The Siren (The Chloe Chronicals Book 2)

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The Siren (The Chloe Chronicals Book 2) Page 5

by Eden Rose

  She nodded her head and walked away from me to lookout the win down.

  "What's wrong?" Chloe seemed sad and I didn't mean to make her angry.

  "Do you think you can honestly work with me... after...?" She didn't turn and she kept her back towards me. I noticed that she started to straighten her hair. I like it curly because when looked natural with it. Chloe looks... not like Chloe.

  What do I say? I can't tell her that it didn't mean anything to me because that is a lie and it will hurt her feelings. However, I couldn't tell her that I haven't stopped thinking about her over the past few years. It isn't even sexual that I am thinking of. Well, sex with her is amazing but I missed her friendship most of all. I missed coming home from class and watching how stressed out she got over an exam she studied for. I missed how she danced around the living room when she thought I wasn't watching her. Chloe only danced with her hips but it is sexy.

  "I am going to try... Why?"

  She turned and looked at me. Shit, her shield is back up. Now she is in bitch mode. "Nothing. I'm a professional and I won't let one night four years ago stunt my career." I watched her as she stormed out of the office and I followed her to get my coat from my office.

  - Chloe.

  I sat in my chair and waited for Grant and Frank to leave to get pizza. This would be absolutely the perfect opportunity to look through Frank's computer and see if he's as dumb as he looked by saving incriminating files to his hard drive.

  "Did you want something to drink with the pizza?" Grant asked me and I gave him a blank stare then shook my head. "Okay, be back in twenty." Frank and Grant left the office to go get pizza and I waited five minutes before shutting the door.

  My cell phone is buzzing and I had a feeling that it is Christine. After pulling it out, I noticed that it is Janet texting me a picture of a little girl about four years old. The caption read:

  Janet: This is our daughter Meeka. We just adopted her!

  Great. They have a kid. My perfect sister with her perfect husband now has a perfect kid. Fantastic. This will make for an interesting family dinner. Who would just adopt a kid? Doesn't that take time to get going?

  Concentrate on work. You can control work!

  After I shut the office door, I casually went to Frank's computer and noticed that he left it unlocked. What a moron. I stuck my thumb drive into his computer and downloaded everything from his hard drive to my drive.

  William knocked on the door as the finishing files were being downloaded. I waved him in and he sat on the corner of my desk.

  "Is Grant going to be your new partner?"

  I looked up at him and withdrew my thumb drive. He looks so insecure... its sad. "I guess so. Don't worry though, I still need an assistant!" He smiled at me and looked around.

  "I miss Denver. How long do you think we will be here for?" He is looking at the door and then shrugged. "Sorry, I don't mean to complain." William's phone buzzed and he pulled it out. "They are back. Give me the drive and I will download it to your government computer."

  I handed it over to him as the door opened. Grant, Frank and Howard came through the door. It is interesting working with Howard since we slept together in college one drunken night.

  Howard is the tall dark and handsome type and also a frat brother of mine. That night that we slept together happened to be interesting in itself. I snuck him into my apartment that I shared with Grant at three in the morning. Howard and myself both agreed to keep it a secret and we had sex three times that night. When we were satisfied, I asked him to leave and when he did it is after six in the morning. Needless to say, I was really sore and slept that whole day after.

  Seeing Howard isn't as strange as seeing Grant. Howard and I had an understanding before we slept together. We understood that it is for one night and only meant sex. Not only that, but we also didn't kiss or do oral on each other because that is too personal.

  When Howard appeared at the door, I knew he recognized me and I had to fill him in before he blows my cover. In the locker room we hugged and he asked me how I felt about Grant becoming my partner. I suppose that my face gave me away because he asked if I knew. When I said I didn't, he mentioned that Grant probably wouldn't have told me because he has been acting strange.

  Now, I sit in an office space as an Internal Affairs agent with two men that I have slept with but only cared about one of them. Howard and Grant acted as if nothing is wrong so I took the liberty to sneak into Frank's mind space. He must be able to give something up.

  "So, Frank... How long have you worked here for?" I asked in between bites of my pizza. I missed this pizza place badly because it is so good. They must put crack in it. Even when you're full, you want more.

  "About five years. My wife and I moved here for her work but then I got the job here so I stayed even after the divorce," he spoke to me as if we were girlfriends at a bar on a Tuesday night. That's good, it means he trusts me. "Are you going to the bar tonight?" He is directing the question at everyone but is looking me up and down.

  I looked at William who is sitting quietly on the corner of my desk and he shrugged. "I suppose we could go for a few drinks."

  Howard clapped his hands together and did a whoop for me. "Yes! I can't wait to take the new girl to the bar! You know it's customary for the newbie to have all their drinks paid for by their partner."

  Everyone laughed and I looked nervously at Frank who is raking me over. Maybe if I show a little interest he will spill everything.

  "That's funny. Well lucky for you Frank, I'm a pretty cheap drunk." Frank did a little dance with his hands as he picked up another piece of pizza.

