Love Never Dies

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Love Never Dies Page 12

by Pelaam

  They undressed quickly and stretched out on the bed. But this time, Midnight wanted to do the touching and he ran his fingers over Tresilian’s broad chest, teasing the plump nipples and silently marvelling over the softness of his lover’s chest hair.

  “Your touches are so light, like a feather. I can barely feel them.” Tresilian trailed his fingertips along Midnight’s cheekbone.

  “I’ll take that as a compliment.” Midnight felt ridiculously proud of himself and continued tracing over Tresilian’s magnificently furred chest. The generous covering put Midnight’s to shame.

  In fact, compared to Tresilian, Midnight considered his a skinny, almost boyish, physique, but it seemed Tresilian wasn’t bothered as he lowered his hand to ghost it across Midnight’s collarbone.

  As Midnight approached Tresilian’s groin, he became less certain. As he stared down, his hand started to shake, and he was unsure what to do. Tresilian took Midnight’s hand in his own.

  “I’d like for you to continue.”

  “Sorry,” Midnight murmured. He met Tresilian’s gaze. A mix of embarrassment, nervousness, and love warred within him, but Tresilian’s eyes were warm and inviting.

  “What for?” Tresilian traced a finger across Midnight’s lips. “Lovers touch one another other. It feels good. For both of them.” He lifted his head to kiss where his fingers had touched. “Now, you were…”

  With a smile and a nod, Midnight carefully enfolded Tresilian’s flesh in his hand, its heat surprising him, and his heart beat in triple time with excitement and nerves. It’s longer and thicker than my own member, but it feels so good to hold such an intimate part of Tresilian.

  “What do I do?” he asked.

  “Just try whatever feels good for you.” Tresilian’s smile was sin incarnate.

  Midnight was suddenly grateful that he hadn’t led such a chaste life that he had never touched himself. Tentatively, then with growing confidence, he stroked Tresilian’s cock, his movements becoming bolder as curiosity and own arousal took over.

  A low rumble came from deep in Tresilian’s and Midnight looked at him to ensure he wasn’t the cause of any discomfort.

  “It feels very good, my love.” Tresilian nodded.

  “Really?” Midnight was thrilled as much from the compliment as from the endearment.

  “Yes, really.”

  Encouraged and emboldened, Midnight continued. Still raised up on one elbow, his gaze never left the sight of Tresilian, naked and aroused beside him. He stroked his lover’s cock slowly, up and down, then teased the tip. With a surge of courage, he cupped and rolled the large, heavy balls.

  When Tresilian closed his eyes, Midnight decided he’d been given silent permission to take his time and explore, without the need to constantly look at Tresilian for assurances. I know I lack finesses or technique, but it seems that Tresilian doesn’t care. Midnight continued his actions, marvellous at his lover’s hot, hard length.

  “Midnight, my love.” Tresilian’s voice was deep and husky and to Midnight’s surprise, his own cock jerked in response, sending droplets of his juices to slide down its shaft.

  “Did I do something wrong?” he asked.

  “Not at all.” Tresilian opened his eyes to gaze up at Midnight. “In fact, it’s so good, I’m going to spill soon. I don’t want to startle you if you’re not ready.”

  “Oh.” Midnight blinked and his cheeks flamed with embarrassment. He must think me such a fool that I didn’t realise.

  “Midnight. Don’t worry so much. I like the notion that you’re learning how to make love with me. “Now, are you ready?”

  “Yes.” Midnight nodded firmly. “I want to do that for you.”

  “Very well.” Tresilian moved and Midnight followed his lover’s urging so that they were lying on their sides. Tresilian slipped one arm under Midnight and drew him close. His other hand hovered above Midnight’s erection, which was achingly eager for attention.

  “I’d like us to spill together.” Tresilian didn’t take hold of Midnight until he had his reply.

  “Oh, yes.” Midnight could barely manager a whisper of sound, but he infused it with all the eagerness, excitement, and love that flowed through his veins.

  With a nod, Tresilian shuffled a little closer, his eyes never leaving Midnight’s until he’d encircled Midnight’s cock in a firm grip.

  “Oh, dear gods above.” Midnight moaned the words.

