Healing Holt

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Healing Holt Page 10

by Shannon Nemechek

  “Oh, please, that sounds perfect. I’m starving and an evening walk would be nice. Our room is this way. They said it was a king suite. Sorry, with the festival going on, it’s the last one available. Let’s go check it out.”

  “All right, sounds like we got a plan. Jagger and I can be ready in about thirty minutes. Let’s go see this room.”

  Jasmine smiled. “Right this way.” She started to reach for her bag, but Russell beat her to it. He had their bags in one hand and Jagger’s lead in the other.


  When Russell opened the hotel room door, he motioned for Jasmine to go ahead of him. The large expanse of the room almost overwhelmed him. “Damn. This place is as big as my entire apartment. No, wait, this room is bigger.” He laughed. The king-size bed took up a good portion of the room, and the other side held a seating area that featured a pull-out sofa and a pair of chairs facing a huge flat screen television. “After dinner we can always have a movie night.”

  “Come, Jagger.” Jagger ran into the room and hopped on the bed, curling up at the end. “Jagger, don’t be rude. We are sleeping in here. Jasmine gets the bed.” Russell unpacked his shaving bag and went toward the bathroom. “Do you want the first shower?”

  Jasmine shook her head. “You go ahead. That way I can get what I need ready.”

  Russell stepped in the bathroom for a quick shower and shave. Jagger napped while he was getting ready. Glancing in the mirror before exiting the bathroom, he muttered, “Gotta impress Ms. Jasmine,” then grabbed his stuff and opened the door.

  “The bathroom is all yours, Jasmine.” She looked up and grabbed her bag to take with her. As Russell walked out of the bathroom, steam poured out of the shower area and her heart skipped a beat. She itched to trace the expanse of his chest through his open shirt.

  Russell gave a slight bow as he waved her into the en suite. Letting out a heavy, held breath, he closed his eyes as he took in the moment that had passed between them. Getting back his train of thought, Russell spoke to his dog, “What do you think of this, Jag?” Jagger barked his approval.

  “Good. You ready to go?” Jagger jumped off the bed and sat at the door, waiting for Russell. “Jasmine, we will wait for you downstairs.”

  He heard a muffled, “Okay.”

  Jagger followed him to the elevator and downstairs to the hotel lobby. They went exploring the grounds while they waited. After one more lap around the courtyard, they rounded the corner and Jasmine was standing by the lighted fountain, tossing a coin in.

  “Penny for your thoughts?” Russell smiled as he approached, catching a glimpse of Jasmine’s curves as she leaned over the fountain. The lights glowed around her, reminding him of those old paintings of the angels he had seen some years prior, or in her case, maybe a little devil. Her dress hugged in all the right places; she looked stunning. As he stepped closer her perfume filled his nostrils—she smelled of her namesake flower and vanilla.

  Russell grinned shyly. “I hope I don’t sound too forward, but Jasmine, you smell amazing, like flowers and cookies all rolled into one.”

  She giggled in reply and said, “You know what? I think that is probably the first time anyone has ever told me that. Thank you. But I must say that if I don’t eat soon, I am going to gnaw off my arm.”

  “Well, then I suppose we best head on over. Come, Jagger.”

  The walk to Denny’s took about five minutes. When they arrived, Russell informed them Jagger was a service dog, and the waitress showed them to a table and took their drink orders.

  Russell leaned back and settled into his seat while Jasmine sipped at her glass of water. An awkward silence resonated between them. Finally, Russell spoke, “So, tell me about you, Jasmine. Who is Jasmine outside of the work clothes? I mean outside of work.” Russell blushed as the heat of embarrassment creeped up his neck. He was always the shy, quiet one, especially when it came to women and dating. Having such a stunningly beautiful woman as Jasmine sitting directly in front of him made his tongue twist. He had to laugh at himself. So much for being the suave and cool gentleman. She must be thinking, “What a dork.”

  Jasmine smiled, then let out a nervous giggle when she saw Russell blush and his smile disappeared. Before she could stop herself, she reached over and grabbed his hand. The buzz of an electric current passed between them and the tension seemed to collapse as they relaxed and began to enjoy themselves.

