Obsidian Mask

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Obsidian Mask Page 26

by Scarlett Dawn

  I was confused. “Why would your brother attack you then?”

  “Because he was one my wife fucked on a regular basis.”

  Oh. My. God.

  I held him tighter as he continued. “I truly think that’s why he did what he did. He was in love with her. Everyone knew it. He didn’t exactly hide his desire for her. He never had.” He pressed me harder against the wall. “He killed her first. Classic spurned lover. And then, he came after me. Left me for dead. And then he…” His body shook so damn hard I was afraid he was going to fall. “He went after Grigori. What he did to him…”

  His breath caught, and my mind raced trying to put it all together. The only thing that made sense was what that insane man had said about putting a person Daniil loved in the prostitution rings.

  Oh, dear God. I might puke.

  Daniil’s voice boomed through the bathroom as he continued, “But Grigori got free and killed them all. Fucking all of them. Including my godforsaken brother.”

  I stilled, hearing the truth and venom in his voice…not to mention the pride. I didn’t know what to think of that. It wasn’t something I could reason through right now because…well, I believe in an eye-for-and-eye. If Grigori had gone through any of what that sick fuck said in Daniil’s study, I was sure I could have condoned his actions.

  “I lost my children when Grigori took them and ran away with them, protecting them from anyone who would come after him. You see, he was given false information about my welfare, and he didn’t believe it safe to be at home. So he disappeared. With Eva, Roman, and Artur. For seven years. And I couldn’t find them.”

  He hissed, “And this all happened over a fucking girl. My wife. Her whorish ways. My choices. The fact that I didn’t stand up to Papa and his dictates. It all could have been stopped if I had just taken the kids and left her. But instead, I messed up. And my children were hurt because of it.”

  Gripping me tight, he stated, “That won’t fucking happen again. If I ever choose to marry for a second time, it will be because I love the woman with all my heart and she loves me just as fiercely. I won’t let anyone tell me what to do again. That’s why I’m a harder boss than my father ever was even when he controlled everything. It was the only way I could be taken seriously with the wife I had. I do it now, I stay in power, because my children and I have too many enemies. If I were to give it all up, everyone I love would be taken out just for spite. Or, for some, revenge.”

  I sucked in a breath. “None of what happened to you or your kids is your fault. You didn’t make your wife sleep around. You didn’t tell your brother to try to kill and hurt everyone. They did that. Together, they did that. Not you.”

  Daniil stayed quiet.

  I ran my fingers through his hair again. “But, you already know this. You’re too smart not to. And yet, you still take the blame.”

  “I should have stopped her earlier. Taken the children.”

  “And who’s to say your brother wouldn’t have done what he did, anyway? He sounds like he was a very jealous man.”

  Daniil nodded against my shoulder. “He was always jealous of me.”

  I nodded with him. “You know better than to blame yourself. You’re the smartest man I know. Do the math. It would have happened sometime.” I stroked his hair. “You know it wasn’t your fault. You sacrificed. Gave your kids what they needed growing up. And then, your brother took. You’re not to blame.” I sucked in a breath. “And, although your dad didn’t do everything right, he wasn’t to blame, either.” That was the truth.

  Daniil was silent for so long, I started to worry, leaning my head back to look at him. He gazed at me through the water and snorted…and then chuckled. I watched him warily, wondering if he was going to have another mini-breakdown. He asked through his soft laughing, “For someone so young and inexperienced, you give excellent advice.”

  I closed my eyes and rested my head back. “I just figure, no matter how old the parent, as long as they’re of well mind and body, they’re all a pain in the ass. But they mean well, even if they are a little misconstrued.”

  Daniil’s body really started shaking as he laughed. “God, you’re adorable. Smart. Beautiful. And fucking perfect.” He kissed me lightly, saying against my lips, “How did I get so damn lucky to find you?”

  I shrugged again, feeling better that I had helped him. “I am the preacher’s daughter. God gave me to my best match.”

  Daniil grinned against my lips. “You really believe that.”

  Not a question, but I kissed him softly. “I do.”