  When Tresilian began an easy, slow stroking rhythm, Midnight could barely breathe. I would never have believed how different it feels to have another touch me like this. So much stronger and firmer than my own grip.

  Not wanting to fail Tresilian, Midnight took hold of his lover and quickly matched the rhythm Tresilian set, drawing a deep groan from him.

  “You’re a quick learner.”

  Midnight didn’t have much chance to bask in Tresilian’s praise as he sensed his approaching orgasm. The excitement of being with another during this intimate act, being with Tresilian…Midnight moaned as he thrust into his lover’s hand.

  There were too many sensations and Midnight struggled to keep his hand working his lover’s dick. Midnight was being torn apart between the desire to give himself fully to the amazing feelings Tresilian’s touch bestowed and wanting to give equal pleasure to his lover.

  “T-Tresilian. I think I-I’m going to…to…”

  “I know, my love.” Tresilian kissed him softly. “Relax and let it happen.”

  “You…too.” Midnight increased the pace of his strokes, but within seconds he was consumed by the pleasure of his climax as he spilled over Tresilian’s hand.

  A deep groan of his name from Tresilian penetrated the maelstrom of ecstasy that consumed Midnight. He was too lost in his own passion to respond as his vision dimmed and blood pounded in his ears.

  Completely drained, Midnight slumped against Tresilian, laying his head on his lover’s broad shoulder. It was beyond Midnight to help as Tresilian rolled them both, pulling Midnight on top of him. It took him several more moments to regain his breath and open his eyes.

  “Midnight, are you all right?”

  “I don’t think I’ve ever been better.” Midnight lifted his head to smiled down at Tresilian. “Love you.”

  Reaching to frame Midnight’s face in his hands, Tresilian drew him down and began to kiss him. It wasn’t long before Midnight could barely keep his eyes open in between kisses and he settled his head on Tresilian’s shoulder. But this time, there could be no mistake. Tresilian hadn’t returned Midnight’s declaration.

  Chapter 20

  At the double beats from the gong, Midnight groaned and tried to bury his face into Tresilian’s armpit.

  “Good morning, my love.” Tresilian’s voice was deep and warm. “At least what passes for morning down here.”

  “Too early.” Midnight muttered and this time Tresilian chuckled.

  “Not a morning person irrespective of where we are or when morning is.”

  “No.” Midnight tried to snuggle closer and smiled when Tresilian stroked his hand up and down Midnight’s spine. Over the last couple of days, this had become their morning ritual. It gave Midnight the illusion of a little normality.

  “Five minutes.” Tresilian kissed the top of Midnight’s head. “Then, even if I have to lift and carry you to the bathroom, we’re getting up.”

  In Midnight’s mind there was no doubting Tresilian’s threat, so instead of trying to sleep for a few more minutes, he indulged in stroking his fingertips over his lover’s chest, stomach, and lower to caress his very proud erection.

  The consequences of which resulted in a very enjoyable several minutes for both, at the conclusion of which they needed to get out of bed to bathe.

  “I could get used to waking up that way.” Midnight glanced at Tresilian, a thrill of arousal making his cock twitch, despite their recent lovemaking.

  “As could I, my love. But not here. We need to find a way to escape. There must be a way. Let’s see
what Voltaire has to say after breakfast.”

  Breakfast was limited to Midnight and his friends, plus Lalia, who made no mention of the whereabouts of Tullia, Maximus, or any of the other Atlantean courtiers. Nor of Ferdinand and his henchman.

  At the conclusion of the meal, Lalia stood up.

  “You have been granted the honour of seeing our library. The Nisut-bity thought you may wish to spend some time there.”

  “More like they want to know where we are and that we’re staying out of trouble.” Tresilian leaned close to Midnight to whisper in his ear and Midnight nodded.

  “I agree.”

  “Yes, of course, Lalia.” Voltaire stood. “We’d be delighted.”

  “Excellent.” As Lalia started toward the door, another Atlantean came in and Lalia indicated her with a sweeping gesture. “This is Hunra-Tentamun. She will accompany us. She knows the library better than any other of us.”

  With the Atlanteans leading the way, everyone followed on. When they were led inside, a group gasp of appreciation rose into the air.

