Walk this Way, Haunt this Way (Haunted Tour Guide Mystery Book 4)

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Walk this Way, Haunt this Way (Haunted Tour Guide Mystery Book 4) Page 8

by Rose Pressey

  I hated to ask Tammy to come back. Then again, I hated to wait to watch the video. I really wanted to know what was on that. Noise to my left caught my attention. Heath and Patrick were standing right there. I almost passed out. I tried to act casual.

  “I didn’t see you.” I chuckled.

  They didn’t look as if they were there for a friendly visit. Heath glared at me. I knew why they were there. It had to be for the bag, right? If so, then I had to pretend like I didn’t know what they were talking about. No, that wouldn’t work. I just had to tell them I didn’t have the bag. I knew that wasn’t what they wanted to hear.

  “We know you have it, so give us the bag now.”

  My first instinct was to lie. “I don’t know what you mean.”

  “Don’t act like you don’t have it,” he said.

  I guessed he knew what I was thinking.

  “I left the bag at the library, so I know you saw it.”

  “You lost a bag? I’m sure someone will turn it in to Lost and Found. I’m sorry, but I just didn’t find it. Where did you leave it?” I asked, trying to sound innocent.

  They moved closer and I thought I would have to run.

  “We know you have it. Give us the bag.”

  “I don’t know what to tell you, but I don’t have it.”

  “I would hate to have to hurt you, but we’re going to if you don’t give us the bag.”

  “So now you’re threatening me? That’s probably not a good decision on your part.” I glared.

  Heath laughed. “I’m not scared.”

  “Well, you should be,” I said. I tried to sound confident, but I didn’t think it worked. “You can see I don’t have the bag.”

  Heath moved closer to me. He was a mere inch away, so close that I knew he’d eaten garlic recently. “You better find the bag quick. We’ll be back.”

  The men stared for a few seconds longer and then slowly backed away. My heart thumped wildly in my chest. Heath had seemed like such a nice guy. Now I definitely had my suspicions that he could have murdered Alex. After another couple seconds, they turned and walked down the path. When they walked through the gate and onto the sidewalk, they paused and looked back at me. Once they’d walked out of sight, I realized that I’d been holding my breath. I exhaled and tried to steady my nerves. Tammy had the bag. I had to get it.

  I raced up the steps and into the foyer of the house. I peeked out the window to make sure they hadn’t returned. They were nowhere in sight. Maybe they’d stay away for now. I knew they’d be back though. I dialed Tammy. She picked up right away.

  “I left the bag in your car.”

  “Oh. Do you want me to bring it over now?”

  “They were by here looking for it,” I said, still staring out the window.

  “Heath and the other guy came to your house? How did they know where you live?” Tammy asked.

  “I don’t know. It was scary,” I said.

  “I’ll be right over.”

  “Just be careful,” I said.

  What if they were waiting for Tammy when she got here? Brannon was working and I hated to bother him right now with a phone call. It wasn’t exactly an emergency. The guys had left. Though I supposed threatening me did warrant a police report. Especially under the circumstances. I watched out the window. Tammy didn’t live far away so I hoped it wouldn’t take her long to get here. I’d forgotten to ask if she’d even had time to get home. After a few cars passed down the street, I spotted her car.

  She pulled up to the curb and climbed out. I opened the door and rushed out onto the porch. I scanned the area and motioned for her to hurry. She had the bag clutched tight to her chest. When she reached the porch she handed it to me. I didn’t blame her for not wanting to hold on to the thing any longer than she had to.

  “Have you seen them since they left?” Tammy asked.

  I closed the door behind us. “No, thank goodness. Let’s go upstairs and watch the video.”

  “I’m scared at what we’ll see,” Tammy said.

  “I’m a little scared too,” I said as we walked up the stairs.

  We made it to my apartment and rushed inside.

  I locked the door behind us. “Whew. Thank goodness we made it. Though I don’t know what we’ll do if they come back.”

