The Inn

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The Inn Page 26

by D. R. Mather

  “I sure would love to be able to hear that voice while it talked to you Kev. I sure would.”

  “Then we’re cool now?”

  Judy grabbed his face with both hands and kissed him deeply, “We’re cool man, we’re cool.” She went back out with a huge smile on her face.

  Kevin stood there for a few seconds, staring at nothing, “Man, that energy in her is something else.” He turned and joined them.


  The time had come. Kevin’s car sat running at the drop-off area and everyone was hugging and crying, Cindy most of all, or maybe Michelle, although it could have been Billy. Kevin was next to the car to help one very pregnant Michelle if she needed it, and all he could see in front of him was a blur of people. His eyes were just too wet to focus. He felt like he was looking through a magnifying glass. Once everyone was safely tucked in, Kevin got behind the wheel. He wasn’t stupid; he knew it wasn’t time to drive off yet.

  Cindy was leaning into the open window of the Mustang, “Please make sure we keep in touch will you, all of you?” she looked in the back to where Billy sat.

  He reached forward and held her arm, “Cindy, you can count on it.”

  Now Judy came to the side of the car as well. Cindy was crying her heart out, Judy was crying, Kevin was crying….most likely every tree there was in on the act. It was a surprise that it didn’t start raining to get the clouds in on it too. Kevin saw something that surprised even him. Judy was being Cindy’s crutch.

  “Come on honey, we have to move out of the way or that psycho behind the wheel will just run us all over,” she said. She blew him a kiss and he returned one. Judy was the one who had Cindy in her arms and was bringing her over to transfer Cindy to Roland.

  “Damn,” thought Kevin, “she has a power all her own.” He put the Mustang in first gear and drove off.

  When Kevin got to town, Michelle noticed that they had driven past two car rental places.

  “Is there a special rental agency you like above those?” she asked Kevin, as she pointed back.

  “Yeah, there’s one I actually love a lot.” He drove on silently. Four minutes later, he pulled into a Ford dealership and shut the car off.

  Billy leaned between the seats, “They rent cars here?”

  Kevin smiled, “Kind of. Hey listen, would you mind indulging me for a few minutes first before we go in?”

  “Sure,” said Billy, “We’re in no rush.”

  “Thanks, I’ve wanted to check out the new Taurus and I see them right there.”

  As they walked around one particularly ‘decked out’ Ford that had every bell and whistle you could fit in a car, Billy got to the invoice sticker, “WHEW, forty-eight grand. That’s just a ‘bit’ above our price area right hun? We should be looking at the leftovers from a demolition derby.”

  Kevin laughed at that, “Well, I saw what I needed to see. What say we go get the last part of this sad day over with?” He walked them into the showroom. Kevin told them to have a seat in the waiting room, the rental was on him.

  “I’ll just go talk to the manager, and I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

  Twenty minutes later and still no Kevin. Michelle and Billy sat and read all the pulp crap from the rack and Brandon played in a children’s set up the dealership had put in. Billy looked up just in time to see the very Taurus they had been looking at drive by their window and out towards the garage area out back.

  “Well, looks like we saw that one just in time, must be going to prep for some lucky sod.” He went back to his pulp magazine.

  Kevin walked in and sat, then leaned back like he was about to relax, “They have a car coming in about twenty minutes, it should do the job.”

  “Cool,” said Billy.

  Kevin picked up a ‘rag mag’, as he called them, and glanced through it. “Billy, tell me you don’t read these.”

  Billy looked up and got a weird face, “Ah…no…nooooo.” With that, he tossed the magazine down, waited about ten seconds then picked it back up, “Although I was reading one interesting article.” He went back to reading.

  Kevin gave a quick chuckle, tossed the one in his hands back, leaned to the back of his seat, and rested his eyes. Fifteen minutes later, a man walked to the door.

  “You’re all set Mr. Chase.”

  Everyone got up and followed behind Kevin. He talked to the man.

  “Now make sure they have these papers so there isn’t any confusion in Indiana okay?”

  Kevin took the papers, shook the man’s hand and thanked him.

