Abu Ghraib prison
Abu Hussain (Bahrain driver)
Abu Ibrahim (Zarqa boy)
“Abu Jihad” (emir from Zarqa)
Abu Khaled
Abu Maleeq (formerly Denis Mamadou Gerhard Cuspert; Deso Dogg; Abu Talha al-Almani)
Abu Yasmina (Islamist community leader)
Abu Yusaf (ISIS commander)
Adel (Bahraini student)
Adnan (driver)
CIA renditions to
history of West in
jihadis travel to
Soviet war in (1979–89)
terror camps in
U.S. war in (2001–14)
Afghan refugees
Ahl al-Bayt (member of the Prophet’s family)
Ahmad (Tunisian stringer)
Aisha (wife of the Prophet)
Aitboulahcen, Hasna
AKP (Turkish ruling party)
Akram (ISIS fighter)
Alaouite dynasty
Albanian immigrants
Alexandria, protests of 2011
Chinese in
CIA renditions and
coup of 1991
refugee crisis and
war for independence
Algerian immigrants
France and
West Germany and
Algerian intelligence
Algerian Ministry of the Interior
Algerian secret police
truck bombings of 2007
U.S. embassy in
al Hajj (Hamburg man)
al-Haouz, Morocco
al-Haramaine Foundation
Ali (son-in-law of the Prophet)
Najaf and
Shia and
Al Jazeera (cable TV network)
All the President’s Men (film)
Almani, Abu Talha al-. See Abu Maleeq
Al Qaeda
Abssi and
Arab Spring and
CIA renditions and
Fatah al-Islam and
Millennium Plots and
Palestinians and
spread of
Zarqawi and
Al Qaeda in Iraq
Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula
Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM)
al-Quds mosque (Hamburg)
Al Wefaq (Shia political party, Bahrain)
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
Amer (Zarqa boy)
Foley assassination and
hotel bombings of 2005
Amnesty International
Anas (boy killed in Mosul)
Anbar Province
Ani, Ahmad Khalil Ibrahim Samir al-
Antakya, Turkey
Arabic language
Moroccan dialect darija
refugee crisis and dialects of
backlash vs., after 9/11
-Israeli conflict and
-Persian split
Turkey and
U.S. and
West Germany and
Arab Spring
Arab-Turkish border regions
Arafat, Yasser
Arar, Maher
Armed Islamic Group (GIA)
Aroud, Malika el-
Askari mosque bombing (Samarra, 2006)
Assad, Bashar al-
as-salaf as-salih (righteous ancestors)
Associated Press
Atta, Mohamed el-Amir
Awlaki, Anwar al-
Axel Springer
Ayoubi, Fakhr al-
Aziz, Tariq
Baader-Meinhof Gang
Ba’ath Party
Badr Brigades
Baggi, Uncle
Jordanian embassy and UN bombing (2003)
Sunni-Shia split and
trip of 2003
Baghdadi, Abu Bakr al-
Bagica (mother of Pero)
Bangladeshis in
Constitution of
independence of 1972
Iran and
protests of 2011
Shia-Sunni tensions and
women in
Bahrain, king of
Bahrain Center for Human Rights
Bakri, Omar
Bali, bombings of 2002
Baqubah, Zarqawi assassination at
Baron, Marty
Bassiouni, Mahmoud Cherif
Bassiouni Commission
Bastille Day attacks of 2016
Bataclan attacks of 2015
Bayat al-Imam (Loyalty to the Imam)
“Beatles” (ISIS guards)
French barracks bombing of 1983
Ben Ali, Zine el-Abidine
Berg, Nick
Berger, Willy
Muslims in
Bernstein, Carl
bin Laden, Osama
Birnbaum, Michael
blacks, discrimination vs.
Black September
black sites
Blair, Tony
BND (German intelligence service)
Booth, William
Bouazizi, Tarek al-Tayeb Mohamed
Bouchachi, Mostefa
Boumeddiene, Hayat
Boumerdès, Algeria
Bourguiba, Habib
Bradley, David
Breivik, Anders Behring
Bremer, Paul
Britain (United Kingdom)
Bahrain and
CAGE and
Iraq and
Muslim immigrants and
Najaf and
British counterterrorism
British intelligence. See also MI5
British Terrorism Act (2000)
Brock, Lothar
Bubis, Ignatz
Busaiteen, Bahrain
Bush, George W.
