Heart of a Wolf: A Wicked Series - Book 2

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Heart of a Wolf: A Wicked Series - Book 2 Page 22

by K. D. Friedrich

  When he arrived, he found his mate reaching her hand toward a feral shifter three times her size. Overwhelmed with terror for her safety, he almost leaped between them, his wolf desperate to get to her. Protect her.

  The only thing that held him back was his respect for her and her skills. He didn't know how strong she was until that very moment.

  Levi stared at him, shaking his head.

  "I don't want to hear it." Tristan growled.

  "You're in the doghouse now, buddy."

  Tristan hissed.

  "All she wanted was your support, not your opinion. Next time, keep your mouth shut."

  "Who the fuck do you think you're talking to, whelp?"

  "These years of being around Winter have taught me a few things about her. One, she is a determined little thing. Regardless of her stature, she has more grit than men twice her size. Two, she is extremely proud of her job. She worked hard to be a guard. Putting up with a lot of assholes who told her she couldn't do it. Not only did she beat them all to become a top guard, but she won every award along the way. And three, regardless of what she says or does, she respects your opinion a hell of a lot. She always has."

  "And you know her so well, do you?"

  Levi shook his head. "Don't make light of her job or doubt her skills. When other's do it, she brushes it off with a joke. When you do it, it hurts her deep. It crushes her. Continue to undermine her and you'll drive her further away."

  Tristan didn't like this wolf's warning, but he knew Levi was right. "I'm trying. It isn't easy watching her run into trouble. I know she's skilled. I've seen her in action." But I can't stop this need to protect her, to pull her into the shelter of my arms and keep her safe.

  "From what I've heard, Winter has never felt accepted by you. She never felt good enough."

  Tristan growled.

  Levi held up his hands. "I'm not telling you this to be a dick. I'm telling you because I care about Winter."

  "Do you?" Tristan flexed his magic muscle.

  "You're as bad as that fucking cat. I love her like a sister. I want her to be happy and for reasons I can't fathom, being with you would make her happy. If you want to win her heart, you're going to have to accept her, every part, even if it scares the hell out of you. Like it or not, she's a top guard. She won't give it up. Not even for you."

  Levi turned his head. Tristan followed his line of sight to the Peyton alpha. Niles stood with a few of his pack members, and his eyes remained cold. The bear's posture weathered as if he spent weeks trudging through quicksand.

  "Believe me, Alpha, you lose her, you'll lose everything." Levi cupped his shoulder. "Come on, we'll give you a lift back to the base."


  Lex marched his way into Maxwell's loft. The converted warehouse made a perfect coven for the vamp and his newly turned army he had begun to form. He found Maxwell lounging on a plush sofa feeding off a scantily clad female. She moaned as he sucked greedily from her throat. The vamp could drain her dry and she'd, no doubt, die in pleasure.

  Lex cleared his throat. He was ignored. Annoyed, with a sharp flick of his wrist, he flipped the shade up with his magic. Maxwell shrieked as golden-pink rays of the setting sun struck his sensitive vampire skin. He hissed, flashing his fangs.

  "Close it. Now," he ordered, his voice inhuman.

  The shades slammed down, bringing the room back into a comfortable shade. Vampires could tolerate sunlight better as they aged. Maxwell wasn't old enough to escape the effects. He wouldn't die, but it weakened him and hurt like a bitch. From what he heard, new vamps struck by the sun's rays for any extended period of time wished for death.

  Lex glared at the female who still moaned, not even aware of what just happened. "Leave," Maxwell ordered. As if doused with a bucket of ice water, she sprang from the couch, grabbed her shirt, and hurried from the room, her heels clicking on the wood floor.

  Maxwell rose and walked over to his desk. He grabbed a tissue and wiped the corners of his mouth much like a debutante at a formal dinner. His arousal still pressed against his slacks. "What can I do for you?"

  "A vampire's mate was found dead and an alpha's mate is still missing."

  "The city is a terrible place isn't it." He smirked.

  "Do you know the hell that's about to come down on you? Do you even fucking care?"

  Maxwell lifted a brow. "You mean us, don't you?"