  “Don’t even think about that right now. Let’s just watch the video.”

  I plugged it into the television and waited. After a couple seconds, the video started. Heath was pictured along with Alex. They were fighting. Just screaming at each other at first, but then the punches started flying. Heath knocked Alex to the ground.

  That was when the video stopped. The screen went blank.

  “If this is the reason for Alex’s death, then we know why he wanted it back. But why video the altercation? Would you really video murdering someone?”

  Alex had looked as if he’d been in a fight when I’d seen his body.

  “I guess it was accidentally videoed,” Tammy said.

  “I suppose.” I brushed the hair out of my eyes. How do we know this fight was at the time of the murder rather than days or even years ago? Maybe we can find a time stamp, but until then we don’t know when it took place.”

  “I guess we don’t know.”

  Something seemed odd about the video.”

  “The whole thing was weird,” Tammy said.

  “No, it was something other than that. I have to watch it again.” I hit play again and watched the short video.

  There was something familiar about it. I just couldn’t quite put my finger on it. That was when it hit me.

  “This took place at the old funeral home.”

  “You’re kidding,” Tammy said.

  I moved closer to the television. “See here. This is the woodwork on the wall. There’s the fireplace. They’re even in the room where I found Alex’s body.”

  Tammy rubbed her arms. “That gives me the chills.”

  “I have to tell Brannon about this. The video just might be enough for them to arrest Heath.”

  “I can’t believe you solved another murder.”

  “I wouldn’t say that just yet. I hope they don’t come back though.”

  Tammy looked at the time. “I really should be going.”

  “I’ll walk you out. I don’t want you to go out there alone.”

  “What about you?”

  We headed out the door. “I can run back real quickly while you watch from the car.”

  Tammy released a deep breath. “I suppose that would work.”

  We inched out the main door onto the porch. Traffic had slowed down and no one was around. The night seemed even spookier now. We rushed down the path to the sidewalk. Tammy hurried into her car.

  “Now you hurry up and get back inside. And don’t forget to call Brannon.”

  I waved over my shoulder as I ran into the house. I rushed up the stairs and back to my apartment. Once inside, I locked the door and released a deep breath that I had made it safely. I wanted to watch the video one more time. When I went back over to the TV it was gone.

  I looked around to see if I’d placed it somewhere else and forgotten. It wasn’t there. Had Tammy taken it with her by accident? No, I’d seen her and she hadn’t had the bag. Panic surged through me. Could Heath have gotten into my apartment?

  I hadn’t been outside that long. I didn’t think there had been time for anyone to get in and out. What if Heath was still in my apartment? How could I have forgotten to lock the door? That was a really stupid move. My heart raced. I had to call Brannon. He picked up right away.

  “I have a problem,” I said.

  “What’s wrong?”

  I hated to scare him, but I couldn’t help it. I was scared. “I think someone might be in my apartment.” I moved closer to the door in case I needed to escape.

  “I’m on my way.”

  After hanging up, I didn’t know what to do. I remained frozen by the door. When the knock came at the door, I almost jumped across
the room. I hadn’t moved a muscle since I’d called Brannon. Luckily, Heath hadn’t popped out and grabbed me. Maybe he wasn’t in the house after all. That didn’t explain what had happened to the video though.

  “Rip, it’s Brannon.”

  I finally snapped out of it and unlocked the door. I couldn’t help myself. I immediately hugged him. He wrapped his arms around me briefly, but then urged me that he had to look for the intruder. I stood by the door while he came inside to search.

  After a couple minutes, he came back out of the kitchen. “I don’t see anyone. What makes you think someone was in here?”

  Now I had to explain about the video.

  “I was just getting ready to call you.” I rushed out that part when he gave me the look.

  Yeah, if I’d called sooner we’d probably still have the video.

  “Are you sure it didn’t fall behind something?”