  The library was magnificent. Midnight slowly walked deeper into the room and turned in a slow circle, trying to take it all in. Large conch shells set into the walls acted as lampshades. More shells made stunning chandeliers that ran the length of the room, set directly above mother of pearl tables. There were even enormous clam shells fashioned into day beds on which to lounge while one read.

  The pillars, encrusted with mosaics, were as much decorative as practical, and the shelves were filled with a mix of scrolls and books.

  “We salvage whatever we can from wrecked vessels from your world.” Lalia walked around, indicating the shelves of books. “Some are too irreparably damaged, of course. We learned many languages, many things from the books we saved.”

  “But not so much saved the people, eh?” Voltaire asked, a jovial smile curving his lips. “Jolly impressive, don’t you think, Tresilian?”

  “Yes. Very.” Tresilian nodded, and from behind his lover’s broad frame, Midnight risked a peek at Lalia.

  For a moment, the civilized veneer vanished, and an expression of murderous hate crossed her face, then a smile of her own was back in place.

  “Sadly not, Voltaire-Crevin. Few survive to reach us. You and your people were extremely fortunate.”

  “Yes, we were, rather.” Voltaire nodded. “I can hardly wait to have a look at some of these tomes.”

  “We anticipated you would all wish to spend a long time in here.” Lalia clapped and several servants, their heads down, shuffled in carrying golden platters of food, and trays with golden jugs and goblets. “Eat and drink as you wish. Enjoy our hospitality. Hunra-Tentamun will spend a few moments with you, to familiarise you with the books we have.”

  “Did you get the feeling that was more of an order than a request?” Voltaire patted Tresilian’s shoulder, his voice soft, before he strode over to Hunra-Tentamun. “Well, you be my guide, and I can pass on your wisdom to the rest of them.”

  “Yes, I did.” Tresilian glanced at Midnight who nodded. Then he looked around as Voltaire led Hunra-Tentamun away from the rest of the group. “Excuse me, Miss Dru, but where’s your fiancé? I thought this would suit him to the ground.”

  “He’s become very friendly with the other two men.” Dru sniffed loudly and tossed her head. “I didn’t see him much at all after we returned to our rooms the other day. Now, when I do see him, he’s always asking what we’re doing and whether we have any plans to get out of here. I told him not to be too trusting of those men, but he just brushed off my concerns.”

  “Man’s a fool and as subtle as a steam train.” Tresilian shrugged. “Begging your pardon, Miss Dru.”

  “Don’t apologise.” Dru held up her hand. “As it happens, I agree with you. He even visited me with Ferdinand in tow yesterday evening. I absolutely refused to have two men in my room. And I find Ferdinand a man who will say anything to sway you to his way of thinking.”

  “Yes, I think you sum him up nicely, Miss Dru.” Tresilian chuckled then wandered over to Midnight, who leaned into his lover.

  “Do you think we have to watch them as well as the Atlanteans?” Midnight asked. He’d still nursed the hope that Ferdinand and his right-hand man would have proven to be allies rather than yet more adversaries.

  “If I’m honest, I think that Ferdinand would do almost anything to ingratiate himself with the Atlanteans.”

  A moment later and the sound of Voltaire bidding goodbye to Hunra-Tentamun rang out. The moment she closed the door, Voltaire leaned on it with an exaggerated sigh.

  “I thought she was never going to go.”

  “Miss Dru says Dryden is ingratiating himself with Ferdinand.” Tresilian ran a hand through his hair. “I expect we’d best avoid discussing anything with him.”

  “If Ferdinand learns enough about their weapon and finds a way to steal it, he’ll take it to the S.O.R. and they will use it. Otherwise, he’ll offer loyalty to the Atlanteans. Either way the world loses out by falling under the dominion of the Atlanteans or the S.O.R. Freedom and democracy will be sacrificed on the altar of absolute power. You can’t have educated people with access to information and reading without censure. That creates a society that wants to think for itself. The majority will therefore be kept downtrodden, as ignorant as the rulers desire, too wrapped up in the hardships of daily life to remember what’s been taken from them.”

  “You paint a grim picture, Voltaire.” Aurora jammed her hands on her hips. “If that’s so, we must find this weapon first. Then disable or destroy it.”

