Satiated [Young, Hot, and Talented 5] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

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Satiated [Young, Hot, and Talented 5] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) Page 18

by Shawn Bailey

  “Sushi,” both he and Edward answered.

  Mikuni continued to the quiz. “What is his favorite food?”

  “Oxtail ramen,” Luke answered.

  “He has a birthmark. “Where is it?”

  “On his right hip,” Edward said. “It looks like a crescent moon.”

  “Who are Aya and Hisao?”

  Edward looked a bit confused.

  “His maternal grandparent,” Luke answered. “They have a little restaurant and make the best oxtail ramen.”

  “Tomahiko has grandparents?” Edward asked.

  Mikuni nodded. “The two of you were engaged. How come you didn’t know this?”

  Edward shrugged.

  The game continued. “What are Tomahiko’s parents’ names?”

  “His father’s name is Arata,” Edward answered.

  “And his mother?” Mikuni asked.

  “Chiasa,” Luke answered.

  “I knew that,” Edward said.

  “Yes, but you did not answer,” Mikuni said. “Last question. How does Tomahiko feel about me?”

  “He loves you like a father,” Edward said. “And there’s nothing he won’t do for you.”

  “Wrong,” Mikuni said.

  “He thinks you’re a bit overbearing. He thinks you should give up the yakuza and have many babies with Jasmine,” Luke answered.

  Mikuni sighed. “I know he loves me, but he loves you more. It is a different form of love. He wants to have a family with the man of his dreams.”

  “Marriage?” Luke asked. “That’s not legal in Japan.”

  “It is in Taiwan and America,” Mikuni said. “I found the two of you a beautiful home and I’ve always wanted to come to Louisiana for a visit. Do you love Tomahiko enough to be faithful and marry him?”

  The doors to the room opened and Tomahiko appeared wearing a black double-breasted suit with a silver and white shirt and tie. He’d parted his hair on the right and swept his bangs behind his ears. Luke couldn’t get over how different he looked with the shorter hair. “Yes,” he answered.

  Tomahiko bowed to Edward and his uncle when he finally reached them. Luke got a kiss.

  “How are you feeling?” Luke asked.

  “Good,” Tomahiko answered. “I got some rest.” He looked around. “Most of these guys are drunk already.”

  Mikuni laughed. “They’re just having some fun. Will you play something for us?”

  Tomahiko nodded and walked over to the piano.

  Kacho came over and joined them.

  “Play that song,” Mikuni told him.

  “What song?” Tomahiko asked.

  “The one you performed at my club for karaoke night.”

  Tomahiko looked at Kacho.

  Kacho chuckled. “What? You thought you could perform a song like that and your uncle not find out.”

  “That was private,” Tomahiko said.

  “We’re all family,” Mikuni said. “Plus, I’m sure Luke wouldn’t mind.”

  “Show the video,” Kacho said

  “There was a video?” Tomahiko asked. The screen lowered near the wall closest to them. “You didn’t.”

  Luke saw a blush on Tomahiko’s cheeks.

  Mikuni pushed a button and the video began to play. Tomahiko was on stage and singing ‘Dive.’ Luke watched. Everyone in the audience in the club and in Mikuni’s ballroom had their attention on Tomahiko. There was no doubt that Tomahiko sung that song from his heart. He didn’t take his eyes off of Luke as he performed, even though he hadn’t appeared on camera yet. He remembered being in the shadows until Tomahiko got to the last verse of the song and came down from the stage to sing it to him. Tomahiko had let down his hair. Then there was that kiss.

  “That was some sexy shit,” Edward said.

  “I think it was sweet,” Mikuni said. “I like the next song, too.”

  Ooh, it’s the one I sang to Tomahiko. Luke moved around nervously as he sang Ed Sheeran’s ‘Perfect.’

  The guys clapped and then Mikuni put away the screen. “I can feel the love in the air and I wasn’t even there. I think the two of you deserve to be together.” He held up his glass. “You have my blessing.”

  Luke never saw Tomahiko blush so much. The others in the room clapped.

  Tomahiko began the performance for his uncle. He even sang ‘Save Myself” and Luke joined him for ‘Erazer.’ It was like Ed wrote the songs with them in mind.

  Tomahiko left the piano and walked over to Luke. Luke handed him a glass of champagne.

