Death of a Red Heroine icc-1

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Death of a Red Heroine icc-1 Page 19

by Qiu Xiaolong

  LAI: I did not know. I demanded an explanation, but she would not give any details.

  YU: Could there be another man involved?

  LAI: No, I did not think so. She was not that kind of woman. In fact, I inquired about it through my cousin, and she said not. Guan simply left without giving a reason. I tried to find out, and at first I even thought that she might be a nymphomaniac.

  YU: Why? Was there anything abnormal about her sexual behavior?

  LAI: No. She was just a bit-uninhibited. She wept and cried the first time she came. In fact, after that she came every time, biting and screaming, and I believed that she was satisfied. But now she’s dead, I really should not say anything against her.

  YU: It must have been hard for you when you broke up?

  LAI: Yes, I was devastated. But I gradually came to terms with it. It was a losing game for me anyway. She was not the type of woman I could afford to make happy in the long run. Failing that, I myself would not be happy. But she was a wonderful woman in her way.

  YU: Did she say anything else at your parting?

  LAI: No, she kept saying that it was her fault, and she actually offered to stay that night with me if I wanted. I said No.

  YU: Why? I’m just curious.

  LAI: If her heart’s going to leave you forever, what’s the point of having her body for one more night?

  YU: I see, and I’d say that you’re right. Have you tried to contact her again since then?

  LAI: No, not after we parted.

  YU: Any form of contact-letters, postcards, phone calls?

  LAI: It was she who dumped me. So why should I? Besides, she became more and more of a national celebrity, with big pictures in all the newspapers, so I couldn’t avoid her national model worker image.

  YU: Male pride and ego, I understand. It has been a difficult subject for you, Comrade Lai, but you have been most helpful. Thank you.

  LAI: You will keep it confidential, won’t you? I am married now. I’ve never told my wife anything about it.

  YU: Of course. I said so in the beginning.

  LAI: When I think of the affair, I am still confused. I hope you will catch the criminal. I don’t think I will ever forget her. There was a long silence. Apparently the conversation came to an end. Then he heard Yu’s voice again: Comrade Chief Inspector Chen, I found Engineer Lai Goujun through Huang Weizhong, the retired Party Secretary of the First Department Store. According to Huang, Guan had made a report to the Party committee when they first started dating. The Party committee had looked into Lai’s family background and discovered that Lai had an uncle who had been executed as a counterrevolutionary during the Land Reform movement. So the Party committee wanted her to end the affair. It was politically incorrect for her, an emerging model worker and Party member, to get involved with a man of such a family background. She agreed, but she did not make a report to Huang about her parting with Lai until two months later, and she did not give any details about it. I’m collecting more information about Lai, but I don’t think he is a suspect. It was so many years ago, after all. Sorry I cannot stay in the office this morning; Qinqin is sick. I have to take him to the hospital, but I’ll be home after two or two thirty. Call me if there’s anything you need.

  Chen punched the off button. He slumped back in his seat, wiping the sweat from his forehead. It was getting hot again. He took a cola out of the little refrigerator, tapped on the top, but put it back. There was a small fly buzzing in the room. He poured himself a cup of cold water instead.

  That was not what he had expected.

  Chief Inspector Chen had never believed in such a mythical embodiment of the Communist Party selfless spirit as Comrade Lei Feng. A sudden wave of sadness washed over the chief inspector. It was absurd, Chen thought, that politics could have so shaped a life. If she had married Lai, Guan would not have been so successful in her political life. She would not have been a national model worker, but an ordinary wife-knitting a sweater for her husband, pulling a propane gas tank on her bike rack, bargaining for a penny or two when she bought food in the market, nagging like a broken gramophone, playing with a lovely child sitting on her lap-but she would have been alive.

