Agent Vixen Collection

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Agent Vixen Collection Page 8

by Jay Aury

  “You…” Audra murmured. Soft. Shy. “You won’t tell anyone I did this. Will you? It’s just… I have a reputation…”

  Victor von Hammerstein smiled, slowly circling her, his leather riding boots snapping on the stone floor. “Do not vorry, fraulein. Vat occurs vithin my estate stays here. Hmm… Such a lofely form. So pale. You are of excellent stock, mein fraulein.”

  “I… um… Th-thank you?”

  “Hm,” he murmured, eyepiece gleaming coldly. “Normally I vould begin vith ze calipers. But I do not think zat iz necessary here. I believe I vill enjoy discovering your true mettle vith more… in depth tools.”

  His gloved hand glided over a table and the tools of torture there. A shiver of cold fear burred up Audra’s spine.


  The crop snapped against his leg. “Silent!”

  She flinched, meek.

  He stepped nearer. His hand cupped her rear. She gasped, the soft, velvet touch of the gloves strangely alien. Indifferent and demanding as he stroked it up along the crease of her bum. “You are impertinent, mein fraulein. But zat can be corrected!”

  “O-okay, sir,” Audra murmured. His hand left. She gasped as the crop suddenly snapped across her firm bum.

  “Did I ask for your opinion, slave?”

  “Mmmm!” Audra moaned, throwing back her head. “N-no, s-sir. I-I’m sorry.”

  “Believe me, mein fraulein. You vill be. Now on your knees.”

  Slowly, shakily, Audra lowered herself to the cool stone. Her skin tingled with tender desire and a submissive eagerness. Though she was willing enough to be the dom, she knew in her heart of hearts she loved to submit. To be commanded and toyed with, her body admired and used for pleasure. Doubtless why she had found Raphael such pleasant company, though her evening with Alistair had brought pleasures of its own…

  Her thoughts were brought back sharply to the present as she felt the flat tip of the riding crop against her nipple. “Mmmn…” she moaned softly, arching her back, presenting her firm breasts more willingly to the hard touch of the crop.

  Towering before her, von Hammerstein cocked his head back. “You enjoy zis, it vould seem,” Victor observed with wry amusement, flicking her firm nub with the crop, sending a spark of pain shooting into her core.

  “Ahn! I-I guess…” Audra breathed.

  He smiled cruelly. “Vell, by ze time ve are finished, you shall know beyond a shadow of a doubt.”

  The riding crop in his hand trailed down her skin, the touch of the stiff leather tingling. Audra shivered as it ran down the hollow of her belly, stopping against the puffed lips of her cunt. “Oh yes,” Victor breathed. “You vill soon know quite certainly.” He tapped the lust damp lips of her pussy, the light blows nonetheless spearing through her. Making her gasp. He chuckled. “On your feet, slave. I require satisfaction.”

  Audra climbed to her feet, trembling with anticipation and fear. A feeling which only increased as he pointed her to the stocks. Her heart hammering in her ribcage, she bent over, locking her wrists and neck in the padded holes. The heavy top was lowered, trapping her securely. She twitched as the lock snapped.

  Experimentally, Audra moved a little, but the stocks were unyielding. She felt acutely the air brush her bared rump, thrust helplessly out. The feeling of fierce vulnerability grew. She was helpless like this. Utterly at his mercy, and she doubted there would be much of that. She shifted her stance, widening her legs a little.

  She sucked in a breath as the tip of the riding crop ran again along the damp lips of her cunny. “My my,” Victor said. “Vat am I to do with you, mein fraulein? Coming all zis vay to my home. Villingly locking yourself in my stocks.”

  “Ah!” she gasped as the crop flashed across her rear, the sharp, blaze of pain making her jerk forward with surprise.

  “Thrusting your ass out vith such eagerness,” von Hammerstein continued, again tracing the crop along the crease of her bum, her rear trembling as the hard edge pressed against the sensitive inner flesh. “Do you think you deserve my cock, mein fraulein? Do you think you deserve I, Victor von Hammerstein, to fuck you ven you so blatantly present yourself like zis?”

  Again the swat, this time on her hip. “Nnnn!” Audra moaned. She wondered where he would strike next? Impossible to know. Her skin felt acutely sensitive everywhere the longer she waited, the anticipation making her tremble as she waited for the inevitable blow.

