The Siren (The Chloe Chronicals Book 2)

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The Siren (The Chloe Chronicals Book 2) Page 21

by Eden Rose

  In those moments in the hospital, I knew that I would kill anyone that crosses my path that trafficked.


  Working in the same space as Grant but not working directly with him is weird. I have been focused solely on this trafficking case and I think I have managed to figure something out. Natasha has something planned and when I find out what it is, I’m going to nail her ass to the wall. This whole spiel about helping us is a facade and I know for a fact that there is something else that she is doing. I just need to find out what it is.

  Barry is not going to be released and my whole family is angry at me. Apparently I’m the reason why he is stuck in prison past his date. His lawyer says that they won’t let him out unless they can find a way to get his name off of this. He’s already admitted to doing the drugs…

  “Hey, are you almost ready to go home?” I look up from my computer and take my earbuds out.

  Grant looks delicious in a white buttoned shirt that is rolled up to his elbows and unbuttoned a little at the top. His pants fit him just right- not too tight and not too loose-just tight enough to check out his ass.

  Over the past couple of weeks, we have been splitting time between my apartment and his. He’s started to decorate it a little bit but it still needs some color. The beige walls are gross but he likes it. It looks like th ultimate bachelor pad.

  I massage my ears after listening to the bitch’s testimony for the past couple of hours, and look at him. “Yeah.” Going home to a nice night in with Grant sounds amazing.

  Domesticity has shocked me. I actually like being in a relationship. I think that since I’m with my best friend, it makes it easier. We literally have fun together and don’t get onto each other’s bad side. We get along great and have only argued over silly things.

  Like who is the better cook.

  Of course, that would be me!

  Natasha will have to wait until tomorrow because I can’t listen to what happened to her and the girls anymore.

  Gently, I bolt out of my chair and close the computer screen. I pack my things from my desk and slide them into my bag in order to take with me home. This case has taken over my whole life and I need to get it solved.

  With my phone in my hand, I walk up to Grant and bump him with my shoulder. “Your place or mine?” I prefer his place. Christine has been bringing home random guys lately and it’s strange. I don’t understand why she keeps picking guys that like to be naked in public.


  We walk side by side to the elevator to go down to the car garage. Since we are at work, no one can know that we are together. I also am not one for PDA. I think it’s disgusting.

  Once we get in the car, I buckle myself into the passenger seat and he pushes himself across the side console. His lips are on me before I can protest. I kiss him back with vigor and want.

  “Drive, so we can get back home,” I mutter and break the kiss. In about five minutes, I would have jumped over to his seat and started rubbing up on him like a bitch in heat.

  The whole way home, I thought about Grant. I’m not lying when I say that I’m fucking surprised that I have been able to be in a relationship without feeling suffocated. Being with Grant is as natural to me as breathing. Things are routine but not to the point where it is ridiculous.

  My hand has been grabbed and he laced our fingers together. Such a simple touch shouldn’t mean this much, but it does. “What are you thinking about over there?”

  I smile at him and squeeze his hand. “Just thinking about you…”

  “How handsome I am?”

  I blurt out a laugh and roll my neck. “You are so humble.”

  This is what I love about being with him. I love the fact that we can still be silly together and know that we can be ourselves. None of that heavy shit where we have to talk about our feelings and all of that.

  “Finally!” I yell and unbuckle my seatbelt as he pulls into the garage. I’m half tempted to jump over the seat and molest him.

  Grant swaggers over to me and opens the door for me to get out. I laugh when he grabs my hand and kisses the top of my hand. “My lady,” he bows in front of me with my hand to his lips.

  Before I can say anything, he has picked me up and thrown me over his shoulders. “Hey!” I yell but he swats my ass and my body falls like a sack of potatoes on his back. “Put me down!” No use! He shuffles me so that my stomach is laying on his shoulder and my body is hanging down.

  “You won’t be moving fast enough. The sooner we get to my place, the sooner I can sink into your hot pussy.”

  My thighs clench together as I listen to what he says. “Mmmhmm.”

  He starts walking through the garage and up to the elevator. Once we are inside, he hits the button for our floor and then sets me down. I’m barely on stable feet before he ambushes me into the wall. Holy shit. Are we about to fuck in the elevator? This has seriously always been a fantasy of mine.

  My lips are bruised by his forceful kisses and his fingers make their way to the button on my pants. They delve into my underwear and brush against my swollen pussy lips. I can already feel my juices flowing. Since he has my mouth in a lip lock, I moan right into his mouth as he fingers brush against my clit.

  I’m about four seconds away from coming when the elevator beeps and opens. I’m tempted to say fuck it, and press the emergency button so we can continue.