  Did he think this was a damn game? Lex's power flared. He was at the end of his control with this vampire. The man was a fucking menace.

  Power surged in him. He wanted to rip out the vamp’s damn throat. "I don't remember agreeing to kidnap the mate of one of the most powerful fucking alphas on the East Coast or have a vampire's female raped and murdered."

  Maxwell walked over to the large window. He glanced out. "I don't remember it being an issue when you took and sold the Leery girl. Isn't she an alpha's mate?"

  "That was revenge." He took a step closer. "That was necessary." Another step. "The woman was raped and then killed. You have no idea the torture she must have experienced. Once mated, there is no other. That is how it is for a supernatural being and the humans they mate. I fear for the fate of the alpha's female. You must return her."

  "That is not possible. She's been given to the scientists. They found her an excellent subject to study, made us a pretty penny too."

  Lex slammed his fist on the desk. Maxwell rolled his eyes. "What do you care about a silly human woman or a shifter's mate? Since when did you gain a conscience?" Maxwell sat in his chair. He put his feet on the edge of the desk and crossed his arms over his chest. "We all know you planned on selling the Leery bitch when you got the balls. I just beat you to it." Lex swept the vampires feet off the desk with his hand, almost knocking Maxwell from the chair.

  Maxwell hissed. "I don't see the fucking issue, Lex. The vampire's female was killed by one of those anti-shifter groups. Abused by a human. The man was obviously crazed on drugs. Took her to the warehouse instead of the hospital and had his way with her, and then broke her damn neck. The city’s a dangerous place."

  "Yeah, sure, and then the male shot himself six times in the back." Lex roared. He couldn't hold his temper. Not anymore. "They are not stupid animals as you may think. They are cunning, powerful, and lethal. You are a fool if you think this will not bring hell down on us both." He glared at Maxwell. "Taking those women was an act of war against the pack, the coven, and any damn supernaturals they're unified with. And I'll be damned if I go down with you."

  Maxwell jumped up. He darted up to Lex, swallowing his personal space in seconds. "You better not do anything stupid." The threat in his voice was evident.

  Lex flared his magic muscle. His powers, once again at full strength since the witch's promise had been satisfied, slammed into Maxwell. The vampire leaped back, a slither of fear in his gaze. With glowing hands, Lex towered over Maxwell. Lex smirked. It was about time the vampire knew exactly who he was dealing with.

  "You've only been a vampire for a few years. I am a born witch, superior to you in every fucking way. Get in my face again and I swear to the Goddess, I'll suck the life out of you." He turned his back, the act affirming to the vampire, he wasn't considered much of a threat.

  "Don't fucking ruin this, witch," Maxwell growled.

  Lex stopped. He glanced over his shoulder. "I'm not ruining anything." I'm fixing it.

  "Lex…Lex," Max shouted. "Don't be stupid. Where the hell are you going, witch?"

  Lex marched out of the room without a backward glance.

  Chapter 26

  Casting cold gray shadows in her room at the Fort Hamilton base, the sun had almost finished its slow descent. Winter plunked on her mattress and closed her eyes. Her energy levels had bottomed out days ago. At this moment, she coasted on fumes.

  The last week had taken a major toll on her emotional and physical strength. Her argument with Tristan had sucked the last bit of fuel she possessed, leaving her empty and cold.

She covered her face with her arms. She was in no shape to make a major life decision. Yet, fate didn't seem to care, because it demanded a verdict, and soon.

  How in the hell was this relationship between Tristan and her going to work?

  She sighed.

  Maybe, sleeping with him had been a huge mistake. She had insinuated as much out of anger, but maybe their union should never have happened.

  The moment the thought entered her mind, her heart and body snuffed it out.

  As usual, her stubborn brain tried to make sense of things that had no basis for logical thinking. Matters of the heart should be handled by the soul, not the mind—wisdom her mother had instilled in her since she was a child.

  How could she think that her incredible night in his arms had been anything but right?

  No, she refused to regret making love to him. If they parted ways…wait, not if, when they parted ways, she'd have a wonderful memory to help her survive the cold lonely nights.

  Why was love so damn complicated?