Bushido (rapper)
German embassy
Abssi and
appeal of
refugee crisis and
Cameron, David
Cantlie, John
terrorist attacks
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
drones and
extraordinary rendition and
Mukhabarat and
Chalabi, Ahmad
Charlie Hebdo
attacks of 2015
Muslim suit vs.
office burning of 2009
Cherif, Moulay Ali Al-
Chicago Tribune
Christian Democratic Union (Germany)
Iraq and
Lebanon and
Turkey and
Civil Courage (film)
Clinton, Bill
CNN (cable TV network)
Coalition Provisional Authority
Comoros Islands
Coptic Church
Coulibaly, Amedy
Curveball (Rafid Ahmed Alwan al-Janabi)
Cuspert, Denis Mamadou Gerhard. See Abu Maleeq
Cuspert (stepfather)
Dahmane, Abdessater
Daily Beast
Dammartin-en-Goële, France
Dar es Salaam
CIA renditions and
dark web
dawah (preaching and teaching)
dawla. See Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham
p; Arab Spring and
Bahrain and
Iraq and
minorities and
Demoustier, Cléophée
Demoustier, Virgile
Der Spiegel
Deso Dogg. See Abu Maleeq
Die Zeit
Diraz, Bahrain
DMX (hiphop artist)
Döpfner, Mathias
drone strikes
Droukdal, Abdelmalek
Dschuka, Aunt
Dutch intelligence
Arab Spring protests of 2011
CIA renditions and
Paris attackers of 2015 and
refugee crisis and
Egyptian army
Egyptian Christians
Egyptian Foreign Ministry
Egyptian immigrants
Ehab, Captain
Ehrt, Antje (German godmother)
Ehrt, Robert (German godfather)
Emel (aunt)
Emwazi, Mohammed “Jihadi John”
English language
Er-Rachidia, Morocco
Eternal Nazi, The (Kulish and Mekhennet)
European Court of Human Rights
European intelligence
European Muslims. See also specific countries
Afghanistan-Soviet war of 1980s and
alienation of
fight vs. terrorism and
European Union
extraordinary rendition
el-Masri and
Saidi and
Faiola, Anthony
Fairuz (Lebanese singer)
Fanning, Maureen
Farid (Belgian Muslim)
Farsi language
Fatah al-Islam
Fatima (daughter of Muhammad)
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
féminisme bourguibien, le
Filippino laborers
Finn, Peter
Finsbury Park mosque (London)
Fischer, Joschka
Fizazi, Imam Mohamad
Foley, James
Foley, Laurence
Foreign Policy
Fraj, Ramzi ben Mizauni ben
France. See also specific cities
Algeria and
Lebanon and
Morocco and
Syria and
terrorism in
childhood in
discrimination vs. Muslims in
shootings of U.S. airmen of 2011
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
Frankfurter Rundschau
freedom of religion
freedom of speech
French counterterrorism
French intelligence
French Muslims
French police
Friedman, Michel
Friends (TV show)
Front Islamique du Salut (FIS, Algeria)
Gaddafi, Muammar
Gardner, Frank
Garsallaoui, Moez
gay rights
Gaza raid of 2006
Genc, Durmus
German army
German Chancellery
German embassy, Cairo
German Foreign Ministry
German intelligence
German Jewish community
German language
German Ministry of Justice
German Ministry of the Interior
German Muslims
Afghanistan and
discrimination vs.
