Elmora: Realm Walker Series Book One

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Elmora: Realm Walker Series Book One Page 26

by Anna LaVerne

  Garrik was waiting near the crack for the rest of us to join him. As I stepped closer I realized that Tomilson was right. It was an optical illusion. From a distance it appeared to be a simple crack in the boulder, but as you closed in you could see it was the way the crack was notched out. The boulder actually had an opening large enough to fit one horse and rider. The inside looked pitch black as if you were going to walk into a shallow cave.

  “I will go first, Vera follow a step behind me, and then Echo and Tomilson in no particular order.” Garrik giving orders again.

  “You sound like Sir Tomilson when you give out structured orders like that. Let us go through however we see fit. If I am naturally second then so be it.” I grinned at Garrik. I know he likes to have control of the situation, but he knew as well as I that Median guards will be on the other side.

  “Whatever little Vera.” He grabbed my hand and we stepped through. Garrik first and me naturally second.

  It was pitch black the first three steps in and then we saw a small light. Another three or four steps later we were through. Three guards are sitting around a fire drinking elf wine with their horses standing behind them.

  Chapter Thirty

  Echo and Tomilson squeezed in behind Garrik and I. Garrik cleared his throat. All three of the guards jumped to their feet.

  “Prince Garrik!” The leader gave a deep bow. The other two guards followed suit.

  “We were told to watch this gate that you may be coming through, but we didn't realize it would be so soon. I apologize for being caught unaware.” The guard was of average build and dark hair. He was not as tall as Garrik, but seemed to be fit and capable.

  “You need not worry about us, but I would like at least one of you to keep an eye on the gate at all times. I know it is one we keep secret, but secrets have a way of sometimes being found. Please be diligent. We will take one of your horses for the High Queen to ride and leave the other two.” Garrik explained nothing further. All three men dropped to their knees as we walked around the fire and Garrik grabbed the closest mare. Echo tossed me up on to her back to avoid any embarrassment I'd face by attempting to climb the large mount. Especially since I seem to be in human klutz mode. I looked down at my fingers and saw my golden skin reflect the fire. I must look like quite the sight. High Queen dressed in human clothing with golden eyes and reflective skin. Short curly black velvet hair stuffed under a human beanie to keep my pointy ears warm. The men situated themselves on either side of the horse. Garrik took the reins and lead me along as both Echo and Tomilson kept a hand on a leg as if they were in fear I could randomly disappear.

  “How far do we have to go?” I asked in a hush tone. I felt that there must be a reason why they are being so careful.

  “Just around the bend, not far.” Garrik answered.

  “Then what is with this over protection and why can't I hold the reins?”

  Garrik shrugged. “It felt natural. Didn't give it much thought.”

  “Are we safe here?” I asked

  “Yes, I couldn't imagine any of King Talon's men getting this close without raising alarm. We have scouting stations camouflaged thick throughout this area. Although I am sure Prince Echo would have done a better job, I still feel it is sufficient.”

  We were making our way around the bend and the road stayed dark. “Shouldn't there be lanterns through here, if we are that close?” I asked

  “Not here. This is a hidden fort. The enemy would have no idea it exists. At least they shouldn't. We had never even told Echo about it because Median likes to keep some things secret just in case.”

  I looked ahead seeing nothing but trees, darkness, and a clear star speckled dark sky, “Where is it then?” I asked again.

  “Right here.” Garrik turned my horse down a path I had not previously seen. It was narrow and everyone had to turn into a single file line. The path went down into a shallow creek. The water ran clear over smooth flat stones. The moonlight reflected off the shallow water. I knew the water had to be frigid and am grateful that my Elf-men had on tall elf boots. As soon as we crossed we went through a wall of thick prickly vegetation that seemed to open just enough to let us pass. Once through the wall there were elf lanterns everywhere. We walked into an open field filled to the brim with tents, campfires, and soldiers. The smell of fresh cooked meat drifted to my nose filling my senses causing my mouth to water. The scouts walking the edge had noticed us and with a bow let us pass. Everyone knew who Garrik was.