  “Thank you,” Tomahiko said.

  Then all of a sudden there was a loud explosion.

  Mikuni hopped to his feet. “What the fuck?”

  “We’re under attack,” Edward said.

  The troublemakers were in the room before Mikuni and his men could react. The shooting started. A guy came through the door. It was Rikuro Chang, dressed to the nines in suit, a long coat and a hat.

  “What are you doing here?” Mikuni asked his rival.

  “I came for my bed warmer,” Rikuro answered.

  Tomahiko moved closer to Luke.

  “Sorry, but you can’t have him,” Edward said.

  Rikuro turned to him. “Edward. I should have known you were involved. You know it’s illegal to enter private property without permission and bomb the place.”

  “Kind of like what you just done?” Edward asked.

  Rikuro ignored him. “Come, Tomahiko.”

  Tomahiko clung tight to Luke.

  “As you see my nephew doesn’t want to go with you,” Mikuni said.

  “Who is this guy?” Rikuro asked.

  “His fiancé,” Mikuni answered. “I just gave them my blessing.”

  “What?” Rikuro lifted the gun and pointed it at Mikuni. “Tomahiko is mine.”

  Luke moved without thinking and got in front of Mikuni. Something hit him in the lower back near his side. He heard Tomahiko scream. Luke reached for him on the way down. He covered both Tomahiko and Mikuni from the bullets. The room exploded in a lot of noise during the gun battle. There was some fighting, too.

  Mikuni’s men were still battling.

  “I have your boss,” Edward said loudly in the room. All fighting stopped. “What do you want me to do with him?

  Tomahiko rose to his feet. Luke tried to stop him. He rolled over and sat up.

  “Don’t,” Mikuni said. “It is his fight. He needs to save face, plus the man did something awful to him many years ago.”

  “All in the name of love,” Rikuro said. “Come to me, Tomahiko.”

  “You don’t love me,” Tomahiko said. “You just want my uncle’s territory.” He stood a good distance away from Rikuro and Edward and removed his suit coat. Edward still had a gun trained on Rikuro. His men would not interfere as long as he was in danger.

  “What are you doing?” Rikuro asked.

  “Fight!” Tomahiko screamed.

  Rikuro laughed hysterically. “You have to be kidding me. You do not want to mess with me, Tomahiko. Come along like a good little pet.”

  Now Luke wanted to punch the arrogant bastard in the face.

  Tomahiko didn’t move. “Fight!”

  Rikuro seemed amused. He crossed his arms. “Okay, I’ll play along with your little game. What do I get if I win?” He put his gun away.

  “Me,” Tomahiko answered. “And my father’s territory.”

  Luke was confused. Tomahiko’s father was dead and Mikuni took over the organization. Didn’t that mean he owned Luke’s father’s territory, too?

  Rikuro look excited. “Gangnam-gu?”

  Luke eyes widened. Gangnam-gu was considered choice property. How rich was his songbird? Now he understood. Rikuro wasn’t just after Mikuni’s territory but Tomahiko’s property, too.

  “Yes,” Tomahiko answered. “If you win, you get it and me.”

  “What?” Luke asked.

  “Trust him,” Mikuni said.

  “What will you get if you win?” Rikuro asked.
  “You will leave me alone and never bother me again,” Tomahiko answered.

  “You should have asked for diamonds,” Edward said sarcastically. “He won’t keep that promise,” Edward said to Tomahiko. “He has already kidnapped you twice.”

  “Promise me in front of your men that if I win you will honor it,” Tomahiko said.

  Luke had no clue what this all meant.

  “If you fail to keep the promise, then all of your property belongs to me,” Tomahiko said.

  “You talk big words for a bottom, Tomahiko,” Rikuro said. He removed his jacket and tossed it aside. “I promise that if you win, I will never come near you again, but if I win you will marry me as soon as I can get the paperwork in order.”

  If they got married, did Tomahiko’s property automatically go to his spouse? Wait. Men couldn’t marry in Japan. Did that mean Rikuro had plans on flying Tomahiko to Taiwan where it was now legal?

  Rikuro flew at Tomahiko first, trying to catch him off guard. He landed a blow to the chest that knocked Tomahiko off his feet and landed him on his butt. He hopped back and then the two of them went at it. Rikuro was more muscular than Tomahiko, but Tommy was faster. Each blow Tomahiko landed surprised and stunned Rikuro. He pushed Tomahiko away. “Why are you being like this, Tomahiko?”