  If Guan’s decision appeared absurd in the early nineties, it would have been most understandable in the early eighties. At that time, someone like Lai who had a counterrevolutionary relative was out of the question. Lai would have brought trouble to the people close to him. Chen thought of his own “uncle,” a dis- tant relative he had never seen, but it was that uncle who had determined his profession.

  So it could be said that the decision of the First Department Store Party committee, however hard, was made in her interest. As a national model worker, Guan had had to live up to her status. That the Party should have interfered in her private life was by no means surprising, but her reaction was astonishing. She gave herself to Lai, then parted with him without having revealed the true reason. Her act was intolerably “liberal” according to the codes of the Party. But Chen thought he could understand. Guan had been a more complicated human than he had supposed. All that had happened, however, ten years earlier. Could it have anything to do with Guan’s recent life?

  It might have been a traumatic experience for her, which would explain why she’d had no lover for years until she crossed Wu Xiaoming’s path.

  Also, Guan had been one who dared to act-despite the shadow of politics.

  Or was there something else?

  Chen dialed Yu’s home.

  “Qinqin is much better,” Yu said. “I’ll come back to the office soon.”

  “You don’t have to. Nothing particular is going on here. Take good care of your son at home.” He added, “I’ve got your tape. A great job.”

  “I’ve checked Lai’s alibi. On the night of the murder, he was in Nanning with a group of engineers at a conference.”

  “Has Lai’s company confirmed that?”

  “Yes. I’ve also talked to a colleague of his who shared the hotel room for the night. According to that colleague, Lai was there all the time. So his alibi is solid.”

  “Did Lai contact Guan in the last half year-via phone calls or whatever?”

  “No, he said not. In fact, Lai’s just got back from America. He’s worked at a university lab there for a whole year.” Yu added, “I don’t think we can get anywhere in that direction.”

  “I think you are right,” he said. “It’s been so many years. If Lai had wanted to do anything, he would not have waited for such a long time.”

  “Yes, Lai nowadays works with American universities once or twice a year, earning a lot of U.S. dollars, enjoying a reputation in his field, living happily with his family. In today’s market society, Guan, rather than Lai, should have been the one who rued what happened ten years ago.”

  “And in our society, Lai can be seen as the one who got the advantage from the affair-a gainer rather than a loser. In retrospect, Lai might not be too unhappy about his long-ago affair.”

  “Exactly. There was something surprising about Guan.”

  “Yes, what a shame!”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, it was politics for her then, and politics for us now.”

  “Oh, you’re right, boss.”

  “Call me if you find anything new about Lai.”

  Chen then decided to make a routine report to Commissar Zhang, whom he had not briefed of late.

  Commissar Zhang was reading a movie magazine when Chen entered his office.

  “What wind has brought you in here today, Comrade Chief Inspector Chen?” Zhang put down the magazine.

  “A sick wind, I’m afraid.”

  “What wind?”

  “Detective Yu’s son is sick, so he has to take him to the hospital.”

  “Oh, that. So Yu cannot come to the office today.”

  “Well, Yu has been working hard.”

  “Any new leads?”

  “Guan had a boyfriend nine or ten years ago, but, following t
he Party’s instruction, she parted with him. Yu has talked to retired Party Secretary Huang of the First Department Store, who was her boss then, and also to Engineer Lai, her ex-boyfriend.”

  “That’s no news. I have also talked to that retired Party Secretary. He told me the story. She did the right thing.”

  “Do you know she-” he cut himself short, not sure what Zhang’s reaction to Lai’s version might be. “She was very upset when she had to part with him.”

  “That’s understandable. She was young, and perhaps a little romantic at the time, but she did the right thing by following the Party’s decision.”

  “But it could have been traumatic to her.”

  “Another of your Western modernist terms?” Zhang said irritably. “Remember, as a Party member, she had to live for the interests of the Party.”

  “No, I was just trying to see its impact on Guan’s personal life.”

  “So Detective Yu is still working on this angle?”

  “No, Detective Yu doesn’t think Mr. Lai is involved with the case. It was such a long time ago.”

