Love Never Dies

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Love Never Dies Page 21

by Pelaam

  “Aren’t you in the least bit nervous?” Midnight asked. Even though he’d personally inspected everything yet again that morning, to make sure it was perfect, he couldn’t shake off the butterflies that seemed to have taken up a permanent residence in his stomach.

  “Of course I am.” Aurora tugged at the high collar of her dress. Then she looked at him and smiled. “You look very dashing.”

  “Thanks, and you look very beautiful.” Midnight glanced down at himself. His velvet suit was a darker shade of blue than his sister’s silk dress and they both wore velvet, sky-blue low toppers. The brims had been decorated with orange blossom as emblems of purity, chastity, and innocence. A sprig of myrtle for a corsage symbolized creating and preserving love, fidelity in marriage, and to bring good luck. We picked everything with care specifically for today.

  He and Aurora had spent a long time deciding the best month and day for the marriage right down to the colours to wear and even the flowers. The month chosen because married in August’s heat and drowse, lover and friend in your chosen spouse. The day because Wednesday is the best day of all. The colour, married in blue, he will always be true. Even if they were just rhymes and superstition, Midnight had wanted it all.

  In hopes of settling his nerves, Midnight peeked through the marquee’s curtain. The gardens had never looked more beautiful. The sky was cloudless, and there was an abundance of flowers.

  The lawns had been especially trimmed, house rugs were spread on the grass, and comfortable chairs and little tables grouped under the trees between the house and the area decorated for the ceremony itself. On the far side a small bandstand had been erected and the musicians were already in place and the strains of their music carried to where he stood.

  Rather than an indoor wedding breakfast, they’d chosen to have outside buffet tables that were also decorated with flowers. All the dishes served would be cold and included a rich beef consommé, salad, sandwiches, ices, cakes, and fruits of the season.

  To help her with serving the guests, Lucy has brought in four of her nieces. They’ll assist in pouring the tea and chocolate. They’ll also serve the coffee frappes which can’t be brought out until closer to the end of the service.

  With a smile, Midnight gazed with pride at the table on which the wedding cakes were displayed. There were the traditional three cakes. One had charms attached to ribbons baked into it and after the ceremony, the closest family members would each pull a ribbon. The charm would foretell the future to bring good luck. The groom’s cake was a rich, dark fruitcake with icing. Lucy will ensure that the third cake will be cut in pieces and distributed to the guests as they departed.

  As he checked off everything in his mind, Midnight’s nerves gradually eased. He took a deep, cleansing breath at the sight of the vibrant garlands of foliage and flowers which hung from tree to tree to mark the aisle for the wedding procession. The festoons, brightly coloured furthest away, incrementally increased in more traditional white up to a few yards of the place chosen for the ceremony.

  Midnight’s stomach flipped as he looked at the two white satin cushions at the foot of the garden’s biggest tree which had been draped with a bower of orange blossoms. Then Midnight’s breath caught in his throat. Some of the wedding guests are already congregating along each side of the aisle.

  Catching a glimpse of the celebrant, Midnight ducked back. He’ll be leading the groom and groomsman and it’s considered bad luck to see them at this point.

  “Well, you both look amazing.” Magenta entered the marquee on Griffin’s arm. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you so magnificent.” She hugged them each in turn.

  “Thank you, Mama.” Midnight took a deep breath. “You know, I don’t think I was this nervous even when dealing with the Leviathan.

  “But while this is far less dangerous, it’s just as daunting, son.” Griffin stepped forward to offer his own hug.

  “Oh, Griffin, don’t tease.” Magenta laughed and playfully slapped her husband’s arm.

  “Sorry. Just trying to lighten the mood. Happiest day of one’s life and all, don’t you know.” Griffin slid his arm around Magenta’s waist. “That part’s true, even if you don’t realise it at the time because you’re battling with nerves. I know I did. You both need to relax and enjoy the day.”

  “You’re right. Aurora and I have already checked and rechecked everything many times. It should all run like clockwork.” Midnight nodded firmly.

  “And we all know how talented you are with that.” Aurora patted Midnight’s shoulder just as the band began the wedding music. “Oh! It’s time.” She clutched tightly to Midnight’s arm and he nodded.

  In a slight twist to the norm, Midnight was going to walk beside Aurora behind the children who would strew petals, and their parents were following them. Nor was this going to be a traditional wedding service, but rather a handfasting ceremony followed by a blessing, and the signing of the licence.

