Satiated [Young, Hot, and Talented 5] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

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Satiated [Young, Hot, and Talented 5] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) Page 5

by Shawn Bailey

  * * * *

  Shortly after breakfast, all the groups were carted off to practice. Tomahiko discovered The Americans were serious when it came to rehearsals as he sat in the room watching members of the different groups do their thing. They, being the new kids, got the bulk of the attention. Jonas had done a very good job with the sheet music. Daisuke tried to come up with some easy steps since there wouldn’t be much dancing this time. Luke had decided to let the bands play the music while the three of them stood at center stage and sang into the mics. Tomahiko smiled, still remembering the look on his face the other night when he left him in the hotel room. Unfortunately, he felt he wouldn’t get the upper hand the next time they found themselves in an intimate situation. He wasn’t a fool either. Luke had had a relationship with Gerard Tyler in the past, even though he had no proof other than the blush on Gerard’s cheeks when Luke spoke to him.

  “Noel, you’re up,” Adam said.

  Noel Charles, Edward’s new protégé made his way on stage. Tomahiko checked the redhead out. Slender, poised, and looked good in the red, white, and blue outfit he wore. Noel sang several songs, including one with Frankie Kerry, one with Jonas Kerry and, his latest song with all three members of The Kerrys, that every guy in the room seemed to love. Each of the four guys had unique voices, but Frankie and Noel were the top contenders for best singers. They all could dance and had good stage presence. Noel finished up his rehearsal alone, singing a love song that had both Luke and Edward’s attention. Tomahiko sighed. He didn’t want to be a statistic for these guys. Sure, what he had with Edward was long over, but he didn’t want to be just another notch in Luke’s headboard either. Noel left the room shortly after his set ended and Edward walked out nonchalantly just before Yukizumi took the stage. He smirked. Noel appeared to have the secret service agent tied around his little finger, or however the cliché went. That was good. Edward needed someone he couldn’t boss around. Noel seemed like the type not to take shit off of anyone.

  Tomahiko and the others had just returned to their dorm when he got a call from his uncle. “Let’s talk, Nephew.” Tomahiko told the others where he was off to, and told Daisuke not to hold dinner for him. He took his own car…a dark-colored, two-door sport his uncle had given him about a year ago. He stayed on lighted streets like he’d been taught, just in case he was being followed.

  He got stopped as soon as he reached the outside of his uncle’s mansion. He and his car got searched. It didn’t matter that he’d grown up on the other side of that gate in the boss’s home. The guard cleared him and opened the gate. Tomahiko drove down the road to the main house. He parked and then used his key to enter. He removed his gun and put it in the basket, and then walked through the metal detector. He knew the routine as well as he knew all of the rules in the organization. He found his uncle in the dining room, along with several of his lieutenants and two big burly bodyguards.

  “Come on in, Tommy,” his uncle said. Mikuni Akiyama was Tomahiko’s father’s younger brother, and the only father figure Tomahiko had ever known. Both of his parents had been killed right after Tomahiko’s second birthday. His uncle took over the organization and raised Tomahiko like a son. He was even there in the bleachers every time Tomahiko had a gymnastic event as a small child, and never missed one of Tomahiko’s performances with Yukizumi. The two of them resembled each other. Mikuni was just eighteen years older than Tomahiko and in a way, they grew up together.

  Tommy bowed to Mikuni and greeted the others. “Konbanwa.”

  “Hey, kid,” Lieutenant Hikori Itome said.

  “I’m taller than you now,” Tomahiko said good-naturedly.

  Hikori held up his hand. “You’re still not too old to spank.”

  Tomahiko rubbed his butt, remembering the stern discipline he received growing up in a yakuza household. He took his seat. “What’s up, Uncle?”

  The server came in and brought food for Tomahiko while he and his uncle talked.

  “Can’t a man just want to see his favorite nephew?”

  Tomahiko nodded. “Yes.”

  “Guess who came to dinner yesterday?”

  “Who?” Tomahiko asked.

  “Edward Green.”

  Tomahiko frowned. “Why?”

  “Because he’s back in town, and he and I have some unfinished business…you.”

