holding her breath, she released the latch and it sprang open. She exhaled hard at what she found.

  Silver coins, copper coins, a few gold coins and a set of beautiful gold and ruby jewelry lay inside. Not believing what she found, she ran her fingers through the money and took the jewelry out of the box. The rubies sparkled in the candle light of her room and as she laid them back in the box she found a note. A tiny piece of parchment folded several times.

  Josaleene couldn't read. But she did know what her name looked like on paper.

  JOSALEENE it said on the outside of the note. She knew her mother had left her all of this to find one day.

  And she knew what she was going to do with it.

  It had been years since she had gone to those parts of town where you could spot a Noble, but she began to go there again after she opened that box. She would sit in the dark on her nights off from the bar, which were a bit more often now that the barkeeps eldest daughter had a small son to support on her own and worked more often.

  On those nights, she would watch which shops the Noble's servants would come and go from. She watched carefully to see which colors and designs the dresses were that came from those shops. The only thing she didn't know was how much they cost, though she knew it would be a good portion of the money she had hid away.

  One evening when she knew the dressmaker of the shop she had been watching would be out front helping to load parcels of dresses, she slipped into the back of the shop. Quietly, she snuck around through the mannequins, touching the silken soft materials the dresses were made from. Finally, she spied the dress she wanted and walked towards it. It was a black silk floor length gown with red silk sashes across the waist and shoulders. Suddenly she heard the dressmaker come back into the front of the shop and she panicked and grabbed the dress too quickly. Hearing a rip coming from the mannequin she was stripping, Josaleene was scared she had blown her only chance.

  Fleeing out the back door, she rolled up the dress and ran quickly and quietly down the alley, running all the way until she reached her room.

  Unrolling the dress on her bed she investigated it for damage. Spying that the lace neckline had become separated from the bodice she became very frustrated. She could not sew, and she could not ask someone else to sew it for her. She would be questioned about the dresses origins. Everyone around her knew she could never pay for a dress like that.

  Deciding to try it on anyway, she slipped out of her clothes and into the dress. The lace that was now missing had served as a "barricade" for the eyes to not meet the woman's cleavage. Josaleene had ample cleavage to show. Ashamedly, she decided it could actually serve her needs, and get the attention she was looking for.

  After a few more weeks, and a few more shops missing some expensive items, she had a complete ensemble.

  Josaleene was ready to mingle with some highborn folks, ready to look for that road that would lead her to a Noble and the possibility of a better life.

  ✽ ✽ ✽

  When he saw Josaleene arrive back at the castle Dartein met her at the main entryway. The look on his face was one of defeat and despair.

  "My darling Dartein, whatever is the matter?" She rushed to him and wrapped him in her arms.

  He returned her hug tenderly as if he was afraid he would break her.

  "I am just feeling defeated. My father has no way to help us."

  After having read up on some of the War's history, he had decided not to mention that his father refused to help. As much as he hated it, he had come to understand the Patriarchs decision. But he still refused to believe that there was nothing to be done... and was also afraid that it was just desperation whispering to him. He buried his face in her thick hair and breathed her in.

  Josaleene giggled. "Dartein! If you want to embrace like this may I request we find somewhere more private?"

  "Are you never serious a day in your life, my sweet?" He asked into her hair.

  "I spent my entire life being serious. Then I found you and I let go of such things."

  Dartein pulled back from her and looked upon her beauty. He pushed her hair behind her ear and cupped her cheek in one motion. "Then you can be the light and mirthful one my dear, while I solemnly search for a way to save you both." He placed his other hand upon her stomach.

  A thought bloomed in his head at that moment. His father had said there was another chamber that survived the war. Maybe he could find it and have his father help to alter the second one to save Josaleene!

  "You are staring pretty intently at that tapestry, my dear. Does it really fill you with such wonder?" She teased him.

  "No, my sweet dark angel. I think I may have an idea to help us survive all this. But I need to get back to our room and the history book I have there."

  Dartein turned to the guard that had accompanied Josee through town. "Victor, I need you to visit the mapmaker over in Highgard. I don't trust anyone else with this, so I need you to tend to it personally. I need any maps of old battle grounds or areas that were stricken by war that you can find. If anyone has maps of those area, it will be him."

  The guard bowed his head. "I will leave right away, my Prince. I will have Anton guard the Princess in my absence." Bowing again to Dartein and then to Josaleene, he turned and quickly strode away.

  "I fear what you have up your sleeve Dartein." Looking at him with a raised brow, Josaleene continued, “I hope this isn't an excuse for one of your adventures."

  Gazing at his lovely lady, he softened. He could not think of leaving her at that moment. He winked at her, and smiled. "I,” he said as he scooped her up into his arms. “am going to steal away with the Princess. And lock her away in my tower, and then explore her body inch by inch. That is all the adventure I desire."

  Then he whisked her away to their rooms as she giggled and pretended to struggle like a hapless victim. And there they stayed for the next two days and nights, entangled and enraptured.

