Agent Vixen Collection

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Agent Vixen Collection Page 2

by Jay Aury

  His hand slipped around her hip, giving her a slight squeeze. She sucked in a breath, inhaling his pungent scent of cigarette smoke, hashish and rum. A thick, masculine aroma which sent her head spinning a little.

  She giggled, leaning against him, playing to his desire. “I’d say you could skip a few meals. Though good to see you so…” She rubbed his pronounced stomach. “Plentiful.”

  The old Arab laughed, giving his belly a small pat. “Ah, it is the right of the old, my sweet, to grow in their days of leisure. No more can I rise in height, so I must in width. To enjoy the fruits of a life lived long and profitably. But with joy would I devour you!”

  Audra gasped as he nibbled at her neck. She pushed him back, but couldn’t help a grin. “Leisure? I sincerely doubt that,” she said.

  “Ah,” Raphael moaned, waving a hand as they passed the bar, entering a small hallway that ran behind it. “It is true, my lovely nymph. I work, I work. No time at all to be at home, where my children can demand money, and my wife, who I love with all my soul, can decry all of my efforts to keep us in house and home. Money!” He sighed again, rolling his head, pulling her a little more against his body as if supporting himself on her. “Ah, money. It is the source of all sin upon this world. But such wonderful kinds it can buy.”

  A heavy, solid wooden door revealed a spare room. The wallpaper had peeled, baring stonework here and there. A simple table and accompanying chairs were the sole furnishing. Otherwise, a pin up calendar and a fan lazily stirring the hot air served for decorations.

  Raphael passed a word to his guards and then closed the door firmly behind them. With a heavy breath he took a seat in the waiting chair.

  “Well! Here we are, my dove. Shall we speak now? What can this old man do for such a young beauty? Ah!” he cried as if in sudden inspiration. “Perhaps, at last, you have come to join my organization? I had heard you quit the CIA, and with such news my heart had bled for you. But fear not!” he added, opening wide his arms, his smile as broad as his stomach. “I shall find a place for you, without a doubt.”

  Audra smiled a little. She had little doubt of where he supposed that place would be. She could feel his eyes hungrily devour her pale body, lingering on plump breasts and ass. Admiring her long legs and soft lips. There was a certain thrill in being stared at so wantonly, and in such obvious desire.

  Audra chuckled, sitting down. “I’m afraid not, Raphael. I like being independent too much.” That even Raphael had bought her resignation from the CIA at face meant great things for her. If men thought her an independent, it opened many doors.

  She crossed her arms on the table, leaning forward, breasts threatening to pop free of her top. “I’m looking for some information, Raphael.”

  “Ah. Business so soon,” Raphael sighed, holding a hand over his heart. “And after so long without your lovely presence? Ah my dear. So cruel to me.”

  “Yes, Raphael, I am a cruel woman. But I’m in a hurry.” She slipped a hand into her purse, finding the photo from the file. She flipped it across the table. “Look familiar?”

  Raphael’s thick fingers plucked the picture up. He examined it. His white hat shaded his browned face as he stroked his small mustache in thought. “Hmm… An ugly face. A cruel one, my dear. I have not seen this man. But, perhaps, I have heard something. Heard of a certain individual with information of great value. Information he intends to sell at a Market to take place soon.

  Audra sucked in a breath. The Market. Perfect! The regular meeting of smugglers and illicit buyers was frequented by all sorts, and it was a lucky day a market went by without someone being ripped off, humiliated, killed, or all three. She had been to a number of Markets over the years, held by various smuggling rings. It would be the perfect chance.

  "But then," Raphael added, hands resting on his paunch, his eyes gleaming from the shadows cast by his hat. "I must ask, what shall I be paid for such valuable information?"

  “You know I don’t carry much money,” Audra said, her heart fluttering a little. Raphael’s flirting had always been his way, as was trying to bring her into the bargain. But she had never traded her body to that extent. At least, not to him. “But I can have twenty thousand in twenty four hours.”

  Raphael sighed dramatically, leaning back in his chair again. But something had changed in him. She felt it. Saw it in the slow, lazy shake of his head. The utter certainty of his mien and amused despair. Her heart sank as she realized she wouldn’t have enough.