  “I am a first-generation American citizen. My parents immigrated to America twenty-five years ago for a better life. We first lived in New York where my father started his own jewelry booth at the open-air markets. They worked so hard to craft their art and make a name for themselves. A year after they set foot in America, they had me. After they received their citizenship, they brought our family to Florida. After high school, I went to college to work toward my veterinarian degree, but I had to put a pause on that to help my mama when Papa got so sick. My brother had taken over at the shop so they wouldn’t lose everything while Papa recovered.” Jasmine had been idly drawing circles in his palm, ramping up a different kind of tension that was interrupted by the arrival of their meals. “What about you Russ?”

  “My family has a multi-generational orchard in Connecticut, and instead of working for my older brother who would be the one to inherit the farm, I went into the Navy. My family was so disappointed in my life choices, and I haven’t heard from them much. I still call on Mom and Dad’s birthdays and their anniversary, but the only thing I ever hear from them is, ‘When are you coming home to work the farm? It’s time to grow up son, quit the wandering.’ Little do they understand I grew up in Iraq. I can’t go home because they won’t understand when I scream at night. They don’t understand that I am home in Florida with all of you.”

  “I see. I am sorry, Russ. I know that has to be rough.”

  “No, not really. I am happy here. I have found a purpose with all of you.”

  After they finished their meal, Russell paid and held his hand out for Jasmine. Without hesitation, she took it and said, “Let’s take this big brute for his walk before we head back to the room.”

  After letting Jagger run his fill with a friendly game of tag, Russell noticed the yawn Jasmine was trying to hide. “Come on, Jag. Let’s get back to the room so we can get some sleep.”

  Jasmine smiled. “Caught me, huh?”

  “You can’t hide much from me, Jas,” he retorted, smiling back.

  Making their way to the hotel, they passed a festival near the river. They stopped and listened to the musicians, enjoying the evening and the company. A slow tune began to play, and Russ pulled Jasmine under the canopy. Turning to her he asked, “May I have this dance, Jasmine?” Before she could answer, he swooped her up in his arms and led her in a waltz.

  “I had no idea you could dance.” She glanced up at him through veiled eyelashes.

  He smiled. “Since my older brother was always out with my dad in the orchard, I was my mom’s dance partner.” He lowered his forehead to hers, breathing in her scent.

  “Well, thank goodness for your mom,” she replied. Their eyes met, and she laid her head on his shoulder.

  When the song ended, neither of them could pull away from the other. Jagger yipped, yanking them back to reality and reminding them he was still there.

  “All right, boy,” Russ replied as Jagger frantically wagged his stubby tail. “We better get back to the room, Jasmine. I think Jagger has had his fill of romance.” He smiled at her. “You should pick out the movie.”

  Back in their room, they changed into more comfortable clothes and gathered snacks before meeting up on the sofa to watch a movie. Jasmine had chosen a comedy to lighten the mood: When Harry met Sally. Settling onto the sofa, Jasmine started the movie and draped her legs over Russell’s lap. Before he knew it, he was rubbing the arch of her foot in long, smooth strokes. It was the first time in a very long time he was completely relaxed and at peace. Leaning into the back cushion, the rest of the tension left his body and
he closed his eyes taking in a deep vanilla and jasmine scented breath.

  Jasmine, who was fully engrossed in the movie, hadn’t noticed Russ had fallen asleep until his head began whipping from side to side and he started to cry out. His body was drenched in sweat and his breathing had sped up to what seemed a painful rhythm.


  Jagger placed his head on Russell’s lap as Jasmine tried to comfort him. Jagger put his front paws on Russell’s legs and began to lick Russell’s face, slowly waking him and bringing him back to the present. Russell opened his eyes.

  “Some date I am. I fall asleep and scare the hell out of you with my screaming. I’m so sorry, Jasmine.” He sat up, his head in his hands with Jagger’s head on his lap.