  Chapter 7

  Dartein was pacing his bed chamber nervously when he heard a knock at his door. Rushing to open it, he had hoped Victor had finally returned. He had read all of what was in the history book of where the chambers were buried and needed the map to try to reference it to the current times.

  The area was near an abandoned village, and that is what stumped him. He knew of no abandoned villages... all the villages around them prospered and flourished under the guidance of the Noble Court.

  Dartein swung the door open, his hopeful face quickly falling as he registered that the person beyond the doorway was indeed not Victor.

  "Anton, what can I do for you this evening? Has Josaleene summoned you?"

  "My Prince, the carpenter your Chosen has commissioned for some sort of furniture arrived a few moments ago. He wanted to deliver the furniture personally. I did not let him beyond the foyer of the Main Hall. He awaits there for further instruction."

  Dartein was a bit surprised at this news, until Josaleene came up behind him laughing. "My Dear, I had some baby furniture crafted especially for our little one. Let me go and thank the craftsman for delivering it ahead of schedule!" She kissed Dartein lightly before exiting the room.

  Anton nodded his head towards the Prince and followed quickly behind her.

  Dartein sighed. He just could not believe how okay she was with the thought of not living past their child’s birth. Or did she even think of it anymore? He wasn't sure. As long as she was happy now, he would not question her and continue to bring up the inevitable.

  He exited their room and walked down the long hallway of the north wing. Just as he stepped to the railing of the balcony the
re he saw Victor ride into the courtyard. He was suddenly very excited to see what the guard brought and couldn't bear to wait for him to bring it in.

  "Hail, Victor!" He shouted down. "Wait there." Grabbing the rail with his right hand he swung himself up and over and landed lightly on the cobbled yard below.

  Victor raised an eyebrow at his Prince. Landing like a cat from such a height was fairly amazing. Even for a Noble.

  Dartein didn't think twice about what he had done. He jogged over to Victor who was untying the bags from his horse before releasing it to the stable hand. He eyed the bulging bags nervously. Will they have what he needed?

  "My Prince." Victor bowed to him. "I was most fortunate in my findings. You see, the old mapmaker had recently funded an expedition to the Northern Reaches. Mainly out of old man's curiosity he said. The crew he sent had come under attack while up there, and only two returned with their lives. And these maps."

  Victor drew two tubes from the bag and held them up. "It seems that a few of the Noble Rangers came upon the remaining two persons of the party and saved them. The old man was more than happy to provide copies to the Noble Prince as a gift. But knowing how important these are to you, I made it very worthwhile and paid almost double to him what he paid out to run that expedition."

  Dartein took the tubes from Victor. Knowing that people had died for him to get the information he so needed was a very heavy knowledge. He ran a finger along the engraving on the golden tubes. The mapmakers mark was etched into the side and the top cap. The tubes were light but solid built. Probably the best ones the mapmaker had. The old man must have been very grateful indeed.

  "Victor, as always you have done me a great service. Please take the night to rest, my friend."

  "All I did my Prince, was ride there, pay the old guy and ride back. But I won't argue with a night off." Victor bowed deeply before turning on his heel and heading to the butchery. Dartein knew it was more than simply riding there and back. The loyal guard had probably darn near starved his-self to make the best time in getting what his Prince needed.

  He looked back up at the railing remembering how he got down there and decided he had better take the main entrance to get back inside.

  When he walked into the main entry he noticed the Carpenter was already gone. He hurried on to his room to finally look at the maps he carried.

  Josaleene was humming a low tune when he came in. The new crib she had commissioned was set near the window, and a matching bassinet next to their bed. Dartein stopped abruptly in his path as it actually hit him that he was going to be a father! He had been so wrapped up in saving his lady love that he had not truly registered that there would soon be a child, a tiny life, that belonged to him. The thought excited and scared him at the same time. He had no idea what a baby required. He surely did not think he could do it alone.

  Josaleene peered sideways at Dartein, seeing the look on his face. She came to his side and wrapped her arms around him, waiting for him to speak.

  "I am really going to be a father. Me, a Noble. I do not know how to be a father, or how to take care of a baby. I cannot do this without you, Josee. I cannot lose you." Pulling her closer, he wrapped his arms around her. Breathing her in, he was amazed and scared at the same time. He knew he needed to look at those maps. But at this moment, he just couldn't bring himself to let her go.

  Chapter 8

  The whole palace was now keenly aware of Josaleene's condition. Not only could any Noble see the light of life within her, but her pregnancy was now very evident. Even though she dreaded leaving their rooms on some days, she never let the harsh looks penetrate the wall she had erected. The wall was comprised of a smile and pretend ignorance of the Nobles around her, who seemed to think that she was more of a doom-bringer than a life giver.