  “Ah, my desert rose,” Raphael sighed. “That would be too late. Indeed, a Market is being held. But tomorrow, early tomorrow before daylight dares its glow. And though I have no doubt you are good for it, the truth remains that there were… matters concerning your last payment too.”

  Audra flushed. Yes. She recalled that vividly.

  She was not afraid of him. He wouldn’t hurt her, at least, not without good reason. He was a gentlemen in his own ways. But in others, he was fierce. He fooled many with his grandiose gestures and merry attitude, but he was an older man. And in the business of smuggling, not many men grow old.

  No, she did not fear him. But there was something in him she was afraid of. Something she had never quite been able to place.

  She saw it again, now. The easy confidence he held. There was a curious attractiveness in it. She felt something respond in her. Yearn for the heavy, older Arab man. She stood. She could leave. He wouldn’t stop her. He would deal, cajole, and bargain, but never force her. She didn’t have to do it. Alistair probably had things in hand.


  The memory of the other agent, amused, infuriatingly clever and quick made her blood boil. No. She would not let him win! A sudden recklessness gripped her.

  “There’s no way I can get the money in that time,” she said, slowly moving about the table, her hips rocking with her steps. She felt his eyes on her. Curious, amused, but following her intently. Her heart beat a little quicker. Her blood warmed her. Walking behind him, she touched his broad shoulders, gently massaging him. “You could help me on this one, Raphael, and we could be a team. You could get to the Market and come up with a cover. And I would be very grateful to you." She stroked one hand over the back of his neck letting him feel her manicured fingernails.

  Raphael hummed, shifting under her skillful touch. A pleased rumble grew from his chest. “Ah my dear. You ask much. Not only my aid, but my reputation to get you into the Market? And all on trust you are good for the money?”

  She leaned forward, put her lips to his ear and whispered, "Certain payments could be made now." Her hands stroked from his shoulders down, feeling the rough hairs of his chest through the pale fabric of his jacket. "I understand I am asking a lot. I think I’m worth it, Raphael. Don't you?"

  His breathing grew deeper as she nibbled at his earlobe. “Ah,” he sighed. “My dear. You are cruel to this old man. If my wife could know how you tempt me, she would never let me leave the house, for fear I would find you once more. And I would cross the seas indeed for the touch of your pale flesh upon me.”

  “Oh?” Audra murmured, her fingers opening his shirt, baring the first inches of his hairy chest. “But wouldn’t it be worth it, my mighty sheik?” She pressed her breasts against his back, her soft mounds molding against him. Her fingers running through the tangled mane of his chest. “What do you need to make this deal, Raphael?”

  "Hmm," the old Arab hummed, his hand stroking her leg. "Ah my dear, but what is money to an old man?" he mused, easing back into the skillful touch of her hands. "When he must spend his time in a cold bed long at night, lying beside a woman who scorns his touch and affections. Might he not wish memories? Ah,” he sighed again. “Yes, memories. Memories fresh as flowers in bloom. Come." He patted his lap commandingly. "Let us discuss terms as friends."

  Audra knew she should stop, but she had already come so far. She swung her legs over his, straddling his lap. She gasped, feeling Raphael’s cock strain the fabric of her pants and push against the s
oft gusset of her mound. Resting her hands on his shoulders, she leaned forward, her breasts pressing against his sloping chest, her face inches from his.

  His heady scent rolled over her. Tobacco, liquor and hashish. Again the raw, masculine smell made her core throb with desire. “I hope these terms are adequate,” she said, wriggling in his lap. “It would hurt a girl to know she isn’t sufficiently…” She leaned forward, lips an inch from his. “Valued…”

  Raphael chuckled. She gasped as his hands began to roam over her body. “Valued? Ah my sweet. Could I value the warmth of the sun? The scent of the roses as they bloomed? The fairness of your skin bared to me? Ah, no my desert rose. I could never be so crass as to value you in such a way.”

  “Then surely I’m not asking much,” she said teasingly, pushing her breasts harder against him, arching against him. “Just some assistance, Raphael.”

  Raphael rolled his head with a sound of despair. “Ah! My star! So be it. To bring you within my reach, I would draw down the heavens. What is this compared to such a feat? Yes! I shall aid you. But I intend to see that you pay me in full this day.”