  “Take off your hat Vera. Let the people see you as you pass,” Garrik instructed as he continued to lead my horse along. I did not argue. I removed my beanie and shook out my shoulder length bob of hair. I could feel the nip of cold air on the tips of my pointed ears. I knew that my tan skin would be reflecting gold off the lights of the fires. Sure enough as Garrik had said they began to take notice. It started with the scouts walking the perimeters and then flowed inward. Everyone stood placing their fist over their hearts and dropped to a knee.

  I wanted to acknowledge as many elves I could by making eye contact and would give a small wave or a nod. I wanted to convey that I saw them and I was grateful for their presence. The sheer number of people we walked through brought tears to my eyes. These people were willing to go to war and risk their lives for me and their kingdoms. I knew it wasn't all for me they were staying loyal to their kings, but I still fully appreciated it.

  “And you, my Queen. They know who you are and they are here for you too.” Tomilson whispered at my side. With that I lost it. I loved these people and felt like everyone of them was my child and I needed to protect them. The same warmth I felt earlier in the night when I sent love to my husbands washed through me again. This time it felt like it sprung from a never ending well of love and comfort. It swooshed out of me down through my horse and flowed through the ground into every soldier we passed. I heard the gasps through the crowd. Some stood and looked at me with a me for a hug I could see faint lines appearing at the corner of his eyes.

  “Thank you Vera for bringing my son home to us. I am glad you have arrived in time to get some rest and sustenance before we go into battle.”

  “No, thank you King Rew for bringing these people together," I gestured to the courtyard, "I never in my wildest dreams imagined such a place.” I paused again to take in the sight of it all. Everyone was watching us, “I have a strong urge to protect this place and these people.”

  “That is and was always your job my Queen,” King Rew put his hand upon my shoulder and walked with me into the nearest tree. Upon entering I saw Sarah and the rest of my personal guards awaiting me. I lost my decorum and ran to embrace Sarah. She obviously didn't know what to do and went completely rigid.

  “I-I-I am happy to see you as well my Queen.” She responded uncomfortably.

  “Please, Sarah, call me Vera unless we are in front of strangers.” I looked around scanning the richly furnished room which had a large fireplace as the centerpiece. “Where is Finley and Rose?”

  “They are in the war room. I told them once you arrived we would bring you there.”

  I nodded to King Rew and turned into Garrik who had not left my side. I reached down and grabbed his left hand squeezing it for support. I couldn't even tell he was missing a finger. I still felt the tingles from our matching flames. Prince Echo patted my shoulder with his massive hand to remind me he was there as well as if I needed reminding.

  “I need to use the privy before we head to the war room,” I sent to my men.

  “I am going to show Queen Vera to our rooms for fresh clothing. We will meet in the war room shortly.” There was a flutter of talk going on and Garrik stopped it all so I could use the bathroom. He turned me around and we began to climb the staircase that wound up the inside of the tree. We climbed all the way to the top and then out a door. The tree was peppered with lanterns. We zig zagged across bridges up and up past tree house after tree house. Just as I opened my mouth to complain we came to a giant tree house in the cen
ter of the tree.

  “Welcome to your rooms my Lady,” Garrik gave a deep bow as he opened the door. I was giddy that I was finally going to get to stay in a tree house. The room was made of cedar so it smelt like an old cabin in the woods. There was a fire burning in a stone wood stove in the center. The room was circular with comfy seating scattered around the wood stove. Echo looked around and then plopped down onto one of the large couches as Garrik led me to the nearest door. We entered a bedchamber with the biggest bed I had ever seen in it. It was big enough to fit me and my three men. At the foot of the bed there was a single chest.

  “It contains clothing for all four of us. Sorry, it is hard to get an extensive of a wardrobe here.”

