Heart of a Wolf: A Wicked Series - Book 2

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Heart of a Wolf: A Wicked Series - Book 2 Page 11

by K. D. Friedrich

  Needing to talk to her, he morphed back. He groaned from the sharp pain the sudden shift caused his shoulder.

  Her hand stilled on his now-bare skin. With a gasp, she yanked her fingers away. He grabbed her wrist, holding her in place. No way would he let her pull away from him. Not when her fingers felt so perfect against his him.

  "No, please, your touch soothes me." She didn't move. Yet her gaze studied him. Within the silence, he heard her heart beat faster. He moaned when her nails slid across his shoulder. He released her. When her hand continued to travel up his throat, he sighed. "You always soothed me, Win."

  She huffed. Her hand fell away. "You thought I was a ridiculous child. You never let me touch you."

  "You weren't ready." Not for my passion. “Not for what I wanted."

  She rolled her eyes. Her hand rested on his hip before tracing up the curve of his waist. He bit back a moan. Heat spread over his entire body. Blood filled his cock.

  "And what did you want?" she countered.

  He grabbed her hand and brought her palm to his hard cock. "This is what I wanted."

  With a sharp yank, she tried to break free of him, but he refused to let her go. She shook her head. "No. You never wanted me."

  He chuckled, yet it held no humor. "You were all I ever wanted. Night…day…every damn second. Even the thought of your dainty little fingers skimming my cock made me rock hard. You were barely seventeen and I knew. I knew you were mine, but I kept you at a distance. You were too young. I had to wait. Give you time to grow into the beautiful woman I saw budding inside you, the passionate female who would be my mate."

  She twisted her wrist free only because he allowed her to escape. "Is that why you found pleasure with all those other women? To save me from the big bad wolf. I may have been young, but I knew desire. I knew what I felt for you."

  "I was young and stupid, Win. I thought I was protecting you."

  She laughed, yet it held no humor for her. "Is that supposed to explain all your recent conquests too?"

  "What the hell are you talking about? Since the day you left there has been no others. Ever."

  "You expect me to believe—"

  Wrapping his hand around her nape, he pulled her close, making sure she saw the depth of his sincerity. "Yes, because it's the damn truth. I haven't been with a woman since the day you walked out of my life. Since I tasted this beautiful mouth." He licked his lips. A growl rolled up his throat. "There is only one woman I desire. One woman I need."

  She shook her head. "No…"

  "Yes," he growled the word. "It's you. It's always been you."

  With a feral growl, he captured her mouth. His hand held her nape, locking her to him. No way would she escape him now. Not when the taste of her passion flooded his senses.

  The once-silent room was now filled with the rhythmic pounding of their hearts. Her scent grew stronger. Spicy and sweet like the forest they grew up in.

  She moaned against his mouth and then opened herself to him, accepting his tongue with a playful flick. Her deep sexy sighs unhinged him. His control threatened to slip. The need to mark her made his canines sharpen. He held back. She must want his bite. He refused to force his claim on her.

  He scented her lust. She wanted him. Yet, he also found the taint of uncertainty mixed within her sweet passion. He'd be damned if he claimed his mate when uncertainties stood between them.

  Tonight, he'd show her how strong his need ran. No longer would she doubt how much he wanted her. Her mistrust was unacceptable.

  "Tell me you want this."

  "Please…let me go."


  Within, his wolf howled in delight. She responded with a groan of pleasure.

  Her lips were just as he remembered. Untamed innocence with natural skill created for him alone. Her little nails bit into his bare shoulder, a pleasured sting that made his rigid shaft jerk against her hip. The years without her had left him starved for her.

  Tristan raked his fingers through her hair. Unable to restrain his ardor, he kissed her without restraint. His other hand traveled down her throat, over one of her soft breasts, and teased the taut nipple.

  She answered his eagerness by punishing his lower lip with a dominant nip.

  He almost came right there, against her thigh.

  "That feels good," she moaned. Her mouth lowered to the pulse in his throat and she bit the soft skin.

  Fuck yeah, that's what I like. Mark me. Show them all I belong to you. "Want you to feel good. Want you to come," he confessed.