  Her triumph was overwhelmed by a sudden shock of pleasure as his hands found her breasts. “Ah!” Audra gasped, arching as he palmed her tits, her nipples hardening to points. Her breasts had always been sensitive, and the ache of lust jolted through her from his rough hands. “M-mm… R-Raphael. I thought I’d…”

  “You? Ah my dear,” Raphael breathed, easing back in his chair, one hand wandering to her hip, pulling her against him. “Don’t be so eager my sweet. You are young still, and I am an old man. And it is the purpose of a man to know the body of a woman. To appreciate her beauty and show her his knowledge of it.

  “Yes,” he said, unbuttoning her blouse, baring her creamy breasts, clutched in the grasp of a black, lacy bar. “It is to a man to enjoy the mysterious beauty of the woman. To discover her treasures. What makes her keen and moan and twist as only she can. And you, my lovely rose, are the sweetest to behold.”

  Audra shivered as he undid her bra. His hands were skilled, impossibly so, and his words spiced her pleasure. She moaned as those hands slid across her body, raising goosebumps of pleasure wherever they went. She cried out as his lips captured the hard point of her nipple, nibbling on the hard bud.

  “Oh God!” she gasped, grabbing his head, pulling him against her breasts. She ground her mound against him, feeling his cock strain his paints, ache against her tender folds. “R-Raphael. You’re…you’re very ah!”

  Raphael chuckled, pulling her nipple between his teeth before releasing it. “Ah my sweet. A man who has lived long has seen many things. He has known many women. Yes!” he cried, gripping her rear, rough, hard hands digging into her pale flesh. “A woman is loveliest in youth, in the fullness of her blossoming. But a man ages like fine wine. Only an older man can know the suppleness of a woman. Only with age can he learn to appreciate the true beauty of a woman, and show her the wonders of her own body.”

  “Nnn!” Audra moaned atop him, trembling as he undid her belt, pulling open her pants. “And…and you are such a man?” she gasped.

  Raphael chuckled, listening to her moan as he ran his thumb up the crease of her pussy through her panties. “Ah my dear, I will show you.”

  He pulled down her panties, damp with her juices. His thumb stroked her, making her moan and tremble atop him. Audra had known many lovers. She’d taken men from every corner of the compass. But this was new. This knowing expertise. He seemed to sense what would make her gasp and quiver. Seemed to know every sensitive spot on her body. She felt herself losing control as he again kissed her soft breasts, his unshaved chin roughly rubbing her sensitive flesh. As his finger dug into her heated cunt and stroked her.

  She was shocked as she felt her orgasm grow nearer. This was not how it was supposed to go. “A-ah. R-Raphael! I’m… aaaaah!”

  She stiffened, crying out as she came. Her orgasm rolled through her, shockwaves of pleasure beating through her body. She fell against him, his soft belly cushioning her, her breasts and tender nipples scraping the rough, wiry hair of his chest.

  She lay there, panting. Her legs soaked with her juices. And his cock never even tasting her dewy folds. She blushed like a virgin at the knowledge, feeling strangely helpless in the rough hands of this older man.

  “Not yet,” Raphael murmured. “A girl must know the beginnings of pleasure. The taste of a man’s hands. Ah, my sweet. A woman was made for pleasure. And a man to help her experience it.”

  Audra giggled, drunk with lust, feeling her body stir as his hands stroked her. “Oooh Raphael,” she moaned.

  “Rid yourself of those clothes my dear. I would look on your flesh, so I can engrave every inch in my eyes. A vision to keep me warm in the coldness of my marriage bed, where my wife, cow that she is, scorns my touch like the moon does the sun.”

  “She’s so cruel to you, Raphael,” Audra laughed as she leaned back. She made a show of it. Shrugging off her blouse, letting it slide down her arms to pool on the floor. She slid back down his legs, bending herself over his lap, her ass thrust out. She rubbed her cheek against the bulge of his cock, inhaling the stifled scent. She rocked her wide hips, swinging them side to side, easing her pants off inch by inch before they fell in a pile around her ankles.

  Raphael watched it all, looming over her from the seat, sitting like some modern sultan on his throne. And I am his eager harem slut, Audra thought, giggling softly.

  “You find something amusing, my gift?” Raphael asked.