  Tomahiko started eating his food. “He’s no longer my manager.”

  “So I’ve heard,” Mikuni said, adding vegetables to Tomahiko’s plate. He also served his nephew some choice pieces of meat.

  “His American boss Tory Albertson bought Yukizumi’s contract and Ki’s. Ki got promoted to manager and will be given another group. In the process, we got a new manager, too.”

  “So this Tory person fired Edward?”

  “Kind of,” Tomahiko answered. “He still has Dazed, and now he’s managing a new client named Noel Charles.”

  “By new client, you mean lover?”

  Tomahiko shrugged. “I have no proof of that.”

  His uncle laughed. “It’s his routine. First you, then Ae-jong, and now this Noel guy. Well, good riddance to him. Now tell me about this new manager.”

  “His name is Luke Austin.”

  “What’s that blush? Is he handsome or something?”

  Everyone knew that Tomahiko was gay, so this kind of conversation was just routine between him and his uncle.


  “Handsomer than Edward?” his uncle asked.

  Tomahiko nodded. “They’re both good-looking men, but Luke is idol gorgeous. He’s pretty enough to be a model, tall, with a nice body, but not overly muscular like Edward.”

  “And he’s gei?”

  Tomahiko nodded again. Gei was Japanese for gay. “Yes.”

  His uncle sighed. “Be careful, Tommy, and don’t rush into a relationship with a stranger. Get to know him first. Bring him home to meet the family.”

  “I don’t know if I have time for that. I have to leave Japan. We’re moving to America.”

  “I’m so happy you’re finally getting to go there. Represent your country well.”

  He knew his uncle was upset about this, but yakuza bosses didn’t show true emotions in front of their people. “I will. I’m going to hate leaving you.”

  His uncle laughed and patted Tomahiko’s hand. “I’m going to miss you, too. Are Daisuke and Akira excited about moving?”

  “Yes, especially Daisuke. He finally got to meet his idol, Frankie Kerry. He’s a part of the tour we’re joining.”

  “Is he handsome?”

  “Yes, a cute blond with curls. He’s about this high.” Tomahiko demonstrated with his hand. “And he’s a wonderful singer. One of the best in the business.”

  “I think you’re one of the best in the business,” his uncle said.

  “Thank you, but he’s good, too. He penned a song for us. His brother did, too.”

  “He and his brother wrote songs for Yukizumi?”


  “Why?” his uncle asked.

  “Because we want to change over to rhythm and blues, and Yukizumi will be performing along with these guys next week.”

  “And none of your older songs will do?”

  Tomahiko shook his head. “No, we’re trying to reinvent ourselves. Those types of songs were cute when we were kids, but we’re men now and we should sing songs for people in our generation.” The turtle soup was so delicious. His uncle had one of the best cooks in Japan.

  “I can’t wait to see you guys perform again. It has been a long time since you were on stage.”

  Tomahiko loved his uncle like a father, but he needed a break from him and the organization. Moving to America would do just that.

  “Will you need guards in America?” Mikuni asked.

  “No, Mr. Albertson will provide them. Besides, I’m sure Edward has already given him the four-one-one on us.”

  “Do you really think so?” his uncle asked. “I’m glad to see that you’re fina
lly over him. Edward is a good man, but he does not understand family business. Maybe this Luke guy will be different.”

  Tomahiko frowned and went back to eating. Edward didn’t break up their relationship, he did. He’d slept with a guy his uncle wanted to take down. He was a politician and he wouldn’t grant Mikuni a liquor license he needed for one of his night clubs. Edward had walked in and caught him sucking the man’s cock. “Yeah, I hope he is.” Tomahiko hoped he’d changed, too. Now looking back at things, he knew that what he’d done was seriously wrong and he promised himself he’d never do something so stupid again. He stayed for a while to catch up on what was happening in his uncle’s life, and then he got back into his car and drove back to the dormitory where he lived with Ki and the other two members of Yukizumi. If he stayed in Japan there was a good chance that one of his uncle’s enemies would try to kill him.