  The cords had been as scrupulously chosen as everything else Midnight had organised with his sister for the big day. Red for passion and love. Dark blue for strength and longevity. Silver for protection and inspiration. Brown, not only for earth and home but because it’s Papa’s favourite colour, and Magenta for Mama.

  Ahead he could see where Voltaire and Tresilian stood waiting in formal morning suits, and the celebrant behind, beaming widely at them. The village rector sat in the front row, ready to perform the blessing at the conclusion of the ceremony.

  As they reached the end of the aisle, Aurora took her place beside Voltaire, Magenta and Griffin sat down, and Midnight stood alongside Tresilian, facing the celebrant.

  “You look amazing.” Tresilian whispered. “I can hardly believe the day has arrived.”

  “Are you ready, gentlemen?” The celebrant asked and Midnight nodded.

  “We’re ready.”

  “Excellent.” The celebrant held up his hands. And the soft hubbub from the guests instantly died away. “On behalf of Griffin and Magenta Pendragon, I welcome you all here today to bear witness to the marriage of their son Midnight to Tresilian Hawke. Mr Crevin, do you have the cords?”

  “Yes. Here they are.” Voltaire held the plaited cord up for the guests to see, then handed it over.

  “Please hold hands.” The celebrant waited as Midnight took a firm grip of Tresilian. “As this knot is tied, so are your lives now bound. Woven into this cord, imbued into its very fibres, are all the hopes of your friends and family, and of yourselves, for your new life together. With the fashioning of this knot do I tie all those desires, dreams, love, and happiness wished here to your lives for as long as love shall last.”

  The celebrant positioned Midnight and Tresilian’s clasped hands and wrapped the cord around them.

  “In the joining of hands and the fashioning of a knot, so are your lives now bound, one to another. By this cord you are bound to your vows. May this knot remain tied for as long as love shall last. May this cord draw your hands together in love, never to be used in anger. May the vows you have spoken never grow bitter in your mouths. As your hands are bound by this cord, so is your partnership held by the symbol of this knot. May it be granted that what is done before the gods be not undone by man. Please say your vows.”

  Looking directly into Midnight’s eyes, Tresilian recited the vows they’d chosen together.

  “I, Tresilian Hawke, do promise you, Midnight Pendragon, that I will be your husband from this day forward. To love and respect you. To support and to hold you. To make you laugh and to be there when you cry. To softly kiss you when you are hurting. And to be your companion and your friend on this journey that we will now make together.”

  “I, Midnight Pendragon, do promise you, Tresilian Hawke, that I will be your husband from this day forward. To love and respect you. To support and to hold you. To make you laugh and to be there when you cry. To softly kiss you when you are hurting. And to be your companion and your friend on this journey that we will now make together.” />
  The celebrant cut the cords but left the knot intact. However, Midnight didn’t release Tresilian’s hand. The celebrant held the cord aloft.

  “This knot remains tied to symbolize the permanence of their union. Two entwined in love, bound by commitment and fear, sadness, and joy, by hardship and victory, by anger and reconciliation, all of which brings strength to this union. Hold tight to one another through both good times and bad and watch as your strength grows. I ask those here to congratulate the newly married couple and present to you Midnight and Tresilian Pendragon-Hawke.”

  The guests stood and applauded, then resumed their seats as Midnight and Tresilian kneeled on the pillows and the rector performed a blessing. At its conclusion Midnight rose to his feet, Tresilian at his side, and Voltaire presented the rector with a red cushion on which sat the rings.

  To Midnight’s relief, each ring slid effortlessly into place and the guests applauded once more. He turned to face them.

  “On behalf of my husband and myself, we’d like to thank my parents, Griffin and Magenta, my sister Aurora, and our good friend Voltaire who all worked behind the scenes to enable this day to take place. I also thank you for coming and making it so special. Now please, do help yourselves to the food. Lucy and her nieces will pour the drinks. Music will continue to play should you wish to dance. Enjoy.”

  Leaning into Tresilian, Midnight waited for the guests to drift toward the buffet tables before pulling his husband into a kiss.

  “Thank you, too.”

  “I should be thanking you. You might have refused me.” Tresilian slid an arm around Midnight, pulling him close.

  “Never.” Midnight claimed another kiss, then sighed. “We’d best circulate.” His stomach growled ominously, and Midnight groaned and buried his face against Tresilian’s shoulder.

  “I think someone may have been too nervous to eat this morning?” Tresilian chuckled as Midnight nodded.

  “You’re right. Since so much effort’s been made into preparing this food, I should at least eat some of it.”

