The Inn

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The Inn Page 11

by D. R. Mather

  Roland knew this line of play, and he reacted accordingly; “Only if I get to try out the wares first to make sure they are the tops in quality dear.”

  Cindy slapped him lightly across the head, “Male chauvinist pig!” Then she kissed him again. “Tell you what, if I do that, then you can. Fair enough?”

  “Deal. In the meantime, while I’m waiting, what’s good on the menu tonight?”

  The bell on the door rang and in walked Billy, along with two gentlemen in suits.

  “Hi Cindy, can I get my booth tonight?”

  “You sure can Billy, just push your way through the crowd if you need to!”

  “Thanks kiddo! Hi Mr. C!”

  “HI Billy, how’s that project coming along?”

  “Extra credit right here,” Billy pointed to the two men with him.

  Billy and the two men soon had papers all over the table and they seemed to be eating and working at the same time. Cindy was actually starting to admire him. He was doing great with his family, his job and even in school.

  Roland and Cindy were both at the counter eating when the bell rang. The door opened hard enough so that it slammed against the wall behind it. Standing at the open door were three men. Not so unusual for a restaurant. What was unusual were the three guns they were holding. One seemed to be leading the others.


  Cindy’s stomach hit the floor. In a flash of thought, she knew who they were going to want to deal with: her. One man went over to Billy and his company; the other two walked over to Roland and Cindy. The one on the left grabbed Roland by his collar and literally threw him across to a booth.


  The third one was standing right in front of Cindy with his gun pointed at her nose. “Come on bitch, you know what to do, over to the register, NOW!”

  Cindy felt like vomiting, she could barely move. The man took care of that by grabbing her by the arm and throwing her towards the register. Cindy hit the floor with a thud.

  “NO!” Roland yelled.

  The man holding the gun in front of him grabbed Roland by his hair and yanked his head back.


  Roland saw Cindy get up, so he sat down on a stool and shut up. The leader told both of his men to, ‘Grab those assholes, and get them all up here to the counter.’ Everyone moved. After the relocation, the leader told them all to put their heads on the counter and lace their fingers behind their heads. Everyone complied. Roland’s face was to the side, and it was facing the door. He could hear Cindy crying and begging the man with her not to hurt her, because she was pregnant.

  The leader just said, “Hurry the fuck up or I’m gonna do a two for one deal on your ass bitch.”

  Cindy panicked and kept screwing up the register and couldn’t get it open. The cook walked through the back.

  “What the hell’s going on out here?” he yelled.

  The man with Cindy shot him once, in the head. The cook was no more. Now Cindy was almost bawling and she couldn’t see the buttons for the code to open it. The bell rang and Cindy turned.


  Emma came jaunting in like everything was just perfect. The man standing next to Roland shot her twice, once in the chest and once in the face. Emma also was no more. One of the thieves walked over, grabbed Emma’s body and pulled it in enough to close the door, and then he locked it. He went back to the counter and put his gun on Billy’s head; “That’s what happens when we don’t listen.”

  The attention went back to Cindy, who seemed about to lose it completely. Billy was crying, Roland was crying. He closed his eyes for a second and reopened them. Standing on the inside of the locked door was a man, a man wearing a full leather trench coat. The two crooks were facing Cindy and the leader was yelling at her to, “Get that fucking drawer open, NOW!” Only Roland saw the man.

  Kevin saw his chance; he crossed the span between him and the thugs in the blink of an eye and grabbed both men at once, by their necks. The squeeze he applied could not be measured by another hand as if you were testing another man’s strength. No, this would have to be measured by a machine designed for great strength. Kevin still had both men in his hands as he leaped over the counter without touching it, and then landed smack into the leader head first. Cindy went flying and Kevin landed with all three men around him. He was the only one still standing. He dropped the two men from his hands. He could safely do this because they were no longer alive. He grabbed the leader by his neck and pulled him to up from the floor until he was hanging in the air, his feet about six inches from the floor; with a snap, a crack, it was all over. He dropped him. Cindy flew up and grabbed Kevin, squeezing him for all she could. She wasn’t talking, she was just holding. Kevin walked her around the counter and handed her over to Roland.