  If she left and went back with him, she'd be giving up on all she worked for without a definite promise that things would work out between them. She'd be giving up a job that she loved, a job that had become a deep part of her. She'd be giving up her friends and the life she adored.

  Yet, what would she be giving up if she let him go without a fight?

  Winter hadn't considered the future when she fell into his arms and took him into her body. Common sense had not been her top priority. The need for him burned too hot and the passion in his touch ran too deep to deny him.

  Yes, she loved Tristan. Adored him from the first moment she'd seen his wolf trotting through the forest at home when she was a little girl, but those carefree days were so far away. A lot had happened since then. So much pain.

  A sudden rap at the door made her jerk her gaze up. "Come in," she said.

  Aric peeked inside at her, his sea-blue eyes concerned. "Magnus sent me down. He said you wanted to see me."

  Winter grinned. "I'm thinking of going for a run in the local park. Care to join me?"

  "Sure, I could use a recharge. Let me change into my workout gear and get my jacket."

  Thirty minutes later, Winter and Aric jogged through the witch section Magnus had mentioned. The wooded area had a couple of heavily wooded trails, a small man-made lake, and several plush gardens with different plant life known to aid witches with their magic.

  "Race you to the trail’s end." Aric took off

  Winter darted after him.

  Faster than humans, they flew through the winding trail, mere flashes of shadow against the fauna. They veered off the path, hopping over roots and broken sticks, winding around tree trunks and bushes. She felt alive. Energy filled every corner of her magic. She reached out and welcomed the flow of power.

  She stopped short when she sensed the curiosity of some of the creatures reaching out to her. A smile tugged at her lips. A bunch of squirrels sat on the trail’s edge, watching, their little heads tipping to the side. She approached with caution. She sensed their uncertainty as she stepped closer.

  Kneeling beside them, she let her power greet them. She noticed the second their anxiety slipped away. She reached out her hand and stopped, making the final decision to connect theirs. They only hesitated a moment. Before she knew it, they hopped on her lap.

  She giggled. The little fur babies reminded her of her raccoons that had passed on many years ago. Just the thought of her familiars made her heart heavy. She missed them often.

  Familiars were the perfect companion for a witch. Especially, one with her skill set. Animals that bond to witches aided magic and gave strength.

  She scratched a furry little head, enjoying the way he leaned into her caress. How she longed to care for a familiar again, but with her busy schedule, it wouldn't be fair to bond to one.

  Out of the shadows, Aric burst through the brush, skidding beside her, scaring the little critters. They ran behind a tree and peeked out. Winter sensed their irritation at the intrusion. The larger squirrel chirped what one could construe as a curse word in their little squirrel language.

  Winter giggled.

  "What?" Aric asked confused.

  "Don't be afraid of him, my tiny friends. He's all bark and no bit." She assured the little critters.

  "Hey, I'm a powerful guard." He slammed his fist against his chest before pushing her playfully. She laughed and pushed back. He lost his balance and fell on his ass. He leaned up, eyeing her. "You still remember that move I taught you?"

  He hopped up. An evil glint sparkled in his eyes.

  "I sure do."

  They began to circle each other. Aric struck, but she blocked him. He fell forward over a root, taking her with him. She fell on top of him, laughter burst from both their lips. She quickly rolled off still laughing, but soon froze in place.

  "What is it?"

  The hairs stood up on the back of her neck seconds before a deep low growl filled the silence. Their gazes snapped up at once. Creeping out of a dense bush appeared a large wolf.

  "Tristan," she whispered.

  The wolf flashed his canines at the sound of his name. His hot breath hit the cold air making plumes of smoke rise in the moonlight. His tawny gaze glowed bright, pinning her to the spot.

  She knew she hadn't done anything wrong, but his glare made her feel guilty. Then his eyes scanned over to Aric. Tristan took a quick step forward.

  "No, Tristan." He stopped and snarled. His eyes locked on where her hand wrapped around Aric's forearm. She released him in an instant.

  Jealousy, thick and dangerous filled Tristan, nearly choking her when she reached out to him. She had no doubt if she didn't diffuse the situation, the wolf would kill Aric and any male he thought threatened his claim. The rational alpha did not exist at this moment, only the animal, and the animal was pissed.

