Wooden: A Coach's Life

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by Seth Davis

  Byron, George Gordon, Lord

  cable television

  California, University of. See University of California

  California State University, Fresno

  California State University, Long Beach

  NCAA investigation of

  California State University, Northridge

  Call (newspaper)

  Caress, Charlie

  Carmichael, Charles

  Carr, Austin

  Carr, Chet

  Carson, Vince

  Carty, Jay


  Centerton, Indiana

  Cervantes, Miguel de

  Chamberlain, Wilt

  Chaney, Don

  Chapin, Dwight

  Chapman University

  Charlie Rose (TV show)

  Cheaney, Calbert

  Chicago, University of

  Chicago Bears

  Chicago Cubs

  Chicago Daily Tribune

  Chortkoff, Mitch

  Christian Science Monitor

  Christopher, Clarence “Big Chris”

  Churchill, Winston

  Ciesar, Ed

  Cincinnati, University of

  Cincinnati Reds

  Citadel, The

  Citizen Klansmen (Moore)

  Citrus Junior College

  City College of New York (CCNY)

  civil rights movement

  Clark, Brent

  Clay, Dwight

  Coach’s World, A (Keith)

  Coldren, Bruce

  Coleman, Cecil

  Collins, Doug

  Colorado State University

  Columbia Pictures

  Combes, Harry

  Compton Community College

  Conley, Gene

  Conner, Jimmy Dan

  Connersville, Indiana, High School

  Cooke, Jack Kent

  Courier and Journal

  Cousy, Bob

  Crawfordsville, Indiana, early basketball and

  Crawfordsville Journal

  Creek, Herbert

  Crisler, Fritz

  Cronin, Ned

  Crum, Denny

  Cunningham, Gary

  as UCLA coach

  Curtis, Glenn “Old Fox”

  ladder of success and

  recommends Wooden as ISTC coach

  Curtis, Tommy

  Daily Bruin

  Dalis, Pete

  Dallmar, Howie

  Dalton, Bob

  Dantley, Adrian

  Dardin, Oliver

  Darrow, Chuck

  Davis, Dick

  Davis, Olin W.

  Daye, Darren

  Dayton, Kentucky, High School

  Wooden’s losing season at

  Dayton, University of

  Dayton Pilot (yearbook)

  Dean, Everett

  Dee, Johnny

  Deford, Frank

  DeJardin, Don

  Dellinger, Joe

  Dellins, Marc

  Dempsey, Jack

  Denlinger, Ken

  Denver, University of

  Denver Nuggets

  DePaul University

  DePauw University


  Detroit Falcons

  Detroit Pistons

  Dickens, Charles

  Dickey, Glenn

  Dimich, Dan

  Dohn, Mary

  Dolson, Frank

  Donaldson, Pete

  Donohue, Jack

  Dose, Tom

  Douglas, Lloyd

  Downing, Steve

  Drake, Ducky

  Drake University

  Dreith, Ben

  Driesell, Charles “Lefty”

  Drollinger, Ralph

  Duke University

  Dunbar, Bob

  Dunphy, Marv

  Duquesne University

  Eblen, Bill

  Ecker, Danny

  Ecker, John

  Edwards, Harry

  Ehlers, Eddie

  Einhorn, Eddie

  El Camino College

  “Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard” (Gray)

  Elliott, Edward

  Ellis, LaPhonso

  Elmore, Len

  Enberg, Dick

  Erickson, Doug

  Erickson, Keith

  ESPN (cable network)

  Eubank, George

  Evans, Jerry

  Fahrubel, Howard

  Farmer, Larry

  Gilbert and

  as UCLA coach, 1981

  fast break or fire wagon style


  Fehring, William “Dutch”

  Fellowship of Christian Athletes

  Ferry, Bob

  FIBA World Championship (2006)

  Field, Bob

  Fields, Kenny

  Fink, Pinkie

  Fischer, Bob

  flat hook shot

  Florence, Mal

  Florida State University

  Flower, Ken

  Fonda, Jane

  Fordham University

  Foster, Lou

  Foudy, Charlie

  Fouke, Harry

  Franklin, Gary

  Franklin, USS

  Frankovich, Mike

  full-court press

  Furillo, Bud

  “Game of the Century” (Houston-UCLA, 1968)

  Game Plan for Life, A (Wooden)

  Gandhi, Mahatma

  Gassensmith, John

  Georgetown University

  Geyer, Jack

  Giant Steps (Abdul-Jabbar and Knobler)

  GI Bill of Rights

  Gilbert, Michael

  Gilbert, Rose

  Gilbert, Sam

  indictment of

  Los Angeles Times exposé of

  NCAA investigations and

  Gildea, William

  Gill, Slats

  Gillespie, Dizzy

  Gilmore, Artis

  Givens, Jack

  Glenn, John

  Godfather, The (Puzo)

  Golden State Warriors

  Gooch, Freddy

  Goodrich, Gail, Jr.

