Lord Love a Duke

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Lord Love a Duke Page 23

by Renee Reynolds

  “Yes, the doctor said your cut required no stitching but it is rather ugly and angry looking, I'm afraid.” Miranda tsked with sympathy. “Do you remember all before your fall? The confrontation with Melville and your mad ride across the estate?”

  Juliet frowned as a spark of anger lit up her eyes. “I most certainly remember my discussion with that shirk. Is he still here? Has he told anyone what happened?” Her eyes darted around the room unseeingly, her thoughts racing. “Does my family know what happened?”

  “Oh, we all know what happened,” chuckled Miranda. “Or at least we know what Lady Margaret relayed. She could give no specifics, stating she was not in the room at the time, but she said she was sure her brother showed his perfidy. She made it abundantly clear that her brother was in the wrong and offered no excuses, only apologies. As for Melville, he fled quite dramatically out of his chamber window whilst the search was on for you. He managed to poach a horse from the unstaffed stable, so his whereabouts are currently unknown. Your father dispatched several men in search.”

  Juliet sighed, her anger leaching away slightly. “Lady Margaret has nothing for which to apologize, and I regret she was left to feel any shame or remorse for her brother's actions. I have always disliked Melville and tolerated his presence for Lady Margaret and propriety's sake alone. He has become even more odious of late with his blatant flattery in effort to woo my dowry.” She chuckled lightly and squeezed Miranda's hand. “You should have seen him yesterday, Randa. Had I been a spectator, I would surely have been entertained by his fawning and preening before his words abruptly devolved into insolence and insult. And then the blighter kissed me! Had I held a pistol I would likely have shot him--”

  She was stopped mid-sentence as the door to her room burst open and her betrothed stormed in, stopping his entrance just shy of her bed as he noticed Miranda's presence and Juliet's position in bed. He ran a distracted hand through his hair, rendering null his valet's earlier efforts at a smooth style. That telltale gesture was quickly growing endearing to her. He threw a glance at Miranda before addressing Juliet.

  “How are you feeling this morning? Are you in any distress?”

  Juliet blushed prettily and straightened the coverlet over her lap. “I am quite well. I can definitely feel the cut on my head and am tender here and there, but all else seems hale and hearty. I find that I am famished and--”

  “You must stay in bed; the doctor insisted you take at least three full days of rest,” Jonas broke in to explain. “You slept nearly solid through the previous day and night but more rest will surely do you well.”

  Miranda sat down gently on the bed near Juliet, smiling mischievously. “And just how do you know how Juliet rested overnight? I thought only her maid and mother kept the watch.”

  Jonas glared at his sister briefly. “I received a report of her health this morning when I rose, Random. That's what concerned people do,” he chastised, before returning his attention to his affianced. “I stopped your maid on her way from the kitchen so that a tray could be fetched. It should arrive shortly.” He glanced back at his sister. “You may leave. I will sit with the patient.”

  Miranda threw Juliet a knowing look before turning to size up her brother. “I'm sure you would love for me to leave you alone with Juliet. Injured or not, to be sure you would find a way to occupy her time of bedridden convalescence.” She grinned smugly. “We thank you, but decline your generous offer. Please leave us, Jonas. I will help with her entertainment for today. You may take my place on the morrow,” she suggested.

  He flushed slightly but whether from embarrassment or irritation Juliet had no way of knowing. She was inordinately pleased to see him this morning and to hear of his concern for her. She offered him a glowing smile and he stopped still, his attention fully arrested on her. “Thank you for your offer but I do need to speak further with Miranda. I absolutely refuse to stay bedridden for three days. In fact, I plan to be up this afternoon. May I call for you later so that we may chat?” she inquired.

  Jonas glanced at Miranda again before seeming to make a decision. He walked around to the opposite side of the bed and dropped to sit rather close. Juliet's eyes flashed surprise as well as welcome and that was all the encouragement he needed. He dragged the back of his hand across her cheek before clasping her hand in his. “I insist you rest until you are sure your body will not be distressed to move, but I will leave for now and await your summons, my lady,” he murmured before lowering his head to drop a kiss on her knuckles. Juliet felt the warmth race up her arm and suffuse her body. He was delighted to see her cheeks pinken and hear her indrawn breath. He stood and backed away from the bed before recollecting himself and moving once again nearer to her. He leaned over and brushed her temple with his lips. “I am pleased to see you looking so well today, Juliet. Call for me soon,” he whispered for her ears only, his warm breath tickling the sensitive flesh. She gave a slight shiver and raised her eyes to his. Sterling silver stared at shocking icy blue. Their gazes held for a moment before Miranda cleared her throat loudly.

  “Bugger off, Jonas,” she demanded with a laugh. He rolled his eyes but returned her smile.

  “Hoyden,” he tossed over his shoulder as he exited the room. The door had barely shut behind him before Miranda turned to stare at Juliet with a wide-eyed expression.