  “Ahem!” I hear and break out of my lust fog.


  Christine is looking pretty proud of herself as she stands in front of us on the elevator. I feel my body heat up as she looks us up and down. She’s probably trying to act like she caught us doing something.

  Which she did.

  I was about to fuck the shit out of Chloe.

  “You each have apartments, in this building. Just so you know.”

  Chloe blushed and then reached for my hand that is still in her pants. “Come on, babe, let’s go to your place.”

  Before I could say anything about her calling me babe, she takes my finger that was massaging her clit and sticks it in her mouth. Holy shit. Her velvety tongue rubs against my finger and she continues to clean off her juices.


  I rip my finger out of my girl’s mouth and grab her hand. “Come on, precious. Let's go home.” We walk out of the elevator and Christine follows behind us. “You want to watch, too?” I’m being a smart ass and they both know it but I can’t help myself.

  She pushes my shoulder and grunts. I lightly hear her say: “Been there done that.” I, of course, don’t respond to it.

  “I’ll be home soon. We can eat dinner together,” Chloe says to Christine.

  I’m tugging Chloe down the hall to my apartment that I have every intention on her living in with me. After everything that has happened with Christine, I’m fucking petrified that she will say something to my girl and get me in trouble.

  My hand is on the door knob with my key in it when Christine says: “Oh, you got some mail that was delivered to our place. Here you go,” she hands it over and walks off to her own apartment. “Use a condom!”

  “Fuck off!” Chloe yells and walks into my apartment. “What do you have there?”

  I watch as she walks through the living room to my bedroom. She looks fucking sexy here and I want to keep her chained up. “Not sure,” I call after her.

  I look at the label on the envelop and my heart crashes into my chest. It’s from the doctors that Kayla is seeing about the baby. My baby. I’m having a baby with another woman. Yep, no matter how many different ways I say it- I’m a fucking slime ball.

  Without even opening the envelop, I throw it down in the garbage. I can’t even begin to think about how I’m such a fucking loser and could do this. How long do I honestly think I am going to be able to keep this from Chloe? Truthfully, I don’t really know.

  But, I’m going to try it.

  “Precious, I’ll be back in a couple of minutes.” I grabbed my keys off my kitchen
table and ran out the door before she could answer me. I need space and I need to get my mind on straight before I fuck her into oblivion.


  I heard the door slam before my mind actually registered what he just said. Did Grant seriously just leave? He’s the one that wanted to hook up and then he just leaves… What the hell happened? He almost fucked me in an elevator not even five minutes ago.

  Good thing I didn’t get naked.

  Since I know that he has food in here since I went with him to buy it, I walked into the kitchen to grab a banana. The doctors say that I’m pre-diabetic which is why I get so hungry sometimes.

  I eat the banana and walk around the kitchen to see if there is anything that I can put away. We have been unpacking his stuff lately so there isn’t much that needs to be put away. It’s almost weird how I began to think of this place as our place.

  Once I’m finished with my fruit, I fold the leaves over it and place it on the counter. I make my way into the living room and come across a photo album on the side table. Funny thing is, I’m pretty sure that I made this for him.

  Flipping through the pages is like walking down memory lane. Everything that we have ever done together is documented in these pictures. I laugh in the pictures that he’s pretending to lick my face. In the pictures where we are fake kissing, my breathing picks up. Grant is so beautiful. His face lights up in every picture and especially in the pictures where his hands are on me.

  Feeling like a complete idiot, I close the book and walk over to the my banana peel to throw it away. Wishing that Grant were still here, I step on the lever of the trash can and am about to throw it away when I see an envelop.

  I would like to say that I’m a good girl and I didn’t pluck it out of the trash. I would also like to say that I didn’t tear open the letter and read it’s inside once I seen the return address. It’s from a OBGYN in Fort Collins.

  The only reason why I would think something like that would be sent to him, is his sister. However, I know that she’s done having kids as I talked to her the other day. Hell, his whole family has the makings of a football team with kids.

  A light punch in my gut, and I clench the envelop. It slightly burns my hand as I convince myself to read it.


  Mr. BRANDON: The office of Dr. Samantha Miller is sending you this letter to let you know that paternity has been established. You are the father of KAYLA NEWTON’s baby. The test came back 99.1% a match.

  If you have any questions, please contact our office.

  A baby? I quickly looked at the date on the letter. It was dated a week ago. Holy fuck. He’s having a baby with Kayla? I remember Kayla. She’s a cop in Fort Collins. But she’s having a baby with my boyfriend?

  Tears leaked from my eyes and I felt my heart slowly close up and harden. What the hell happened?

  Grant must have known in order to establish paternity with her. Those things take time, I would think. When did he have the chance to go over there and get that test?