  “Oh no sir, thank you.”

  Michelle thought something very weird had just happened but she wasn’t sure what. Kevin led them all out to the lot and the Taurus was blocking the path to get around to the rental. Kevin stopped just feet away, spun and held out a set of keys.

  “A gift, for doing me a favor, it isn’t a rental so don’t try turning it in when you get back. Here is all the paperwork you’ll need when you get home.”

  Michelle and Billy turned to each other and just started wailing. Kevin moved in for the group hug part and he got both of them in his arms. When it lightened up, Kevin let go.

  “Listen, you’re not going to be able to drive if you can’t see. I had them put a box of tissues in the front seat for you.”

  Kevin happened to glance over to the showroom window and saw about ten men and women all in various stages of wiping their eyes or blowing their noses. He waved and brought Michelle to the passenger side door, opened it and helped her in. Billy went over to the other side and put Brandon in the car seat which Kevin had also purchased.

  Kevin leaned in and kissed Michelle on the cheek, then pointed to her belly, “You take very good care of that, it’s going to be very important one day.” He kissed her again, and closed the door. He walked around to Billy, who was already behind the wheel with the window down. “Billy, you and Michelle were given a very special gift, not the car; I mean what she’s carrying in her tummy, protect that gift and keep it safe.” Kevin reached in and gave Billy’s shoulder a firm squeeze, held it for a few seconds, then let go, “Take great care my man.” He shook Billy’s hand, and then walked away. He heard them drive off the lot and out into the future, they never saw the tears on his cheeks.

  After they’d left, a salesman came out, “Ready whenever you are Mr. Chase.”

  “Good, let’s do it.”

  One minute later, an F-350 came out from the side of the showroom. Kevin stared at it.

  “You think that will do? It’s the super cab right?”

  “Yeah, yeah, that will drive through most anything there is.”

  “Ready then?”

  The salesman looked at the truck; the driver gave a thumbs up.

  “Good, I’ll follow him then, he knows the way.”

  “Hey, listen, damn near everyone who works here has been out to your Mustang while things were being taken care of here. That sure would make one fine showroom car. Ever think of selling it?”

  Kevin looked at him and smiled, and then walked to his car.

  Fifteen minutes later and Kevin was inside of Leo’s Custom Rod. Kevin gave the driver of the truck a ride back then returned.

  “Well, tell you the truth Mr. Chase, I do have something that’s been sitting in the back gathering dust under a tarp. It was supposed to go into a car a while ago but the deal fell through just before installation.” Leo headed out to the back and Kevin followed. Leo yanked a tarp off of something that was mounted on an engine stand. “It’s a 428 Cobra Jet, dyno tested at about 750 horses. It’s a bad son of a bitch, I’ll give you that.”

  “Who built it?”

  “I did, personally.”

  “Nice,” said Kevin. “So it’s a Ford; will it fit in that truck?”

  “Hell yeah, not a problem, only….with the gear box that your truck came with? This will twist those axles in half.”

  “Can you take care of that problem?”

  “I can work the gears yeah, but it ne
eds a better transmission than it has now or nothing I do will make much difference.”


  “I have to get a better one.”

  “What do you suggest?”

  “B & M for sure. It’s gonna come in a standard shift only though. Do you want me to punch through the floor of a new truck?”

  “No problem, just build a tower box so it sits like a car shifter.”

  “Hey, can do.”

  ”So how much for all of this?”

  “Well, this baby here was going for thirty grand before the deal fell out, but it’s been sitting here for the better part of a year now, so I’ll cut that in half. I figure a few grand for the transmission itself, another grand for the gears, and the cost of putting it all together – we are looking at twenty grand in all.”

  “How soon can you get it all together?”

  “Well now, nearly everything is local so there’s no problem there. The only exception is the transmission, which could take a week. If you order it ‘rush’ before today ends, maybe four days.”

  “And once it arrives, how long until you call me and say it’s ready to pick up?”

  “From right now, about two weeks, maybe a week and a half if I can squeeze it down to that.”

  Kevin turned and opened his wallet, after doing several ‘takes’ at it, he saw the amount. He turned back to Leo; “Here is twenty five grand, Squeeze it to a week and a half.”

