The Siren (The Chloe Chronicals Book 2)

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The Siren (The Chloe Chronicals Book 2) Page 8

by Eden Rose

  The music is the same and it sounds like utter crap. I wish the owner would change his speakers. There are a group of jocks and Greeks in the bar and I walk past them to where Frank is sitting.

  He stands up and kisses my hand in a sweet gesture. I yanked it away really fast and Grant growled. I stared from both of them and I have a little laugh to myself about how tomorrow I'm going to be firing him.

  Howard strolls in with a few people that I have seen from the precinct and they continue to make their plays for both Howard and Grant. I find it funny because of they are showing me more interest than the random sluts.

  William and I stand next to each other to give the impression that we are together, but every once in awhile I catch Grant's eyes and we have a moment together. Its silly, but the energy transfer that I'm feeling is unbelievable. Undeniable. This is going to be bad.

  "Want to dance?" William asks me and I nod while he leads me to the makeshift dance floor. "So, you and Grant?" He whispers in my ear and I shiver from the close proximity of his lips.

  I shrugged and he laughed. "I guess so," I say back to him. Now I'm worried that my new assistant is also going to be a rat and hoe me out to my boss. "What gave it away?" I am dying to know what and how he found out.

  "Come on, Special Agent... Sorry, Katie," extra emphasis on my fake name, "I see how you two look at each other. Everywhere you walked to, he followed you with his eyes. The man has got it bad." William sways with me a few times before spinning me in the middle of the floor. Some people stop and laugh and others just roll their eyes at us. "But don't worry, your secret is safe with me," he let's me out of the dance and bows. Which has me laughing hysterically and I do a curtsy to demonstrate how lame he was.

  My phone is buzzing in my pocket as I walked back to the table. In this bar, there is never a preferred volume. Loud or quiet. Needless to say, if I didn't put my phone on vibrate I wouldn't have known I got a message.

  Grant: You are so beautiful, baby.

  Grant is the reason why I am buzzing and I smiled at him.

  Me: Xo

  Even though Howard and I were friends in college, I couldn't talk to him like we were friends much less Grant. Instead, I spend the evening pretending to get to know them by asking questions.

  "Grant Brandon!" I turn around to see who has been calling the man that is inside of me about two hours ago and come face to face with a tall brunette. I'm instantly on guard. There is no way I can assert my claim over Grant while working undercover. Do I really have a claim to assert? Probably not... Because that would mean we were serious.

  Yeah, I confuse myself.

  This mystery woman walks right up to him and throws her arms around him and whispers in his ear. Grant in return looked at me as if telling me that it is no big deal. I didn't want to seem clingy so I made sure to act as if this isn't bothering me. Obviously, it does bother me.

  The woman looks at me while still holding onto Grant's neck and smiles. "Hi, I'm Kayla. You two must be the new officers." Her voice is squeaky and I'm amazed that she works in homicide. This woman seems like a kindergarten teacher.

  "Yes, we are," I stand up from the table and hold my hand out to William and then lead him to the dance floor. As William and I walked to the dance section we held hands. "I think tomorrow we should do the smack down in the morning that way we can be back in Denver by tomorrow evening," I whispered into his ear. To other people it would look like we were a couple who were flirting, but in all actuality we were discussing business.

  "Sounds good. Should we kiss for appearances?" William asked while dipping me to Addicted by Saving Abel. I slapped his chest and is shocked when I found out that it is hard. "I take it that would be a maybe... it's all in the name of our work, you know?"

  I can't believe the nerve of him! I'm his boss. "Yeah, right!" We danced in silence until the end of the song and then someone tapped my shoulder.

  As I spun out of my trance, I am surprised to see Howard standing there. He took my hand off of William and held it in his hand to dance with me.

  "Do you care to dance?" He asked me against my ear.

  William walked off and I stood in front of Howard who pulled me into a dance hold. He held me close and brushed my hair out of the way. Howard has always had a unique scent to him. It's like a clean linen and a mint smell. It shouldn't smell so good, but it does.

  "You really do look great. It's been too long! Maybe I can come stay with you and Christine for a weekend," he dipped me in the hold and I ignored the sting of Grant's stare.

  "Sounds great!"

  After our dance is up, we went back up to the bar and William put his arm around me. "So, tell us, did you meet in the field?" Kayla asks as she stands very close to Grant.

  I'm a federal officer. There is no reason why I should want to punch this bitch in the face but I want to break her god damned nose. She's inching closer to Grant and my eyes are catching the movement. No matter how much I try to tell myself that it's not that big of a deal, the more my eyes bulge.

  I smiled up at William. "You tell the story. You're the romantic one," I purr to him.

  "Well, it is love at first sight for me. She is walking her dog and I couldn't stop myself from following her. I am shocked when I seen her walking into the ag... precinct and promised myself to talk to her."