  “That’s what I thought.”

  “You’re right, Commissar Zhang,” he said, wondering why Zhang had not shared this information with him earlier. Was Zhang so anxious to maintain the communist puritan image of Guan?

  “I don’t think that’s the right direction. Nor is your theory involving caviar,” Zhang concluded. “It’s a political case, as I have said a number of times.”

  “Everything can be seen in terms of politics,” Chen got up, pausing in the doorway, “but politics is not everything.”

  Such talk was possible now, though hardly regarded as in good taste politically. There had been opposition to Chen’s attaining promotion-something expressed by his political enemies when they praised him as “open,” and by his political friends when they wondered if he was too open.

  Chapter 18

  As soon as Chief Inspector Chen got back in his own office, the phone started ringing.

  It was Overseas Chinese Lu. Once more Lu declared that he had successfully started his own business-Moscow Suburb, a Russian-style restaurant on Huaihai Road, with caviar, potage, and vodka on the menu, and a couple of Russian waitresses walking around in scanty dresses. Lu sounded complacent and confident on the phone. It was beyond Chen to comprehend how Lu could have done so much at such short notice.

  “So business is not bad?”

  “It’s booming, buddy. People come swarming in all day to look at our menu, at our vodka cabinet, and at our tall, buxom Russian girls in their see-through blouses and skirts.”

  “You really have an eye for business.”

  “Well, as Confucius said thousands of years ago, ‘Beauty makes you hungry.’”

  “No. ‘She is so beautiful that you could devour her,’ ” Chen said. “That’s what Confucius said. How were you able to dig up these Russian girls?”

  “They just came to me. A friend of mine runs a network of international applicants. Nice girls. They earn four or five times more than at home. Nowadays China is doing much better than Russia.”

  “That is true.” Chen was impressed by the pride in Lu’s voice.

  “Remember the days when we used to call the Russians our Big Brothers? The wheel of fortune has turned. Now I call them my Little Sisters. In a way they really are. They depend on me for everything. For one thing, they’ve got nowhere to stay, and the hotels are way too expensive. I’ve bought several folding beds, so they can sleep in back of the restaurant and save a lot of money. For their convenience, I’ve also put in a hot water shower.”

  “So you are taking good care of them.”

  “Exactly. And I’ll let you into a secret, buddy. They have hairs on their legs, these Russian girls. Don’t fall for their smooth and shining appearance. A week without razor and soap, those terrific legs could be really hairy.”

  “You are being Eliotic, Overseas Chinese Lu.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Oh, nothing, it just reminds me of something by T. S. Eliot.”

  Something about bare, white, braceleted legs which suddenly appear in the light to be downy.

  Or was it by John Donne?

  “Eliot or not, that’s none of my business. But it’s true. I saw it with my own eyes-a bathtub full of golden and brown hair.”

  “You’re kidding.”

  “Come and see for yourself. Not just the legs, the business, of course. This weekend, okay? I’ll assign you one of the blondes. The sexiest. Special service. So special that you want to devour her, too. Confucius’ satisfaction guaranteed.”

  “That will be too much for my wallet, I’m afraid.”

  “What do you mean? You’re my greatest friend, and part of my success, too. All on me, of course.”

  “I will come,” Chen said, “if I can spare one evening next week.”

  Chief Inspector Chen wondered if he would go there even if he could spare the time. He had read a report about the so-called special service in some notorious restaurants.

  He looked at his watch. Three thirty. There would probably be nothing left in the bureau canteen. The conversation with Overseas Chinese Lu had made him feel hungry.

  Then he thought of something he had almost forgotten. Dinner with Wang Feng. In his apartment.

  Suddenly everything else could wait until tomorrow. The thought of having her over for a candlelit dinner was making his pulse race. He left the bureau in a hurry, heading for a food market on Ninghai Road, which was about fifteen minutes’ walk from his apartment.