  “Holy shit,” that was all Leo could say for the first few seconds. “Mr. Chase, I’ll have two men on it all the time.” He was grinning from ear to ear.

  “Great, here are the keys.” Kevin handed them to Leo and walked away. “Oh,” he turned and touched the man’s shoulder and squeezed just a tiny bit, “Try not to scratch the paint, huh?” Kevin then left the shop saying, “You should get to ordering soon I think.”

  Leo turned and headed to the office.

  ‘One more thing to do, Leave the biggest for last,’ thought Kevin as he drove off to ‘Snob Hill’ as Judy so eloquently called it.


  He was met by a large iron gate; there was a call box to the left of it. Kevin pushed the only button on it. Now he had to use a lot just to get someone to actually let him in. It was so much easier when he could touch them.

  “May I help you?”

  “I’m here to see Mr. and Mrs. Morrison.”

  Kevin felt the man’s mind; he had to turn things in it.

  “Ah…are they expecting you?”

  Kevin twisted a bit more, “Yes they are; the name is Kevin Chase.”

  There was a hesitation and silence. Kevin twisted a bit more, and then the gate opened. Kevin drove through. As he reached the house he looked it over.

  “Nice. Not as nice as the Colburn Inn, but nice.”

  He pulled up to the front entrance. As he got out, a man walked over to him. The man’s face fit the voice Kevin had just spoken to.

  ‘On with the show folks, now for the easy part,’ he thought.

  “I can’t find an invitation for you in the book, are you sure you have the right place Mr. Chase?” The man finished his question just as he was within touching distance of Kevin.

  Kevin put his hand on the man’s shoulder and gave a squeeze, “If it isn’t the right place, you just let an unwelcome stranger drive right up to the front doors pal.”

  The man looked at Kevin, “Hey, that’s not a problem, you have the right place. Come on in and I’ll get Mr. Morrison.

  Kevin followed him in. As he entered, he scoped the place out very fast. He stopped at the stairs and a chill went down his back. He would have to ask Judy why that should happen.

  “This way sir.”

  He brought Kevin into the drawing room. Kevin sat there alone, waiting for something he wasn’t even sure about. A few minutes later, a slightly overweight man came in. He was a bit on the short side, maybe five and a half feet, and had graying hair with a small mustache.

  “Hello, do I know you?” asked the man.

  Kevin was out of his seat and in front of the man in a flash. He took the man’s hand with his right, and placed his left hand on his shoulder, “Hi, I’m Kevin Chase, Judy’s boyfriend.” Kevin squeezed the man’s shoulder a bit, “Is your wife here?”

  “Ah…ahh…Sure,” he turned and called up the stairs, “Ellen, could you please come down here?”

  A few minutes later and Ellen came into the drawing room. Kevin greeted her with a hand shake and a shoulder squeeze. They all sat down for a good chat.


  Kevin had tricked Judy; she never noticed the tiny squeeze he applied to her shoulder before he kissed her goodbye. Today, after Billy and Michelle left, she took care of Cindy until she was good to go on her own, (that was not what the squeeze was for), then went and picked up a good book, sat over near the fireplace and read. Even Will had to go check on her a few times to make sure she was okay. After all, Kevin had left without her. She seemed perfectly fine so he went about his business. All Kevin had done was take away Judy’s desire to watch and wait for Kevin to return. It would wear off after half a day, but for now, he wanted it that way. He was only going to get one chance to do this right. Five hours after Kevin had left with Billy, he was back and opening the main door very slowly, only enough to get his head through. He saw Will at the desk.

  “Will,” he whispered. Will looked over and Kevin held his finger over his mouth. “Shhhh…where’s Judy?”

  Will pointed to the living room, “Over in front of the fire, reading.”

  “Okay,” he said, and opened the door more so that he and the two people with him could come in. “Stand right here and don’t move for now, okay?”

  Will saw the two people and just about blew his top. “OH SHIT!”

  Kevin had to do a ‘lower your voice’ gesture to Will. He was out from behind the desk and moving to Kevin at a fast walk.