  “You hurt me,” Tomahiko said, landing another good hit.

  Rikuro karate-chopped Tomahiko, making him lose his balance. Tomahiko stumbled but did not fall. “How many times do I have to apologize for deflowering you?”

  Luke grimaced. That was low.

  Rikuro continued to rant as they fought. “That was a very long time ago. Am I not a better lover than Edward Green?”

  “Leave him out of this,” Tomahiko said, striking hard and fast. He landed a slew of rapid blows on the other man.

  The mafia boss blocked most of them, but not all. “Oh, is he still a sore subject? Don’t take it out of me because he’s moved on to Red. What a stunner. I wouldn’t mind tying him to my headboard.”

  “Move aside, Tomahiko, and let me put a bullet in him,” Edward threatened.

  “No, this is my fight,” Tomahiko replied.

  The fighting between the two men continued. “Let’s end this.” Rikuro sucker-punched Tomahiko, knocking him to the floor.

  Tomahiko hopped back on his feet without using his hands and began moving around Rikuro. “I was trying to go easy on you, but you fight like a bitch.” Tomahiko threw the next punch. It landed solid, making Rikuro’s head snap back.

  One of Rikuro’s men stepped forward. Rikuro raised his hand and the man stepped back. Rikuro kicked out of his loafers and then attacked Tomahiko. Tomahiko fought back as if his life depended on it. Fuck. It did.

  “You’re good,” Rikuro said. He scooped Tomahiko up in his arms in a mighty bear hug and kissed him. Tomahiko fought to get away. Rikuro dropped him on the floor and laughed. “I’m going to fuck you real hard tonight for being such a problem child.”

  Tomahiko removed his shoes. That’s when all hell broke loose. Tomahiko transformed into the ninja again. He let Rikuro have it with high flying kicks, flips, and dives until he finally knocked Rikuro out.

  Mikuni sent his men to get rid of Rikuro and his men. “Call the police and tell them to come get this garbage.”

  Luke stumbled to his feet. “Ouch.”

  The sound caught Tomahiko’s attention. “Luke! You’re bleeding!”

  Luke looked down. His side and hand were covered in blood.

  Tomahiko screamed and ran to him. “Don’t you dare die on me.”

  Mikuni looked in Luke’s direction. “Oh my God, Luke. Why didn’t you say something?” He called his men to help Luke while he held his own injured arm.

  “Find me a priest, Tomahiko,” Luke said. “Don’t let me die without receiving the last rites.”

  * * * *

  “We have to get them to the hospital!” Tomahiko shouted.

  “We don’t have time,” Hiromasa said to them as he examined Luke. Hiromasa was the organization’s physician. He’d taken care of Mikuni’s men for as long as Tomahiko could remember. “From the way he’s bleeding, I think a vital organ has been damaged.”

  Tomahiko started crying. “No. Luke. Don’t you dare die on me.”

  Hiromasa had some of Mikuni’s other men lift Luke and take him out of the ballroom.

  Jasmine had arrived and was fussing over Mikuni.

  “I’m okay, woman. It’s just a flesh wound.”

  “Find Luke a priest,” Tomahiko said to Edward. “I can’t let him pass without the last rites.”

  “Are you okay?” Edward asked Tomahiko.

  Tomahiko shook his head. “My fiancé is dying because he tried to save mine and my uncle’s life. Of course not. I’m so sick of this shit.”

  “Get him out of here. His clothing is covered in blood,” Mikuni said to Kacho.

  Kacho took Tomahiko out of the room.

  “Go get that priest,” Mikuni said to Edward. “He saved my life. I knew I was right about him.”

  “He’s an idiot,” Edward said. “Come, I’ll take you to the hospital.”

  Kacho returned. “I’ll take him. “You stay here and watch over Tomahiko and Luke.”

  Edward called Tory and Adam after Kacho left with Mikuni and Jasmine and told them what had happened.

  “How is Luke doing?” Tory asked.

  “I don’t think he’s going to make it,” Edward said. “I have to find him a priest.”