  “I cannot believe my brother is completely lost to my best friend. He is an absolute mush over you! Do you know he sat outside your room all night? Your mother and Lily alternated their watch but Jonas had a chaise set up outside and he kept his own vigil. And you should have seen him when he returned with you after your ride. I was not awake but it is all over the house how he held you in his arms on Paladin and would not relinquish you to anyone else, despite the fact your father met him in the drive! Oh, and the words he used to describe Melville. I swear, even my ears were educated to some new epithets worth trying. He even threatened poor Dr. Tilley, who has known us all nearly our whole lives, that he would tolerate no substandard care. As if the doctor has not always been most helpful and diligent in his previous ministrations.” Miranda paused to take a breath but hurriedly rushed on. “He delivered orders left and right but all in this menacing, quiet voice that I have never heard him use before. It's as if he did not want to disturb you as he rained fire down on everyone else because – oh yes – he still held you tightly in his arms, even as the doctor wanted to start his examination. And when all the commotion had settled and it was time to remove you to your room, he was the one still carrying you; he was the one stroking your brow and holding your hand; he was the one who sat staring at your closed door as the doctor examined and Lily bathed the dirt from you.” She paused again to breathe and flashed a wicked smile. “Most interesting of all was when he caught me in the hall to ask me to translate something you confessed to him. Do you remember? No? You told him 'penso di essere innamorata di te.' You should have seen his face when I told him, although I confess I did make him sweat and work to get me to reveal this little lovely. It was a revelation, I tell you!” she declared triumphantly, finally having run out of things to disclose.

  Juliet opened her mouth to reply but could not find the words to speak. I think I am falling in love with you. Whatever had possessed her to reveal her most puzzling thoughts? Pieces of the previous day returned to her memory in a rush. She felt her lips curve upward into a smile and brought her hand up to her mouth to stifle a giggle. A giggle! She had never giggled past the age of ten! “I am most pleased to hear of his solicitous attentions,” she replied.

  Miranda's gaze narrowed in assessment over Juliet, taking in her happy countenance and slightly flushed cheeks. She remembered the touching scene of her brother just moments prior and Juliet's adoring gaze in response. Her eyes began to twinkle and she clapped her hands in merriment. “Your affections are engaged as well. Good Lord! My best friend and brother are in love! This house party gets more diverting by the day! I must needs talk to your aunt,” she exclaimed as she scur
ried off, nearly knocking down Lily and scattering the tray holding Juliet's food.

  Juliet thought about calling her friend back but rolled her eyes and gave a hopeless shrug. Lily settled the tray across her lap and immediately her gaze fell on the small posy of daisies laid by her teacup. Daisies! Her mind fired with a brief memory of telling Jonas her likes and dislikes. A note was tucked under the saucer. She smiled her thanks before dismissing her maid then opened the letter.

  Dear Juliet,

  You look well with the color back in your cheeks and the spark back in your eyes. I know you will balk at staying in your room all the day so I offer a compromise (which we both know how to do well). I would be happy to accompany you this afternoon for rest on the terrace or in the garden – your choice. I await your direction.



  P.S. - Io farò tutto il possibile per rendere a cadere nell'amore con me

  Juliet inhaled sharply as she read his postscript several more times. She scooted gingerly from the bed after setting aside her tray. She padded over to the small escritoire near the window, removing a sheet of foolscap, quill, and ink from inside. She sat and quickly wrote out a reply to the Duke, asking for his company on the terrace later that day. She folded the note and rose to ring for her maid to dispatch her reply. She settled back into bed and sipped her chocolate. Juliet felt her cheeks warming again and wondered at the amount of blushing she was enduring of late. She traced her finger over the final words of her betrothed's missive: I will do all that I can to make you fall in love with me. Practical, pragmatic, future-spinster-aunt Juliet could not stop the wistful sigh, smile, and chuckle – she would tolerate no more giggles – that followed.

  Chapter Forty-Four

  Love is blind and lovers cannot see the pretty follies that themselves commit.

  William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice, Act 2, Scene 6

  Juliet and Jonas were settled comfortably on the terrace with a tray of lemonade and various treats on the nearby table. An animated discussion lent spirit to their voices and vitality to their faces as they debated the abdication and exile of Napoleon that spring and the effect the war had at home. They were seated extremely close to one another, which some might describe as scandalously close, but observation of the pair also revealed the conclusion that they were on the cusp, if not fully involved, in a love match. Juliet wore a bonnet in deference to the sun and the admonitions of her mother but it was pushed so far back on her head her countenance could be fully reached by the sun's rays and seen by any passerby. Her gaze was fixed on the Duke, her hands moving animatedly as she conversed. Likewise his eyes never left her face, and while his arm rested along the back of her chair his hand moved surreptitiously to play with the tendrils of hair that had escaped her loose chignon.