  "I shot him down the first time he asked me out," I contribute to the story. "He brought me flowers that whole month and each Tuesday he sends them to me still."

  Another hour worth of lies were spewed and Grant ignored me the whole time. It is strange to know that you have such a connection to someone and yet you can't do shit about it.

  "Well, it's time to take the ball and chain back to our room," William says as he stands up. He offers me his hand and I place mine in it. "Come on, sweetheart."

  How original of a pet name. He should have just called me kitty or something.

  We said our goodbyes and William walked back to our hotel with me in tow by the hand. It is hard to not ask to talk to Grant before we left. The truth is, I wanted to be going home with him. However, my job is more important than getting fucked.

  By the time I walked into my hotel room, got undressed and brushed my teeth; I had a text.

  Grant: you better enjoy sleeping by yourself

  Me: By myself? Huuuh???

  Grant: you're goin to pay for that sweetheart

  Me: Is someone jealous?

  Grant: i'm gonna spank your heart shaped ass raw when i see you

  Me: Are you going to be the one to explain that to everyone?

  Grant: try me baby

  Me: I love it when you talk dirty to me

  Grant: mud puddle

  Me: Going to bed now. Alone.

  Grant: send me a pic

  Me: IMG

  Grant: warn someone before you send that

  Me: Good night

  So, I sent him a tit shot. At least he will have something to look at. I remember he liked my tits a lot so he should get a kick out of it.


  I woke up the next morning and stretched. The morning of the bust is always my favorite. There is this overwhelming power feeling that I get from when I bust someone. Guaranteed, Frank will freak when he finds out who I'm.

  Grant didn't go back with me yesterday from the bar. He and that girl seemed very flirty and I'm not wanting to deal with it. Yeah, so I like him. However, I don't like him enough to have an estrogen fight with a random chick. She will learn who I'm today. Yep.

  Yep, I like him enough to throw her skinny ass on the ground and tap dance on her face with cleats...

  I put on my blues and smiled. There is just something about slipping into my blue coat and belt. My outfit is complete when I placed my badge on that is hanging from a chain.

  William and I drove over to the precinct together with all of our stuff in the back. As soon as this bust is over, we are going back to Denver which is a bonus. I couldn't wait to spend some time to process this shit with

  The looks are always the same as I walk through a precinct. Many won't believe that I'm an agent and others shake with fear that I'm here for them.

  Grant, Howard and Kayla stood in front of the office that I was in yesterday. Kayla fidgeted in her stance as I passed her to get to Frank. No doubt about it... She must know that I'm giving her the stink eye. Stupid bitch.

  "Surprise!" I screamed as I walked into the office and Frank looked at me with the confused glare that I'm used to getting. The "shit, you're a fed!" Look. My favorite. Bigot mother fuckers. "Frank, please come with me," I walked out of the office with William in tow. I knew that Frank would be following me.

  "Katie, what is this about?" He caught up to me and grabbed onto my coat. "Wait! Your name isn't Katie, is it?"

  With a quick twist, I grabbed his hand and thrust it to the floor. Don't touch the uniform, jackass! I opened the door that held the captain's office and signaled for him to go in. William sat in the back of the room to take notes and I walked to the front of the desk to gather my evidence that William has compiled.

  "Hello, Frank. I'm Special Agent Chloe Delacruz. I have been sent here to look through your files due to the redundancies of them. When you left your computer open, I took the liberty of saving everything on your hard drive to my USB drive." I threw the pictures that I had printed onto the table. He looked at one and then looked away.

  "You stupid bitch!" He gathered all of the photos and clutched them in his hands. "Those girls were into kink and I gave it to them." Frank looks at the captain to ask for help but the captain didn't help. "Am I fired?"

  "Let's see. You padded files for people that probably didn't do anything wrong and I have six affidavits of your victims stating what you did. I would think that would be a suitable assumption. Please hand over your belt and everything else that is given to you by this precinct."

  Frank pushed back his chair and charged at me. Before I could defend myself he pushed into me and I fell hitting my head on the table. I hit it very hard and it took a few seconds to get my bearings back.

  My eyes closed on their own and I focused all of my strength into opening them. Being out of it is not safe and due to the violent nature of Frank, I need to be safe. I flickered my eyelids a few times and when I opened them, he's breathing fire down my face.

  "I hate you! I will kill you! When you least expect it I will show up at your house and kill you and your family!" Frank is so close to my face that he actually spit on my cheek as I blinked back to gain at least a semiconscious state.

  "Stand down! I'm a federal officer! You just threatened me! Let's go!" I goose necked his hand and tucked him into my underarm. We walked through the door and I loved the looks that I received. People would stop to look at me as I manhandled this grown man through the precinct.

  Before I am able to reach the door, Frank threw his head back and whacked me in my forehead way too hard. I temporarily lost my hold on the gooseneck and Frank pushed me into the wall. My already fragile head is just getting the worst of it all today.

