Love Never Dies

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Love Never Dies Page 10

by Pelaam

  “Yes, well. I’ll be watching.” With a last kiss to Midnight’s forehead, Aurora left the room.

  “She means well. She’s very protective.” Midnight let the tension ebb from his body.

  “I’m glad of it.” Tresilian stretched out on the bed and Midnight copied his actions with a sigh. “It makes me feel better to know you have someone like Aurora looking out for you. She’s certainly a force to be reckoned with. Now,” Tresilian shuffled in the bed, then patted his shoulder. “Why don’t you rest your head here and see if you can get some sleep.”

  Midnight immediately moved to lay his head on Tresilian’s shoulder and his aching leg over Tresilian’s.

  “This is nice.” Midnight inhaled deeply. Tresilian’s clean, male scent was pleasant, and with the bigger man’s arm around him, Midnight felt warm and safe. With a sigh of contentment, he closed his eyes.

  Chapter 15

  The next time Midnight opened his eyes, he was alone in the bed. The momentary panic that set his heart racing immediately receded when Tresilian walked back into the room.

  “Ah, you’re awake. Would you care for a bath? I have to admit, it’s quite different to any I’ve taken before.” Tresilian indicated the room he’d just left.

  “Yes, I’d love one. Is that the…um…bathroom?” Midnight hoped Tresilian understood, and to his relief, Tresilian nodded.

  “Yes, everything’s in there. I can wait out here if you’d like. Or, since you’re still a little unsteady, we could share the bath. I assure you, it’s more than big enough.”

  Midnight wasn’t so naïve that he’d never seen another naked man. He’d enjoyed the Turkish baths and seen naked men aplenty there.

  “Yes. I’d like that. If you’ll excuse me for a couple of minutes first.”

  “Of course. I’ll walk you through to make sure you’re all right. Then just call me when you’re ready.”

  “Thank you.” Midnight was glad of Tresilian’s arm until he got moving. As soon as he was alone, he took care of his business and then looked at the bath. It’s every bit as huge as Tresilian said. He stripped quickly, then looked at the bandage on his leg. I’d best not get the dressing wet, but Merit-Ptah said nothing about not keeping my leg clean.

  With the dressing off, Midnight clambered carefully into the large pool-like bath, sighing as the warmth cocooned him. Then he shouted for Tresilian who came through immediately.

  “You look very comfortable.” Tresilian, removed his tunic, giving Midnight an uninhibited view of his naked body.

  The man looked like a Greek god come to life. His chest was every bit as lushly furred as Midnight had dreamed. A dark line of hair led down to his navel, and another to the thick bush surrounding an organ of magnificent proportions.

  “Are you ready for me to join you, Midnight?” Tresilian asked and Midnight’s cheeks flamed.

  “Sorry. I shouldn’t have stared, but you’re just so…so…I don’t have the words. Handsome doesn’t do you justice.”

  “Thank you. I’m only glad that the sight of me didn’t have you running away.”

  “I can’t imagine anyone running away.” Midnight was shocked that Tresilian would say such a thing, but the sincerity of his tone made Midnight wonder if he was making light of a real event. “Tresilian, I may be…well, inexperienced in such matters. But I believe that you will always treat me gently as our relationship becomes more…more intimate.”

  At the edge of the tub, Tresilian reach to clasp one of Midnight’s hands.

  “I give you this promise. I will never do anything that you are not wholly comfortable with and give you my word of honour that I will always respect your decision.”

  “And I give you mine that I shall respect yours.” Midnight returned the promise. After all, it’s not inconceivable that I will be eager, and because of his promise to me, Tresilian more cautious.

  “Excellent.” Tresilian smiled, then climbed into the bathing pool and sat opposite Midnight, ensuring there was plenty of room between them.

  Even though Tresilian was some distance from him, Midnight’s heartrate spiked for a moment, gradually returning to normal as Tresilian remained sitting where he was. They simply sat in silence.

  Tresilian’s eyes were closed, his head leaning against the rock, almost as if he were asleep. But as naïve as Midnight was, he wasn’t fooled. He’s giving me chance to freely look at him without my getting embarrassed or flustered. After all, he’s already seen me naked.