  Grant and Howard snorted and exchanged a "yeah right" look to each other. Bastards. They both know I can hold my own and drink them under the table.

  "Same time tonight?" Grant asked and looked at Frank.

  "Yes, sounds good. Burke, meet us at the bar at eight tonight. Thursdays we get to come to work later," Frank said and went back to his seat. As if sensing why we came in later, he continued. "We have a defensive tactics trainer that comes in on Thursday. Its pretty fun."

  "Okay, sounds good." I put a ten on the table to cover my share of the pizza and picked up my laptop. "Joe, I need some air." William followed me out of the office and we went to the conference room so that I could get a look at this new evidence that I will hopefully be able to find.

  "Chloe, I am able to look at some of the cryptic files that were in a secret file. I'm pretty sure that I seen something interesting," William walked over to his computer that I loaned him and I followed him. After we both took a seat and adjusted the screen for both of us to get a look, he opened the files. "This file has a lot of pictures of naked women in compromising positions."

  I looked through the pictures and gasped at some of them. There were a few women that were tied to a bed or a chair with a tie. To an ordinary person who is into kink, this would look perfectly normal. However, I knew better. The women faces looked scrunched and their muscles were tight. Obviously not enjoying what is happening.

  "That is perfect, however I am hoping for something more incriminating like the padding of the files."

  William went through another online folder and a bunch of case numbers and files came up. "Bingo!" He screamed and opened one of the files.

  It is rather evident that these files have been tampered with and I instantly got excited. This is exactly what I need for my career to blossom. Take down a few of these and hopefully ensure my position with the bureau. I like job security as well.

  "All we need to do now is to turn this evidence into the chief and then we can go. I'm thinking we can leave by Friday."

  There is a knock on the door and I immediately shut the laptop lid down. "Yes?"

  Grant walked through the door with a smile on his face. Every time I close my eyes all I can think about is him on top of me and grabbing my thighs to go deeper into me. He caught me a few times looking at his mouth and I tried to compose myself after be
ing caught. I want him so bad. By trying so hard to focus on work, I'm hoping my shield won't come down. Not this time.

  "Did you guys find something?" He asked and walked over to where we were sitting. That strut of his could make a celibate woman throw her inhibitions away. My mouth watered and my eyes scanned his muscles as he sat down.

  Maybe we could sleep together one time. One more time. It would be like for old time sake. There hasn't been another man who could make me as good as Grant did that night. Christine thinks it is because Grant and I cared about each other and that I didn't care about the other men. I beg to differ with her, obviously.

  "Yes, we did. When does the chief come back from lunch?" Thanks to William for being able to talk. All I can think about is Grant on top of me.

  "He should be back soon," Grant answered while taking out his cell phone. I still haven't answered his question on if I were sleeping with anyone. I wonder if he were sleeping with someone. He glanced at his phone and laughed. "I need to take this... Hi, Kayla. How are you?... Tonight doesn't work for me... We will be going to that bar tonight... I can call you when I leave, if you want... Okay, talk to you later... Sorry, guys. What did you find?" He redirected his attention to us.

  Who is he talking to? Stop, Chloe. He is not your boyfriend he can speak to whomever he wants. Shit.

  "I think the chief should know first," I said with the most control that voice could have. Maybe I should text Colin.

  I took out my personal phone and realized I had six missed texts. Five were from Christine and they ranged from calling me a bitch to asking if my legs were in the air. The sixth one is from Colin. Strange.

  Colin: Thinking of you. The bureau isn't the same without you.

  I cracked a smile and let out a little laugh.

  Me: I miss Denver too.

  William leaned over and pushed my shoulder. After my mouth flew open from the shock of him pushing me, he spoke. "Was that Colin? He has been texting me asking me when we were going to be back."

  I looked at William and narrowed my eyes. "One, I'm your boss so don't push me. Two, you can tell Colin that we will be back when I'm ready to go back to Denver."

  Grant came over to the other side of the table where I am sitting and sat next to me. "Kayla isn't what you think," he whispered in my ear but I ignored him. "I don't know why you are so mad at me," he continues while whispering in my ear. "You know, I did like you a lot..."

  He said that he liked me a lot... I wanted to snap at him and say something mean about how if he liked me then he shouldn't have carried me off to my bed. Grant kept looking at me and I tried to ignore him but I felt my walls slip slightly.

  "Did you two used to date or something?" William asked as he copied all of the files from the computer to re-save them on the drive. "I can feel the tension. Damn. Now I have to work with you two... This is going to be terrible. Why don't you two kiss and makeup."

  My head snapped up and I looked at William in the face. The audacity of this insubordinate assistant is horrifying. Why does he think that he could say some of this stuff to me and get away with it? "None of that is your business. Your business is to do what I need to be done at work. Right now I need you to finish that and name the file K 4782409."

  My phone rang and I looked at the screen. "Hi, Colin."

