Satiated [Young, Hot, and Talented 5] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

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Satiated [Young, Hot, and Talented 5] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) Page 8

by Shawn Bailey

He felt the inside of Tomahiko’s ass quiver. Luke came, too. “My Lord.” His stomach cramped as he let loose his semen inside the head of the condom. He and Tomahiko sank down to the sheets. Luke stayed inside of him. He lifted up on his elbows and kissed Tomahiko, slowly and methodically.

  Tomahiko’s opened his eyes and stared into his. “I don’t want to be a one-night stand, or just another notch on your headboard, Luke.”

  Luke felt so confused. He never had such deep feelings for any guy except Gerard. “I don’t want to make a promise I can’t keep, Tommy. I’ve cheated on other guys before.”

  Tomahiko lowered his legs. “I’m not other guys, Luke.” He rolled from under him and climbed off of the bed. “Don’t forget we’re having dinner tomorrow night with my uncle. He likes sake. I’ll take you to a store before we go there.” He headed to the bathroom.

  Luke heard him piss and then turn on the shower. He wanted to be faithful to Tomahiko, but he didn’t have a clue how to accomplish it.

  * * * *

  “I haven’t seen you around much,” Adam said to Luke as they waited for their idols to try on their costumes for the weekend’s concert. The Kerrys were up first. Since they were the main act, they would have a costume change, and then they would need something to wear to the after party.

  “I’ve been hanging out with my new group. You know, getting to know them.”

  “The entire group or just one member?” Adam asked.

  “What are you trying to say?”

  “Don’t fuck this up, Luke. We’re in a foreign country and you’re treading on strange soil. If you know what I mean?”

  “I know what I’m doing,” Luke said. “We’re just hanging.”

  Adam shook his head. “You’re incapable of just looking at the desserts in the candy store window. You always have to sample.”

  “What makes you think I like him in that way?” Luke asked.

  Adam looked at him. “We’ve been friends for a long time. I know when you’re digging on someone.”

  Adam could work a nerve sometimes. Luke wasn’t a kid and he knew he fucked up before, but this time he wouldn’t fail. “Tommy is different. He’s not a child and he’s interesting.”

  “Interesting? He’s trouble, Luke.”

  “You said the same thing about Noel and look how he turned out. Everyone loves him now.”

  “That’s because Edward has him in line,” Adam said. “This one is bad grass. Have you not read the articles on him?”

  He really hadn’t. Adam didn’t know what he was talking about. Tomahiko was a bit undisciplined, but he was fun and adventurous, and damn good in bed.

  “We’re going to be in Asia for a while. Don’t cause an international incident.”

  “Don’t tell me what to do, Adam. I’m a grown man, too. You need to concentrate on making up with Frankie.”

  Adam stiffened. “What are you talking about?”

  “I know the two of you are still having problems since you kept that little secret about Gerard and Giovanni from him. Not to mention you keep him on a tight rein and won’t give him any breathing room.”

  “Who told you that?” Adam asked.

  “I’m not blind, Adam. He’s been miserable for a while now. You can’t keep him in this perfect little bubble and expect him not to rebel.”

  Adam went on the defense. “There’s nothing wrong between me and Frankie. And even if there was, it’s between me and him.”

  “Just like this thing between me and Tommy is between me and him,” Luke said.

  Brenton Tramayne came and sat down just as Jonas came out of one of the fitting rooms. It was a new burgundy suit with a long hem that came down to his thighs. The pants were tight but he could move around in them. Beneath the jacket was a burgundy and black shirt.

  “You look smashing,” Brenton said to Jonas. “The longer coat makes you appear taller.”

  Both Giovanni and Gerard looked at Brenton. “Who’s the designer here?” Gerard asked him.

  “I know what I like, Frenchy,” Brenton said using Adam’s nickname for Gerard. “If I think he looks good in it, then the people in the audience will, too.”

  “Thanks, babe,” Jonas said. He disappeared into the fitting room.

  Frankie appeared wearing burgundy, too. The hem of his coat came down to his hips, hiding his butt. There was a burgundy shirt beneath it.

  “It looks good,” Adam said aloud.

  “Gerard does good work,” Giovanni said.