  “I agree.” Voltaire nodded firmly. “However, I won’t endanger anyone here. Tresilian and I will do whatever we need on our own.”

  “You will not.” Midnight couldn’t have stopped his outburst even if he’d wanted. “I want to help. You can’t leave me out.” He clasped tightly to Tresilian’s hand, his lover gazing down at him with a mix of pride and regret.

  “Are you sure, Midnight? There’s no guarantee we’ll make it out of here, but you, your sister—”

  “Will be at her brother’s side.” Aurora tilted her chin at Tresilian.

  “As will I.” Dru nodded.

  “Whatever you need, sir, I’m your man.” George stepped forward.

  “It seems we have an army to back us up, Tresilian.” Voltaire’s smile was different, warmer, more genuine and, for a second or two, Midnight was certain he spotted the glint of unshed tears.

  “Now that’s settled, the question is, what can we do?” Aurora asked, then indicated one of the tables. “Let’s get comfortable and come up with our battle plan.” Once they were all seated, Aurora leaned forward. “I think we could rely on Tsillah to help us. Within reason, that is. I doubt she’d openly act against the Atlanteans, but she’d probably offer advice and information. Someone who knows the palace and who could tell us what’s where would be an advantage.”

  “Yes, absolutely.” Voltaire nodded. “And I’d welcome any ally.”

  “What now?” Midnight asked. He couldn’t help but feel impatient. There seemed to be a lot of talking going on, but little action.

  “Well, I would like to get out of the state appointed rooms and look around.” Voltaire rubbed his hands.

  “I didn’t hear Hunra tell us we had to stay here.” Midnight glanced at Tresilian. “Maybe a couple of us could go out in all innocence.”

  “Yes, you and I, Midnight.” Dru stepped forward, her face alight with excitement. “Dryden isn’t here. Therefore, I asked Midnight to accompany me back to my room. Who would look at us and suspect us? Especially if I begin to cry.” She shrugged as Voltaire stared at her. “It’s not a tactic I commonly employ. But it doesn’t mean I haven’t seen other women do it, and very effectively, too.”

  “Perhaps I should go with you.” Aurora looked over at Midnight who scowled at his sister. “Surely two women would look better.”

  “No.” Voltaire shook his head. “I think Dru’s right. She and Midnight loo
k the least likely of our group to be up to mischief. But,” Voltaire held up his hand as both Aurora and Tresilian went to argue. “Neither of you are to do anything but look around. Don’t go poking into anything. If you see something you think bears further investigation, make a note of it, and walk on. Do you both understand?”

  “I give you my word that I would do nothing to endanger a lady.” Midnight drew himself to his full height, even though he remained several inches shorter than Voltaire. “Nor will I endanger any of you. But I want to do this. To help get us out of here.”

  “Midnight, no one here doubts that you have the heart of a lion.” Voltaire squeezed Midnight’s shoulder. “Don’t jeopardize yourself just to prove it to those who already know and love you for who you are.”

  The burn of a full-body blush started at Midnight’s toes and rose rapidly until even his scalp tingled with heat.

  “Thank you.” Midnight had to clear his throat to get the words out. “I don’t have your intelligence, Voltaire, or Tresilian’s courage, or even my sister’s renowned determination. But I’ll do what I can to help us all.”

  “You have your own talents, Midnight.” Tresilian took hold of Midnight’s shoulders and pulled him close. “Never doubt it.”

  To Midnight’s shock, Tresilian tugged him the last few millimetres into a kiss. He’s kissing me. In front of everybody. Then Midnight kissed Tresilian back, infusing it with all the love he felt for the other man. As they eased apart, Tresilian leaned his forehead against Midnight’s.

  “Come back to me. Promise me,” he whispered.

  “I promise.” Midnight made his vow without hesitation. Then he raised his head and looked around the group. “I promise not to endanger anybody, myself included.”

  “Take care, brother mine.” Aurora hugged him hard, then turned to Dru and gave her a quick hug. “You, too.”

  “We won’t go too far. Don’t worry, we’ll be fine. Come on, Midnight.” Dru slipped her arm through Midnight’s and walked toward the door as if they were taking a promenade around a local park.


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