  Chapter Three

  As a reward for being Yukizumi’s new manager, Ki Fujoika had invited Luke to dinner. He was also there to see the dorm where Yukizumi lived. Luke had heard some horror stories about the condition of some of these dormitories. Sometimes the guys or girls all slept in this one big open room without any privacy. They also didn’t get much food to eat and had to work even when they didn’t feel well. So he wasn’t prepared to drive up to this big gated property. Ki had given him the code to the gate. Luke got out, punched it in and drove through as soon as the gates opened. They closed behind him once the back of his rented car passed it. The rest of the property was just as impressive. It had a freshly-cut lawn, trees indigenous to the area, and flower beds. The house was brick with at least two levels. There were also other buildings on the property. He saw a tennis and a basketball court and a swimming pool. Luke parked at the curb, exited the car, and walked up to the door. Ki opened it seconds after Luke rang the bell.

  “Welcome to our home,” Ki said in English. “Please remove your shoes.”

  Luke bowed and then removed his shoes once he entered the foyer. Ki gave him a pair of slippers to put on.

  “Dinner will be ready soon, so I’ll start off giving you a tour of the place.”

  Someone had spared no expense on the home. He didn’t think Kenji Kobayashi didn’t seem like the type to put out this kind of money for his groups. Ki took him upstairs first. There were five bedrooms with personal en suite. Each room was furnished nicely with beds and not futons. The floors were all wooden and each room was clean and the beds were made. Either they had a maid or someone was a clean freak like Noel Charles or Frankie Kerry. Ki took him downstairs. There was an entertainment room with a big-screened television, video games, and computer systems. There were other bathrooms downstairs, a library, and a rec room with a pool table, a dart board, and another television. They ran into Akira in another computer room. He hopped up and bowed. “Konbanwa…good evening.” He joined the tour.

  “Where’s Tomahiko?” Ki asked.

  “He’s in the dance room letting off some steam,” Akira answered.

  “Dance room?” Luke asked. Ki had taken him around and he saw no such room.

  “It’s a place where we exercise and practice our dance steps,” Akira said.

  “He’s doing aerobics?” Luke asked.

  “Something like that,” Akira said. “Would you like to see it?”

  “I wouldn’t want to disturb him,” Luke said. He lied. He wanted very much to disrupt Tomahiko’s routine after what he did with him the other night. He’d never been naked with a guy before and not had intercourse.

  “Come on. I’ll show you the way,” Akira said. Ki accompanied them. They swapped into another pair of slippers and left the main house. Akira took them to a large building out back.

  “Tomahiko spends a lot of time out here,” Ki explained.

  “He likes to dance?” Luke asked.

  “Yes,” both Ki and Akira said simultaneously.

  “He suffered from hyperactivity as a child. Dance helps to calm him down and keep him focused,” Ki explained.

  They had to walk through another door. It looked like a scaled down version of a gymnasium complete with bleachers. Tomahiko was in the center of the room, just standing there, but not acknowledging them either. They sat down on the bleachers. The music began to play. Luke recognized it as Ed Sheeran’s ‘Shape of You.’ He liked that song. It had a sexy beat to it. His gaze never raised higher than Tomahiko’s hips as the singer began to dance. He was barefoot, wore a pair of white athletic pants, a white sleeveless T-shirt. “Belly-dancing?” he finally said.

  Both Ki and Akira nodded.

  And he was good at it. He incorporated hand movements in the dance. His hips never stopped shaking. Luke mopped his brow with his handkerchief. He didn’t know men bodies were capable of such sinuous turns and dips. The music changed to something a lot faster and Tomahiko ran and leapt in the air and landed on his feet like a cat on top of a balance beam. He did a couple of moves, hopped down and then mounted the unparallel bars and swung. “He’s a gymnast?”

  “We all are,” Akira said.

  “Oh yeah,” Luke said, remembering the flying ninjas that welcomed them to Tokyo that day.

  “It’s a long story,” Ki said as they continued to watch Tomahiko. “These three began their training as gymnasts for the Japanese world team at the young age of two. Tomahiko’s parents had enrolled him, but they were killed shortly afterward. His uncle took over his training. Things were going good until these three began growing. They eventually were much taller than the other trainees and lost their positions. In return, they were recruited at idols as sort of a consolation prize. The rest is history.”