  Up close, Midnight spotted a few more scars, silent testimony to the dangers Tresilian had previously faced, and survived. He wondered if the chest hair felt as soft as it looked and wished he had the courage to simply reach out and touch.

  The accident of their toes brushing together made Midnight jump, then laugh as Tresilian opened his eyes.

  “Sorry.” Midnight coughed to bring himself back under control. “That tickled.”

  “I’ll bear that in mind. For another time.”

  There was a distinct gleam in Tresilian’s eyes and Midnight was suddenly certain to have revealed that titbit was a definite tactical error. With a smile, Tresilian closed his eyes again and Midnight enjoyed the simple intimacy.

  “How would you like me to wash your hair?” Tresilian asked and Midnight sat up a little straighter.

  “Would you?” Midnight had been wondering how he could broach the subject of them moving closer together and this seemed the perfect opportunity.

  “We just need to move a little.” Tresilian manoeuvred them so that Midnight was seated in front of him, his back against Tresilian’s chest. “I’ll get this done in no time.”

  “No rush.” Midnight sighed as Tresilian’s fingers massaged his scalp as he rubbed the soap into Midnight’s hair. “That’s feels so good.”

  “How about this?” Tresilian began to stroke across Midnight’s neck and shoulders, slowly increasing the pressure until Midnight moaned out loud.

  “Oh, that’s perfect.” Midnight hadn’t realised how close their bodies were until he was practically sitting on Tresilian’s lap.

  “Just relax, Midnight. I like you this close to me.”

  The sensation of Tresilian’s hands running up and down his arms, and occasionally trailing across his chest, were producing quite different types of reactions in more intimate areas of Midnight’s body.

  “Um, Tresilian?”

  “Yes, Midnight?”

  “I’m enjoying this very much, but some parts of me are enjoying it more,” Midnight coughed. “A little too much.”

  “Would you mind if I kissed you?”

  The question wasn’t what Midnight had expected, but when asked, he felt he’d craved the touch since Tresilian had entered the bathing room, and in that moment, despite everything else, all was right with Midnight’s world.

  “No. In fact, I’d like that very much.”

  There were no hurried moves. Tresilian drew Midnight to him, keeping slow and careful, and kissed him.

  The kiss was tentative at first, but hunger soon consumed them. Tresilian pulled Midnight impossibly closer to increase their connection, and Midnight returned it with equal fervour. Tresilian then moved Midnight so that he sat sideways across Tresilian’s lap, Midnight’s left side pressed close against Tresilian’s chest

  Once settled, Tresilian wrapped his arms around Midnight’s shoulders, kissing him passionately. Midnight wrapped his left arm around Tresilian’s neck and shoulder, holding on, trying to infuse his own kiss with all the things he couldn’t put into words.

  When the need for oxygen forced Midnight to ease away from Tresilian’s addictive lips, he settled for lying his head on Tresilian’s shoulder as they held one another.

  “I never thought this would actually happen.” Midnight sighed. “I never believed a man like you could ever be interested in someone like me.”

  “Me either. There was this smart, attractive man, who seemingly had the heart of a lion. I never thought you’d look twice at me. But I’m
damn glad you did.”

  “Seems we thought alike.” Midnight sat up a little straighter, enabling him to trail kisses down the side of Tresilian’s face to nibble playfully at his ear.

  “Would you like to take things a little farther, Midnight? I’ll understand if you only wish to continue kissing.”

  There was a strain to Tresilian’s voice that Midnight instantly noticed. He thought about his own, wayward cock and was certain that Tresilian was probably suffering the same problem.

  “Yes.” Midnight gazed directly at Tresilian, wanting the other man to see as well as hear his sincerity. “I would. I take it you have some…experience in these matters?”

  “I have some. However, no one ever managed to involve my heart before. In that respect you are my first, and, I hope and pray, my only.”

  “As do I.” Midnight held Tresilian’s gaze steadily. I may not have experience, but I’m certain of what my heart wants.

  “Can your leg manage this position for a minute or two?” Tresilian urged Midnight to move again, so that this time he straddled Tresilian’s lap, his arms around Tresilian’s shoulders.

  With a nod, Tresilian took hold of Midnight’s hips, holding him steady.