  Aric rose with his hands held up in surrender. "I'm not challenging you, wolf. I know the deal."

  Tristan barked three consecutive deep yelps. Then growled, taking another sharp step forward.

  "Will you stop this?" ordered Winter.

  Aric glanced at her. "Are you safe with him?" Tristan huffed at Aric's question. "I've never seen him—"

  "I'm always safe with him." Tristan approached her, forcing her to move farther away from Aric. "I'll see you back at the base, Aric." She kept her eyes on Tristan the entire time.

  Aric hesitated, but then nodded. He hurried back down the trail. The wolf butted her. Larger than a natural wolf, the knock nearly knocked her over.

  "Hey." She stood her ground. "What am I going to do with you?" She scratched his large head. Her other hand stroked his back and hip. After several tense moments, she sensed his possessive fury begin to dissipate.

  Soon, smooth skin replaced thick fur. Tristan now stood in front of her naked, his thick hard cock bobbing a few inches from where her hand now rested. She yanked her palm away. Only to have him snatch her wrist back.

  "Let me go." Her demand lacked conviction.


  She twisted her wrist in with a sharp downward thrust, breaking free of him. She knew if he wanted to, he could have reached for her again, but he hadn't.

  "Magic yourself some clothes." She lifted her gaze to the twilight sky, away from the enticement of his perfect body. Anger at his foolish behavior still simmered within her. She didn't need his beautiful package deterring her fury, or his tight hard muscles.

  "No, I need you…now."

  She backed away. "Are you out of your mind?" He allowed her retreat. She glanced around at the dark shadows. The area appeared deserted, however, from what she heard, other supernaturals frequented these woods often. "This isn't the place…" She glanced at his hard cock. "For that, besides, we need to talk."

  "There something else I'd rather do with my mouth then talk."

  She shivered at the thought of just what that something was.

  "Aric can—"

  "Don't…don't sp
eak his name right now. I'm holding on by a tattered thread, Win. Finding you in the woods straddling him…" A snarled left his lips. "He's lucky I didn't rip out his damn throat."

  Winter rolled her eyes. "There is nothing going on between Aric and me. He's my friend and my leader."

  "I know he's touched you. I know—"

  "It hasn't been like that between us in a long time, Tristan."

  "He still wants you. I smell it. The only reason he lives is because I scented no arousal on you." She understood his anger. Had she found him in the same position with another female, she would have ripped the woman's eyes out.

  Suddenly, he reached for her, caged her in the protection of his arms, and backed her up against the nearest tree. Winter accepted his dominance. Unable to deny the lust his act erupted within her.

  His fangs hovered an inch from her throat.

  "What are you doing, Tristan?"

  She swallowed hard. Between her legs, she grew wet and hot.

  "I don't know how long I can fight it. Shit, I'm giving you time, but my wolf wants to claim you. He needs to."

  "What if I don't want to be claimed?"

  He narrowed his gaze. "You are mine." His eyes flashed brighter. His fangs lengthened. "I know what you want, even if you refuse to admit it."

  "I can't give up who I am now."

  "No one is asking you to."

  She jerked out of his hands. She knew without a doubt, he could have stopped her, but he didn't. "I'm a top guard."

  "I know."

  She brushed past him.

  "Do you really know what that means to me? I have friends here. A life." She spun to face him. "What's going to happen if I mate you? I won't be content popping out cubs and being a housewife. Being a guard isn't just a job to me. It's a part of me. It's who I am and I'm damn proud of it." She lowered her head. "I'm not giving it up. Not for anything or anyone. Not even for you."

  His silent stare unnerved her. The stillness stretched and then he spoke. "Do you think I would be so selfish as to force you to give up something you love so much? Is that what you think of me?" He approached her slowly. His hand slid around her nape. With a gentle tug, he pulled her closer. A mere inch separated their lips now. "I do not require or desire a docile mate with no backbone. I want a partner. An equal and, Winter, you are my match in every way. You, above all others are fit to be an alpha's mate. My mate."


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