Heart of a Wolf: A Wicked Series - Book 2

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Heart of a Wolf: A Wicked Series - Book 2 Page 8

by K. D. Friedrich

  With huge bright-blue eyes, she assessed Tristan. Her growl deepened as he drew closer. She saw him as a threat. Even though her tiny body shook, she held her ground. Tristan respected the feisty little pup. No doubt a future alpha female.

  Tristan spun and pinned the doctor with a fierce snarl. "And you call us animals."

  Jax slammed the doctor against the wall. "Give me the fucking key to that cage or I'll use your head to open it." The doctor fumbled with the keys in his pocket.

  "Tristan," Winter cried.

  He glanced over to find Winter squatted by another cage. Inside was a human woman. Judging by her scent she was pregnant with a shifter cub, although, what kind he couldn't discern. Dark circles swallowed her olive-green eyes. Her sunken cheeks and thin build made Tristan wonder if they were starving her.

  "Please," she begged. "Don't hurt us." The woman rubbed her stomach.

  "We're going to get you out of here?" Winter assured the woman.

  "We don't hurt women or children." Jax glared at the doctor. "Of any race." He pushed the human into a nearby chair. "Stay there. Make one sound. One fucking move and it will be your last." Jax knelt by the little girl's cage. He opened the door slowly. "It's okay, cutie." She didn't come out.

  She eyed Jax with a glare as he reached in with the key for the collar. "Let me get that ugly thing off your neck." The moment the restraint fell off, she shifted into one of the cutest little girls Tristan had ever seen. "Well, aren’t you a pretty princess."

  "Pocket that collar. We need to give it to our lab guys when we get out of here. There's something weird about them." Jax nodded. He reached for the girl. She backed up into the corner and growled. Her eyes glowed bright.

  "Go on, Olivia. It's okay," the woman in the other cage said in a sob. The child edged out of the cage slowly. She sniffed Jax's hand and crinkled her cute little nose.

  "I know I smell funny. I'm a cat." She eyed him a few for moments before accepting his embrace.

  "Are you her mother?" Jax asked. The toddler held on to him tight now.

  "No, she was already here when they snatched me and my mate. I've been taking care of her, though."

  Jax tossed Tristan the key and he opened the female's cage. Tristan helped the woman stand. "Where is your male?" He glanced at her protruding belly. Most males would never leave a pregnant female unless drugged or worse.

  The woman started to cry. "Dead." She threw a glare at the doctor. "They killed my husband not long after they forced him to breed with me. He was trying to protect me, and they beat him to death."

  "I'm so sorry." Winter offered her comfort. "How far along are you?"

  "I'm not sure when I conceived exactly. I can feel the baby moving now, so I'm figuring five months or so."

  Jax walked over with the toddler locked around his neck. "How long have you been here?"

  "Seven months…a year…I don't know. I've lost count."

  The child leaned toward the woman with her arms reaching out. The female took her in an instant, settling the tot on her hip.

  "Have you seen others?" Winter asked.

  She shook her head. "No, but I've heard them talk about others. Vampires and shifters. They also mentioned a witch. If they're still here I don't know."

  "Come on, we're getting you the hell out of here." Tristan grabbed two blankets. "You're freezing. Wrap these around the cub and yourself. It's freezing out there. I sense snow."

  She smiled. "Thank you. My name is Cassie by the way."

  "I'm Tristan, this is my mate, Winter, and that's Jax." A sudden movement caught Tristan's eye. "Where the hell do you think you're going?" Tristan lifted the man by the collar of his lab coat. The jolt knocked a Taser from his hand.

  "Don't kill me," the man begged.

  "You'd be lucky if I kill you. Maybe, I'll take that Taser and shove it up your self-righteous ass." Tristan growled seconds before a strong stench of urine burned his nose. "Goddess damn, did you just piss yourself?”

  "Please, I only work here, taking samples. Nothing else. I have no part—"

  "Are you serious? You just walked out of a room where a child and a pregnant female lay in dirty cages and you claim to have no part in it. You know what's going on here and you let it continue. That's reason enough to rip out your throat." Tristan shook him hard. "As an alpha, I have the right and authority to dish out justice as I see fit." His claws lengthened. He flashed his fangs.