  That night, after a harrowing day of avoiding Daniil’s dad and Daniil talking with his kids—since most of them had thought their parents relationship perfect—and giving Ember her books and tapes back in exchange for my mousse, the entire lot of us were dressed pretty damn snazzy. We were going out to dinner. I wore a little black dress—that was a little snug around my belly since I had been eating so much—with the pearls Daniil gifted me. Daniil was in all black, matching me with wool pants, dress shoes, and a V-neck cashmere sweater. I was proud to say, my curls had been manageable, so my hair only looked halfway inhuman. I wore contacts, not because Daniil thought I looked better with them, but because I thought so with this outfit.

  My parents were even along for the ride after a little persuasion from Daniil, pretty much guilting them into keeping his dad busy since he insisted on joining them. His kids were abnormally quiet. Ember, Chloe, and Kirill were trying to get them out of their funk they’d been in all day—they seriously didn’t even go into work today after hearing the news about their mom…and the fact that they were upset with Roman because he hadn’t told them…but he was even quieter than normal staring out a window silently.

  It was Daniil’s dad who was making the most racket, arguing—good Lord—with my dad about something in the Bible. It appeared his father knew his Bible verses and was going toe-to-toe with my dad trying to prove a point about whether or not it was all right to—ahem—take care of someone if they stole from you. Yeah, interesting conversation there.

  Daniil actually looked a little amused, but he turned his attention from them, asking me loudly, “Beth, is Katie going to be at the restaurant?”

  I blinked because we had already discussed this. In fact, he had specifically asked me to invite her to dinner with us. And…then…I noticed Artur’s eyes zoning in and out, darting to us. I turned my attention to the side window, so he could see my expression, and said in a normal voice, “Yes. She’ll be there.” I paused and had a moment of worry, but shrugged it off. “She’s bringing a friend of ours, Merc Farris, with her.”

  Daniil stiffened. “A friend of both of yours?”

  “Mmm-hmm,” I stated casually. Fuck, I hadn’t even thought of that. Merc was handsome as hell. All golden skinned and dark hair and eyes. Not to mention a body to die for. “Just a really good friend of ours.” But he wasn’t what any of them was going to expect.

  My dad’s gaze darted to me, and then Daniil, stating, “They’re really just friends. You don’t need to kill him or anything. He’s a good kid.”

  I tried not to gawk at my dad as he grinned at Daniil and then went back to arguing with Daniil’s dad.

  “What does he look like?” Ember asked, hitting the nail on the head.

  I tried not to scowl at her. “Handsome.”

  “Is he single?” Eva asked, finally breaking her mold and paying attention.

  I nodded slowly. “But he’s not…er…” I sighed. “He wouldn’t be interested in someone like you. Or me. Or anyone in this car for example.”

  Eva’s eyebrows came together as the limo came to a stop in front of the restaurant. “And why not? Is he practicing to be a monk or something?”

  I shook my head quickly, seeing the photographers all around the limo and a bodyguard getting ready to open our door. “No. But you’ll see soon enough.” I didn’t have time to explain.

  Daniil was looking at me with raised eyebrows, but bent over a
nd kissed me gently right before the door opened. Then he was pulling me out of the car swiftly and tucking me in close to his side as flashes went off. Someone had tattled about our reservation. We were having Italian, which I was grateful since I was starving, and I was sure the dive we would be going to after this would only have greasy unhealthy—yummy—food, so I was going to fill up here first so I wouldn’t be tempted to do so later on.

  And again, amazingly, it was Micah’s voice I heard over everyone else’s who was shouting our name as we slowly made our way to the front door. He stuck his hand through the bodyguards when they were busy with others, and yelled, “Is it a boy or a girl, Elizabeth?”

  And…I knew I shouldn’t, but I snatched his tape recorder from him before his arm was thrown back and tossed it into my clutch. Dick.

  Daniil’s shoulders started shaking, and he stared down at me as the shouting changed from us to Grigori and Ember since they must have exited the limo behind us and then Eva and Artur. It was kind of nice to have some of the attention pulled off us, and Daniil leaned down, asking, “Was that really necessary. I know what you did to the poor man in the elevator.”

  I huffed. “I’m going to have a talk with Trofim.”

