Bear it All (The Hidden Pack)

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Bear it All (The Hidden Pack) Page 7

by Gracie Meadows

  “Did you have fun? I can’t wait to see what you got. Do you think I might get a show later?” She turned and looked at him while he placed the items in the cab of the truck before taking her hand.

  “Umm, I don’t know. I mean, I should, after all you paid for them. I just, you know, never showed things like that, and well, you’re you and I’m me, I don’t know if you would…” she started to stutter and he stopped walking.

  “Cece, I thought we had been over this. We are taking it slow, and I meant it as a joke, love. If you wanna share with me and Sam, then we would be the luckiest men in the world, if not, then we can wait. We waited this long to find you, and nothing else matters. So stop worrying and let’s eat.”

  Grey was happy Cece didn’t fuss anymore over the clothes. Heading to the small little Italian place, Grey kept his hand in hers as they waited for the hostess to seat them. The lady gave him a look up and down before turning her head to his mate. He could see the scowl and look of disgust, and he knew that look. The woman thought she was better than his mate. Smiling inwardly, he wrapped his arm around Cece, kissing the top of her head. That seemed to make the woman mad and that did cause him to grin.

  After a short trip to the table, he shook his head at her. “Can we have something in the back, you know, with a little more privacy?” The hostess rolled her eyes before taking them back to a small corner booth. He nodded his approval and waited until Cece was seated before taking a seat next to her. Her head was bowed as he looked around. He had been here a few times and knew exactly what he wanted, but he waited as she looked over the menu.

  “Um, I’m not sure what they have. I guess I could have a Caesar salad,” Cece stated as she went to close the menu. He couldn’t hide his bear who let out a small growl. He had heard her stomach earlier as if growled from hunger.

  “Please, love, get what you want. I know you’re hungry. So pick something that will fill you up.”

  “Oh, no it’s fine, a salad is good.” He knew she was hiding something when she didn’t look him in the eyes.

  “Cece, look at me.” Slowly she raised her head. “Why do you want a salad?” She went to turn away, but he held her chin with his hand. “Tell me, please,” he commanded gently.

  “Well, I thought you like women skinny and such, and I don’t need to pack on the weight and...” He cut her off by kissing her. It was his only choice because if he heard anymore he would have paddled her ass. When he released her lips, her eyes were closed.

  “You are perfect, and if anything you need to put some weight on to heal right. Please, love, eat. I want you healthy.” He kissed her nose before she opened her eyes that held back some tears.

  “Okay,” she whispered, but he knew there was more to the story. It had to have been her brother who put those thoughts in her head. The waitress appeared to get drinks and their order. They both ordered chicken marsala with pasta. The waitress nodded before she dropped off a basket of bread.

  “We have to work tonight, but your friends are going to stay with you and check out the bar tonight. They have some ideas about finding your brother, and ideas on your work schedule. Sam and I worry about you being there without someone there. Tiny had offered to play day guard on the days we have larger orders to deal with. We just hired a new day manager, so once she is trained we can sit at work with you.” He took a bit of bread as Cece thought about what he said.

  “Okay, I can do that, as long as you guys don’t bother me or get me fired, we should be fine. I know my boss is an ass, but I don’t want your male egos to get in the way.” He smiled and nodded, although she knew her boss was a jackass, and if he did anything to upset his mate, he could promise what his bear would do.

  “So umm, this bar thing, do I need to be careful?”

  “Careful? Yes, you always need to be careful, in what concept do you mean?”

  She growled in frustrations, which she looked cute as hell when she was irritated. “Well, you know, your bar groupies and such. I am sure you and Sam have your fair share of gorgeous women throwing themselves at you. I just need to know which ones to avoid that have claws and such.”

  He couldn’t help it at that moment as he laughed.

  “Hey, don’t laugh at me. I have had to deal enough with a crazy non-brother, I don’t need crazy stalker ex’s trying to come for me. I am just too damn tried to deal with them.” He smiled, once again kissing her lips lightly.

