The Siren (The Chloe Chronicals Book 2)

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The Siren (The Chloe Chronicals Book 2) Page 17

by Eden Rose

  Back to work.

  Colin and I walk into the conference room and I come face to face with Ethan. Time has not been his friend. He looks old and unkempt. There is no telling what he has been up to since we last spoke.

  This is bad. "What did you want to talk to me about?" I sat across from him and tried to flaunt my authority.

  "You look good, Chlo. It's not what you think."

  "First off, it is Agent Delacruz. She is a federal agent and you will speak to her like one," Colin snapped. I never knew he had it in him to be so protective of me.

  Ethan adjusted himself in his seat looking dapper in orange. "It's not what you think. I'm not some type of pervert. Those women like it! Ask them for yourself! They liked it rough and that is what I gave to them."

  I just stared at him. What did he expect me to do for him? He fucked up. This is on him. I really don't need to be here for this. He isn't my prisoner anymore. I handed him off to the detectives.

  "Well, we are done here. Have a good one," I stood up and so did Colin. We walked out of the catacombs and back to our offices.

  How surreal is this? I just arrested my ex for being a rapist. The sad thing is, I couldn't make this shit up even if I tried. Ethan has always been smart but he would never do this... It makes me sick to my stomach to know that I am with him and didn't even know that he had this in him.

  Colin is very quiet as we rode the elevator up. I wonder what he's thinking. What could he be thinking? Maybe he's thinking about Ethan or something. I don't know.

  "Are you and Grant seeing each other?" Colin grabbed my elbow and pulled me to the side of the elevator even after we arrived on our own floor.

  Well, I guess I didn't have to wait to find out what he's thinking. "I don't see how any of that is your business," I said this with venom dripping from my words.

  His hands wrapped around my shoulders and he placed his lips onto mine. His lips were soft and full as they caressed mine and for a second, I let myself enjoy it. I pushed him off and he fell into the wall with a thud. I rubbed my lips to try and get the sting out of them.

  There is no way that I can tell Grant about this. It's unnecessary for him to think about something so trivial like this. I would hate for him to do anything rash to jeopardize his chances of making his way back on my team.

  It's absolutely crazy this past week that I actually missed him during the work day. I spent five years away from him and now I miss him during the day. I'm not supposed to feel like this. I'm the one who is supposed to be the one who pushes him away but at night... I'm the one who sinks my hooks into him and drags him back.

  I still don't have any clue as to why he won't have sex with me. Is there something wrong with the way I fuck? Do I smell bad? Do I taste bad or something? I've never had any complaints before... But Grant is shutting my advances down like it's his job and it's making me so nervous.

  Colin clears his throat in front of me and I remember that I'm standing in front of an ex lover who tried to maul me in the elevator.

  "Delacruz! Come on! You are being stupid! I know you missed me," he walked back to me and ran his hands down my side. I shook with disgust.

  "Get off of me!" I shoved him again and I got off on the sixth floor and decided to walk down to my office.

  Are Grant and I a couple? Are we even together? I'm in uncharted territory to the fullest. I so badly want to talk to Grant about all of this but I'm nervous he's going to think I'm insane or something.

  My lips burned from the feel of Colin. It is funny, because three weeks ago I would have kissed him back. But now... I just feel gross. I didn't enjoy being so close to him and now I'm more confused than ever. This whole relationship shit is garbage. Claiming ownership over another individual is useless. However, I did like feeling Grant close to me and enjoyed being around him. Fuck. This is crazy.

  William is sitting at his desk and handed me a coffee.

  "You are a wonderful man, William!" I hollered as I grabbed my cup and walked into my office.

  On my desk is a shocking display. In a blue vase held a bouquet of variations of flowers. The flowers cascaded over the rim and it made my office smell good. Roses, tulips, hydrangeas and a bunch of other ones shined at me.

  I dug through the flowers and found the card. Most of the time, the sender rarely writes the card out, but Grant did.

  Can I just have one more moondance with you?

  A smile formed on my lips from the memory of our first time. He played it while we were having sex and I remembered feeling special while it played.

  There is a cough behind me and when I turned Grant is leaning on the side of the door. He looked delicious. I wanted to suck on every inch of his skin and rub my lips all over him.

  "Who did you get those flowers from?" He asked me coyfully and walked over to his desk. Bastard. He sits in his seat and rests his elbows on his desk. He looks like a god. How can Grant be this sexy?

  "This guy I have been kind of seeing. I'm not sure if he wants to take our relationship to being a full fledged relationship or not." Yeah, I'm fishing for information. Sue me.

  Grant held my gaze and I felt my insides burn. "Well, I'm sure that if anyone went through this much trouble to send a girl they are just seeing a bouquet of flowers, I would say he's pretty serious," his eyes fell on the flowers. "Wait, I didn't know you were seeing anyone." That smug bastard.