Iran and
mosques and
Syria and
German police
German security services
German TV
Germany. See also specific cities
el-Masri and
prepaid SIM cards in
refugee crisis and
train plot of 2006
West, pre-unification
xenophobic riots in
Ghannouchi, Rachid
Ghulam, Farida
GIA. See Armed Islamic Group
Gillis, Clare
GlobalPost website
global surveillance networks
Gnjidic, Manfred
Goldman, Adam
Grand Mosque (Mecca), takeover of 1979
Greek immigrants
Green Zone
GSPC. See Salafist Group for Call and Combat
Guantánamo Bay
guest workers
Guevara, Che
Gulf War of 1990s
Günther Jauch (German TV show)
Habib, Mamdouh
Haines, David
hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca)
Hakim, Ayatollah Mohammad Baqr al-
Hamburg cell
“Hamburg’s Cauldron of Terror”
Hamza (Algerian refugee)
Hannan (Iraqi Shia woman)
Harvard University
Hasan (grandson of the Prophet)
Hashimi, Aquila al-
Hassan, Abu al-
hate speech
Heim, Aribert
Helma, Sister
Henning, Alan
Henri-Nannen School
Hildesheim, West Germany
Hindi language
Hitler, Adolf
Hizb ul’Dawaa (Shia political party, Iraq)
Hoffman, Dustin
Holocaust survivors
House of Peace (Berlin mosque)
Hoyerswerda, xenophobic riots of 1991
human rights
Bahrain and
human rights organizations
Hungarian immigrants
Hussein (grandson of the Prophet)
Hussein, king of Jordan
Hussein, Qusay
Hussein, Saddam
Hussein, Uday
Hussein (Beirut driver)
Imam Ali Mosque (Najaf)
Imams, Shia Islam and
Indian immigrants
Bahrain and
Germany and
Inspire (online jihadi magazine)
Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI, Pakistan)
Iqbal, Zafar “Mr. Ponytail”
Abssi and
Bahrain and
Iraq and
nuclear deal and
Revolution of 1979
Saudi Arabia and
Shia militias and
Sunni-Shia rift and
Iran, shah of
Iranian Foreign Ministry
Iranian immigrants
Iranian Revolutionary Guard
Iran and
jihadis and
Jordanian embassy bombing of 2003
minorities in, under Hussein
Paris attacks of 2015 and
Shia militias and
Sunni-Shia tensions and
terrorists and
UN weapons inspectors
U.S. invasion and war (2003–11)
U.S. prison in
Zarqa Sunni vs. Shia and
Zarqawi and
Iraqi army and police, disbanded
Iraqi Governing Council
Iraqi intelligence
Iraqi National Congress
Iraqi refugees
Islam. See also Shia; Sunni; Sunni-Shia conflict
democracy and
need for dialogue within
schism in
women and
Islamabad, Pakistan
Islamic Brotherhood
Islamic Government (Khomeini)
Islamic law
Islamic state
Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS)
Belgian Muslims and
Charlie Hebdo attacks and
European Muslims and<
br />
European Muslim women and
German Muslims and
idea of Islamic state and
James Foley and
Jihadi John and
Kassig and
meeting of 2014 and
Paris attacks of 2015 and
Raqqa and
refugee crisis and
Seyam and
Shia militias vs.
videos and
Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq
Islamic websites
Hezbollah and
Munich Olympics attacks and
Palestinian attacks on
Zarqawi and
Italian immigrants
Jalalabad, Afghanistan
Jama’at al-Tawhid wa’al-Jihad (Unity and Jihad, later Al Qaeda in Iraq)
Jamal (journalist)
Janabi, Rafid Ahmed Alwan al- “Curveball”
Jarrah, Ziad
Jasmine Revolution
Jauch, Günther
definitions of
Moroccan independence and
Jihadi John (Mohammed Emwazi)
Afghan-Soviet war and
Arab Spring and
Bosnia and
Hamburg and
Iraq and
ISIS and
journalism and
recruiters and
refugee crisis and
Zarqa and
“Jihad” (Zarqa boy)
Johann Wolfgang Goethe University
jihadis and
refugee crisis and
Jordanian embassy, Baghdad, bombing of 2003
Jordanian immigrants, Bahrain and
Jordanian intelligence
Justen, Dennis
Jyllands-Posten (Danish newspaper)
Kabul, CIA rendition and torture and
Kader (doctor)
Kandahar, bombing of
Karbala, Battle of (680 AD)
“Kasem” (father of Zarqa boys)
Kassig, Peter (later Abdul-Rahman Kassig)
Keller, Bill
U.S. embassy bombing in
Khadija (wife of the Prophet)
Khaled (Bahraini student)
Khalifa, Khalifa bin Salman al-
Khalifa, Salman bin Hamad bin Isa al-, crown prince of Bahrain
Khamenei, Ayatollah
Khan, Kareem
Khawaja, Abdulhadi al-
Khawaja, Maryam
Khawaja, Zainab
Khenifra, Morocco
Khomeini, Ayatollah Ruholla
Kiliç, Selçuk
Kinder des Dschidad, Die (Mekhennet and Hanfeld)
Kirkuk truck bombing
Koerber Foundation
Kosovan immigrants
Kouachi, Chérif
Kouachi, Said
Kretschmer, Tim
Kulish, Nicholas
Kuwaiti religious organizations
Latif, Uncle
Lebanese army
Lebanese immigrants
Lebanese intelligence
bus bombings
civil war
French colonialism and
Palestinian refugee camps
refugee crisis and
Lewinsky, Monica
Leyla, Can (cousin’s son)
Leyla, Ferid
Leyla, Hassan
Leyla, Sibel
protests of 2011
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