  Wandering around the tables, Midnight ate a couple of the excellent sandwiches before choosing a coffee frappe. The opulent drink, heavily sugared, was served in their best china cups with a small cake or wafer of choice. Just as serving it, a little cold whipped cream was dropped in.

  “We have two varieties.” Midnight indicated a set of the frappes in dessert dishes. “Those are for the children. These are flavoured with a little brandy.”

  “Cunning.” Tresilian nodded and took one for himself. “Did Lucy make these?” he asked taking a mouthful. “They’re excellent. No wonder you consider her a treasure. Once we’ve finished these, I suggest we have our first dance together. Then I have a surprise.”

  Intrigued, Midnight finished his treat, then he and Tresilian went to the square beside the musicians to have their dance. As the area filled with other couples, Tresilian waltzed Midnight toward the edge, and then they strolled quickly back toward the house.

  Instead of going inside, Midnight was led around to the front where his parents along with Aurora and Voltaire were waiting. Voltaire’s care was also there, but then Midnight realised it was slightly different. Voltaire held up a set of keys.

  “Congratulations. This is my gift. I thought you might like to take it on your honeymoon.”

  “Honeymoon?” Midnight took the keys but felt so stunned at the generous gesture that he handed them straight to Tresilian. Then he shook his head with a puzzled frown and looked at his husband. “I didn’t think we could afford either the time or the expense to take one.”

  “Voltaire will help me with the flights while you’re gone.” Aurora smiled at the man beside her. “I’m sure that QC won’t mind accepting her treats from him for a short while.”

  “And my family are paying for the honeymoon itself. A week in Paris.” Tresilian pecked a kiss to Midnight’s cheek. “We’ll drive to London, stay in a hotel where we’ll leave the car. Then a train to Dover, across to Calais, and another train to Paris. I wanted it to be a surprise. My cases are already packed and in the car.”

  “And we bought you new clothes which are also in the car.” Griffin hugged Midnight, then shook Tresilian’s hand. “Take care and have fun, boys. We’ll see you when you get back.”

  “Goodbye, Midnight.” Magenta kissed his cheek, then packed a kiss to Tresilian’s. “Look after one another.”

  Then it was Aurora’s turn. Midnight bit back a groan as she hugged him hard.

  “Have a wonderful time, brother mine. And you, too brother-in-law.”

  “Have fun.” Voltaire bear hugged Midnight, then Tresilian. “We’ll be fine.”

  “In you get.” Tresilian indicated for Midnight to get into the car then settled beside him. “Ready for another adventure?” he asked.

  “I’d prefer this one to be about relaxation. Nothing more exciting than doing a spot of sight-seeing. Let’s go.”

  As they drove out of the grounds, guests lined the road to throw rice at the car and Midnight laughed. With his husband at his side he looked forward to whatever the future would bring.



  The Khopesh: An Egyptian sickle-sword, the most iconic Egyptian weapon. It featured a curved, thick blade and measured about two feet long. One style has a hook on the end that is used for grabbing people, their weapons, or shields. The other variety has a point on the end that used for stabbing. A hybrid type has both point and hook and can be used to pull an opponent’s shield down then thrust into their unprotected face.

  Egyptian axes: The first Egyptian battle axes were produced around 2000 BC and were made of bronze. However, once they met the Sea-peoples and the Hyskos they changed their design. Egyptian axes could be used for hacking or be thrown.

  Another specifically Egyptian weapon is an axe with a fan-shaped head used for slashing, mounted on a pole. However, this weapon may have been for ceremonial uses only.

  Clepsydra: An ancient device for measuring time by the gradual flow of water. It may have been an invention of the Chaldeans of ancient Babylonia; specimens from Egypt date from the 14th century BC.

  Swnwt: Physician

  Nisut-bity (nswt-bity): King of upper and lower Egypt (female form); there was no word for queen.

  Princeps: Prince


  Living in clean, green New Zealand, Pelaam is a multi-published author of gay romance and erotic books. When not busy writing she can be found indulging in her other passions of cookery and wine appreciation.

  Of Pelaam's books, Smoking Mirror was a finalist in 2017 Rainbow Awards in Gay Futuristic/Sci-Fi; Stranded was Evernight Publishing Readers’ Choice winner 2016 for Sci-Fi; The Avian Emperor was runner-up and received an Honorable Mention in the 2016 Rainbow Awards in Gay Futuristic/Sci-Fi.

  For more information, visit


  JMS Books LLC is a small queer press with competitive royalty rates publishing LGBT romance, erotic romance, and young adult fiction. Visit for our latest releases and submission guidelines!




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