  “I guess I didn’t really look everywhere.”

  Brannon and I started looking everywhere for the video. We searched behind the sofa, under the chairs, and bookshelf. It just wasn’t there.

  Chapter 14

  We’d given up on finding the video that night. The next day, Brannon and I decided to make a quick trip. We pulled up in front of the massive stone and brick asylum. It was shaped like bat wings, spanning out on each side as if it would engulf us. Like the spirits wanted us inside so that we could never escape. Maybe it was just my fear talking though. I’d been in many scary places. I had to remind myself this one would be no different. It was as if gray clouds hung permanently over this place. Maybe it was my overactive mind though since the forecast did call for rain.

  “This place is eerie, right?” Brannon asked.

  “It’s hauntingly beautiful, I guess,” I said.

  “Should we go inside now?” Brannon gestured toward the front.

  Finally, I got up enough nerve to go inside. Brannon stood at the entrance, motioning for me to enter. I inhaled a deep breath and then slowly inched my way toward the door. I was acting like a big baby.

  Brannon took me by the hand. “Things will be fine.”

  I forced a smile. “Just don’t walk too far away, okay?”

  “You got it.” He squeezed me gently.

  We stood in the lobby area of the main floor. We stood in silence. Was Brannon thinking of leaving? That was doubtful. He went to a lot of dangerous places. That wasn’t as common for me. I worked in a library all day. That was far from dangerous.

  The place was so huge I didn’t know where to begin. I looked to my left and there was nothing but hallway. When I looked to my right I saw the same thing.

  “Where do we start?” I asked.

  “I’ve heard the most activity is on the fourth floor,” Brannon said.

  “Oh, good, so that’s the floor we should avoid,” I said.

  He winked and took me by the hand again. We walked over to the main wide staircase.

  I peered up. “It’s a long way up there. This is six floors, is that right?”

  “Yes, six floors. Just watch your step and you’ll be fine.”

  It was a good thing that I walked a lot since we had decided to climb all the stairs. The asylum was full of old medical equipment and office furniture. It looked as if we were the only living people after the apocalypse. Walking around the place was surreal. How many spirits of former patients were trapped within these walls? I’d heard there had been terrible treatment of the patients. Were the spirits of the people who’d carried out those acts trapped here as well? That would explain the negative energy.

  “You’re being quiet. What’s on your mind?” Brannon asked.

  “Being attack by an evil spirit,” I whispered.

  “We’ll be okay,” Brannon said in a reassuring tone.

  As we walked up the stairs I stumbled and fell forward. Luckily, I caught myself with the palms of my hands.

  “Are you okay?” Brannon rushed to my side.

  The wind had been knocked out of me, but otherwise I thought I’d managed to escape injury. The place was hard to maneuver so it was no surprise that I had fallen, but I couldn’t get over the feeling that someone had pushed me. I got to my feet.

  “Perfect,” I said.

  “And you’re sure nothing is broken?” Brannon took me by the arm.

  I moved my legs and then arms. “See, everything is in working order.”

  Further down the hallway, Brannon paused.

  “What is it?” I whispered.

  “Do you feel something?” Brannon waved his arms through the air. “It seems thicker here and colder.”

  I moved my hand through the spot that he’d pointed out. “Not only does it feel colder, but it feels as if something is pulling upward.”

  Brannon’s brow furrowed.

  “What are you thinking?” I asked.

  “Do you think this could be a portal for the spirits? How they get in and out of this dimension?”

  “I’ve heard about them. Maybe I could find a book on the subject.”

  Brannon chuckled. “You always know how to make me smile.”

  “What? Books can answer any question you have,” I said as we moved away from the spot.

  Finally, we made it up to the fourth floor. The walls were full of graffiti up here as well. Some of the writing was quite spooky with symbols that I didn’t recognize. Dirt covered the floors and walls where the outside elements had been attacking the building for many years. A breeze moved by. I assumed it came from the broken windows around us.