  Goodrich, Gail, Sr.

  Goodrich, Jean

  Goorjian, Greg

  Goshen High School (Indiana)

  Goss, Freddie

  Gottlieb, Eddie

  Gould, Todd

  Gower, Larry

  Graham, Gordon

  Gray, Leonard

  Gray, Thomas

  Green, Johnny

  Green, Sihugo

  Greenberg, Alan

  Greenwood, David

  Grevey, Kevin

  Grey, Zane

  Guerrero, Dan

  Gulick, Luther

  Halas, George

  Halbrook, Swede

  Haldeman, H. R.

  Hall, Dan

  Hall, Joe B.

  Hall, John

  Hamilton, Roy

  Hamlet (Shakespeare)

  Hamline University

  Harlem Globetrotters

  Harlem Renaissance “Rens”

  Harmeson, Glen

  Harmon, Tom

  Harrick, Jim

  as UCLA coach

  Harshman, Marv

  Harter, Dick

  Havlicek, John

  Hayes, Elvin

  Hazzard, Walt

  as UCLA coach 1984–88

  HBO documentary

  Healy, Jim

  Heathcote, Jud

  Hefner, Jim

  Heitz, Kenny

  Helms Athletic Foundation

  Henderson, Tom

  Henshel, Harry

  Henson, Lou

  Herrerias, Rene

  Hesburgh, Theodore

  Hessler, Fred

  Hewitt, Bill

  Hibler, Mike

  Hickey, Nat

  Hickman, Peck

  Hickman, Pete

  Hicks, Bill

  Hill, Andy

  Hill, Jess

  Hinds, Mabel

  Hinkle, Tony

h, Jack

  Hobbs, Bob

  Hobbs, Douglas

  Hoffman, Vaughn

  Hofheinz, Roy

  Hogue, Paul

  Hollyfield, Larry

  Holy Cross, College of the

  Hope, Bob

  Hopkins, Farrell

  Hornung, Paul

  Houbregs, Bob

  Houston, University of

  Houston Astrodome

  Houston Holiday Classic (1962)

  Houston Rockets

  Howard, Terry

  Howell, Parson

  Howland, Ben

  Hruby, Dan

  Hulman, Tony

  Hunt, Bill

  Hunt, Lee

  Iba, Henry

  Idaho State University

  Illinois, University of

  Imhoff, Darrall


  early development of basketball in

  first statewide basketball tournament of 1911

  segregation and

  Indiana High School Athletic Association (IHSAA)

  Indianapolis News

  Indianapolis Star

  Indiana state basketball tournament




  Indiana State Teachers College (ISTC)

  1946–47 season

  1947–48 season

  NAIB of 1948 and racial barrier

  Walker, as black player, not brought on New York trip, 1947

  Wooden hired as coach at

  Wooden leaves, for UCLA

  Indiana University

  Internal Revenue Service

  Iowa, University of

  Iowa State University

  Irish, Ned


  Jackson, Ed

  Jackson, Phil

  Jacksonville University

  Jacobs, Stan

  Jamison, Steve

  Jares, Joe

  Jenkins, Clarence

  Joeckel, Ralph

  Johns, Wilbur

  Johnson, Hollis

  Johnson, John I.

  Johnson, Marques

  Sport player of the year award

  Johnson, Michael

  Johnson, Rafer

  Sports Illustrated Sportsman of the Year award

  as UCLA student body president

  Johnston, Bill

  John Wooden Pyramid of Success, The (Johnson)

  Jones, Dwight

  Jones, J. C.

  Jones, LeRoi

  Jones, Ralph

  Jones, Warnell

  Jucker, Ed

  Kansas, University of

  Kansas City Star

  Kansas State University

  Kautsky, Don

  Kautsky, Frank

  Kautsky Athletic Club “Kautskys”

  Keith, Larry

  Kellar, Harry

  Kelley, Bob

  Kelley, Vic

  Kenon, Larry “Dr. K”

  Kent State University

  Kentucky, University of

  point-shaving scandal

  Keogan, Goerge

  Kilmer, Bill

  King, Billie Jean

  King, Bob

  King, George

  Kirksville Teachers College

  Kitchen Fresh Chippers

  Kizer, Noble

  Klueh, Duane

  Knight, Bob

  Kolb, John

  Kondos Field, Valorie

  Korean War

  Kosloff, Irving

  Koufax, Sandy

  Kraft, Jack

  Krikorian, Doug


  Kuchen, Dick

  Ku Klux Klan

  Kurland, Bob

  Lacey, Edgar

  Lacey, Edgar, Sr.

