if you see evil, you must fight against it with your hand. If you cannot do this, then you must fight against it with your speech. If you cannot do this, then you must hate it in your heart.
The majority – not all – of Americans don’t even do the last of these. They are so stripped of their humanity, that they cannot even see the evil that surrounds them. The few that do see the evil, and raise their hand or their voice against it, are so ineffectual, that there is no hope that they will ever overcome it. Finally, those who do hate the evil in their hearts cannot even bring themselves to see the country, culture, or the gun-toting lackeys that defend these, as having any fault in the situation. They still operate from the sad and sick paradigms and prime directive of belief in the basic goodness of all around them, and only seek to make the slightest and most peaceful tweaks possible. Aren’t these poor souls worthy of criticism? At least they should be criticized for their own good, and for the good of future generations. If anyone ever needed criticism, it is they. How dare they be so criminally blind!
America and Americans are almost exactly like the Germans of the 30’s and 40’s. For how many decades have the Americans criticized and demonized the German people, while at the same time been exactly like them? The only difference between these two people is that the Germans didn’t have the luxury and benefit of having the Germans as examples to study, and to see what not to do. Also, the Germans did not have the internet and the people who use it, to try to show their fellows the error of their ways. Do you think that if the Germans had these benefits, that they would not have acted differently. Even without these things, there were still those who did not accept the evils of the German society and fought against them, just as those few Americans are doing now. How is it that the Americans cannot pay attention to their own critics?
If the Germans accepted their government because they loved their country, so to do the Americans. If the Germans were anti-Semitic against the Jews, so are the Americans, against the Arabs and Muslims. If the Germans commit atrocities and torture, so do the Americans. Why shouldn’t the Americans be criticized?
If I were a fire and brimstone preacher, shouting at my congregation that they are all sinners, and are going to hell if they don’t repent, no one would think anything of it. This would perfectly acceptable in the American culture. Well, that is essentially what I am doing. I don’t see any evidence where the majority of Americans, of whom I speak, are a decent, moral people. They are selfish, hateful, paranoid, and bigoted people, fully accepting of their right and need to murder any person, religion, culture, or government that, in their paranoia, they see as a threat to their dominance in the world and its resources. They see themselves as superior to all. Is this by nature or nurture? Who cares? It is destroying everything and everyone else. Isn’t this worthy of criticism? Can any criticism be too harsh?
You say that everyone is entitled to their opinion. I say, let everyone have their own opinion, but just don’t hurt others. This is what Americans cannot seem to do. They back their government’s actions against the rest of the world, and against the rest of the Americans, even those who don’t share the majority opinions. America can’t seem to leave other nations and people alone. It can’t even leave its own people alone. Of course I’m going to criticize this, any reasonable person would. You don’t have to keep your filthy opinions to yourself, but do the rest of us a favor, and stop acting on them.
As far as my criticizing the police and military, open your eyes. Stop watching Fox News, and find out for yourself what these two monstrous forces are really doing, then come back and tell me not to criticize them. They are not heroes, they are cowards and bullies. They are not just doing their jobs, they are playing cowboy. They are not fighting for freedom, they have been pumped full of hate and are acting on it. They chose to enter these fields. It doesn’t matter whether it was because they were looking for a job or they wanted to fight for freedom, they are responsible for what they do, just as the Germans were held responsible for their actions. I will not support them, and I will not worship them. I leave that to the rest of the American retards to do.
If America is not the most fascist, rotten, murdering nation to ever have existed, then it is, at least, one of the most, rivaled only by Ancient Rome, Stalinist Russia, and Nazi Germany. It has killed hundreds of thousands innocents, robbed millions of its own citizens and given the money to its banking and corporate cronies, sent out its minions to kill, rape, and rob across the world, and destroyed freedom where ever it found it. Anyone who would support and love such a nation is as guilty of evil as it is, and their love and support is material support of slavery, genocide, and torture, to name a few. I shouldn’t be critical of this/
WL: Wow! What harsh criticism. Do you think that anyone will listen to you if you hold such contempt toward America?
PT: It’s not that I hold contempt toward America. I love my country. I’d die for my country. I just want it to, once again, be the “Shining City on the Hill” that it used to be.
Of course Americans will not listen to criticism of their government, culture, or their sacred beliefs, but one has to try.
WL: What a sarcastic bastard you are.
PT: I know, and I do feel bad about it sometimes, but it just isn’t right that America should continue to destroy the peace of the world, and the people to continue to support it. It is the peoples’ love that is doing this. For the sake of the few sane people left, I wish they would open their eyes. I don’t want to see one more person harmed in any way, not Americans or any other people. I don’t want to see one gun raised against another human being, one more person tortured, one more person lose their home for defaulting on their mortgage, one more group demonized. I would just like for people to find some new way to live and let live, without being influenced by, or supportive of more hegemony, hubris, and oppression of others. I just think that the only way left to get this done, is to keep giving a fire and brimstone sermon to everyone, until they start to question their own superiority and right to dominate others, in order to support their comfort and “Security”.
WL: Why do you concentrate so much on the responsibility of the people in this mess, and not the government and other elites?
PT: As I see it, in any country, it is the people who provide the support to the government and its institutions. Without the support of the population, the government would be powerless. It is up to the people to know the world they live in. Naïve stupidity may be charming, but, in this world, those who have it are providing material support for the evils of their respective governments. As such, they are equally responsible for the atrocities of their governments. It is doubly stupid to let yourself carry the responsibility, yet have none of the benefits.
It is the people who will change things, not the rulers. If the people don’t do it, then it will not get done. We are the ones that we have been waiting for. The psychopathic government loves the way things are. They will never change things. Remember, a psychopath is not a bad person, they are a sick person. They don’t see the evil that they do, and cannot help themselves. They have “Moral Lacuna” that drives them. It is patriotism and unconditional love of these psychopath rulers that is the root of all, at least, political evil.
WL: Are the elites and governments of the world succeeding in breading the souls out of the people? Have governments, corporations, religions, and the like, become enemies of the people?
PT: I believe that this is the case, but with the help of the people themselves. As mentioned above, it is the naiveté and patriotism that provides the fertile ground for the psychopathic rulers to indoctrinate and modify the population.
There will never be a point where the people will say they have had enough. It appears that this is an insane nation. One thing after the other happens to the people, and they remain like deer in headligh
ts, not knowing what happened, not knowing what to do, and turning to the very people who perpetrate hoaxes and false flags against them, to ask what to do and what just happened.
The people of this and other countries, maybe all other countries are living in a time when every single thing they hear, see on television, read in the print media, or are told to them by their brainwashed, super-patriot parents, is a lie. Where can they get the truth? They don’t know. Not only do they not know, but they don’t know that they don’t know, so they don’t know that they should know, or at least should want to know.
WL: Wow! So what can they do?
PT: Well, they can learn how to think for themselves, if they ever realize that they need to. You see the dilemma? First you have to know that you don’t know before you can want to know. This is what the powers that be seek to prevent. If the people ever realized the need to find the truth, they would have to learn to use logic, recognize fallacy, and learn to doubt everything. They would also have to learn to look for other sources of information besides FOXABCCBSNBCCNN. The chances of any of this happening are extremely remote at best and ridiculous at worst.
Conversations Page 18