  A gentle hand settled on Tristan's shoulder. Calming warmth spread over him. "Tristan, don't hurt him. We need him." Winter's gift settled within him, easing his fury. He closed his eyes a moment and let the beautiful sensation settle into him.

  A wolfish grin lit Tristan's face. "Here's your chance to make amends. You're going to get us out of here." He lowered the man. "Show us the way." The man nodded nervously.

  They made their way back into the hallway toward the exit.

  "Almost there." Jax grinned. He hurried to the door they had passed earlier.

  Tristan grabbed his shoulder, bringing him to an instant halt. "Don't be stupid. We don't know what's out there." Tristan glared at the scientist. "How many guards are we looking at?"

  "I don't know." The man sounded about ready to cry. "It's the weekend and with the snow. I think a lot of the men went inland earlier."

  Tristan didn't like the fact that they had no idea the shit storm waiting for them out there. Especially, when he had his mate, a pregnant female, and a child in his care, but what choice did he have? Staying wasn't an option.

  Tristan locked eyes with Jax. "Keep your ears and eyes open. No matter what happens, the women and child come first. This is going to get messy."

  Jax nodded.

  They drew closer to the exit. Jax led the small scientist by the back of his nape like a petulant child, the sight almost comical. Tristan's wolf paced within his mind, growing more agitated as the stench of male sweat and fuel grew stronger. His caught the sound of the howling wind beyond the walls. Even the pressure changed in the hall.

  "Do you smell them?" Jax growled. His eyes glowed yellow with a touch of green. Round ink-black pupils changed to slits. His cat as eager for battle as Tristan's wolf.

  Tristan's animal welcomed the other shifter's bloodlust and let it feed his own desire for a fight. Adrenaline pumped through his veins. The need to shift made his body tense and tight.

  "Yes," Tristan snapped. "I scent at least five." He smirked. His voice had deepened.

  Jax chuckled. "Not much of a challenge." His fangs peeked out when he grinned.

  Easy pickings.

  "Now that we've assured ourselves that escape is easy. Can we get the hell out of here?" Winter attempted to pass Tristan, but he grabbed her arm. God, he loved her soft skin. He hated to release the velvety softness of her, but her scowl forced his hand.

  "Where the hell do you think you're going?" Tristan couldn't hold back his growl.

  "I'm escaping."

  "I go first." An alpha always leads his pack.

  Her frown deepened. "What ever happened to ladies first?"

  "Not happening, sweetheart. Forget it. Stay with the woman and child. They need protection." He didn't bother to catch the glare he knew narrowed her eyes when he stalked to the door.

  The second his fingers wrapped around the doorknob, the entire place lit up with alarms and lights. He turned to see the scientist's hand on the fire alarm.

  "Shit!" Jax shouted. "The bastard bit me." He yanked the human back by his lab coat. "And you call us animals?"

  Winter shook her head. "Don't kill him, Jax."

  "Why not? He's just like those sick fucking bastards. He deserves to die."

  "To kill him would make you no better than them."

  Jax growled in the man's face. "Remember the next time you look down on my people…when it came down to whether you lived or died. It was an animal that showed you mercy." He shoved the man into the nearest closet and ridged the door making it impossible to open.

  "No nee
d sneaking around now." Tristan swung open the door and stepped out into a freaking blizzard.

  Men ran in every direction, a frenzy of soldiers lost in utter chaos. Whoever trained these men should be shot, thought Tristan grimly.

  A hell of a lot more than five men now stood in their way. Out of the corner of his eye, Tristan watched Jax tear off his shirt, and shimmy out of his pants. He leaped into the air and shifted into one of the biggest lions Tristan had ever seen. If Jax wasn't an alpha of his own pride at one point, Tristan would have been shocked. Jax's size, strength, and agility alone screamed leader.

  Watching the enormous feline rush into battle spiked Tristan's adrenaline. With the magic inherited from his mother, he shed his clothes with a simple spell, leaving himself bare to the elements. He fell to all fours. Hands twisted into paws. Bones cracked and reshaped as he surrendered to his wolf. He howled, reveling in the ultimate freedom of shifting. And the fight began.