  Jonas appeared in all black this time. The suit coat had a similar length to the other one. Frankie walked out and he wore navy.

  “I don’t think there’s a color you two don’t look good in,” Giovanni said. “These are for the after party.”

  The brothers disappeared into the dressing rooms and reappeared a few minutes later with costumes Luke had seen before. They were for their song with Noel Charles.

  “Frankie’s needs to be taken in a bit,” Giovanni said. “Have you not been eating, small fry?”

  “He’s always dieting,” Gerard said. “I don’t know why. He’s already perfect.” He got up and marked where Frankie’s costume has to be taken in a bit. “Eat.”

  Edward arrived and sat down next to Luke after Jonas and Frankie had gone off with Brenton. Frankie didn’t say a word to Adam. Adam looked simply miserable.

  Noel appeared looking smoking hot in a navy suit, white shirt, and red tie. He modeled the outfit for everyone.

  “Stunning Noel,” Giovanni said. “You’re going to be the belle of the after party.”

  “I like the way the suit moves with me, Giovanni. Graci.”

  “You’re welcome,” Giovanni said smiling.

  So the two of them had made up. Noel had spilled the beans to everyone that Giovanni and Gerard were married. It got so bad he thought Giovanni and Edward would come to blows over their bottoms. Noel was a mess-stirrer, but not so much lately. He disappeared into the fitting room to return later in a red suit, capturing the attention of every male in the room.

  Edward was at the edge of his seat ready to attack anyone who made a move toward his idol. “Does it come with a hat?” he asked.

  “Yes,” Clarence, one of the other designers said. He got up and dug around on one of the carts and retrieved a box. He opened it, took out a hat, and put it on Noel. Noel not only sizzled in the sexy color but he slayed with just his bangs showing from beneath the hat.

  “It’s for his number with Jonas,” Giovanni said. “We want all the fan girls to fall in love with him.”

  “No we don’t,” Edward mumbled.

  Noel chuckled. “Don’t tease the tiger, Giovanni.” He disappeared and came back out later dressed in his costumes for the song with him, Jonas, Frankie, and Gerard.

  “It still fits perfectly,” Gerard said.

  “That’s because he only eats fruits and vegetables,” Giovanni said.

  “I want to design something for him,” Clarence said. “I’ve been having this idea in my head since we left Europe.”

  “Do it,” Giovanni said. “I bet Noel will look simply gorgeous in it.”

  Giovanni was really pouring it on thick. Noel was right. Giovanni was no match for Edward Green.

  Edward and Noel left and Ki entered and sat down next to Luke. “They’re all present and accounted for.”

  Akira came out first in sparkly gray and black. His suit was double breasted. He had a gray shirt on beneath it and a black tie.

  Daisuki showed up next in the same color but a different style to his outfit. The suit coat had a Nero collar, bringing attention to his handsome face.

  Tomahiko appeared next. Luke felt his heart skip a beat. The lead singer was in the same color as his two friends, but his jacket was open in front and he had on a black shirt beneath it. The lacey collar of the shirt came up his neck, landing just below his Adam’s apple. Lace showed at the wrists of the shirt, too.

  “Gerard designed this. It is for the ballads,” Giovanni said.

/>   “Do you like this, Luke?” Tomahiko asked his manager.

  “Turn around.”

  Tomahiko and the other two did a slow spin.

  “Oh yeah,” Luke said. “You guys are going to slay.”

  The three went back and changed. “The next outfit is for the MotownPhilly number.”

  The three returned in baggy black pants, white dress shirts, black suspenders, black ties, and sunglasses.

  “I love it,” Adam said.

  “What about the after-party?” Luke asked.

  “That is a surprise,” Giovanni said. “I designed the perfect outfits for them.”

  “That’s not fair,” Luke said.

  “Most surprises aren’t,” Giovanni said.

  Yukizumi returned to the fitting room to change into their regular street clothing.

  “You did a wonderful job,” Adam said to the three designers.

  More managers arrived. Adam, Luke, and Ki went out in the halls. Yukizumi appeared. The six of them headed to the restaurant for lunch. They got food from the buffet and then sat down. Eventually everyone put in an appearance, including Giovanni, Gerard, and Clarence, who’d taken a break and had to go back to passing out costumes to the rest of the entertainers, including Luke’s other group, Voices of Reason.