  “I’m sorry about your friend Emma, I didn’t make it in time to save her, I’m truly sorry.”

  Cindy realized what he’d just said and screamed out, “EMMA”, then began to advance towards her.

  Kevin put his hand out.

  “Cindy, you can’t help her anymore, it’s too late.”

  Roland and Cindy were hugging and crying; Roland had gotten to know Emma too. Kevin reached over the counter and took the phone, handed it to one of the businessmen and told him to call 911. He then told Billy to go home and that he was never there.

  “To hell he wasn’t,” said one of the businessmen. However, Kevin never looked at him.

  “Don’t worry Billy, they won’t remember a thing about you being here. I’ll cover you on this.” He turned and touched each man’s shoulder.

  “You haven’t met Billy tonight. That was for tomorrow night, over at the doughnut shop.” He turned back to Billy, “Go, leave now and make sure you meet him at the doughnut shop tomorrow at the same time as tonight”

  Billy got up and left. Kevin went back over to Cindy and Roland and scrunched low between them both. He then told them something that the two businessmen couldn’t hear, before he stood up again.

  ”I’ll wait outside until after the police interview you both.”

  Cindy jumped up and grabbed him with both arms around his neck. “NO PLEASE DON’T LEAVE.”

  “Cindy, I’ll be waiting in my car, okay?” He handed her back to Roland and went outside. As he turned the corner of the building, a car came out of the dark with its headlights off and went ripping across the parking lot towards the street. As the car came into the bright light from the restaurant’s large windows, the light showed a part of the driver.

  ’No, it can’t be.’ Kevin thought as the car sped past him and out onto the road. He walked to his car, but he kept turning back and looking down the road. He could hear sirens getting louder as he sat behind the wheel and waited. They wouldn’t see him; they wouldn’t even see his car. He sat and waited for Cindy and Roland.

  It was almost 3 a.m. before they emerged from the restaurant. Ambulances had arrived and had long since gone. He tooted his horn with a light touch so that it barely made the full horn sound. Cindy turned and saw the Mustang. She knew this car; she should, it helped change her life, just as the man behind the wheel had done. She walked over, so Roland followed.

  “Jump in guys, we can’t hang around. Cindy you’re smaller, climb in the back please, Mustangs aren’t noted for their large back seats.”

  Cindy got in and Roland went around to the passenger’s side. Kevin started it up and left the parking lot for the last time. So did Cindy and Roland for that matter.

  Kevin drove them to their apartment and ushered them inside. He recognized the place, only it seemed more lived-in now. It seemed Cindy had got a lot more ‘homey’ once Roland moved in.

  “Grab any check books and a few nights’ worth of clothes.”

  Cindy turned to him; “But all my baby things, I’ve gotten so much.”

  “Don’t worry Cindy; everything’s going to follow you in a few weeks. For n
ow, they will be just fine and safe here, OK?”


  The one thing Cindy somehow knew was that she could trust Kevin, even with her life. They put what they needed in the trunk and the back seat on the side of Cindy.

  “Wait, what about my mom?”

  “Don’t worry kiddo; we’re going to fetch her when the heat cools off, okay?”

  “Okay,” was all Cindy could squeak out.

  Roland remained silent through the entire trip to their apartment; he trusted Cindy, and for some unknown reason, he trusted Kevin.

  The mustang drove off into the dark night; neither Cindy nor Roland ever set foot in Indiana again.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Judy was sitting outside on the marble bench, a cushion under her. She had a bright white puffy winter coat on and a knitted pink hat that had ear flaps on the sides. She didn’t have the flaps tied so they were just hanging down the sides of her face. On top of the hat sat a huge pom-pom. It looked like she was wearing snow pants as well, which were mostly white with pink piping running down the side.

  It had snowed a few times since Kevin had left, but not a lot had stayed yet. There were only scattered patches around the yard and on the roof of the inn.