  Chapter 10

  Winter had always loved watching Tristan shift into his wolf. Even as a child, she'd sneak out at night just to see his animal run through the woods, wild and free. All these years didn't seem to diminish her enthrallment. She still couldn't take her eyes off him.

  In wolf form, he stood much taller than any wolf you'd find in nature. Thick muscles encased with a heavy coat of deep-gray-and-black patches packed his powerful frame. His eyes flashed rich amber when he glanced at her, his wolf acknowledging her presence.

  She discerned Tristan's emotions more vividly when he shifted. What she found made her gasp. With his humanity no longer bogging down his need, his raw, hot desire exploded across the distance between them. The desire crashed into her with vicious waves of lust so strong, she shook from the relentless assault.

  Tristan must have had a will of steel to hold back this level of sexual longing. He’d hidden his need for her well, but the beast was now in control and he refused to hide anything. The wolf wanted her to know how much he needed her.

  A sudden shiver rolled through her and it had nothing to do with the icy weather. Tristan's heated stare warmed her blood, making her shake with arousal. He must have mistaken her quiver from the cold and sent her a mental image of a coat. Shifters didn't usually have the ability to broadcast their thoughts so clearly, but Tristan wasn't only a shifter. He was half witch and that half was powerful.

  "You shouldn't broadcast so loud. You're draining your power."

  The wolf snarled at her defiance.

  "Fine." To appease him, she wielded a spell.

  With nature's help, her magic returned enough to summon a thick jacket to cover her exposed skin. Next, Winter turned to Cassie and Olivia. With a sharp wave of her hand, coats shimmered out of the darkness and covered them. Winter eyed the little girl. She may be a shifter, but a pup as young as Olivia didn't have the ability to regulate her body temperature. Fearing the toddler might get hypothermia, Winter weaved a cloak, wrapping the child up like a burrito. Cassie smiled and nodded her thanks.

  "Happy, wolf," Winter muttered.

  Tristan took a step toward her, but Jax's sudden roar made him swing back around with a feral snarl. A shot fired, the bullet flew past her, nearly hitting her shoulder.

  "Get down," Winter shouted.

  Cassie fell to her knees behind a nearby vehicle, Olivia locked tightly in her arms. Winter followed, slamming her back flat against the fender. Gunfire exploded and then halted. Silence ensued for just a moment. Winter peeked around the bumper's edge. A bullet flew past her head.

  "Shit." She caught sight of Tristan running at the shooter, bullets whizzing past him.

  Olivia's cries sparked Winter's fury.

  Tristan's snarls and Jax's roars echoed through the compound. She knew the look in Tristan's eyes well. His main target was the one that had shot at her. The human wouldn't live much longer. Winter would have almost felt bad for the human if he hadn't just tried to kill her.

  Winter whipped the gun out of her pocket. Cassie's eyes opened wide. Winter chuckled at the woman's shocked expression.

  "You know how to use that?" Cassie's voice shook.

  "Sure do." Winter smirked wickedly. "I got a sharpshooter medal to prove it." She checked the magazine and the chamber.

  Cassie nodded, but didn't look convinced.

  Pointing the gun down, with her finger resting to the side and above the trigger guard, Winter peeked around the front fender.

  She spotted Jax taking down a man with a single swipe of his paw. She cringed as the man hit the ground hard. A deafening roar to the left stole her attention. She found Tristan putting a soldier to the ground with his enormous front paws. Blood coated his muzzle and chest.

  The sudden glint of a blade caught her eye. She snapped her gaze back toward Jax. Lost in battle lust, Jax hadn't noticed the knife-wielding soldier sneaking up behind him.

  "Not on my watch, asshole." Winter aimed and fired, hitting the man in the hand. The knife went flying into the fresh snow. He zeroed in on her location. Rage burned in the soldier’s gaze as he marched toward her.

  "I take back what I said earlier. These men aren't trained well. They're freaking idiots," she murmured to herself.