  "I hate you! I mean it! You better sleep with one eye open! Your men in blue won't be able to protect you!" He powered at me while I pushed myself off the wall.

  Frank formed a fist and tried to punch me in the stomach. Before he made the contact, I gained control of my goose neck and threw him on the floor and sat down.

  "Do you want me to press charges? You keep doing this, Frank! I swear! You won't think I'm being nice anymore. Get up and get out!" I got off of him and he did a yoga Up Dog move and knocked me on my ass.

  "Castle! That is a lady!" Grant yelled as he came running up to me and helped me off the floor. "Captain!" The look of terror that plagued his face is going to haunt me for the rest of my life. Grant looks petrified and in a flash of vulnerability, I wanted to comfort him.

  But now is not the time.

  The captain came into the area and arrested Frank. Grant tucked me under his arm and rubbed my head.

  "Are you alright?" He whispered.

  "Yeah, thanks. It's time for me to go home." I backed out of the hold and walked to the door. Grant didn't follow me but William walked up behind me.

  "Are you alright?" I tossed the keys to William and walked to the truck. My head is hurting and I could sense that I got a concussion. Damn. This is my fourth one this year! I thought IA is supposed to be less defensive!

  I sat down in the truck and adjusted my seat before I shut the door. As I reached up to close it, a hand grabbed mine.

  Grant leaned in and kissed me lightly. "I will see you soon." With that he turned and walked back in.

  Even walking away from me he still looked delicious. Last night kept flashing through my mind. He felt so good in between my thighs and his hands running up and down me. There is just something about him touching me that excited me too much.

  William drove in silence and I appreciated that. I needed to wrap my mind around everything. We had about an hour before getting to Denver and I knew Grant probably already spoke with Christine.

  Our friendship before is wrecked because we had sex and now that the first day I seen him and we had sex again...Agh. This is difficult.

  I texted Christine as I sat in the car. I needed my friend and I'm hoping she is home. Christine always knows what to do and I swear she is the Martha Stewart of fixing a person's life.

  Me: are you home?????


  I could hear Steve barking before I walked into the door. He came running up to me as I came through the door. I love my dog and how he's always excited to see me. It makes me feel good that I have something to come home to... well, besides Christine.

  "Steve!" I yelled as I got to the floor to wrestle with him. He knocked me over and I laughed as he walked over me like I were a jungle gym.

  Steve ran off to bring me a toy of his and I heard sex noises coming from Christine's room. Well that would explain why she never texted me back.

  Her door opened while I am sprawled on the floor and I came face to face with a naked man. I couldn't help myself, I had to check him out. She did good. He had a strong chest and a muscular build. From upside down, he looked pretty hung. A little to the left... but at least he kept himself landscaped pretty nicely.

  After he processed me on the floor and looked from my shocked face to my coat, his eyes widened. This is too funny. She always forgot to fill people in about how she lived with a fed. One person looked like they were about to pass out when they seen my badge because he had weed in his backpack. He never did come back.

  His eyes widened in terror. "Christine! Why do you a fed in your house?" He screamed and ran back into her room. At least I get a prime view of the back. I love a good and firm back that leads to a nice and tidy rear.

  I couldn't help it, I had to laugh at his shocked expression. By my laughing, this caused Steve to bark which caused me to laugh harder. My dog danced around in circles with his howling loud.

  The little minx came out of her room wearing basketball shorts and a tank. "When did you get home?" No shame. I swear.

  I looked at her post orgasmic face and laughed harder. "I guess I came home too early. Can you please tell your friends that you live with me? That is getting old how your friends think I'm here to do a bust!"

  The naked man is now dressed and kissed Christine before running out the door. Naked man didn't look back at me as he ran out the door and slamming it.

  She looked at me and gave me a challenging look. "So," she walked over to the kitchen before continuing, "how is seeing Grant?" Christine sat on the lounger and I got off the floor with Steve.

  "We had sex!" It just came flooding out of my mouth before I could stop it. "He asked me to not sleep with anyone else while we were sleeping together. I'm not sure what that means."

  She chucked a pillow at me and it hit me in the face. "It means don't be a whore!"

  I threw the pillow back at her but she dodged it. "You are one to talk!" Steve jumped off my lap and my phone ra
ng. I didn't feel like answering it so I let it go to voicemail. "So... What is up with naked man?"

  Christine took a deep breath and fanned her face. "Just some fun. We work together and I am wondering how big his dick was..." she let out a laugh and I rolled my eyes. "We were working late and I decided to make a move. His name is Adam and he has his dick pierced! I swear, I almost chipped a tooth giving him head."

  I covered my mouth with my hand and laughed around it. "How did that... Wait! Never mind!" Whew. "What do you want to do for your birthday on Saturday?"


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