  “How very… impertinent.”

  The crop cracked off her ass. A sudden rain of stinging blows blazed all across her rear. “Ahhhh! Mnnnn!” Audra cried out, her ass twitching this way and that with every blow, unable to escape. Unable to fight back. Yet the pain seemed to accent her delight. Her cunt moistened with desire, her core growing warm and blood on fire as it pounded through her veins. Dampness flowed freely down her inner thighs as she twitched, gasped, and jerked to the stinging blows of the riding crop.

  Von Hammerstein said nothing, but his eyes shone in the dark, his monocle like an unblinking white eye set in his face. He stopped his attack, pressed the wedge of the crop’s tip against the lips of her aching cunt. Audra moaned at the touch, lifting her ass a little, pressing it harder against her gash. “My my, fraulein. Are you getting off on zis?”

  “Y-yes,” Audra moaned. “Yes sir! Ohhh. I love it!”

  “Little surprise, mein fraulein. You are a born slut. A whore. But, for being such a good bitch, I suppose I might let you taste my cock.”

  “Th-thank you, sir,” Audra gasped. She tensed as she felt his hands on her ass, his thumb tracing down her hot groove. A zipper hissed in the silence. Her panting breaths echoed in the cold stone chamber. She balled her hands into fists as she felt the head of his cock rub against her gash, teasing her lips, just parting them enough so she could feel his girth against her.

  “Hmm. Such an eager slut. Beg, mein fraulein. Beg for ze cock of I! Victor von Hammerstein!”

  “Pleaaaaaase,” Audra moaned. “Please! Fuck my slutty cunt. I need it! Your slave aches for it! Mnnn! Please sir! Your slave needs your big cock to dominate her slutty cunny.”

  Victor chuckled. “Then, I suppose you may have it.” And he sheathed himself within her.

  Audra shot forward, her shoulders banging against the wooden stocks as his cock slid home. She moaned as her sadistic lover fed himself into her soft depths. “Mmmm!” Audra moaned.

  “You are quite loose mein fraulein. Such a foolish slut.”

  Then, he began to thrust.

  Trapped, bound at his mercy, Audra could only take his cock. She gasped, moaned, instinctively trying to move against the weight of the stocks holding her firm. Her thighs trembled, her ass aching with the sting of the crop’s blows. A submissive glow of delight raced through her as Victor brutally fucked her. His every thrust knocked her forward. Pulled her back. Reminded her of her place at his mercy. She gasped. Panted. Begged. Falling into the role she’d taken.

  “Master! Oh fuck! Masterrrrr!”

  Her orgasm tore through her. She screamed, trembling, held up only by the grace of the stocks supporting her front and Victor impaling her back. Her tormentor grunted, grabbed her hip and shifted his angle, plunging into her with even greater furor.

  Her body answered her brutal fucking with instinct, pressing back to his thrusts, clenching about his cock. She felt him mirror it. Felt his pace increase, his breath grow harsher. He raised his hand and brutally slapped her shuddering red ass.

  “Ah!” she cried at the impact of his hand. “Yes!” Audra screamed at the answering thrust of his cock. “Yes! Please! Punish your slave! Cum in your bitch! Please! Mnn! F-fuck me! Fill meeeee!”

  Victor cursed. Lifted her hips, slammed then down on his cock, and came. Audra cried out, his hot cum racing through her. She shook as another orgasm thundered through her.

  With a grunt von Hammerstein pulled free. Audra sagged, panting, ass trembling from the brutal reaming of her cunt, throbbing from the dozens of stinging blows he’d struck. As she s
tood there, leaning into the stocks, she heard Victor’s shoes snap on the floor as he moved about. Audra lifted her head and found herself facing the mushroom head of his cock.

  “Kiss ze cock of your master, slut,” he commanded.

  Shaking, Audra did so. Then she opened her mouth as he pushed forward, taking his cock between her lips. Victor grunted, grasping her golden hair with evident satisfaction as he roughly thrust into her mouth. Audra moaned around his cock, swirling her tongue as she felt him harden. She tasted their mingled juices with a quaking shiver of unmistakeable delight as he leisurely fucked her face. She rocked to the motions as much as she could, bound in the tight grasp of the padded stocks.