  “Oh Garrik, like that is something I even care about., I reached in and sifted through the clothing. My clothing was all white, green, and gold in color. I pulled out one of the tunics that were long in the back and short in the front. I went through a door off to the side which I correctly assumed was the bathroom. There was no warm tub to rest your muscles in. Instead there was a shower that was open to the rest of the room. It was on the smaller side, but still much much bigger than the bathroom of mine in the Human Realm. I used the privy and changed clothes quickly. The faster we made it to the war room the quicker I would get to eat.

  “Okay, Let us plan a battle!” I said entering the sitting area again. I looked up to see Garrik and Echo both changed back into royal clothing. Faces looking grim. They both nodded at me as Garrik once again took the lead. Echo placed his hand on the small of my back gesturing ahead. I am trying to be upbeat, but I can see the pending battle has worn on my husbands. Echo is saddened because it is against his family and he knows of my desire to end King Talon. Garrik is somber because war is not something he wants to ever be a part of. He is my gentle Prince. Tomilson is working with my guards. I really could use his level head right now. Support that didn't make me feel guilty for the position we were in.

  I know the walk was a long one, yet it felt like it took no time to get there. Lost in my thoughts we were in the war room before I even knew it. I was once again the center of attention as Rose jumped on me first with hugs. Her hair a bubblegum pink. It makes her red eyes seem more jubilant than discerning. I looked about the room to find Finley was the only one who didn't get up when I entered. He was somber in a chair looking down at some papers set before him. He briefly looked up when he felt my eyes upon him.

  “High Queen Vera of Elmora, I would like to introduce you to King Si from our neighboring Kingdom of Easterly.” King Rew introduced me.

  “King Si, well met. I am grateful for your presence.” King Si looked at me from green eyes that were much like my own. His hair a short sandy blonde. He looked to be one of the youngest monarchs I have yet to see.

  “You were never forgotten in the Kingdom of Easterly, my Queen. My father was ancient and remembered when you reigned supreme. He often spoke of a time when war was unheard of and that every Kingdom lived in peace. If there was a conflict the High Queen and her council would have settled it before it grew out of hand. When the Fae Wars arrived he said we could no longer trust the High Council. From that point on Easterly has kept to itself. He said that the High Queen always returns and when she does Easterly should be ready to stand by her side. So, I am here today my Queen, to do as my father would have done and stand with you against King Talon and the Kingdom of Solas.” King Si sent a dirty look to Finley who was pretending not to hear any of what was said.

  Once all introductions were made food arrived and everyone went to work. I faded into the background as I listened to each of them discuss what we should do the next day. How we will send troops and where I would be in it all. Many didn't want me to be there at all which was the only time I spoke up. I had to be there. This was all because of me, what kind of monarch would I be if I did not lead my people into battle? It was getting late when we finally came to some kind of agreement. I would be placed within the center of the army. The reserves would be positioned behind me and the front lines in front of me. I will be surrounded by my personal guard. I insisted that Finley and my three men be with me as well. I would not make the mistake of walking into battle on my own again. When it was all said and done I told them to continue the fine details with Echo who knew his Father best. I took Tomilson and Garrik transporting us back to our tree house. We needed sleep for tomorrow there was going to be a battle.we. Others bowed deeper setting their fore heads to the earth. I could no longer look at them. I did not deserve the devotion they gave me. Yet I was glad I was able to show them how much I loved them all and how grateful I am.

  Chapter Thirty-one

  天era. Wake sister. Today is the day you take back Elmora,” I hear the words, but I do not have a sister so I try to dig down deeper into my large bed.

  “I am Vera, I don't have a sister. Go away.” I mumbled in my half asleep

  “Yes, you do have a sister and now you need to WAKE UP!” Besa shouted as my blankets were swept off the bed from me. I sat up still confused about what just happened.

  “Vera, your sister has come to stand with you, but I told her I didn't think the elvish would take kindly to her presence.” Garrik stepped forward helping me out of bed. I looked about the room and sure enough my super white super fairy twin sister was standing in the room with me. Her iridescent wings seemed smaller to fit within the space of the tree house.