  Jasmine reached out and rubbed his shoulder. “I don’t want to hear another word about it. I will not allow you to feel bad, do you hear me?” Jasmine faced him and lifted his chin. “You don’t have to hide your true self from me.”

  Without a second thought, Jasmine lightly kissed his forehead. Russell closed his eyes, and he felt the whisper of her lips on each one. She moved closer to kiss his lips, but Jagger lifted his head, breaking the moment.


  “The next words out of your mouth better not be ‘I’m sorry.’ Do I make myself clear?”

  Russell stifled a laugh. “Yes, ma’am, understood.”

  “Now let’s try to get some sleep.” With a wink, Jasmine sashayed herself over to the bed, leaving Russell trying to hide the tent forming under his pants.

  “Saucy brat!” A giggle floated across the room and Russell pulled the bed out of the sofa and set it up. Closing his eyes, a smile stretched across his face as he drifted off to sleep.



  * * *

  It was a big day. One of Aspen’s fur babies, Penny, was going to her forever home. The rest of the litter would be recruited to the Healing Heroes program. She was already working with Tori to get them the extra training they would need after she gave them the basics.

  Aspen had so much to do before she headed out to Bragg, and it seemed like every day her list got longer. She started making a mental note of all she needed to do while she headed toward the barn. I need to get the truck unloaded, get the animals fed, load up the cages, and grab some gear for the trip. It’s not a long drive, but I also want to get snacks, just in case.

  She was heading out to give Sass some hay when she heard Holt walk up behind her. “If you so much as lay one finger on that bale, so help me, I will paddle your ass until you can’t walk straight for a month.” Aspen spun around and pinned Holt with a glare. “Aspen, I just got you out of the hospital, and I will not have you reinjure yourself.”

  Blowing the loose hair out of her eyes, Aspen put her hands on her hips. “You should talk, Holt. You just got home after months at a hospital, and here you are threatening my ass? Take your own advice and watch yourself.” Turning back around she grabbed for a bale and felt a stinging heat on her butt cheek. She spun around again and glared at him. “I can’t believe you just did that!” There was a look she couldn’t define in his eyes.

  “I warned you, Aspen. I will not have you doing yourself harm.” He strutted past her with a smirk on his face, his own ass smart when Aspen smacked him with her leather glove. “You’re playing with fire, sweetheart!”

  Before she could respond to him, a vehicle pulled in by the barn. The door opened and out jumped a very excited Wes. He barely hit the ground when he was tackled by an equally excited puppy. Penny’s tail was wagging so hard her little body seemed bent in half.

  “Hey Penny, did you miss me, girl?” Wes picked up a very squirmy Penny, who lavished his face with lots of kisses. Tanner stepped out of his rig and shook hands with Holt while Aspen watched Wes and Penny.

  “What do you think, Aspen? Are Penny and Wes made for each other?” Tanner chuckled as he watched the show.

  “I think they are going to be just fine,” Aspen managed to get out through her giggles.

  Later that morning, Aspen arrived at Fort Bragg. She grabbed her ID, making sure she had it ready to show the gate guard.

  “Afternoon, ma’am. What is your business on post today?” Specialist Johnson asked as he checked her ID.

  “I should have a pass waiting for me. I’m Aspen Knight from Knight Kennels. I’m here to pick up retired military working dogs Tank, Diesel, Bruno, Dagger, Juliette, and Oscar for their new assignment with Healing Heroes.” Aspen handed him the paperwork showing that ownership was transferring to her.

  The specialist stepped back into the booth to check the day’s drive-on passes. Aspen watched him grab one off the top of a stack and saw him talking on his radio. When he came back out, he held out a sheet that was about half the size of regular notebook paper. “Yes ma’am, here is your pass, and if you could pull up, I have an escort on their way to take you there.”

  Aspen’s brow furrowed. “You all are too busy. I know the way there, I’ve been there several times.”

  “Oh, no ma’am. That’s not it. All the military working dogs you have mentioned are honored heroes, and we want to give them a proper send-off out of respect for their service.”