  “Now, firstly, this.” Tresilian leaned forward and kissed Midnight deeply. When he thrust his tongue deep, Midnight ran his own along its length. Then Tresilian eased back. “Gently now.” Tresilian wriggled enough to enable their cocks to align and started a gentle thrusting motion.

  A heartfelt groan escaped Midnight and he eagerly returned the thrusts. His leg was quickly forgotten in the heady sensations of ever-spiralling arousal in which Midnight soon became lost. The touch of his own hand paled alongside these new touches.

  Although Midnight let his eyes drift shut, then quickly open again, in response to the feelings and sensations coursing through him, it seemed that Tresilian’s gaze was riveted solely on him. Midnight felt the heat of a blush start at his scalp and travel to his toes under his lover’s intense gaze, but he didn’t care, and the feeling quickly passed.

  His hair slid back and forth over his shoulders and onto Tresilian’s chest, his lover’s damp hair sliding against his own, smoother chest and adding to the erotic sensations. It didn’t take long before their leisurely thrusts grew faster, each seeking desperately needed completion.

  The water splashed over the pool’s edges, and Midnight let his head fall back as completion washed over him. He gave a soft, wordless cry, as he crested, only dimply aware of the deep groan of his name as Tresilian spilled with him.

  As Midnight slumped against Tresilian, his lover held him tightly. Then Tresilian slid back deeper into the water until Midnight was almost floating on top of him, still sated and languid from his climax.

  “I love you.” Midnight gave a sigh of complete contentment as he rested his head on Tresilian’s shoulder.

  “Thank you.” Tresilian kissed the top of Midnight’s head before drawing him close for another long kiss, and they lay together, buoyed by the water.

  Chapter 16

  All too soon, they had to leave the sanctuary of the water. Dressing would have been a much quicker affair, if they hadn’t spent time kissing in between donning each item of clothing.

  Just as they finally dressed, there was a knock at their door which Tresilian answered while Midnight peered at his leg. He was pleased to see that a lot of the blistering had healed, leaving small scabs in their wake.

  The rest of the group stood outside with Tsillah.

  “How are you this morning, Midnight?” Aurora was the first to greet them, enfolding Midnight in a tight hug.

  “Much better, thank you, and Tresilian has looked after me very well.” Midnight glanced over his shoulder at his lover who nodded.

  “Good morning, Aurora.”

  “Morning, Tresilian. I’m pleased to hear you’re taking such good care of my brother.”

  “Aurora, please.” Midnight nudged her, but when he looked at her, she saw the mischievous glint in her eye. “Enough.” He lowered his voice into a growl and Aurora laughed, kissed his cheek, and sauntered away to stand beside Tsillah.

  “Glad to see you’re more mobile. Midnight.” Voltaire slapped his shoulder. “Looking better, too. That venom must be getting out of your system.”

  “Yes, Midnight-Pendragon. You’re an incredibly lucky man.” Tsillah nodded. “Many men have died from the polymus’s touch.”

  “So everyone keeps telling me. Well, I assure you, that’s all it was. Pure luck and the assistance of Tresilian who severed one of the beast’s tentacles.”

  “It’ll regenerate. The polymus can be cut into many pieces and regenerate itself.” Tsillah shrugged. “This way.”

  “Good to see you looking so well, Midnight.” George called out, ignoring the scowl Dryden sent his way.

  “Yes, it is.” Dru nodded.

  “Thank you, both of you.” Midnight nodded at each in turn, disregarding Dryden’s continued silence.

  “We must hurry. They’re all waiting for you. The Nisut-bity and Princeps are especially keen to meet you, Midnight-Pendragon.” Tsillah briefly rested her hand on Midnight’s arm and his heart plummeted.

  “Oh, I see.” That titbit of news was most unwelcome. Midnight had no desire to be the focus of attention of yet more Atlanteans.

  Although Aurora had described the opulence of the rooms to him, Midnight was still stunned when they walked into the dining room to a fanfare of conch shells. Nor did he feel suitably prepared for the sight of Tullia and Maximus.

  The group were escorted up to the monarchs where they studied Midnight intensely before speaking.

  “We’re pleased to see you looking so well, Midnight-Pendragon.” Tullia inclined her head. “I am the Nisut-bity Tullia Maat-hor, and this my consort, the Princeps Maximus Sa-Ra. We would like to formally welcome you to the city of Atlantis.”