  And he did want her to come. He wanted to give her more pleasure than she'd ever known. Erase any man who thought to burn a place in her memory. Only he would remain. All others would be stricken from her thoughts, expunged by her mate's passion.

  His hand dipped lower. Her body tensed. She latched onto his wrist, holding him back from her wet, hot treasure.

  "No," she growled.

  She twisted from his grip, but he took her back into his arms. He refused to let her go. Not again.


  Breathless, Winter stared into Tristan's glowing amber eyes. The inferno between them continued to smolder, threatening to consume her, burn her alive. His strong full lips joined his talented hands making her forget the dark past they shared, throwing a shroud over her common sense.

  His fingers raked through her hair. She closed her eyes, lost in the incredible feel of him caressing her. A sense of overwhelming joy surrounded her from his wolf, creating a blanket of warmth she didn't know how much she needed until this moment.

  "We have to stop." She didn't want to stop, but she knew she must. Too much had happened. Too much time had passed.

  She stood her ground, refusing to lower her gaze. An intelligent person would not push an alpha whose wolf already skated along the edge, but she learned to never show weakness to anyone.

  His wolf made no attempt to withdraw. He remained near the surface, watching, waiting. She sensed the confusion and pain her sudden rejection had caused. Both man and beast wanted an explanation. The moment his brow narrowed, she knew she wasn't leaving there without one.

  How the hell did she explain her reasoning when she didn't fully understand it herself? Who are kidding? You know exactly why you backed off. You're scared shitless.

  "We should never have—"

  "Don't." Tristan's voice sounded too deep to be human. "Don't you dare take it back."

  He flashed his fangs, throwing at her a storm of frustration and unfulfilled need.

  "My mate," he grumbled, his impatience clear. "Why do you refuse to admit what your body easily accepts? You are mine."

  She hated that his declaration of ownership made her girly parts tingle with glee. Damn, traitorous body. She didn’t belong to him. He proved that years ago when he decided to spend the night with that tramp, Lina.

  Do you really need to have your heart ripped out again to prove it, Win?

  No, she didn't. One heart broken in a lifetime was enough.

  She pushed him back and struggled to her feet. She needed space. They were too close.

  However, Tristan wasn't going to let her retreat.

  He rose to his full height with a wicked grin that made her shiver.

  "Why the hell are you smiling?" She had to say something. His silence drove her crazy.

  After a few more moments of calm awkwardness, he spoke. "Go on…Win. Say it. Deny what we are to each other."

  "I think we both know the truth, Tristan."

  She straightened her shirt, hoping he didn't notice the way her body shook. The rustling of her clothes sent a wave of his masculine scent crashing over her. Winter sneered at the fresh reminder of the hot kiss they just shared. Her eyes zeroed in on the red love bite she'd left on his throat. Crap, the man possessed far too much power over her. So lost in his seduction, she didn't even know she'd marked him.

  He must have noticed her eyeing the blushed mark. He flashed a smug grin. "Yeah, we sure as hell know the trut
h, except only one of us chooses to believe it. What just happened—"

  "It was a mistake, Tristan. Our emotions are crazy right now. We just escaped hell. We're not thinking clear."

  Naked, with his cock still half hard, he brushed past her. "If this is how you want to play it, Winter, I'm up for the challenge."

  "This isn't a game, Tristan." She looked over her shoulder.

  He halted and threw her a heated glance. "Oh, I know, Win. Games are for children and we both are far from being pups." He crossed his arms over his chest. "When it comes to you, I'm lethally serious."

  "Yeah, well. I'm tired. I'm heading to bed." She needed to get away from his intensity. Not to mention, the hot stare he had locked on her.

  He chuckled. "You do that, Win."

  She hurried up the stairs far away from the tempting wolf.

  Chapter 13

  Bright light pierced the bay window, striking Tristan in the eye he dared to crack open. He hadn't meant to fall asleep, even with Jax keeping watch, but exhaustion took over sometime before sunrise.

  He listened for movement in the house. The hum of the refrigerator and the oil burner rumbling were his only greeting.