  “Only that it took so long to bring me to your cock,” Audra said, her fingers working his belt.

  “Ah,” Raphael sighed, lacing his fingers on his stomach with satisfaction. “Yes, it is true. A pity, but your wayward ways, no doubt fostered by your decadent upbringing, kept you from me for so long. But soon you shall taste me truly, my temptress. And my manhood shall let you bloom into a true woman.”

  Audra glanced up at him through her dark lashes. “I have taken cocks before, Raphael.”

  “You have taken the cocks of boys, my wild rose,” Raphael sighed. “For a boy looks upon a woman as something to have. As pleasure something quickly done. Ah!” he said, waving her silent. “Do not deny it my desire. I was a boy once. They called me the Bull, for I took women in such numbers and with such voracity. Until my wife came to me. Ah, she was sweet once. A true rose of the desert! But she has grown to be the cow of my bedroom, her beauty lost as she bore my many sons, and the well of love for me dried in the heat of anger that I robbed her of her figure.”

  “My poor sultan,” Audra said playfully. At last she freed his cock, his length bursting free of his pants, rising before her in a pillar of dusky flesh. She had seen and taken larger. But his girth held a curious fascination to her. “How you have suffered,” she breathed, inhaling the musky scent, her fingers running up the veiny thickness.

  Raphael groaned as she worked. “Ah my treasure, a life of suffering is a small price to pay for the vision that is you. The years of our association, seeing you, yet denied your touch and the splendour of your body. Such was torture.”

  “Such a waste,” Audra murmured, then ran her tongue up his cock, tasting his manhood.

  Raphael groaned as she licked him. “Mmmm. A tragedy my sweet. But one worth the agonies, for they brought me you. And never has so fair a creature graced my presence. Allah himself must have taken a hand in crafting your beauty, for that alone could explain you.”

  Audra blushed harder at his honeyed words. She leaned into his hand as he stroked her blonde hair, dark eyes gleaming from the peak of his body. “Mount me, my rose. Mount this old Bull.”

  “Yes,” Audra murmured. She climbed up him, straddling his lap. Her fluttering pussy hovered over his length as she leaned on his chest. He kissed her then, and as his hot tongue invaded her mouth, she moaned.

  And descended.

  “Mmmmn!” she moaned as his hot length stuffed her pussy. She broke the kiss,
angling back her head, her whole body curling with pleasure as he filled her aching cunt. “Ooooh Raphael!”

  She gasped as he leaned forward and again kissed her sensitive breasts. She took him deep within her, as deep as he could go. At last, his cock hilted inside of her. She came at that moment, pushed past the brink by her treacherous body. She cried out, helpless with desire, trembling atop him, her cunt pulsating around his cock.

  “Oooh,” she moaned.

  Raphael chuckled. “We begin.”

  His hand pulled her up by the ass, then dropped her onto his cock. She gasped, spurred by the sensation. She wanted to feel it again. Her hips rose, then dropped her again down onto his cock as he began to buck his hips, fucking her tender cunt.

  “Ah! R-Raphael! Yes!”

  The old Bull laughed as he began to fuck her. “Take my cock my sweet! Yes. Yes. Let the boys have your maidenhead. I will tame you as only a man can!”

  “Ahhh!” Audra cried, riding him adoringly. “Yes! Yes Raphael! Fuck me! Take me! Claim me!”

  “Yes,” Raphael groaned over the wet slap of his cock thrusting into her cunt. “Yes, my star. I shall claim you. Your body shall be mine. Yes!”

  “Ah. Ah! Ah!” she gasped as his cock filled her aching cunt. “Y-yes! Oh f-fuck! R-Raphael! Raphael!”

  His breathing grew laboured. She felt his cock throb through her own pulsing pleasure. She moaned, riding him harder. Desperate for him.

  “Yes! Cum in me! Cum in me Raphael! Fuck meeee!”

  With a roar Raphael did. His hot seed exploded into her eager depths. Audra cried out, keening as he came within her. She moaned, falling against him, the shock of her orgasm overwhelming her in a sea of pleasure.

  She twitched atop the older man, feeling his cock soften within her. Heard the soft whump of the spinning fan as if from a great distance. She moaned as his hand brushed the swell of her hip.

  “Ah my Star,” Raphael said. “Forgive me.”


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