  “Um…thank you, Ma’am.” Midnight bowed, unsure what else to do.

  “You may call us by name while here. Outside this room you will refer to us by our royal titles. All may sit.”

  Everyone at the table obeyed and Midnight tried to focus his attention anywhere but at the royal couple at the top of the table. He was peripherally aware of Tresilian leaning toward him.

  “If they don’t stop looking at you like you’re part of the banquet, I’ll take things into my own hands.” Tresilian’s voice was barely above a whisper, but Midnight heard every word.

  “So long as all they do is look, but remember they are royalty here.” Midnight didn’t want Tresilian to get into trouble. “They look at Miss Dru in the same way. Perhaps it’s because we’re blond?”

  Midnight decided that the grunt from Tresilian was agreement and made sure to focus away from the royal couple.

  The meal continued with Tullia and Maximus asking about the world above them, and most of the answers being supplied by Dryden. Looking at Voltaire’s vexed expression Midnight couldn’t help but feel that Voltaire wanted the other man to shut up.

  “Excuse me, Tullia.” Aurora took advantage of a lull in the questioning. “But when can I see my ship? Once my brother is a little more active, he and I will need to start the repairs.”

  “Your ship was severely damaged by the polymus. What was left cannot be repaired.” Maximus responded to the question with a shrug, raising a painted eyebrow as Aurora rose to her feet.

  “I would like to be the judge of that, sir. I am the ship’s captain, and you do not know my brother’s skill with engines and mechanicals.”

  The room fell silent, and Midnight felt that the eyes of all the Atlanteans at the table were now focused on him. I get the feeling that was probably the worst thing Aurora could have said about me.

  “Indeed? That is most interesting.” Tullia smiled, her jewelled teeth glinting. “So much talent in such a delicate and beautiful package.”

  “It’s not that he can do anything on his own, you understand.” Voltaire quickly stood beside Aurora. “You c
an appreciate that as his sister, Aurora will naturally exaggerate his talent. She meant he, plus the rest of us, would need work together to get the ship fixed.”

  “Yes.” Aurora nodded quickly. “That’s what I meant.”

  As much as Midnight appreciated Voltaire’s quick thinking, a sideways glance at Tullia’s smirk told him that she didn’t believe his sister’s retraction.

  “It matters not.” Tullia waved a hand. “The ship is beyond anyone’s talent to repair. Since you will be our guests for the foreseeable future, we grant you the status of honorary Atlanteans and the freedom of our palace and grounds. However, you are not to leave the palace without an escort, nor are you to go to the catacombs beneath the palace.”

  “May I enquire why, Tullia?” Voltaire asked. “Your city looked so beautiful.”

  “Our city is beautiful.” Maximus nodded. “And you may see it. But we are not alone down here.”

  “Not alone. I don’t understand.” Voltaire shook his head.

  “We have tamed some of the subspecies that share this world. They strive to be like us and serve us. The rest are…waḥsiyy, sanguinarius.” Maximus’s expression darkened, and he gripped his dagger as if ready to strike out.

  “We simply call them waḥsiyy. They are bloodthirsty savages.” Tullia translated the unknown words, but her tone made Midnight’s skin crawl. “They have no culture, are not civilized. Despite what we could offer, they prefer to languish in ignorance, killing to sate their violent cravings. Regrettably, they venture into the city and use our catacombs. We periodically exterminate them from the catacombs. At some point we will consider sealing them. No Atlantean citizen would venture down there. If they’re seen in the city, they are killed on sight. There is no talking to them. Kill or die. They are your only options.”

  “I see. Extremely dangerous, then. We thank you, Tullia Maat-hor.” Voltaire rose and bowed before the Nisut-bity. “Should we wish to explore your city, we’ll be certain to let Lalia know, so that we are suitably protected.”

  Voltaire’s smile was dazzling, but Midnight was quickly becoming attuned to the older man. Even if Tullia couldn’t see that the smile didn’t reach Voltaire’s eyes, Midnight did. His body was also as taut as a bow, nothing like he’d been in Midnight’s room. Then his eyes had grown warm, and his demeanour was relaxed. He doesn’t believe her. I’m sure of it. But why would she lie?


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