  “They got kicked out of gymnastics because they grew tall?” Luke asked.

  “Yes,” Akira answered.

  “Isn’t that illegal?” Luke asked.

  “This isn’t America,” Akira said.

  “That still doesn’t make it right,” Luke said.

  “One of Tomahiko’s uncle’s friends started working with us after that,” Akira said. “Then Edward took over our training.”

  The gymnastics ended and Britney Spears ‘Hit Me Baby One More Time’ played. Tomahiko was back at the center of the room, practicing dance steps and capturing Luke’s attention again. It was a shame that he couldn’t perform this song in the act while they were in town. Well, not until the world got to know Yukizumi better.

  “As you can see, Tomahiko is special,” Akira said. “He’s talented, gorgeous and his emotions come out in his dance.”

  “I think all of you are great,” Luke said. “I have watched your videos. You will get your chance at center mic, too.”

  “I’m not as good as him,” Akira said.

  “That’s a matter of opinion,” Luke said. “Everyone has his or her own preference.” Right now, his preference had long black hair and shapely long legs.

  Tomahiko finally noticed them. He turned off the music, grabbed a towel, and hurried over to the bleachers. He bowed to them. “Welcome to our home,” he said in English.

  Luke’s heart beat rapidly in his chest. “Thanks for having me.”

  “Dinner should be ready,” Ki said. “You’re all sweaty. Why don’t you shower and join us in the dining room?”

  Luke didn’t mind a little sweat, especially if he’d help generate it in the bedroom. Britney’s song played in his head. He wondered if he could get Tomahiko to perform it the next time they were in a bedroom together.

  Tomahiko went off to shower and Akira and Ki led Luke to the dining room. Daisuke finally appeared. The three of them washed up while Daisuke set the table.

  “Where’s Tomahiko?” Daisuke asked.

  “Showering,” Ki answered.

  Tomahiko joined them just as Daisuke wheeled out a cart loaded down with food. Tomahiko had his damp hair piled to the top of his head in a sloppy bun. Tiny curls dried around his exquisite face. He sat down next to Luke, smelling of coconut body wash. He’d changed into slacks and a pullover sweater. They began passing the
food around. Luke got a whiff of Tomahiko every time he handed him a bowl. Ki said grace.

  Luke watched the others. They started with the rice bowl. He knew there was a lot he had to learn about Japanese customs and culture if he planned to hang with these guys. Luckily, he knew how to use chopsticks.

  “What is New Orleans like?” Tomahiko asked.

  “It’s much smaller than Tokyo and not as many people,” Luke said. “There is a mixture of races, blacks, whites, Hispanics.”

  “Are there a lot of Japanese there?” Daisuke asked.

  Luke shook his head. “Sorry, not many. But we do have a big Vietnamese community in New Orleans East, and a South Korean community across the river in Marrero.” He supposed those names were strange to them.

  “What are those?” Tomahiko asked.

  “New Orleans East is the eastern part of town, and Marrero is a place like your prefectures. It is nearby New Orleans, but separated by the Mississippi River. You have to drive over a bridge to get to it. But people commute back and forth to work and to home every day. As far as entertainment is concerned, there is a wide variety but mostly jazz.”

  “I like jazz,” Tomahiko said. “I’m a big fan of Phil Morris.”

  “I am, too,” Luke said, looking into to those smoking brown eyes.

  “I like the style of Boyz II Men,” Daisuke said.

  “What’s your favorite song?” Luke asked, drawing his attention off of Tomahiko.

  “MotownPhilly,” Daisuke answered. He sang a little piece of it. The others joined him on the chorus.

  Luke clapped after they finished. “I love it. You guys have great harmony.” He pulled out his cell phone and dialed a number. “Adam, this is Luke. Extend Yukizumi’s segment another four minutes. I’m adding another song…MotownPhilly. Yeah, I’ll see you back at the hotel.” He disconnected the call. The trio looked at each other and then at him. “You guys better practice your dance steps and learn that song in Japanese and Korean, because The Kerrys and the others don’t mess around.”


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