  “Hmmmnnn. Not bad, mein fraulein,” Victor mused, his monocle shining. “So eager and skilled vith your tongue. You’d better be. You haf a minute to get me off, whore. Do you know vat I vill do if you can’t?”

  Audra tried to shake her head without success.

  “I think I vill give you to ze rest of my staff to amuse themselves vith. Vouldn’t you love zat? Locked down here, never seeing who next vill fuck your pretty cunt? An endless parade of cocks sloshing in and out of you? Oh,” he chuckled darkly. “I vould imagine you’d love it.”

  Terror gripped her at such a thought. Would he really? But a glance at his face, lip curled in cruel amusement assured her he meant every word. She focused on his shaft, swirling her tongue around his glans. Breathing heavily through her nose, hollowing her cheeks for more suction. Audra knew near every trick to pleasure a man with her mouth, and she used each one to satisfy him.

  “Oh,” Victor grunted, fucking her more eagerly as she submissively pleasured his shaft. “Yes. I think you’d love that mein fraulein. Just a slut. Being fucked by every man who valks by. Hn… F-fuck. Yes. Yes! Ahhhh!”

  He stiffened and exploded in her. Her throat worked in her effort to drink his spurting cum, desperate to please him. Desperate to satisfy this cruel man before he could do yet worse to her.

  At last, with a grunt, von Hammerstein pulled out of her. Audra gasped, breathing thickly, her tongue thick with the taste of his cock. Shakily, she licked her lips and looked up at him.

  “Th-thank you, master.”

  Victor tittered, pain lancing through her scalp as he gave her head a shake with his fist in her hair. “Good slave. Too good to vaste on Bludghost’s dogs or the guards. No,” he said, leaning forward. “You deserve a real master to keep you.” He ran his thumb along her lips. “And it vould be such a shame to lose such a vonderful whore.”

  Audra swallowed. “But… but master!” she cried. “You… you promised after the weekend I’ll have paid you back.”

  Von Hammerstein laughed, adjusting the cuffs of his riding jacket around his dark gloves. “Ah mein fraulein. It vould be a vaste to lose so rich a bloodline in ze days to come.”

  His words chilled Audra. She looked up at him, and suddenly knew that Alistair had been right. The man before her was up to something. Something big.

  Before she could consider it further he grabbed the lock of the stocks, opening it with a snap. Audra gasped, shakily pushing herself out of the leathery pads.

  Victor chuckled and beckoned with the gloved hand that had brought her such pain and such pleasure. “Come, slave. Come zis vay.”

  “Y-yes, sir,” Audra whimpered. She padded after him and towards the center of the room where a long chain dangled from the ceiling. He grabbed her arms, forced them up and into the cuffs. Audra shivered as the cool metal tightened around her wrists. She tested them, more out of habit. They were hard and secure. The old kinds of cuffs.

  She saw him lock them with a saw toothed key, and hid her smile.

  “M-master?” she whimpered instead. “What are you going to do to me?”

  Victor von Hammerstein flashed an amused grin. He grabbed her chin, the smell of his leather gloves sharp as he turned her beautiful face this way and that. “Hmmm. Zere are so many things I vould delight in doing to you, mein fraulein,” he said. He released her, striding over to the walls. Hands clasped behind his back, he looked fondly at the tools of torment gleaming on their hooks. Audra’s heart beat faster as he touched the whips, his fingers passing over the glinting silver of the fleshing knives. How many women had felt those blades, she wondered, cold sweat trickling down her back. But she didn’t show her terror. She was too good for that. All he saw when he glanced back was doe eyed anticipation for what humiliation would next be visited on her.

  Victor chuckled, and plucked off the walls a leather bullwhip.

  Fear clenched Audra’s stomach. Turning, von Hammerstein looked back at her and grinned, giving the brutal whip a crack that made her ass clench instinctively. “Vell, mein fraulein,” he mused, circling her, his monocle shining like the eyes of a wolf in the dead moonlight. “You haf had ze pleasure. Now, vould you like ze pain?”

  Audra swallowed. “M-master. I-“



  “Ah!” Audra screamed, jerked forward, a tongue of fiery pain lancing across her back.

  “You do not make a decision,” von Hammerstein chided as he coiled the whip again. “You are to experience your master’s vill. And I! Victor von Hammerstei, vish you pain!”