  The escort vehicle pulled in front of Aspen, flipped on his lights, and they started the short distance to the kennels. As they pulled up to the building, Aspen saw an area outside was set up for a ceremony. She was reaching for the paperwork she needed to take guardianship when she was startled by someone opening her door.

  “I apologize, ma’am, for giving you a start. I’m to escort you to the VIP area for the ceremony.” The sergeant held out his arm for her to take. As he escorted her to her seat, she noticed for the first time all the soldiers standing at ease, waiting for the order to come to attention.

  Just as she arrived at her seat, the soldiers were called to attention by their first sergeant, who introduced the commander and thanked the honored guests for joining them for the dogs’ retirement ceremony. Huh! Didn’t know this would be happening. He asked everyone to please take their seats so they could begin.

  Aspen teared up listening to the dogs’ heroic acts as they were officially retired and united with their forever families. They have definitely earned the chance to be a normal, loving, family dog. Then the atmosphere took a different charge as they called her to the stage, and five other military personnel followed her. She looked around and noticed the men behind her were from Holt’s unit. Once they were assembled, the first sergeant began to speak again.

  “These last six former military working dogs have a different mission ahead of them. Each of them have qualified for the Healing Heroes program, and will go through additional training to serve the six veterans with them today as service dogs. Here as a representative for Healing Heroes is Aspen Knight.” Applause and hooahs filled the air. Aspen’s cheeks brightened to a sharp pink with embarrassment. She had never received this much attention.

  “All right, calm down you animals,” the first sergeant barked, with fondness in his tone. “We have six distinguished military working dogs from the Ninth Special Forces. Between them they have twenty-five deployments, have done over five-hundred security sweeps, and captured a three-billion-dollar street value shipment of opium. Stopping this drug before it hit the streets not only saved multiple civilian lives, but decreased the ISIS coffers. They have also been responsible for locating multiple munition strongholds that enabled us to confiscate large caches of weapons, lessoning those available to terrorist hands. They have completed multiple explosive ordnance detection missions as well as search and recovery of fellow wounded warriors. On behalf of a grateful nation, I am honored to send these soldiers on to their next assignment as working service dogs, faithful companions, and a much-needed extra hand for their human counterpart to be able to live a full life.

  “With that, I am honored to retire the following dogs: From Alpha Team, MWD Tank, a ten-year-old Belgian Malinois; from Charlie
Team, MWD Diesel, an eleven-year-old German shepherd; from Foxtrot Team, MWD Dagger, a ten-year-old Belgian Malinois; from Echo Team, MWD Bruno, a twelve-year-old German shepherd; from Delta Team, MWD Juliette, a seven-year-old yellow Labrador retriever; and finally, from Bravo Team, MWD Oscar, a nine-year-old Belgian Malinois.”

  Aspen stepped up and accepted the certificates of retirement for each dog, then one by one she helped change their collar to one signifying their retirement, taking an extra moment to give them an ear scratch. After she placed the last collar on, she faced the dogs. “Are you ready to start your new jobs? Let’s go get started.”

  With the ceremony finished, the men who had been on stage with her led the dogs over to her van and loaded them for safe travel. Tanner was one of those men.

  “How’s Wes doing with Penny?”

  Tanner let out a snort. “Those two are inseparable. Everywhere Wes goes, Penny is on his heel. When I tucked him in this afternoon for his nap, she was on the bed with him. What a great addition to the family. Thank you.”

  Once they got the final dog loaded and everyone locked down and secured, Aspen turned to Tanner and wrapped him in a big hug. “Thank you so much for your help and for the update. Please let me know when the baby is born.”

  “You drive safe, now, and I will let you know. As a matter of fact, I’m sure Shaggy will be one of the first calls we make,” he replied.

  With a final wave, Aspen climbed behind the wheel and began the journey home. She had just exited the post through the main gate when her phone rang.

  “Hello, Holt. I’m on my way back and should be there in about an hour and a half. Yes, everything is fine, and Tanner says hi. Did I answer all the questions?” She could sense the timbre from his laugh.


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