  Judy jumped up when she heard it – Kevin’s mustang! She was standing and listening to it as it got closer; suddenly it popped into view from around the last curve. She started to jump up and down so franticly that Kevin wondered why she hadn’t simply passed out. Judy was literally jumping her way down to the drop-off area at the front of the house, her hat flaps flying up and down.

  Kevin saw Judy first. “Oh my god, it’s the freaking Easter bunny,” he said and slapped the side of his face.

  “Wow,” Cindy said, “someone sure is happy to see you Kevin.”

  “Tell me about it. If she bounces much more, we’re gonna have to back up to go get her before she hits the street.”

  Both Cindy and Roland laughed. Cindy and Roland had both had three days to get to know Kevin; they both decided life would just plain suck without him in it. They knew the plan – they would stay here, Cindy would get a midwife and Roland could get a teaching job at one of the local colleges. Cindy mistakenly asked Kevin if that was a guarantee. Kevin looked her in the eye and that settled that.

  Judy stopped at the end of the drop-off area. She stopped moving but she didn’t stop bouncing. At least, not until she saw he wasn’t alone. Then she quieted down and was just standing when Kevin pulled up and stopped. Cindy got out first, rolled the seat back to its forward point, and Roland got out. Judy instantly felt relief. She hadn’t seen the man in the back. Kevin got out and Judy was on the move, proving she was a runner. She made it to the driver’s side in about two seconds flat with her arms out and leading the way.

  “Is she…chirping?” Kevin murmured.

  She didn’t so much get to him as LAND on him.


  He laughed and hugged her back. Cindy and Roland each had a huge smile on their faces. Kevin had been wise enough to warn them about the possible reception he might receive. He’d also had three days to let them know about all of the people they were about to meet here. Cindy lost the sexual thoughts she used to harbor about Kevin that day. It never came back, as if it never was. She’d told Roland about what had happened between her and Kevin and that they were Kevin’s babies. For some unknown reason, that no longer mattered to anyone involved.

  Will, Mark and Beth came out to see what all the fuss was about. They saw Kevin and ran down to meet him and his new friends. After a very warm welcome back, and a welcome to the Colburn Inn, for that matter, Kevin told everyone to go inside and he’d be in after he put the car away.

  “Three minutes, tops.”

  Judy moved to his side; “Yeah, ten minutes, tops.”

  “No, no Judy, you go in and wait, it’s cold out here.”

  Kevin quickly lost that discussion. He might as well get used to it; he’d be losing a lot more.

  Everyone grabbed the luggage and headed in. Kevin got in and Judy ran around to the other side and jumped in as well. He drove the car over to the garage, pulled it in, shut off the car and then they just sat there.

  “You know, Judy, we aren’t a couple because we’ve never said or done anything to each other that would suggest that.”

  She sat for a second, looked deep in thought, and then turned to him.

  “Oh, haven’t we?” She jumped up and leaned across to his side, latching on hard to Kevin. They kissed, long, hard and deep. She slid her hand down until she felt something, something that caught both of their interests. She released him after a few seconds, and sat back.

  “There, now we’re boyfriend and girlfriend.”

  “It should be fun to see Stan’s reaction to this!” Kevin laughed out loud.

  They both got out of the Mustang. As they moved to the back of the car, he grabbed her and they locked together again. Several minutes later, both of them were walking up to the house.

  As Kevin and Judy entered the main area, he saw Will talking to Roland and Cindy talking to Beth. They walked over to the group.

  “Segregating already, I see,” Kevin said.

  Everyone smiled at Kevin and he gave them a big warm smile back.

  “Will, got a minute?” Kevin didn’t wait for an answer because he knew Will was going to follow him. He took Will over to the desk. “Here,” Kevin opened his wallet, took out $10,000 dollars and gave it to Will. “This covers Cindy, Roland, and the soon-to-be baby for the year.”

  “Good lord Kevin, that’s way too much.”

  “No it isn’t. Two people, two fees, just like anyone else here, and some extra for the baby, now take it.”