  All this was observed closely by the Duke's sister and Juliet's best friend, Miranda, as she spied on the couple through the french windows. She did not miss the way Juliet's hand occasionally landed on Jonas' arm in a squeeze or a pat. She did not miss the way Jonas dropped a finger from his wandering hand to lightly touch the back of her friend's neck, nor the way Juliet softly shivered each time. Miranda clasped her hands under her chin in delight. She could not believe that her best friend and brother were such hopeless causes to each other. While some might think the attachment too soon to be true, several heretofore unremarkable occurrences flashed through Miranda's mind: the way Jonas had sought out Juliet's company of late; the way Juliet always blushed and looked at anything or anyone save her brother when he was near; the irritation Jonas had shown at the interest several gentleman had paid toward Juliet this past week, especially the Earl of Dartmouth; the hesitation Juliet had shown to go into her brother's chambers. She looked further back to balls and routs they had attended where Jonas stood scowling on the sidelines as she and Juliet danced, questioning whether his glowers were meant for her friend's admirers as well. Memories were adding up to the obvious conclusion of a steadily forming attraction between the two.

  Miranda was chiding herself for missing the signs when she heard a sound and the curtains stirred behind her. She turned to see the smiling face of Roman de Courtenay, Marquis of Stafford, her brother's closest friend. She smiled in return and made room for him by the window.

  “Come witness the mutual downfall of Jonas and Juliet,” she offered with quiet amusement. “They cannot see us due to the glass and the angle of the sun.”

  Stafford's eyes widened at her impertinence but he grinned devilishly. “I am astonished you are not listening to their conversation as well.”

  “I would had they not arrived first. Had I known, I should have opened the windows the better to hear. Now I fear they would notice my actions. I must be content to read lips as best as possible.” She grinned impishly without a trace of remorse. She turned back to the scene on the terrace and felt the Marquis step closer to her back. She could smell his pleasant fragrance of starched linen and a faint citrus smell, like bergamot.

  “Would you have ever put those two together?” he asked quietly, his breath causing a tingle to her neck and ear. She swatted a hand at the offending sensation and connected with his face.

  “Oh, sorry, my lord,” she offered with a chuckle. “Your question tickled. To answer, no, I would not have attached them. But now I see them, I think they must have considered the other for some time now. Their alliance formed rather easily, and to look at them now it seems they have been enamored of the other for ages.”

  Stafford grimaced and shuddered dramatically, causing Miranda to laugh loudly before clapping a hand over her mouth as the Marquis commented. “Yes, they are plainly in love, and first love at that. I wonder if they have confessed their feelings to each other.” He gave another impressive shudder. “It is all utterly revolting.”

  Miranda laughed again and stepped to the side of the window, dragging the Marquis with her in effort to hide them behind the curtain should her laughter have been overheard. “When Juliet was lost to her discomfort and inebriation yesterday she confessed to Jonas that she thought she was falling in love with him. She declared this in Italian, no less. When I translated for him he immediately had me translate a response for him: I will do all that I can to make you fall in love with me.” Miranda affected her own awful shudder. “You have the right of it – revolting. Although I am enjoying my spy game presently, I earnestly pray I do not see the ultimate declaration of their mutual love. Surely they will save that for a private location.”

  “They probably think themselves private now, Lady Miranda,” observed Stafford. “And I heard it said all ladies positively swoon over the mere whispering of love, let alone the sight of a blossoming romance,” he teased.

  Miranda wrinkled her brow and gave an unladylike scoff. “That may be, my lord, but I pray Cupid keeps his mischief and misery far from me. I shall marry one day when I must, but that time is in no way close to the present. The best part of this wretched house party, the sole purpose of which was to attach me to some gentleman, is that the ringleader himself has instead been hoisted by his own petard. So delicious,” she remarked with malicious glee.

  Stafford looked at Lady Miranda with no small amount of wonder stamped across his face. “Again you surprise me, my lady. 'Tis no wonder you were such dear friends with Lady Juliet given that we all heard her declaration never to marry. Another bit of delicious irony to add to this party, that.”

  “Do not for one instant think I will not remind them of those very same indictments at any such time I see fit. All events that have taken place thus far have been much more entertaining than anything I have ever witnessed at the theatre. I plan to continue to amuse myself, at their expense, of course.”

  The Marquis laughed but had a warning. “Just make sure you do not drag so much notice to yourself that you refocus your brother's attentions on your unmarried state if you wish to remain so. As he is now blissfully approaching the parson's mousetrap he may redouble his efforts and ignore your pleas
in attempt to allow you to find the same contentment he currently enjoys.”

  Miranda's head snapped up as her gaze flew to his, her eyes widening in some horror at his words. “Blast!” She swung her gaze away, blinking several times in contemplation as she scanned the room. “Your warning is duly noted and appreciated, my lord. I must think on how to tread that fine line. Bugger him if he thinks to stir up suitors on my behalf again,” she growled. She stopped to give Stafford a quick curtsey. “Please excuse me. I must think on this,” she remarked as she moved across the room on quick feet.

  The Marquis of Stafford chuckled to himself as he turned and moved to look back out the French windows at the couple on the terrace. Juliet rested a hand on his knee while Jonas continued to play with her escaped hair. They really do seem in love, he thought as another small shudder passed through him.


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