  He chuckled outright as we reached the front doors, and he hurried me inside to the main foyer where the photographers weren’t allowed. We waited for the rest of our group, and once everyone was inside safely, the hostess took us back to a private room where Katie, Merc, and Mary would be waiting. We got more than a few stares from actual—in my opinion—celebrities who were eating in the restaurant as we followed along, Daniil’s hand resting possessively on the small of my back.

  I tried to ignore it, but it was a little unusual. Especially when one of the starlets of a new season hit, stopped us and gave me her phone number, asking if we could have lunch sometime. I was a little taken aback, and Daniil seemed to sense this, smiling charmingly at the girl right around my age, telling her I would call her. Yeah, thanks, Daniil. I had heard a few things about her, and she wasn’t someone I really wanted to hang with. Hell, the way she smiled coyly at Daniil pretty much confirmed that, and I politely—er, yeah—stepped in front of him, handing back her card and tugged him along, earning another chuckle from him.

  “That wasn’t very nice,” he murmured against my hair as we skirted another table of gawkers.

  “Screw nice,” I muttered, glancing back over my shoulder at Ms. Coy.

  Daniil laughed at that, and everyone who hadn’t been watching us before did so at the sound of his deep, infectious, booming laugh.

  “Great. Now everyone’s staring,” I muttered, elbowing him, not helping the situation since it only made him laugh harder. “Quit that!”

  He gurgled and tried to stop, staring down at me. “Were you jealous?”

  “No.” I sighed. “Yes.”

  Daniil pulled me tighter, stating calmly, cutting off his laughter, “I’m loyal. Don’t ever think I’m not.”

  I rested my head against his shoulder, nodding. Yeah, I knew that. Especially, after what he told me today. But it still didn’t mean I liked seeing women flirt with him. “Just try to keep the charm level down with the women who want to fuck you, all right?”

  Daniil snickered again. “All right.” The hostess opened a door to our private area, and Daniil stopped, seeing who was inside. It was Mary, Zane—surprise, Katie, and Merc. His eyes were glued to Merc, who stood, smiling at me, and Daniil growled, “Just a friend?”

  Yep, Merc looked as hot as he normally did. “Yep. Just a friend.” I glanced at Daniil and smiled at his furious face, making sure my curls covered my mouth. “But be careful because he can lip read.”

  Then I patted his chest and went and hugged my longtime friend. Merc picked me up and twirled me around, setting me down gently and placing a hand on my stomach, mouthing, “Pregnant?”

  I nodded.

  Merc was off and running, signing to me as he grinned away, flashing that beautiful smile of his. I knew Daniil had crept up behind me and stood there a moment in probably shock since he went stiff when Merc started signing.

  I immediately started interpreting for Daniil, who was smart enough to know when someone is deaf, you look at the person signing, not the person interpreting. I said quickly, “Congratulations! How far along are you?”

  I sighed back and said aloud, “Almost six weeks.”

  Merc stared at my stomach and his eyebrows pinched together. He signed, “Only six weeks?”

  I said that last bit aloud for Daniil, but my jaw gaped.

  I glanced down at my only slightly tight dress and shoved his shoulder. I signed and said aloud, “That’s just rude! And what is it with everyone touching my stomach?” The damn servants in the house had even been doing it and then crooning to my stomach while they fondled my flat belly.

  He touched my stomach again and smiled softly, and then signed, “It’s a baby! All babies are precious.”

  I grinned. Signed and said, “Not one baby. I’m having triplets.”

  I was pretty sure his eyes couldn’t get any bigger, and he glanced over my shoulder to Daniil and mouthed, “Damn!”

  Daniil chuckled and moved next to me…and freaking started signing and speaking, “I’m Daniil. Father of the triplets. It’s nice to meet you, Merc.”

  Merc glanced at me, winking. Approval was given.

  They were off, signing, meeting, and greeting each other—along with the rest of his family—while Grigori, Daniil, Katie, or I interpreted for him.

  When we sat down, I asked Daniil quietly, “Is there anything you don’t know?”

  He grinned at me, pointing at his menu. “Wine. I don’t know squat about wine.”