  Josaleene was determined to have everything perfectly ready for their child, ready for Dartein to take care of the baby. If she was not going to be around she wanted everything to be just right as her final gift. To everyone else around her, it merely looked as though she was retaining her human instinct to "nest". No one else beyond her, Dartein, The Patriarch and their trusted guards Victor and Anton knew the possibility of her predicted, and poorly timed, demise.

  She caught herself before she dared to let hope spark in her mind. In the pit of her soul, she knew she would die. But she also knew with every bit of certainty that her destiny was to bring forth this child. Of course, any mother felt that way about their child. But the circumstances made her sure of it.

  This surety was her reason for being out so early in the evening. The sun had barely set by the time she was in the yard waiting for a horse to be saddled and brought to her. Victor waited with her only a foot behind and to her side. To be honest, she was glad for the guard always shadowing her. As of late, she was feeling less and less secure around the palace.

  As she waited for their horses, she watched as Juron and his newly Chosen lady emerged from the palace. She saw the lady, Cece, Juron called her, jostle his arm and look pointedly in her direction. Josee's irritation turned to apprehension when she saw the couple change course and walk toward her. Victor bristled at the couple’s approach. Her guard disliked Juron very much.

  "Josee, you are out early," Juron addressed her, much too familiarly for her liking.

  Cece shook Juron's arm. "Tsk, Juron! Princess Josaleene, I beg your forgiveness for my beloved’s brusqueness. He is so used to speaking business that I am afraid he is not used to formal conversation. What I am sure he meant to say is that you look positively radiant. You always seem so lively and completely unencumbered by your condition. Isn't that what you meant my dear?" Cece fluttered her lashes at Juron. The lady was completely enamored of the man. Josee couldn't see how. He was as interesting as a horse shoe.

  "Mmm, yes dear, you know me so well already." Juron absentmindedly patted the hand on his arm, and peered at Josaleene with shrewd eyes. "I will admit, however, it does seem as though you possess some internal power that is filling you with strength. It is…curious." The way his eyes raked over her abdomen made Josaleene cringe inside. She wouldn't dare show him any fear on the outside, though.

  "Yes, it does seem that is exactly what is happening isn't, Dear?" Cece intoned. Now distracted by Juron’s remarks, she kept glancing from Josee's face to her stomach, then taking small steps forward as if to reach out and touch her.

  Victor cleared his throat, then loudly announced, "Our horses are arriving, my Princess." The large guard glared towards the unwelcome couple, stopping Cece in her tracks. He surely would have like to tell them to leave off, but could not, since Juron was a council member and had rank over him.

  Thankfully, the couple seemed to take the hint. Or at least Juron did.

  "Cece, my sweet, please bid the Princess farewell. We have palace matters to attend to." Juron tugged lightly on Cece's arm startling her out of the trance-like gaze she was leveling at Josaleene's stomach.

  "Oh yes, of course," she said, still distracted. "Fare thee well, Princess." Cece dropped a small curtsy and turned away.

  Juron did not bother to bow to Josaleene before turning and striding back towards the palace.

  Sighing, Josaleene turned to her guard and the approaching groom who led their horses.

  "I have high wagers that filthy councilman has ill plans for you, my Princess." Victor was shooting daggers into the couple’s backsides with his glare.

  Josaleene didn’t want to dwell on it. "He would not dare cross Dartein openly.” She brushed aside Victor’s worries with a sweeping gesture. “Now let's be off into town before the shop I want to visit closes."

  Victor insisted on lifting her to her saddle, something she did not openly enjoy, but since it made her guard feel better she let him do it. She was fine doing everything on her own but her Prince fretted about her nonstop and made sure their guards treated her as he would.

  Chapter 9

  Josaleene slowed her walk as she approached the street the theatre was
located on. Catching her breath, she schooled herself to walk casually towards the ticket booth. After slowing her pace she began to shiver, and realized she had left her fur shawl back in her quarters.

  'Foolish!' Josaleene thought to herself. It seemed as though every step she made tonight was a misstep. She had already muddied a shoe in her rush to get here before curtain open. Thankfully her dress was long enough to cover it. She would just have to be careful when sitting to tuck her foot back and not let it show.

  And now her shawl. She would be frozen on the walk home.

  'You need to meet someone tonight, Josaleene.' She was worried her impatience would make her too careless, but she was running out of time to find someone. The velvet purse in her hand was very light, she was running low on the coin her mother had left her as well. It was likely that she did not have enough for another trip to this theatre.

  Josaleene had been coming semi-frequently to this venue for several weeks now. The place wasn't the highest class, but it was just attractive enough to certain lesser lords that she may have a chance of gaining favor with one of them. She then hoped to gain access to the parties the Nobles attended and win one of them over.

  There had been no Choosing in the last few years and she was desperate to be the next one.

  The old man inside the ticket booth greeted her warmly as she approached.

  “G'd evening, miss. Pleasure to see you back here. Tonight's show promises to be grand!” He smiled at her showing the gap where his two bottom teeth had been years ago.


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