  What pro would attack, knowing she has a gun, when he has no weapon?

  She fired again, hitting his kneecap. Down he went.

  "Bitch," the man shouted. He struggled to his feet, and to her surprise, he managed to stand. "What the hell?" No human should be able to stand after that shot. Not even a witch could take a hit like that easily. She narrowed her gaze on him. Something seemed off by this human. Something almost supernatural.

  He lurched toward her with deadly intent. A river of blood surging from his knee, yet he didn't slow down.

  Out of nowhere, Tristan burst through the dense snowfall. He tackled the man. They rolled to a stop. Tristan latched onto the man's throat and sunk his teeth deep. Winter winced at the gut-wrenching scream the human made.

  Nope, he wasn't getting up from that attack.

  Once the wolf knew he made his kill, he locked eyes with her. Blood dripped from his jowls. His eyes glowed brighter than Winter had ever seen. The sight before her was wild, his gaze vivid through the dark shadows of night.

  His wolf snarled at her appraisal of him and then jerked his wide head to the right. A deep growl broadcast across the space between them, sending chills down her spine. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Cassie and Olivia cringe at the thunderous roar. She sent the pup reassurance. Tristan may be terrifying, but he would never hurt those under his care. Olivia howled as well. Drawing a smile from Winter. This little wolf had stolen her heart.

  After one last ferocious yelp, Tristan took off toward the next threat.

  Men scrambled in every direction as the alarms continued to blare. Their lack of structure and order confirmed Winter's assumption, these humans were amateurs. They were no better than mall security guards. Wait, I take that back. Even mall cops were smarter.

  She doubted these humans had strict military instruction. They were more like underground militia or wannabe soldiers.

  A flash of fur stole her attention. She turned to find Tristan's wolf trotting toward them. In a flash, he shifted back to his human form. Naked and glorious, even covered in blood and gore, he made her desire stir. Waves of alpha vibes radiated off him.

  Jax returned, then shifted back to human as well. Two magnificent nude males stood before her now. Supernatural—whether shifter, witch, or vampire—had no embarrassment when it came to nudity, but humans didn't share the same comfort level. Cassie's heated blush would melt the slush beneath her feet. Cassie lowered her gaze.

  Jax shook off the snow blanketing his head. "I spotted a boat. It's going to be a rough ride. We'll be lucky to live through it, but it's our only way to get the hell out of here."

  "Take us," Tristan ordered in a tone only a true alpha possessed.

  Winter glanced at the pregnant female who continued to pass sideways glances at the naked men's bobb
ing cocks.

  A grin tugged at her lips. "Maybe, you should get dressed." Winter tilted her head toward the blushing human.

  In seconds, Tristan magically cleaned off the blood covering his body and clothed himself.

  Jax suddenly looked embarrassed. "Since I don't have any cool magic powers…" Jax changed back into his lion.

  Gunfire pinged off the nearby truck. Winter, Tristan, and Jax's lion dove for cover behind the vehicle that Cassie and Olivia still hid behind.

  Winter grinned. "Let me. A good friend taught me this one."

  Winter lifted her hands, they began to glow a bright white. She swirled her wrists faster and faster until a spinning sphere developed. She flung the sphere at the men firing as if tossing a grenade. It struck a pair of trucks and exploded into an ashen fireball.

  "Oops, I guess I don't know my own strength." Her grin lit up her face.

  Tristan stared at her with his mouth hanging open. Jax's lion bumped her with his head, giving her a lion's version of a high five. She scratched the cat's enormous head.

  Tristan brushed past her with a snarl. "Let's go."

  "Jealous much," Winter mumbled to herself. Jax's cat stared at her with a lifted brow. Winter shrugged. "I have no idea what his problem is," she lied.

  With Tristan leading their small pack, they hurried toward the dock, using whatever they could find for cover. Tristan and Jax took out several men along the way. Not to mention taking away any fun she might have had kicking ass. She did manage to shoot a few incoming threats with her gun before the weapon ran out of bullets.

  Wind whipped around them. Snow and sleet pelted their faces from every direction, stinging her cheeks. By the time they reached the boat, they were soaked and freezing.


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