  "I am just using him for sex." I picked the vase up and moved it to the other side of my desk. "If you excuse me, I need to say thank you to the person who got me these flowers," I walked out of the office and into the bathroom. I took my shirt off and pumped my chest up so my cleavage is hanging out and took a picture. With a quick text to Grant, I fixed my clothes and then went back to my office.

  The look on his face is priceless. Pleasure and pain darkened his face. Ha ha. Smug little jackass.

  When lunchtime came, everyone is out of the bureau to eat besides Grant and I. I took a look at him and nudged my face up.

  "Let's go eat," I said to him with a full fledged plan already concocted. He stood up and walked over to me.

  My plan is to end this dry spell because my pussy is begging to be filled.

  "What are you in the mood for?" His hand brushes my hand and for the first time in... well, forever, I wanted to hold it.

  I stopped in front of the elevators and made sure he's looking at me. I mouthed: "You." To him and I could see his breathing change. "Let's go to your truck," I made sure to whisper that in his ear as we walked to the parking garage.

  Grant stepped into his truck and I scooched in next to him. As soon as I am seated, I slipped off my pants. Once they were off, I moved to Grant and undid his pants and stroked his dick. I loved that he's already hard for me. It is such a turn on.

  Within a quick move, I swung my body onto his and rested my chest against his. "Touch me," I whispered while I rescinded my mouth to his. His hands stroked my back and I groaned into his mouth.

  He held my hair in his hand and reached between us to guide his dick into me. With a quick lowering motion, he's buried deep inside. I rocked my hips gently on him because I want to savor this. I have thought of nothing else than this all week and it is all because he feels delicious in me and I could never get tired of feeling him. "You feel so good, Grant... Oh, please!" His fingers tugged on my nipple through my shirt and I am getting desperate.

  "Mm, precious, you feel so...!" Grant matched my movements and before I knew it, I am shaking on top of him with a cry. "I love when you come on me," he whispered in my ear and I ground myself harder into him. He hissed and sucked on my ear. I felt his finger slip down from my nipple down to my clit and he circled it. I arched my back to him and purred my pleasure. "Hold still," he whispers against my mouth and takes his coated finger and brings it to my ass. "I have wanted to fill this pretty ass with me for years. Tonight, you're going to love it."

  Oh. My. God. Is it possible to come again? He slipped a finger into my ass hole and circled th
e rim of it. "That feels... so good. Grant, I'm about to come!" He pushed his finger all the way into me and I yelled my release.

  Having sex with Grant is a different experience than having sex with anyone else. Normally, I didn't feel anything during sex. It is just that. Sex. However, with Grant I enjoyed feeling this close to him and how he felt on and in me. I could never get over how he felt in me.

  I wrapped my hands around his neck in order to make him go in faster and deeper. He grabbed my hips and I moaned against his mouth while slipping my tongue between his lips.

  "Baby, I'm going..." Grant had the look on his face that showed everything. He is about to come and I felt pride.

  With a drop of my mouth onto his lips, I kissed his so passionately that I actually felt a spark. He came in me with my name on his lips. I stayed where I am for a few moments in order to get my breathing back.

  Once I felt comfortable enough to move, I climbed off of him and got dressed again. Grant had a perturbed look on his face and I am worried. What could be wrong?

  "Grant, what's the matter?" I stroked his arm with my hand and he put himself back in the pants.

  He took a deep breath and looked away from me. I grabbed his chin and forced him to look at me. "What did Ethan do?"

  Shit. I couldn't lie about it since I had the report on my desk about everything. "He is the rapist that I have been tracking. When I am laying in the bed of the vic, he crawled up me and hit me a few times." He winced and I felt horrible. "It doesn't hurt. I'm okay."

  He wrapped his hands around my face and kissed me. "Good, I'm glad it doesn't hurt because I would have to kill him."

  I don't know what to say about that. I wanted to be angry because I can stand up for myself. But I wasn't. I felt happy that he wanted protect me. Fuck. What is wrong with me?

  While we walked back into the bureau, he came up close to my ear and whispered: "You are beautiful."


  The bureau is always interesting on a Friday. Today there is a buzz of the rapist being caught and all of the agents were discussing their other cases. Chloe had a big cocky smile on her face and tried to not rub it into everyone's face that she caught him.

  She never liked people catering to her nor did she enjoy when she is treated differently because of her gender. In college, during our defensive tactics courses, she actually yelled at our professor when he said that women have lower expectations for sit ups and push ups. All of the girls in the class started calling her names and she laughed it off.

  "Delacruz," Bradford started and Chloe gave him a look full of daggers. It seems that the look showed everything and Bradford stopped talking to her.

  William and Bradford stayed behind for a few minutes, and I helped Chloe carry that same box to our office.

  "Brandon, can you give me a ride home? I need to take this box and my flowers home with me."