  Lambert, Ward “Piggy”

  Basketball Hall of Fame and

  coaching style of

  influence of, on Wooden

  philosophy of

  players’ feet and

  Pyramid of Success and

  record of, at Purdue

  Wooden plays basketball at Purdue under

  Wooden’s financial hardships and

  writes Practical Basketball

  Lapchick, Joe

  Larson, Bruce

  La Salle, University

  Lavin, Steve

  Lawson, Ron

  Leahy, Frank

  Leatherstocking tales (Cooper)

  Lee, Bruce

  Lee, Greg

  Lee, James

  Leiser, Bill

  Lemons, Abe

  Levinson, Al

  Lewis, Guy

  Libby, Bill

  Life magazine

  Lightner, Al

  Lilly, Pete

  Lincoln, Abraham

  Lippert, Chris

  Littwin, Mike

  Livingston, Ron

  Lombardi, Vince

  Long Beach Press-Telegram

  Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth

  Long Island Newsday

  Long Island University

  Los Angeles Athletic Club (LAAC)

  Los Angeles Basketball Classic







  Los Angeles Blades

  Los Angeles City Council

  Los Angeles Coliseum Commission

  Los Angeles Daily News

  Los Angeles Dodgers

  Los Angeles Examiner

  Los Angeles Herald Examiner

  Los Angeles Lakers

  Los Angeles Mirror

  Los Angeles Pierce College

  Los Angeles Sports Arena

  Los Angeles Stars

  Los Angeles Times

  Los Angeles Valley College

  Loughery, Kevin

  Louisiana State University

  Louisville, University of

  Loyola Marymount University (California)

  Loyola University (Chicago)

  Lucas, Jerry

  Lucas, John

  Ludlow, Cassius

  Lufkin, Dan

  Luke, Sherrill

  Lyle, Clyde

  Lynn, Mike

  Macbeth (Shakespeare)

  MacLean, Don


  Major League Baseball, integration of

  Malcolm X

  Manhattan College

  Marcucci, Bob


  Marion High School

  Marquette University

  Martin, Ray

  Martinsville, Indiana

  high school gymnasium of 1924

  Martinsville Daily Reporter

  Martinsville Democrat

  Martinsville First Bank and Trust

  Martinsville High School

  gymnasium dedication game of 1924

  state championships of 1926

  state championships of 1927

  state championships of 1928

  Wooden’s Dayton High team plays

  Maryland, University of

  McCarter, Andre

  McClintock, Bill

  McCormick, Frank

  McCracken, Branch

  McDonald, Don

  McGuire, Dick

  McIntosh, Doug

  McIntyre, Rod

  McKay, Nicolas

  McMillan, Dave

  McMillen, Tom

  Meanwell, Walter

  Medalist Industries

  Medley, Tony

  Memphis Grizzlies

  Memphis State University

  Menefee, Bill

  Meyer, Ray

  Meyers, Dave “Spider”

  Michaels, Al

  Michigan, University of

  Michigan State University

  Midwest Basketball Conference

  Mikan, George

  Miller, Denny

  Miller, Kent

  Miller, Martha

  Miller, Norman

  Miller, Ralph

  Mills Brothers

  Milwaukee Bucks

  Milwaukee Cl

  Minnesota, University of

  Missouri Valley Conference

  Mitchell, Darryl

  Monday Night Football

  Monmouth University

  Montana, University of

  Montana State University

  Moore, Johnny

  Moore, Leonard J.

  Morgan, Cynthia

  Morgan, J. D.

  death of

  Gilbert and

  NCAA and

  relationship with Wooden and

  retirement of

  TV industry and

  Morgan, Joe

  Mount, Rick

  “Mr. Meant To” (poem)

  Muhammad, Elijah

  Mulligan, Bill

  Mullins, Jeff

  Muncie Central High School

  Muncie Press

  Muncie Star

  Murphy, Bob

  Murphy, Charles “Stretch”

  Murray, Jim

  My Personal Best (Wooden)

  Na, Lucy

  Na, Paul

  Naismith, James

  Naismith Award

  Nance, Ted

  Nash, Gordon

  Nater, Swen

  National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

  National Association of Basketball Coaches convention

  National Association of Intercollegiate Basketball (NAIB, later National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics)

  ban on black players

  tournament of 1947

  tournament of 1948

  National Basketball Association (NBA)

  All-Star game, first black man in


  Gilbert and contracts for

  National Basketball Committee of the United States and Canada

  National Basketball League (NBL)

  National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA)

  center jump eliminated by

  center line added by

  Committee on Infractions

  freshman eligibility for varsity and

  Gilbert and

  “home rule”

  limit on scholarships

  locker room rule

  Long Beach investigation and

  recruitment of Walton and

  rules committee

  “Sanity Code”

  TV contracts and

  UCLA investigation of 1981–82

  UCLA investigation of 1987

  NCAA tennis championships

  NCAA tournaments



































  Final Four

  popularity of

  radio rights

  records and titles

  TV rights

  time-outs and

  Wooden studies why teams come up short

  NCAA West Regional






















  National Football League (NFL)


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