  The electric must have come back on an hour or so ago, because the house had warmed up some, although, a slight chill clung to the air. He suspected that most seasonal owners kept their summer homes running at lower capacity by keeping the heat only high enough to protect the pipes from freezing.

  Tristan glanced out the bay window and across the water. Last night's storm had dumped several more inches of snow on the ground after they arrived. The additional precipitation buried their tracks leading to the house.

  "Morning," Jax mumbled as he entered the room. The shifter positioned his hands on the counter, bent down, and stretched his back like a cat, adding an exaggerated yawn for good measure. He scratched his hip. "Man, what I wouldn't do for a cup of coffee." He glanced at the vent. "At least the heat's back on." He walked over to the window overlooking the water. His face suddenly grew solemn. "They stopped their search right before daybreak."

  Tristan scanned the shoreline from the kitchen window. "We can't stay here for long. We don't need a nosy neighbor catching us and calling the cops." Tristan picked the cordless phone off its cradle. He hit talk. "Got a dial tone."

  He was about to dial Grayson when Cassie and Olivia came down the stairs. Olivia tugged Cassie's pant leg. The little girl groaned. Cassie petted her head. "I know you're hungry, sweetie. Me too. We'll eat soon. I promise."

  Tristan put the phone back on the receiver. He hated being unable to provide for those under his care. He glanced at Jax and saw the same anger in the cat’s gaze.

  Winter came in next. An adorable, sexy mess, her hair stuck out all over the place. Still half hooded from sleep, her gaze resembled mere slits. Dark circles stained the underside of her eyes, offering him a stark reminder of her exhaustion. She stretched, reaching high toward the ceiling, giving her breasts an enticing lift he couldn't ignore.

  She glanced at him and then lowered her stare. Her cheeks grew into a lovely shade of rose. That was a first. She didn't back down, ever.

  "What I wouldn't do for an extra-large mocha cappuccino. With a touch of cinnamon."

  Jax clapped his hands. "Now you're talking. I'll add a dozen jelly doughnuts to that order." He walked over to the closest chair and took a seat. "Make it snappy. I'm a hungry kitty."

  Winter rolled her eyes, but Tristan didn't miss the amusement that crossed her features. He also didn't miss that her lips seemed fuller this morning and the observation made him wonder if the additional plumpness was due to their little make-out session last night. Burned into his brain, the sear of last night's passion forced a devious grin to lift his lips.

  Out of the corner of his eye, he caught the cat staring at him with a huge goofy smirk.

  "What are you grinning at?" he snapped.

  Jax shook his head and turned. The male's smile faded the second he noticed the sadness in the cub's eyes. If Tristan had to guess, he'd say the man was an alpha, too, maybe even ruled a pride or pack at one point. The immediate reaction to a child's sorrow was a trait ingrained in almost every alpha shifter.

  Tristan grabbed the phone again. Quickly, he punched in Grayson's number, but it went to voice mail. "Damn it." Not bothering to leave a message, he dialed Magnus. After two rings a woman answered. "Magnus Blue's office, Darla speaking. Can I help you?"

  "This is Tristan MacGlenn, I need to speak to—"

  Winter grabbed the phone. "Darla, it's Winter. Yeah, it's me." She glanced at Tristan. "Yeah, a few others too. We need a pick up?" Winter glanced around. "I don't know the address. We might need a trace." What did she know about a trace? He watched her closely. Things had changed with his once-innocent mate and he was beginning to wonder just how much.

  Jax swiped a magazine off the counter. He read off the address on the label. "11 Beach Road, Branford, Connecticut."

  She repeated the address and then sighed. "It's a long story, Darla. Okay, we'll hang tight." She hung up the phone. "Now, we wait."


  Lex slammed the phone down. His association with the damn vampire needed to end. His man Kahn discovered the fate of the lovely Winter and he also discovered another tidbit, her and the alpha had escaped.

  A world of hurt headed Lex's way all because of that damn vampire's arrogance. With them free, they'd be out for vengeance. It wouldn't take long for the guards to discover his identity. Shit, he was surprised the authorities weren't knocking down his door right this second.

  He leaned back in his chair. His temples throbbed. "What the hell am I going to do with that fucking vamp?"