  “I bet there are all kinds of varmints in this place,” I said as I looked around.

  “The snakes probably get to them.”

  “Why did you have to say that? Now I’ll be looking for the snakes. I’d rather encounter the bad ghosts.”

  “I doubt they’re poisonous,” he said.

  “The ghosts or the snakes? I can understand why people find this place so spooky. I wonder why Heath and Patrick were at this place?”

  “For the documentary, I suppose.”

  “It seemed like it was more than that. I think Patrick’s up to something,” I said.

  “What do you think it is?” Brannon asked.

  “I’m not sure. It’s definitely something I want to find out though. Maybe I should just ask him. You know, put him on the spot.”

  Brannon glanced over at me.

  “Yeah, that probably wouldn’t work anyway.” I knew that was what he was thinking.

  A noise echoed across the room. I jumped and climbed onto the old wheelchair in the corner of the room. That was embarrassing. The wheels had moved with a loud squeak when I plopped down. I couldn’t believe that I was so freaked out. It was probably just the wind, I told myself. The spirits would leave us alone. I felt as if I thought that, it would make it so. The wheelchair moved with me in it and I screeched. I thought I saw one of the dark shadows out of the corner of my eye.

  Brannon grabbed the back of the wheelchair by the handles and spun me around. “Rip, are you okay? Don’t freak out on me now.”

  I released a deep breath. “I’m okay.” My voice said something completely different though.

  Brannon took my hands and pulled me to my feet. The wheelchair moved back with another loud squeak.

  Another noise sounded from down the hallway. This time I managed to remain on my feet.

  “Rip, are you okay?” Brannon helped me out of the chair.

  I brushed off my clothes. “Yeah, I’m okay. Sorry about that. I guess I got a little too anxious.”

  “It’s okay. That was probably just the wind.” That was what anyone would say to make it less scary.

  I was relieved to be out of that room, although the air out in the hallway was heavy too. It felt as if we had been in a room full of people back there. I sensed that some of them might be following us. If we moved fast they moved fast. When we slowed down they slowed down. I didn’t want to turn around to see if anything else was out there. I’d ask Brannon to do it. No, I
had to be brave. I ran the ghost tour through some of the most haunted places around. I could handle this.

  A dark mass darted from one side of the hallway to the other, disappearing into one of the rooms. I’d heard about people seeing shadow people before in this building. Now I was seeing it with my own eyes. They moved faster than I’d ever seen in the past. Was it waiting for us to come inside that room? We could just pass that one up. But it would probably go into another room. The purpose of this visit was to see something. Now I was avoiding it.

  “Did you see that shadow?” I asked.

  Brannon nodded. “Yeah, I saw it.”

  The heavy feeling in the air let me know that something wasn’t right. It was oppressive and overwhelming. This was more than a simple haunting. It felt as if I was being suffocated. I wasn’t sure how much longer I could handle this feeling. It felt worse by the second.

  “Are you okay?” Brannon asked.

  “Never better.” I forced a smile on my face.

  I couldn’t let him know how scared I was of this place, although he probably sensed it. I guessed I wasn’t doing a good job of hiding it. My imagination was taking over and I couldn’t stop worrying that something bad would happen while we were in this building.

  “There is something else we can do if you’re brave enough.”

  “Braver than just setting foot in this building?” I asked.

  He chuckled.

  “I was being serious.”

  “We could go down to the morgue.”

  I scrunched my face. “That sounds kind of terrifying.”

  “I heard that was the room with the most activity,” he said.

  “Great.” I forced another smile on my face.

  Why had I agreed to this? I wanted to see the paranormal, but this place was beyond that.

  “Okay.” I headed down the corridor with a lump in my throat.

  I supposed I could always say no. I didn’t want to seem like a chicken though. I supposed that had been ruined when I’d jumped on that wheelchair.

  “Did you see that shadow?” Brannon asked.


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