  * * * *

  Luke had lost a lot of blood. Tomahiko and some of the others had donated some for him. His uncle just had a flesh wound. His left arm was in a swing. Good thing he was right-handed. Both of them could have been dead had Luke not sheltered them with his body.

  “Nephew refuses to leave his side,” Mikuni said during his meeting.

  “He’s in pretty bad shape,” Edward said. “I’ve called a priest.”

  Hiromasa had removed the bullet and patched Luke up the best that they could and got him transported to the hospital. During this time Edward learned a lot about the yakuza. All of the members had come to the house and prayed with a Buddhist priest.

  “Luke might not survive the night. Nephew will be devastated should Luke die. I’d just given Luke permission to marry him.” He sighed. “Tomahiko wants to raise kids with him. Luke wants Tomahiko to learn how to cook and look after a house. Poor guy is delusional.”

  Edward smiled at Mikuni’s weak attempt at humor. “I’ve notified Luke’s family. They want us to bring him home.”

  “He might not survive the flight,” Mikuni said.

  “What do you want me to do?” Nao asked Mikuni.

  “Prepare for a wedding. A man should not die without marrying his one true love.”

  Things went fast after that. Edward had found an American priest who was in Tokyo on vacation. Luke took a turn for the worse the next day. The priest remained. A couple of guys turned Luke over on his stomach and an artist tattooed the middle of Luke’s back with a dragon. Edward knew it. Luke was now a full-fledged member of the yakuza because he’d risked his life to save the boss. A Buddhist priest arrived from Taiwan. The next thing he knew both priests performed a marriage ceremony for Luke and Tomahiko. Luke was semi-conscious through this. Tomahiko cried through most of it. Edward had never seen such sights. The yakuza group’s movements were organized.

  A week later, Edward joined Adam in Hong Kong, along with Ki, Akira, and Daisuke. Luke was still alive, but very weak. A week later Kacho and Tomahiko accompanied Luke back home to New Orleans, where another marriage ceremony was performed, and then a teary eyed Tomahiko flew to Hong Kong to perform with Yukizumi.

  Chapter Twelve

  “How’s Luke?” Gerard asked Tomahiko while they were in the dressing room.

  “He’s getting better,” Tomahiko answered.

  “I don’t know how you can be so calm.”

  Tomahiko glared at the curly-haired singer. “What do you propose I
do? He sent me away.”

  “I would have stayed,” Gerard said.

  Tomahiko messed with the gold band on his finger. “He didn’t want me to. He wanted me to perform tonight.”

  “What if he dies?” Gerard asked. “This is all your fault.”

  “Don’t,” Noel said to Gerard. “This isn’t Tomahiko’s fault.”

  “Luke was shot trying to protect him from mafia trash,” Gerard said. “Apparently the guy is one of Tomahiko’s lovers.”

  “You weren’t there!” Noel shouted. “You’re just passing gossip.”

  “It’s all true,” Tomahiko said. “Rikuro Chang was my first sexual partner.”

  “Told you,” Gerard said.

  “He kidnapped me and raped me when I was fifteen years old. I stayed with him for a month before Edward found me. During that time, I suffered every humiliating act of debauchery you can think of. Even after that, no one judged me, not even Edward. That was eleven years ago, but the nightmares continue.”

  “Has he been arrested yet?” Jonas asked Tomahiko.

  “Yes, finally,” Tomahiko answered. “Luke and I will have to return to Japan to testify against him.”

  “So, are you a member of the yakuza?” Noel asked.

  Tomahiko nodded. “I was born into the family. My father was boss. My uncle Mikuni took over after my parents were murdered. He raised me.”

  “Have you ever killed anyone?” Gerard asked.

  Tomahiko shook his head.

  “Tomahiko is a good person,” Akira said. “We can’t help being born into the organization any more than you guys being born to your families. We’re victims. That is why our families had no problems with us relocating to America. They want to give us a chance to survive.”

  “I’m sorry,” Gerard said. “I shouldn’t be so judgmental, but Luke and I have history and I worry about him.”

  “I worry about him, too,” Noel said. “But I think he’s going to be okay. Luke is stubborn.”

  Tomahiko held up his hand. “We got married.”

  Gerard and Noel just stared at him.

  “You and Luke are married?” Frankie asked.

  Tomahiko nodded. “We had three ceremonies…two in Japan and one in New Orleans. He proposed on his death bed.”


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