  I took a good look at her. Chloe stood straight and seemed angry about something. However, she still looked beautiful.

  "Yeah, sure." I picked the box back up and walked out of the office. When we got back into my truck, I turned to face her. "Chlo, what is that with Bradford?" I am dying to know why he hung on everything she said and what is that about.

  She turned her face towards the window and closed her eyes. I didn't want to start the truck until I knew what is happening. "We went out a few times and we did sleep together. I haven't been with him in a few months but he seems to think that I want to. When we were leaving the catacombs, he kissed me in the elevator."

  Red. I seen red. Then that red turned to black. That black turned to white and I regained my breathing.

  This is before she even is with me. Why would it matter? I dated Kay and slept with her. Wait, now I remember... It's because Bradford kissed her today. But... she didn't tell me.

  "Why didn't you tell me earlier?" I knew trying to be in a relationship with her would be difficult but this is unreal. I wanted her to be only with me and it is a terrible feeling knowing that she slept with him.

  "I didn't want to make you angry. I did push him into the wall and left the elevators. Please don't say anything. The kiss meant nothing." Chloe grabbed my hand and held onto it. It felt weird that she initiated the hand holding. I always had to do it.

  I love you. My brain is screaming to tell her and my heart is in an agreement. However, I didn't say anything.

  "Its okay. Let's get you home." I pulled out of the garage and started driving to her apartment. "Oh, I found an apartment in your building. It is the only place that had any openings..." I had hope she wouldn't think I am trying to crowd her but I did need a place of my own.

  "That sounds great. When do you move in?" She is playing with her pony and twisting it in her fingers.

  "Next week. It will be ready on Monday and I have permission to take that day off to move." I parked my truck in her parking lot, and opened my door and then went to the back to grab the box.

  Chloe stood in front of the truck with her flowers. It is rather difficult for me to decide what to get her. I knew that every girl loved flowers but Chloe isn't every girl.

  I looped my free arm around her shoulders and she kissed my arm while I led her to her door. So far everything is good. I just wanted to make sure that we could continue with this.

  "What time is the wedding tomorrow? I might need to stop by my office..."

  "The wedding is at three and we need to leave here by one. Did you want to get a hotel room in the fort or come back here?" My mind flashed with the memories of her pressed under me and moaning. Probably, no wait. Hands down the hottest thing ever.

  When she opened the door, I set the box down by it and she walked over to set the flowers on her kitchen table. "I don't know. Let's play it by ear?" She walked away from me and went to get her dog.

  Steve is a perfect replica of Chloe. He has so much energy but is so sweet. There are times when I'm sleeping that he will lick my face. Its cute and gross at the same time.

  Christine came barging through the door and looked like she is on a mission but stopped when she seen me standing at the door.

  "Grant! What did you do?" She hollered at me and stalked back towards me.

  "What are you talking about?" I didn't back down from where I am standing so she would have to explain herself to me from here.

  "Why did you tell her assistant that I would go out with him?"

  Oh, that. Now I remember. "Because he thinks your hot... It should be a compliment really." I didn't tell her that I spoke to William and told him that the date is on... I probably should have done that. Oh, fucking well. Things have been tense this week since she kissed me and I'm trying to keep myself away from her.

  She stood still for a minute and then shifted her weight from one foot to the other. "Okay... But, I'm kind of involved with a few... things right now."

  Chloe came back letting the dog outside and she went into the kitchen. "What are you two yelling about? Seriously."

  "Um, your boyfriend promised your assistant that I would go out with him!" She stalked towards Chloe now.

  Boyfriend? Well, I will take it!

  "Did you hear that, baby?" I laughed more to myself but the look of shock on Chloe's face made me laugh out loud. "I am your boyfriend now!"

  Her eyes got big and her face grew flush and she looked at me with horror. "Fuck. Does that mean I have to stop sleeping with other guys?" She said this with a straight face. Ow. What a hit below the belt.

  I can play this game too. "Well, if you get to sleep around so do I!"

  She dropped her mouth and pointed her finger at me. "Fine!" I guess she is holding a breath because all of a sudden she released a huge breath. "You can be my boyfriend... But! You still put out. Kapeesh?"

  "But, baby... I have a headache!"

  Christine blew a big breath out and pushed my shoulders. "He better be hot! If he isn't , you have to invite Howard over for round two!" Ever the dramatic one, she storms off and stomps off to her bedroom.
/>   Wait... Round two? So there is a round one?


  Grant put on a movie in my room and we laid on my bed for a nap. I snuggled into his side and laid my head on his chest and he wrapped his arm around me. This is the feeling of contentment that everyone used to discuss. I loved it and hated it. If my parents taught me anything that would be all good things come to an end.

  See, the joys of the stalker task force is the fact that I worked hard on it. The captain knows that I'm still mad at me for springing what happened with Barry on me, and he knows that this will keep me happy. I enjoy the thrill of the hunt.


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