  Could they be killed?

  Yes, a quick decapitation or a severed jugular might do the trick, considering he was young for a vamp, yet, getting the chance to do either would take a miracle. The bastard had a full entourage of fanged bodyguards shielding him wherever he went. Then once the job was done, Lex would have to worry about the vamp's growing connections in the supernatural community. Maxwell had gained allies in high places. To strike against him might cause a war between vampire and witch sanctions. Not an outcome he had the resources to entertain. No, the thorn in his side needed to be plucked with quiet efficiency.

  Speaking of murder, the dead vamp walking swaggered in the room without a care in the world. He lowered himself on the couch, crossed his legs, and glanced up. He tilted his head at Lex's deep frown.

  "Why so gloomy?"

  How Lex refrained from throwing a magical ax at the man's throat eluded him. "Oh, nothing. I just got a very interesting call."

  The vampire grinned. "Finally getting lucky, my friend. If anyone can use a night of fucking it's you."

  Asshole. He wanted to burrow an impotence spell into the man's soul. "Oh, I'm getting fucked, but not in the way I wish." Lex leaned up on his desk. With his elbows propped on the edge, he scowled. "Seems a certain witch and her alpha mate escaped the lab you sold them to."

  The vampire hissed. "Stupid goddamned humans. Can't they even keep tabs on a little nothing witch and one fucking wolf?"

  "We have a problem here, Maxwell. The witch can ID me, and I have no doubt they can both ID you. This is some shit storm you've brewed."

  The vampire waved him off. "With our connections, we'll be fine. There are plenty of people who will lose a lot of money if we go down. They won't let that happen. We're protected."

  "You know little about how a shifter finds vengeance. He won't go through proper channels. He'll hunt you and when you least expect it, he'll rip out your damn throat. You have not only endangered his pack by taking him, but his mate. For that you will die and so will I." Lex's fist slammed into his desk. The lights in the room flickered as his anger spiked. "He will not rest until the threat to his mate is dead."

  "Then we'll get rid of him. And the witch too. And any other animal that crosses our path."

  "You've done enough. I have to see how I ca
n rectify this." Lex growled. He turned his chair and stared out the large window at the New York City skyline, hoping for a bit of inspiration to get him the hell out of this mess.

  Chapter 14

  Winter entered Magnus's mansion to a bombardment of cheers by vampires, shifters, and witches.

  Her father pushed everyone out of the way and gathered her in a tight embrace.

  "Baby girl, Goddess, I was so damn worried. Don't you ever scare me like that again."

  "I'm fine, Dad." She savored the feel of her father's arms. She missed him so much.

  Aric grabbed her the second her father released her. He wrapped her up with his big biceps. She buried herself in her best friend’s warmth. "I'm sorry, Win."

  "For what? You didn't do anything—"

  "For not protecting you." He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

  "I don't need anyone protecting me. You of all people know that." She scowled up at him. "I can take care of myself."

  He flashed one of his cocky grins. "My little menace." He tugged a strand of her hair. "When are you going to learn everyone needs protecting now and then?"

  A low growl echoed in the room, snatching her attention. Not to mention everyone else. She spun to find Tristan scowling at Aric. Sharp claws extended from the tips of his fingers. She knew his tense stance all too well. If Aric didn't back away from her, Tristan would make him move. Not wanting to cause a fight, she took a step to the right, putting some space between her and Aric.

  Unfortunately, it brought her closer to Magnus. Before she could step to the side, her boss grabbed her. "You may be my best, but I worry about you like my daughter." Magnus held her for a few moments before releasing her. Tristan watched Magnus with a predator’s glare as the vampire strolled over to his desk.

  Needing a distraction, she introduced the others. "Magnus, Aric…Father, this is Jax, Cassie, and the little cutie is Olivia. They were held captive in the labs too."

  Magnus inclined his head. "Welcome, anything you need just let me know." He smiled at Cassie. "I have a healer in residence. Please let him check you and make sure you're okay." Magnus's eyes landed on Cassie's protruding belly. He reached out and then stopped, a faint smile tugging his lips. "May I?"


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