  “No, love, we are yours and only yours. If there are women who have issues, they can leave. We own the bar after all. They just need to know I am spoken for by a sexy redhead.” He winked at her and this time she laughed.

  Lunch came quickly and he loved that she ate it all and seemed to be full for the first time since he met her. He paid the bill before taking her hand and headed to the cab of the truck and home. He was happy to see Sam there. He wanted a small nap before work tonight. He suggested that she do the same, but he did tell her if she was tired at the bar, their office had a very comfy couch and a computer. She nodded and went to see Sam.

  Sam was happy to see she had gotten several items of clothing. Grey had texted him while she was in the dressing room. She seemed reluctant to get anything, but he overheard the sales woman helping her.

  “Hey there, baby girl. Get anything good?” He wrapped his arms around her while she hugged him.

  “A few, Grey wouldn’t take no for an answer.” Sam chuckled.

  “Well that’s good. You needed some clothes. Here let me help you take them upstairs.” He took the bags that were on the ground and headed to the room. He had spent the day getting things arranged for them. He ordered the bed she liked but it would take some time, until then, she would stay in the big room.

  “You added a dresser.” She turned and looked at him, and he nodded in agreement while he started to pull clothes out of the bag. When he reached the bottom of one he couldn’t help but smile.

  “I take it that shopping was fun.” He held up the sexist panties he had seen in the air as her face turned three shades of red.

  “Um, yeah, well the sales woman was kinda pushy, and I did need some, um, necessities.” He threw the panties on the bed and walked to her as she put some clothes in the drawer.

  “Well, I like pushy women who help my mate find things she needs. I will have to send a note of thanks for her. I for one can’t wait to see them on, and off.” He stalked her, his breath increased as the sweet smell of her arousal filled the room.

  “Okay, her name was, I don’t know, I can’t seem to think right now.” Sam watched and kept his eyes on her. He smiled at her as he got closer. He put his hands on her waist holding her in place.

  “I don’t care what her name is, I missed you today, baby girl.” He couldn’t take it anymore. He spent the day trying to get things together for work, a small nap, and then the thought of setting up house for his mate filled him with longing. In such a short time, she had come to mean so much to him. Claiming her lips in a heated kiss, he poured all his emotions into it. Her sweet moans were music to his ears as he pushed her against the dresser. He wanted so much to claim her and take her right there right now, but Grey needed to be part of that process. He ended the kiss and stepped back.

  She looked up at him and her grey eyes sparkled with desire as she licked her lips.

  “I missed you too.”

  “So what do you say, hang out with me before work, or nap?”

  “I think hanging out with you would be fun, and I have some work I need to work on for Becky and Millie. Maybe you can help me.” He smiled down at her, it was her small gesture that he was fitting into her life. He would take it. Grabbing her hand, they headed downstairs to work on some things.

  Chapter Eleven

  Grey was getting nervous as he finished his second cup of coffee. Sam had said she was getting ready, but he didn’t know how long it would take her. He brought the cup up to his lips and froze. Looking straight ahead was Cece smiling shyly at him. He couldn’t help but just
stare. She was wearing a pair of jeans that hugged her curves, and a shirt that was a dark green and lower cut. It showed the top of her breasts, and her hair was pulled half up.

  “Cece, wow, you look—” he was a loss of words.

  “You look fucking hot, baby girl.” He smirked at Sam’s choice of words, but he was dead on.

  “It’s nothing too big, but the sales lady suggested this and this is the outfit she said would work best. It’s not too much for the bar is it?” She ran her hands down her pants and tugged her shirt up.

  Setting his cup down before he headed for her. “Love, you look amazing and not too much, just right. But I think we might need to keep an eye on you because we will be fighting them off.” He kissed the top of her head and was rewarded with her small giggle.

  “I don’t know about that, but thanks.” He didn’t want to argue with her, instead he kissed her again before he grabbed her hand and headed to the truck, then left for the bar.