  Again the whip snapped out. Audra screamed, jerking forward as hot agony again flowered across her back. Her head pounded. A red haze threatened to fall like a curtain before her eyes. It hurt so much! So terribly.

  So wonderfully.

  “Mnnn!” Audra cried as the whip again licked across her back. Her cunt clenched. Her breasts throbbed with the exquisite anguish of pain. How like pleasure it could be! She whimpered, bowing her head.

  Tutting, von Hammerstein cocked back his head. “Haf you had enough?” he asked, his voice seeming to come from a great distance.

  Panting, Audra sagged from her cuffs. She cast a shaky look over her shoulder. “P-please, sir.” Trembling, she thrust out her rear. “Give it to me.”

  Lifting a single, sharp eyebrow, von Hammerstein laughed, cruel and riotously, the sound echoing in the perfect confines of the dungeon. “So eager mein fraulein! Ha! You are a vonder. Such an eager slut.” He cocked back his arm and snapped forth the whip again.


  “Ahh!” Audra cried.




  She whimpered, pain mingling with a perverse pleasure. She quivered in her chains, sweet, delicious agony seared across her back.

  Cruel delight on his face, von Hammerstein drew back the whip again. “And now-“

  The door to the dungeon slammed open.

  Victor jumped with surprise. He twisted about in a fury. “Vat! How dare you disturb I! Victor von Hammerstein! Vat ze devil do you vant!”

  Bludghost pushed through the door, blocking the light from beyond. He tapped his wrist.

  “Vat? Already? Dem!” Victor turned back to Audra as she sagged from the chains, her whole body thrumming with lust. He smiled in amusement. “My dear,” he said, bending forward and cupping her chin, the simple touch like an electric shock to Audra’s desperately sensitive skin. “It appears I haf been called avay. I must leave you for a time. But don’t vorry. Vhen I, Victor von Hammerstein, return, I vill ensure you are properly sated.”

  Audra licked her plumped red lips, her breath hitching. “Th-thank you… master…”

  Victor chuckled and released her. He shoved his cock back into his pants and left the dungeon, slamming the door shut in his wake.

  Audra took a moment to recover her strength, listening to his steps depart. But she didn’t wait too long. Didn’t dare to. Resolve grew in her once more. The pain of her tortures faded to the back of her mind. Something had called him away. And Audra just bet that something that would tear a man away from torturing a beautiful woman had to be important indeed. Far too important for her to waste another second.

  Despite her spent state, Audra flexed her arms and slowly bent them, pulling herself off
the floor, wincing as the cuffs dug into her wrists. He arms trembled as she pushed her head into the reach of her hands.

  Her muscles burning with the strain, her fingers shakily reached into her hair, wrestling free a bobby pin interlaced in her blonde locks. “Ahnnn. Ha!” She gasped as she got the bit of metal free. She released her hold, dropping to pant and dangle again at the ends of the chains. But only for a moment. Then, licking her lips, she turned the pin about, working it into the lock of her cuff. She listened intently to the tumblers move in the simple handcuffs. The locks clicked, opened, and she was free.

  For a moment she simply stood there, massaging her aching wrists. But there wasn’t time for relief. Her bare feet slapped the cold stone as dashed up the steps to the door of the dungeon. Easing it open, she peered through the dark space and into the corridor, just catching von Hammerstein as he rounded the corner, pulling on some kind of dark jacket. She hurried after, her body still abuzz with arousal. Her back burning with the bloody stripes of the whip’s marks. At the corner she paused, sneaking a look past.

  Victor von Hammerstein stood not far, examining a massive painting of an ancient man in the black uniform of the Waffen SS. As she watched he pressed a small nub of the frame’s elaborate gilt, and the painting opened on silent hinges, revealing a staircase behind. With Bludghost close at hand, von Hammerstein descended.

  Audra held herself back with effort as the hidden door swung back. She gave it nearly a minute before slipping across the hallway. Looking up at the painting, she grimaced at the stern, angry eyes of von Hammerstein’s ancestor. Finding the same spot among the filigree, she pushed. She stepped back as the painting swung wide, and with a wary glance back, slipped inside.

  Covert Affairs

  The tunnels were narrow and claustrophobic, but strung with electric lights. It was like descending into a mine, though Audra doubted many miners went naked like her. Her ass was still stinging from the welts too, which was an unwelcome distraction.

  Well, she’d done crazier things, she thought ruefully.


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