  "Chloe, I know you are working but you need to listen to me..." He got silent and then made a mumbling noise.

  What is with these bossy men? "What are you trying to say? Cat got your tongue?" I stood up out of the seat and walked over to the window to look outside. I missed this town however I lived in Denver now. And I love Denver.

  "I can't tell you over the phone. I will see you in a little while. You need to leave the precinct right now," he yelled the last part into the phone and then hung up on me.

  I called the director and as soon as he answered, I demanded my own answers. "Why do I need to leave?"

  "Delacruz, Colin is just wigging out over the rapist in Fort Collins because the rapist sent a note that suggested he targeted and wanted to stalk blondes."

  "What does that have to do with me?" My patience is wearing thin and I felt a snap in my head. "Director, what is happening?" Grant is talking to William and I seen them shrug at each other through the glass.

  "You need to solve the case by Friday. Friday afternoon, your ass needs to be back here with Castle's termination papers!" He hung up on me too.

  I tried to pull myself together but these things are getting on my nerves. "We need to leave. I need time to decrypt these files," I walked over to my laptop and shut it. "William," I am gathering my stuff so I could leave, "you can stay here but I need to go to the hotel."

  William stayed where he was. "I think I should stay to see if anything gets said while you are gone. Did you want to go to the bar tonight?"

  Shit. The bar. "We probably should do it to keep up appearances."

  I walked out of the conference room without saying anything to Grant or anyone for that matter. As I got to the door to go outside, I dug my truck keys out of my pocket and walked to the truck.

  My hand is on the door handle when someone grabbed a hold of my hand. I almost screamed until I seen that it is Howard.

  "Come on, if anyone know Castle's dirty details it is me. Want to go to your hotel room?" He wiggled his eyebrow and I put my stuff in the back.

  "Yes, I do but for different reasons than you!" He walked over to the other side of the truck and sat down. "Are you sure that Grant won't mind if you leave?" I started the car and put my seat belt on.

  Howard shrugged and buckled himself in. "Probably wouldn't even know I am gone. He started dating this officer in homicide and they are pretty flirty."

  Homicide. Really, Grant? "Is her name Kayla?" That has to be who he's talking to. They sounded like they were more than friends with the amount of questions she is asking.

  My old friend adjusted himself in his seat and took in my facial expressions. "Yeah, how did you know that?"

  Grant is a liar! "Just a guess."

  We caught up on the ride to my hotel room and we walked through the doors to my room. Once we were in the room, I set my stuff down on the bed and kicked my shoes off.

  "Frank Castle has been padding files for a few years," Howard took out some files and set them down on the table the hotel provided. "He keeps two documents that are different but just copies them. On top of that, he's all over this Fort Collins rapist and requests that he be the only one to go to the case. There is something about that case that makes him interested."

  While he's talking, I am digging through my suitcase to find something to change into. Howard is watching me the whole time. I caught him staring at me and I smiled at him.

  "You look good. You know that, right?" He said to me while sitting on my bed to take off his shoes.

  I took in his body which he has been working on since college. He's got a hot body. "Thanks, you look good too." He did look good so that isn't a lie. Truthfully, I wished that Grant were here instead because I have been dying to know what he has been up to these past years.

  "You know that he really liked you in college, right?" The words that came out of his mouth came out of nowhere. I really didn't expect that.

  I gave him a blank stare and gathered my change of clothes to walk to the bathroom.

  "Grant did. I know you two slept together. I must say I was a little jealous because I enjoyed you..." His tone is laced with regret. "But, he came to me with a big smile on his face and then a look of worry. I guess he moved you out of his bed and I told him he's stupid for that."

  In the bathroom, I changed into a pair of jeans and a loose fitting tee shirt. "I am sorry, Howard. I didn't mean to lead you on." I walked back to the bed and hugged my knees after I sat down.

  "You didn't lead me on. We had an agreement. I felt so bad for Grant that I never told him we slept together," he looked at me and I gave him a half smile. "Chlo, you know you don't have to be a badass all of the time."

  I untucked my knees and walked over to him. Once I am in front of him, I threw my body at him and held onto his neck to hug. "It's really hard. I mean, my job is to be a nark and turn in people that I have worked with for years if they are messing up. When I walk into a room anywhere in the bureau, people get up immediately and leave like I'm going to report them for eating lunch. I don't know. I'm sorry, Howard." I sunk into the hug with him and he pulled me down to his lap. With my legs over the side of his he just held me for what felt like hours but probably is only minutes.

  "Do you like it?" He whispered in my ear as he rubbed my back.

  "Some times but the things I find out about people make me never want to trust anyone again. Did you know that sixty percent of them are cheating on their spouses? Those odds are disgusting. Those people that aren't having an affair hate their wives. What's worse is that I'm lonely..." Oh my god! Do I ever stop talking? I sound like a little bitch who didn't get the last cupcake. "I am so sorry. I didn't mean to unload on you," I tried to get out of the hug but he kept me in it.


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