  Will looked at Kevin for a second, saw his eyes, and took the money without another fuss.

  “That’s my man Will, that’s my man.”

  “Kevin, I have one question, why are you carrying their money for them?”

  Kevin smiled at him, “Who told you it was their money, Will? I guess my ass goes to the basement now though, huh?”

  “As I said before,” Will looked at him, “whoever pays the most up front... seems like you just paid for them, so you’re good for over a year now!”

  Kevin walked back to the group. Will went to put the money away.

  “This place is getting just plain weird,” Will mumbled to himself, then put the money in his safe that was hidden under the desk.

  As Kevin reached the group, he glanced to the top of the stairs and there was Stan, just watching. He gave Kevin a really pissed look, so Kevin decided it was time to start pushing him a little. He got to Judy and kissed her cheek. He snuck a glance up and saw Stan walking away, his Middle finger raised higher than a flag pole. Judy, on the other hand, seemed to just melt and swoon. She reached down and grabbed Kevin’s hand, thinking they were all too close to each other for anyone to notice. She was wrong, Will noticed.

  “Son of a bitch, HA,” Will said, walking over to both of them and grabbing them in one big hug. Then he backed off and said, “Son of a bitch,” again. He walked over to the desk to get room keys. Both Kevin and Judy craned their heads to watch Will go over, but they only made it half way. Barb was standing about ten feet from them.

  “I think you two just made Will’s decade.” She walked over to them and gathered them a bit away from everyone else; “I wish you both all the best and may it last until the end of time itself.”

  She gave each of them a kiss on the cheek, turned and headed out to the kitchen.

  Will walked back over and handed the room key to Roland; “What say we have a tour folks?”

  Off went Will, Roland and Cindy. Mark headed up to the library and left Kevin, Judy and Beth alone in the main lobby.

  “I think I need to ask both of you to trust that what I do is for the good of all mankind. I need both of you to do as I ask instantly, with no hesitation on your part. I know this could be hard to do, but I need that from both of you, o
r it could get someone killed. Do you have that in you; to be able to kill a man without hesitation?”

  Beth and Judy looked at each other, and then turned to Kevin. Both of them nodded their heads.

  “Shall we get comfortable?” Kevin said as he raised an arm out towards the living room. “Maybe we can have a nice…long…cha…” Kevin never finished the sentence. He stopped in mid stride and stood still. Both women looked at him. Judy noticed it first. Kevin wasn’t there anymore, not in the way we would think of being in our minds anyway.

  “He sees something,” she said to Beth.

  Less than a minute later, he seemed to come around. “Put your coats on and meet me out front in two minutes.”

  Kevin ran to the door faster than they could even follow his movement, then he was gone outside. Beth was just standing there with her mouth open. Judy was faster.

  “Come on Beth, I think when Kevin says two minutes, he means two and not three.” Judy half dragged Beth to the coats and they got dressed, ran out to the drop-off area, then down to the garage. As they got to the door of the garage, it started to go up. Neither woman thought anything of it, they just walked in.

  “Shot gun,” said Judy, and held the upper part of the seat for Beth, who crawled into the back seat. Judy jumped in the front and closed the door. No one noticed the ceiling tiles that were a bit out of alignment. Someone had dragged something up over the ceiling and into a hiding place far down at the other end of the garage where no one parked. Ray now rested right next to an open attic vent on the side of the garage; his throat slashed.

  Stan figured the cold would freeze the body long before anyone ever found it and that he would be long ago gone.

  All of Ray’s things were gone as well, and there was four hundred dollars lying on the bed. Everyone just assumed he had left without saying goodbye.

  The car was loud as they left the driveway and entered the road. Both women were in danger of being literally ‘pressed’ into the fabric of the sets. Kevin was on the move and moving fast. Later on, both women agreed that it was the hairiest ride they’d ever had. Both women had their eyes closed as they entered a lot of the winding turns going down the mountain. As they got to lower ground, Kevin began to instruct them.


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