  Cece watched as they pulled into a brick building that housed several vehicles. A few small wooden bear statues stood at the doorway that seemed to give it a homey charm. She giggled at the sign and it did say Grizzles and her mates were bears. Grey grabbed her hand and took her though a small back door leading to a small hallway and next to their office. He showed it to her and even waited while the computer loaded.

  “Wow, you have some pretty high tech stuff here.” Amazed at the setup of the bar she couldn’t wrap her head around it. The men not only had the top line computer for their work, but on the side of the office stood several monitors that took in areas of the bar and the parking lot. The men took care of every aspect of safety, especially for a bar.

  “Well, we figured that people drink and do stupid shit all the time, that didn’t mean that we needed to get the bar sued from people getting hurt, or messed up because fights broke out. With us keeping an eye on things it made it easier to control, plus it helps with insurance prices.” Grey grinned as he turned everything on. She watched the monitors as a woman in a short jean skirt and halter. Sam looked at the screen and spoke to Grey.

  “Seems Tina’s here early. We must have gotten that shipment in. I will take Cece to go meet her and we will have a drink.” Sam grabbed her hand and soon she was out the door. As they approached, Cece was able to get a good look at the woman who helped run the bar. She was gorgeous. Her dark brown hair and slim figure showed off a classic beauty.

  “Oh hey, boss man, didn’t know if you boys were comin’ in tonight.” She smiled sweetly up at Sam. A small growl escaped her as the need to smack the shit out of this woman hit her, but Sam squeezed her hand trying to reassure her.

  “Yeah, we kinda own the place and such, plus we wanted to bring our girl with us tonight. Tina, this is Cece. Cece, this is Tina, our day manager and extra hand, when we need it.” The woman smiled at her, seemingly pleasant and happy.

  “It’s awesome to meet you, Cece. If you need anything, just let me know.” Cece shook her hand and nodded before the woman took off.

  “She seems nice,” she said hesitantly to Sam.

  Sitting on a small bar stool she didn’t look up until Sam was right in front of her. He pushed his way between her legs making her sex suddenly scream with need. Looking up she saw Sam’s eyes had changed into a glowing brown.

  “She is nice but, baby girl, it is you and only you we want.” Before she could protest his lips claimed hers, demanding her to respond. With an unknown passion she let go, giving up all thoughts of other women and felt him. Man could this man kiss. Lost in his passion she didn’t hear someone until Sam pulled away.

  “Sorry, boss man, but Grey says to stop eating your mate and to get her in the office before others take notice.” Cece blushed, just realizing she had made out in public with Sam, and not just a simple peck either. Shaking her head, she headed back to the office to see what was going on with Grey.

  Sam stayed behind to help bring in the various bottles and items into the bar and set up for the rush they were expecting tonight. Unsure what to do, she knocked lightly, but was met with a chuckle as Grey opened the door.

  “You don’t have to knock, ever, love. This bar is as much yours as it is ours.” He kissed her quickly, pulling her into the office more. She got to look around more and realized like the house, it was cozy. The single desk was huge, but sat on the middle back wall, while the security cameras were on the left, a large couch sat on her right. They weren’t kidding when they said they had a large couch she could sleep on. It looked warm and inviting, but she let Grey take her over to the desk.

  “I want you to know who you can trust here in the bar, and how everything works. Plus, you can see when your friends come in from the cameras. I just ask that if you go somewhere let us know, so we can make sure you’re safe.” She nodded and her heart melted at his warm words, okay not really warm and fussy, but they sure as hell meant more to her than other's words. They both cared about her safety and it was the first time anyone had. She listened to Grey go on and on while pointing at things.

  It had been about an hour since they got there when her friends started to show up. It was Millie and her mates, and Becky and her mates. Tiny showed up with their little healer, Lily. Cece seemed to be nervous as she started to fidget with her clothes.

  “What’s wrong, love?” he asked her gently.

  “Oh nothing, I’m fine, really.” But he could tell right away that she was lying to him.

  “Baby, are you nervous about them seeing you in new clothes?”