  “We’re running late,” Adam said. “We need to go over to the dome and rehearse.”

  Another rehearsal. Some things never changed. The members of Voices of Reason appeared in the restaurant. They got food and Luke waved them over.

  Edward’s cell phone rang. Luke saw Noel look down at it since Edward had made the ultimate mistake and had it sitting on the table. The frown on Noel’s face could have soured milk.

  “I’m still his manager,” Edward said, getting up and walking out of the restaurant.

  Tomahiko spoke to his friends in Japanese. Luke did make out Ae-jong’s name. Ae-jong was a South Korean idol Edward managed. By the guys’ snarly attitude, he guessed they didn’t like him. Luke couldn’t wait to meet him and to see how he would take to Noel. It was still unclear to him if Edward and Ae-jong had broken up since Edward was very much engaged to Noel. Tomahiko, on the other hand, didn’t seem to care about the new guys in his ex-lover’s life.

  Edward eventually returned and Noel gave him the ‘stank eye’ look. Luke smirked. If looks could kill, Edward would be a dead man. He wondered if Noel found out about Edward and Ae-jong’s sexual relationship. His guess was yes.

  After lunch, everyone boarded the buses and headed back to the venue. Adam had called an end to the costume fitting. They were to begin again bright and early tomorrow morning.

  Tomahiko sat next to him on the bus and stayed near him throughout the rest of the evening. He got up and went to the men’s room, leaving Luke alone.

  “Is he your new piece of ass?” Gerard asked when he sat down next to him.

  “That is none of your business, G to the 2nd power,” as Kalen Kerry called him.

  “Does he know that you’re going to cheat on him?”

  “Still none of your business, Gerry.”

  Gerard frowned at him. “I thought you loved me.”

  “Did, but now I’ve moved on to not giving a damn,” Luke answered. You’re married now and I don’t mess with guys with husbands.”

  Gerard scowled at him. “He’s a freak.”

  “Why, because he’s different than you?”

  “Yes, and other things,” Gerard mumbled.

  Luke chuckled. “I like freaks. They know how to please a man. And Tomahiko is gorgeous.”

  “I was just teasing you. He’s not your type anyway.” Gerard stomped off angrily.

  “Are you ready, Yukizumi?” Adam asked.

  “Yes,” Daisuke answered. They had a total of four songs to rehearse…the two written by Frankie and Jonas, the one written by Tomahiko, and the Boyz II Men number. They were amazing and everyone clapped, except maybe Gerard. Yukizumi returned to their seats and The Kerrys took the stage to perform. Jonas did a song with Noel and then one with Brenton, and then at the end, he, Frankie, Gerard, and Noel performed their lover bashing number.

  “I want to work on a collab with you,” Jonas said to Tomahiko when they left the stage and were returning to their seats.

  “Cool,” Tomahiko said.

  “Let me know when you have some free time.” Jonas went off to join his friends.

  “I’ve always dreamed of meeting him,” Tomahiko confessed. “I grew my hair because of him.”

  “It’s a guitarist thing,” Akira said.

  The members of Mackavelli were up on stage.

  “She’s cute,” Akira said about the lone female member of the group, Tina Rae.

  “Those guys are her older brothers,” Luke said to him. “You have to get past them first. Plus, I think she has a thing for Noel Charles.”

  Both Tomahiko and Daisuke chuckled.

  “She can dream on,” Daisuke said. “He turned to Akira. “Go for it.”

  “Oh, I plan to,” Akira said. “She’s fine.”

  Luke was so glad when the day finally ended. The buses dropped them at the hotel. Tomahiko and the others went back to the dormitory. Then Tomahiko returned dressed in a suit with his hair slicked back in a man’s bun. He wore a pair of dark aviator sunglasses. Luke had changed into a suit, too. They left the hotel together. Gerard saw them because he was down in the lobby. Luke didn’t give him a second thought. He had no reason to be jealous. It was over between them. Luke climbed into the passenger seat of yet another sports car. This one was black, too. “What’s your uncle like?” Luke asked as they sped away from the hotel.

  “He’s the best uncle in the world,” Tomahiko answered. “Everybody likes him.”