  “Kevin, have you lost your mind?” Will knew these people, he’d seen them only once before, the day that they had dropped Judy off and set her up here. Kevin left Mr. and Mrs. Morrison where they were and met Will half way. “Judy hasn’t seen them or talked to them in five years. What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Will was pissed off, clear and simple.

  “William Colburn, you need to trust me, and you need to do it now.” Kevin never touched Will’s shoulder; he let Will decide for himself.

  “Okay Kevin,” Will said; looking between Kevin and the couple, “do it your way. I just hope you know what you’re doing.”

  “I think I do Will, though you should probably exit for a while.”

  “Yeah, I should, but I won’t be far, that you can bet money on.” Will headed towards the dining room.

  Kevin checked back once more and saw the Morrisons hadn’t moved one foot forward. Judy’s dad was holding his hat down with both hands on it; her mother was just standing there looking worried. Both of them for some reason looked, well, very sad and scared. Kevin gave them the ‘wait’ sign with his hand and walked out into full view of the living room.

  “Where is my baby when I need her?”

  Judy dropped the book instantly and was on her feet just as fast. Kevin moved into the room and Judy was on the move. She slammed into him, almost knocking them both over.

  “Whoa….hold them ponies up some, girl!” He spun her from the waist in a circle and they began kissing rather franticly. After a few minutes of this, Kevin pushed her back a bit.

  “Honey, walk with me,” he said.


  As he got to the edge of the living room, the main doors came into view. Judy had to look twice because the first time just had to be an illusion. Then there was the rage.

  “Kevin what the fuck do you think you’re doing? Get them out of here and do it NOW!”

  Kevin took Judy by both shoulders, “Honey, easy, be easy, please.”

  Judy squirmed to get out of Kevin’s grasp, but that just wasn’t going to happen. People upstairs heard the yell
ing and were now gathering at the top of the stairs to quietly listen. Whatever was going on, Judy was having a fit and it sounded like it was being directed at Kevin. Beth looked at both Cindy and April and could only say, “Oh no.” They then slipped back into silence and continued to listen. Now Judy was getting her feet involved because she knew she couldn’t get free from Kevin.

  “GET THEM OUT, GET THEM OUT, GET THEM OUT,” Judy screamed over and over again. Judy didn’t even notice that Kevin actually had her about seven inches off the floor. Now Judy was both kicking him and slamming her hands on his chest, “GET THEM OUT OF HERE NOW, GOD DAMN IT, NOW….!” The levels of her screams were so tremendous that it was amazing. Will and Barb ran to the entrance of the dining room and watched. They both knew what Kevin was doing the instant they saw what was happening. Judy tilted her head back once and let out a massive, “AAAAAAAAA!” She then went back to beating and kicking Kevin. The pure rage in Judy was tremendous. Kevin believed he’d found the source of the ‘sad’ Judy that everyone saw every so often. Kevin had to calm her down, and fast. He pulled her whole body to him and wrapped his arms around her; she was still off the floor. Judy was squirming as hard as she could to get out of Kevin’s grip.

  “Baby, baby, shhhhh…….” He carried her into the living room, out of sight of her parents. Judy was floating in Kevin’s arms and he shushed her and slowly swung her back and forth. Judy was just crying her heart out now. The punches to Kevin’s chest had lightened but hadn’t stopped yet, just grown less in number and hardness. It took Kevin over twenty minutes to calm her down some, only some, to the point where he could trust putting her down and talking to her.

  Now Judy was silent except for the sniffling. Kevin walked her over to a sofa and sat her down. He sat beside her and started to tell her something about her parents, something Judy had never known.

  “Honey, something got to them, a long time before you were even born.” Judy was listening, Kevin could tell, as she just wasn’t talking. “This was an evil thing and it found them both. It found that they had desires; it found that they wanted more and it planted itself into their souls.” Kevin was so focused on Judy that he never even saw the crowd gathering close by. Everyone was there except Will and Barb; they went in to the kitchen to talk it over. Keith and Ellen were standing at the front of the group, just as silent as everyone else.


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