  “Besa?” She smiled, “I thought it was a dream because I had not heard from you since.”

  “You have been busy as of late and I can not track you easily within the Human Realm. I heard you made it to Inferious. That is a nasty place. I have never gone that far from Faerie.”

  “It is true. What horse do you have in this race to be here today?”

  “You, you are my sister. I never agreed with how you decided to rule your realm as a Queen constantly being reborn. You always said it made you more real to your people. So much so it seems they had conspired against you, tortured you, killed you, and now King Ramsey's descendant is trying to do it again. I am here to make them pay for what they did.” Besa looked so young, innocent, and sweet, but from her words and how she said them she is savage.

  “Rumor has it you already did as much during the Fae Wars,” I answered her with skepticism. I should trust her she is my sister, but I don't think my relationship with Besa was always loving. My gut was telling me to be wary.

  “I did, and I regret how harshly I came for your people. I also regret that my reasoning was lost in translation. You are not just a High Queen, Vera. You are a Goddess and if you had ruled as one no one would have dared to torture you.”

  “I am not a Goddess. Though I agree with Garrik. The elven people will not be accepting of you. I need them to trust me, and would they do so if they knew that Besa the High Queen of Faerie was my twin sister?”

  “Goddess. I am the Goddess of Faerie. as you are the Goddess of Elmora. My people know the difference. Yours do not. They reference their Goddess, but they no longer know who she is. You are she. Elmora was gifted to you by our Mother as Fairy was gifted to me. Your innate ability to realm walk was another gift from our Mother that she gave to you exclusively. It seems she also gave it to Garrik as a way to bring you home.”

  “No matter I agree with Garrik. You can not go into battle at my side if I am going to win over the hearts of the Dark Elves fighting for King Talon. I appreciate your offer, and invite you to watch only.”

  “No, I will glamor myself and stay by your side. I will join your guards. I refuse to abandon you again," Besa looked sincere so I nodded my approval.

  “But you will not act at all. Let me do this. how I want,” She nodded and walked from the room. I was left to dress swiftly as I still needed to ride through the ranks prior to marching. I chose green leathers with a white and gold tunic.

  I exited my room taking my Elf-men and teleported us to the main room at the base of the tree. No one even noticed us appear. The room was full of peopl
e running about and prepping for war. Sir Tomilson was there with Sarah and the rest of my guards waiting for our arrival. I exchanged hugs with Tomilson holding him as close as I could. I had not seen him much since we arrived. He has been far busier than I. He lead me out the door and helped me upon my horse. All of these actions were said with minimal words. I knew the plan from the night before. Prince Echo has been lost in thought since we have arrived and Garrik appeared somber. Nerves began to knot themselves within my belly.

  My horse was all black like the one from my memory. His mane was braided back to stay out of the way. By my leg stood a small page with her hair covered by a brown hood. She tilted her head back sending me a small smile. Besa. True to her word she was going to walk into battle at my side. Prince Echo, Garrik, and Tomilson all mounted their horses and we rode out of the courtyard. The campground had been transformed overnight. It was no longer full of tents, but instead scouts turned soldiers. It was a flurry of people finding their positions and groups. Generals yelling over the tops of them directing traffic. The bowmen were gathering extra arrows onto carts pulled by horses. Up ahead of us was General Talbot, King Rew, King Si, Councilman Tyrel, and Finley.

  Finley rode his horse over to join my men and I. “My Queen. all is ready. Scouts are reporting that King Talon's forces have begun to move into position.” I nodded. This all felt so wrong. I was sick to my stomach.

  “Something isn't right,” I said under my breath to Echo and Besa who were the closest to me.

  “I agree. I told them not to trust my Father to play fair.”

  The line had begun to move so I spurred my horse forward at a walk. The foreboding had begun to ring in my ears. We were riding to our position in the ranks. The wall of vegetation we entered through the night before had opened completely. We were walking right out into a vast open prairie that had trees on each side.


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