  As always, the market presented a scene of crowds milling about with bamboo baskets on their arms, plastic bags in their hands. He had consumed his ration of pork and eggs for the month. He hoped he could get some fish and vegetables. Wang liked seafood. A long line stretched back from a fish stall. Aside from the people standing there, there was also a collection of baskets, broken cardboard boxes, stools, and even bricks-all of them placed before or after the people in line. At every slow forward step, the people would move these objects a step farther. Placing an object in line was symbolic, he realized, of the owner’s presence. When a basket drew near to the stall, the owner would assume his or her position. Consequently, a line of fifteen people might really mean fifty people were ahead of him. At the speed the line was moving, he judged, it would probably take him more than an hour to be waited on.

  So he decided to try his luck at the free market, which was just one block beyond the state-run Ninghai food market. The free market remained nameless in the early nineties, but its existence was known to everybody. The service there was better; so was the quality. The only difference was the price, usually two or three times more than the Ninghai.

  A peaceful coexistence: the state-run and the private-run markets. Socialism and capitalism, side by side. Some veteran Party cadres were worried about the inevitable clashing of the two systems, but the people in the market were not, Chen observed, as he came to a stop at the colorful display of green onions and ginger under a Hangzhou umbrella. He picked up a handful of fresh green onions. The peddler added a small piece of ginger without charging for it.

  Chen spent some time choosing what else he thought necessary for the dinner. Thanks to the advance from the Lijiang publishing house, he could well afford to buy two pounds of lamb, a pile of oysters, and a small bag of spinach. Then, on an impulse, he left the market for the new jewelry store at Longmen Road.

  The shop assistant came up to him with a surprised expression. He was an unlikely customer, Chen realized, a cop in his uniform, with a plastic bag of food in his hand. But he turned out to be a good customer. He did not spend much time choosing among the dazzling items on display. He was immediately attracted by a choker of pearls placed on silver satin in a purple velvet box. The jewelry cost him more than eight hundred Yuan, but it would suit Wang well, he thought. Ruth Rendell would probably be pleased, too, with the way he spent the money earned by his translation of her work. Besides, he had
to give himself some additional motivation to complete his next translation, Speaker of Mandarin.

  Back in his apartment, he realized for the first time-to his astonishment-how unpresentable a bachelor’s room could be. Bowls and dishes in the sink, a pair of jeans on the floor beside the sofa, books everywhere, gray streaks on the windowsills. Even the brick-and-board bookcase flanking the desk struck him as unsightly. He threw himself into the task of cleaning up.

  It was the first time she had accepted his invitation to dine with him-alone, at his place. Since the night of the house- warming party, there had been some real progress in their relationship. In the course of the investigation, he seemed to have been finding more and more things about her, too. She was not only attractive and vivacious, but intelligent-intuitively perceptive, even more so than Chen himself.

  But it was more than that. In the course of this investigation, he had raised more questions about his own life. It was time for him to make up his mind-as Guan should have made up her mind, years earlier.

  Wang arrived a few minutes before six o’clock. She was wearing a white silk blazer over a simple black dress with two narrow shoulder straps that looked more like a slip. He helped her take off the blazer; her shoulders were dazzlingly white under the fluorescent light.

  She brought a bottle of white wine with her. A perfect gift for the occasion. He had a set of glasses in the cabinet.

  “What a spick-and-span room for a busy chief inspector!”

  “I had the right motive. It’s rewarding to keep the place neat,” he said, “when a friend is coming over.”

  The table was set with a white tablecloth, folded pink napkins, mahogany chopsticks, and long-handled silver spoons. The dinner was simple. A small pot of water boiling over a portable gas burner. Around it, paper thin sliced lamb, a bowl of green spinach, and a dozen oysters were laid out on a platter decked with lemon wedges. There were also vinegar-marinated cucumber and pickled garlic in little side dishes. Each of them had a small dish of sauce.


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