  Well, neither did I—so that didn’t help much.

  His laugh increased and he leaned over kissing my forehead.

  Eva had strategically placed herself next to Merc, and she kept glancing at him. Apparently, the deaf thing wasn’t an issue for her, but her being a ‘hearing’ was a turn off for Merc. He didn’t date anyone unless they were deaf. His parents had divorced because his mother was deaf and his father was hearing. The relationship had too many complications and he led by their lead. So he was politely ignoring her. The gentle brush off.

  Daniil was watching this as he watched everything, so I took the opportunity to ask Mary, who sat beside me, “What’s up with you and Zane?”

  Mary grinned at me, throwing her arm around Zane’s shoulders, stating, “We’re having a torrid love affair. Sex all day and night.”

  “Mary…” my mom said disapprovingly, “language.”

  Zane chuckled outright, glancing at Mary where she clung to him.

  Mary’s eyes opened innocently behind her glances, “No. Really. He can go all night long.”

  My mom rolled her eyes and averted her attention from them.

  I stated dryly, “Now that you’re done scandalizing my mom, what’s up?”

  Mary blinked at me. “What? I was telling the truth.” She reached under the table and cupped his cock under the table, making Zane jump a little. “Seriously.” She glanced up at Zane, puckering her lips. “Isn’t that right, baby?”

  Zane stared down into her eyes and said softly and deeply, “Oh, yeah. And tonight I’m gonna go all night long again.” And…he bent his head down where she rested her head on his shoulder…and flat out kissed her.

  I jerked back. Staring. Jaw dropped. Well, because there was some definite tongue action going on there.

  Yep. Pretty much the whole table shut up and gawked right along with me.

  The kiss didn’t last all that long, but Mary and Zane parted, staring at each other, and Mary said in a deeply drawn out voice, “You’re gonna have to do better than that tonight, stud.” She took her hands off his junk and patted his leg.

  And swear to God, they both started laughing.

  Mary waved her hands at everyone. “We’re just kidding. You guys can shut your mouths.”

  Zane snorted hard
, pointing at Ember, whose jaw was only slowly closing. “Fuck, Ember. You gonna be all right?”

  She stuck her tongue out at him. “You suck.” Then she jerked her head at my dad. “There’s a preacher at the table.”

  My dad stated dryly, “As if that stopped you this morning from playing tonsil hockey with Grigori.”

  Ember’s cheeks pinked and she shut her mouth, managing to turn her glare on me somehow.

  I ignored her, and pointed back and forth between Mary and Zane, asking my cousin, “So you two aren’t…”

  Mary bit into some bread before passing Zane a roll he started to butter. “No. Just hanging out at lunch.” Her head cocked. “And we went to see a movie. Just friends, though.”

  She shrugged. Zane shrugged.

  They were serious.

  I guess there could be weirder things.

  “You went to see…a movie?” Ember asked quietly, baffled by this.

  “I know it’s mundane stuff, Ember. But I do enjoy seeing a show that’s not rated G every once in a while,” Zane stated, just as dryly as my dad had to her.

  Ember’s mouth shut, and she said softly, “Well, I guess it’s a good thing I moved out so the girls are only there half the time.” She busied herself putting her napkin in her lap and grabbing a roll.

  It dawned on me. Ember missed everyone in her old house.

  Mary glanced at me, apparently noticing something was up…and she missed the roll that went flying through the air from Grigori, chucked right at Zane’s head. Pegged him straight in the nose, too, when he was getting ready to take a bite. I stifled a laugh, watching as Zane managed to catch it on its rebound, and he turned scowling eyes on Grigori, who was in turn glaring at him and jerking his head at Ember, who was oblivious as she cut into her roll.

  Mary caught the gist, though, and she elbowed Zane.

  Zane’s expression cleared, and I swear his eyes went soft seeing Ember’s clear discomfort. He cleared his throat and asked, “Ember, maybe you and Grigori could come out with Mary and me to a movie or something sometime.” He popped the bread into his mouth, saying around it when her—Jesus, slightly wet eyes glanced at him. “If it’s not too mundane for you two.”


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