  “Umm, not new as much as, umm revealing. I am the frumpy friend, the one that blends in, and what if they, you know, think I look weird. I couldn’t wear clothes like this before because of bruises and Billy would have killed me. Hell, I didn’t even go to prom and faked the flu so the girls wouldn’t worry.” She tried to give him a small smile, but he knew she was hurting. It never crossed his mind everything she missed out when she was with this man.

  “Cece, look at me,” her head moved up enough so her eyes looked right into his. “Your friends love you for you. If they didn’t it wouldn’t have hurt so bad when they found out your secret. So smile and know you're the hottest thing in the bar.” Winking at her, she giggled before standing and smiling at him. Grabbing her hand, he walked her out to the main bar as the music started to pump through the loud speakers.

  Grey watched Cece’s friends as they entered the bar. He knew in his heart they wouldn’t say anything about her new look, but he also wanted to make sure of it too. Tiny trusted the odd bunch of people, but when it came to his mate, Grey wanted to keep her protected. However, all his fears were for nothing when they saw her, everyone smiled brightly.

  “Holy hell, Cece, who knew you had a rockin' body behind the clothes. And it’s nice to see you’re not hiding behind Harry Potter glasses anymore. Girl has got it going on,” Millie joked.

  “Oh, Cece, you look amazing. All these years you have hidden and now you shine.” Becky came over and hugged her, but suddenly started to cry. Grey looked lost, as did Cece when she just hugged her and started getting her shirt all wet.

  “Becky, come on, princess, you need to let her go. It’s okay, she is fine.” Dmitri smiled at him and then looked at Nik who shrugged his shoulders, simply telling everyone it was hormones.

  Cece let go of Becky and just like that everything was fine. He kissed her hair and released her to her friends who went on and on about God knows what. He wanted to stay, but when the subject of sex came up, all the men seemed to take leave, pulling him along to the bar.

  “So, Greyson, what did you do before you owned the bar,” Dmitri asked as he got Sam to get them some beers, plus a sprite for Becky, and some fruity drinks, he assumed were for Millie and Cece. They made small talk at the bar and let the girls have their little girl talk.

  Cece watched the bar as all the men left them to sit and talk.

  “So what are they like in bed? I know they are bears and such, but ya kno
w,” Millie wiggled her eyebrows suggestively making her blush.

  “Well, I, umm, I don’t know.”

  “Honey, what do you mean, you guys haven’t had sex yet? Okay I see that, hell, Millie took forever to sleep with her men, and I didn’t exactly sleep with my men right away either. Sometimes the wait is worth it. But I am positive it will be the best sex you have ever had.”

  Feeling the red rise on her face, knowing it was probably the same color as her hair, she started, “Well I don’t know about that, I never had sex before.”

  “WHAT?” shouted Millie, making several heads turn their direction.

  “Well, how could I. I mean think about it, Millie, I was a nerd, and you know with Billy and such…” She didn’t need to finish the statement because they both seemed to understand what she meant.

  “Oh, Cece, I’m so sorry, you will never know how much. But let me just say when you do take the plunge, it will be amazing. Both men seem to really care about you and they are your mates. Just be your wonderful self and let them take care of everything, and you. You deserve to be happy.” Cece smiled and then the whole conversation moved on as the men returned with drinks. She smiled when Dmitri remembered she liked Amaretto Sours. Grey kissed the top of her head before saying he needed to finish some work.

  As the night wore on Becky started to get tired and they took her home, and then Millie followed suite stating they would call her tomorrow. Not one for sitting alone at the bar she took her drink that Sam had made her and headed into the office. At first she was going to work, but then the couch looked so comfy. Curling up in the corner, Cece rested her head back and before she realized it, she was asleep.


  “Yeah, boss, I see her,” the lackey stated.

  “Is she alone?” He wanted her, but he didn’t want to deal with others right now.

  "No, she isn’t alone. She had a bunch of people around her but they just left and she headed to the back of the bar. Should I follow?”


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