  Chapter Five

  “Is your uncle the emperor?” Luke asked as Tomahiko drove through the gate after two guards looked inside the car.

  “No,” Tomahiko answered. “He’s just a normal everyday Joe.” He continued driving down a paved roadway, passing fountains, succulent flower gardens, and freshly cut lawns.

  Luke looked around. The mansion looked like a castle to him and there were several other buildings on the premises. He even spotted a tennis court and a pool. Maybe the average Joe lived like this in Tokyo, but not in Louisiana.

  Tomahiko parked. “His name is Mikuni Akiyama. It is polite to bow first and say, sir.”

  Luke frowned. Is this the fucking military?

  They got out of the car and walked up to the door. Tomahiko rang the bell. The door was opened by a guy dressed in a light blue suit. He wore enough jewelry to choke a horse. And sunglasses, too.

  “Good evening, little master,” the guy said.

  The nickname.

  “Good evening,” Tomahiko said. “This is my new manager, Luke Austin.”

  The guy was huge. Luke bowed. “Konnichiwa.”

  The guy patted him down. “He has a gun.”

  Tomahiko scowled at Luke.

  The other guy opened Luke’s suit coat and removed the gun from Luke’s shoulder holster.

  “You have a gun?” Tomahiko asked.

  “Yes, it is for protecting you and the members of Voice of Reason. You are an idol, or have you forgotten?”

  “How did you get a gun past security at the airport?”

  A lot easier than Edward Green did. “I shipped it here rather than carry it with me.”

  “I’ll give you back your toy when you leave,” the guy said. “Mr. Akiyama is waiting for you.”

  Luke buttoned up his jacket and followed Tomahiko.

  “Do you even know how to use that thing?”

  “Yes,” Luke answered. They had to step through a metal detector. Why?

  The house was filled with both antique and modern furnishing. The chandeliers and the floors sparkled. Luke liked the Western winding staircase and the Japanese sliding doors and tatami mats.

  Tomahiko stopped in front of a door. “This is a receiving room. It means just what it sounds like. Show no f
ear.” Tomahiko opened the door and walked through.

  Now he had Luke worried. It looked like something out of a bad 1930s mob nightmare. A Japanese guy sat upon a throne, surrounded by men in suits on both sides of the room and behind him. He was an older version of Tomahiko.

  “Come forward, Nephew.”

  Luke was glad that the guy spoke English.

  “Stay here,” Tomahiko told him. He walked toward his uncle. Every man in the room went down on one knee and saluted Tomahiko.

  Odd, Luke thought. He’d never seen anything like this before. Tomahiko stopped before his uncle and knelt.

  “Get up, Nephew.”

  Tomahiko rose and kissed the man’s hand. The others in the room stood, too.

  The guy from the front door entered and stood next to Luke.

  “What have you brought home, Tomahiko?”

  “This is Luke Austin. He’s my new manager.”

  “He had a gun,” the man from the door said.

  “Wow, I’m impressed already,” Mikuni said. “Come forward, Luke Austin.”

  Luke did the same as Tomahiko had done, right down to the deep kneeling.” He rose. “It is nice to meet you, sir.” He handed Mikuni the sake. “Tomahiko says it’s your favorite.”

  “Thank you,” Mikuni said accepting the gift. He gave it to one of his guards. “Damn, he’s a handsome one, Tomahiko. No wonder Uncle hasn’t seen you for a while.”

  Tomahiko chuckled.

  “And he’s much better for you than Edward Green. At least he knows it’s his job to protect you. But I must say bringing a gun here takes balls. I’m goddamn impressed.”

  “That’s because I haven’t told him who you are,” Tomahiko said.

  “Are you ashamed of us?” Mikuni asked.

  Tomahiko shook his head. “No, you guys are my family.” He spread his arms out. “But this is a bit much to a stranger.”

  There were a lot of guys in suits present. It’s the kneeling and kissing of the ring part Luke found strange.

  “What do you think of your lover’s family?” Mikuni asked Luke.

  Luke tried not to look embarrassed. Ooh, he knows about us.

  Mikuni laughed. “You look surprised. Tomahiko and I have no secrets. My nephew is gorgeous, isn’t he?”


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