  Angrily, I rip my phone out of my pocket and pull up the internet. Turns out you can get paternity tests done anywhere. There must be a mistake. Grant would never keep something like this from me.

  My first instinct is to run to my apartment; however, I stayed rooted to the floor in the kitchen with tears flowing down my face.

  The situation with my father came flooding through my head. Dad had a family in the next town over and would go visit them during the weekly trips he had to take for work. Granted, I know now that those trips were to see his other family. His family full of perfect kids and not the group he has with my mom.


  Conflicting feelings coursed through me as I felt the need to continue to cry and smash everything of his. Like the television.

  Needing to keep my hands busy, I unpacked and put everything away. I know I should have smashed everything but I… I’m seriously hoping that it’s wrong.


  I stood outside of my apartment door and contemplated going in. Facing this thing with Kayla is tearing me apart. Limb to limb.

  This is going to rip Chloe to shreds and I’m the one that’s going to be doing it to her. I just know that this is going to ruin us.

  Time to be a man and tell her about everything.

  I opened the door to see her unpacking my stuff in the living room. God, she looks good in here. It’s like the space was created to hold her in here. “Hey, precious,” I whisper and walk into the room where she is.

  Chloe turns and looks at me with accusatory eyes and a tilt in her lips. I watch her as she pulls a letter out of her pocket. “Is this true?”

  Without even having to know what the letter is, I already know that I’m a dead man. There is nothing I can say that will solve this. The betrayal is written all over her delicate face. Her dad destroyed her trust in men and here I come- doing the same exact thing.


  She cuts me off and walks up to me with her chest puffed out. “No. I asked a yes or no question. Is. This. True?”


  Literally, I can feel her heart breaking as I stare at her. I can tell that she’s trying to not cry but it’s not working. It’s written all over her face.

  Chloe walks past me and towards the kitchen. As she grabs her purse, I can see her shoulders shaking. “Chloe…”

  Before I can get to her, she walks away with her purse.

  “Goodbye, Grant.”

  Now, it’s my heart’s turn to burst.

  The door closes softly and I sit on the floor in my living room. Placing my head in my hands, I try to think of a way to solve this. I knew something like this could happen, I just never knew why it happened to me.

  I’m going to be a dad and I just fucked up my relationship with Chloe. Fucking fantastic.


  Tears cloud my eyes as I walk into my own apartment and shut the door. They fall harder when I see Christine who walks towards me. She looks as if she is approaching a wounded wild animal and it makes me feel more vulnerable.

  “He told you?” Christine asks when she’s standing in front of me. I just nod my head and she’s crying now. “I’m so sorry. It just happened the one time! Right after you left for the academy.”

  “What?” My tears stop and I look at her with my resting bitch face. Is she talking about what I think she’s talking about? Good god.

  She turns from me fast and walks off to her bedroom. “Never mind!”

  “No!” I run up to her and throw myself against her door to block her from going in. “No! You have to tell me right now what you are talking about!”

  Christine tries to push me out of the way but I’m not moving. There is no way in hell that she’s getting out of not telling me what she means. “It’s nothing…” Her eyes look off to the right and her mouth purses. I watch as she started to sweat.

  Jesus, people! I’m a fucking FBI agent!

  “No! Christine. If you ever cared about me, you would tell me what you’re talking about.” I fold my arms over my chest and lean my back against her door. Sure, I’m small, but I’m also muscular. “Don’t lie to me.”

  “Fine! We slept together. Are you happy? Do you want to hear about how he used my body only because he missed you? Do you want to hear about how much I liked him but he only liked you? Do you also want to hear that I came on to him the other day?” Christine is in my face and yelling at me. “No, didn’t think so! Poor Chloe. Poor little Chloe. She has trust issues and we all need to pacify her. It’s pathetic. I’m so tired of everyone thinking you’re a fucking princess.”

  Oh. My. Fucking. God. I made a fist and punched her in the stomach. While she grunted and leaned over to take some of the pressure away, I glared at her with a sick smile on my face.

  “You and me are done. I never want to see you again! Get out of my apartment!” I scream and Steve starts to bark uncontrollably.

  The front door opens and closes hard and I hear poundin
g footsteps. “What- what happened here?”

  “How about you reach into my chest and rip my fucking heart out, you lying bastard!” I yell and push back Christine who is still groaning. I run past everyone and into my room where I slam the door.

  Going to my closet, I yank out a bag to pack some things into. I need to get out of here. I just can’t be here right now.

  My door opens and Grant marches over to me. “I know what you are thinking but please listen to me!”

  I throw my clothes on the floor and stomp over to him. My hand makes contact with his cheek before I even demand my hand to do it.


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