Falling for Sydney

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Falling for Sydney Page 6

by Heather B. Moore

  He leaned forward and propped his elbows on his knees, then stared across the stream.

  “That doesn’t look too hard,” she said, mimicking him.

  Jake looked at her from the corner of his eye, holding back a smile. “It gets easier with practice.”

  She didn’t like the space between them, so she slid off her rock and walked toward Jake. He straightened and reached for her, pulling her on his lap.

  “That’s better,” she said, looping her arms about his neck. Sydney couldn’t get enough of this man. It was like his brother had become a distant memory, a boyfriend she once had... But Jake was real. Not her past, but her present.

  Jake’s arms settled about her waist, and they gazed at the stream and meadow together.

  Sydney leaned her head against his shoulder and closed her eyes for a few moments. “Is it allowed to ask what you’re thinking about?”

  Jake chuckled, his chest vibrating against her. “No.”

  Sydney heaved a sigh and relaxed further into him, then started to trail her fingers along his neck, then up into his hair. “Please?” she whispered.

  He smiled but didn’t say anything.

  His cell phone buzzed, and they both ignored it. When it rang, Sydney drew away. “Maybe it’s your parents looking for us.”

  Jake shifted and pulled his phone out of his pocket. “Damn.”

  Sydney’s eyes widened as she saw Rian’s name glowing on the screen. She moved off Jake’s lap to give him space while he answered the phone.

  “Where the hell’s all my stuff?” Rian’s voice came through the phone, loud enough for Sydney to hear.

  “What are you talking about?” Jake asked.

  “I’m at my condo and found some guy changing out the locks,” Rian said, his voice hard and angry. “The manager told me you packed up all my stuff and took it.”

  Jake stared past Sydney, as if he couldn’t quite believe the conversation. “I stored it in a storage unit. What are you doing back, Rian? Come to face the charges like a man?”

  Rian laughed. “I’ve come to get my stuff. Found a job in Canada. As soon as I talk to Sydney, we’ll be out of here. She hates her job anyway.”

  “Sydney?” Jake said, his face paling as his eyes connected with hers.

  Sydney felt as if a rock had slammed into her stomach.

  “I’m coming back to Santa Rosa,” Jake said. “Don’t leave before I get there.”

  “You know I can’t promise you that, man,” Rian said.

  “Sydney’s with me,” Jake said.

  “What?” Rian sputtered. “What is—”

  “I’m on my way,” Jake said, then hung up the phone. Without looking at Sydney, he slid the phone into his pocket. “I guess you have a decision to make.”

  Sydney stared at him. “What do you mean?”

  He shrugged, still not looking at her. “My brother wants you back, apparently. Wants you to move to Canada with him. Are you going?”

  Sydney’s face and chest heated with indignation. “Do you think I’d go back to Rian... after... after...” She couldn’t even put it into words, she was so angry.

  Jake shoved his hands into his pockets and looked at her. His eyes were dark, his face a mask of stone.

  Tears burned in her eyes. She and Jake had just been kissing, and she’d thought they were totally in synch. Apparently, he thought she was about as flaky as his brother.

  Jake moved away, without waiting for her to collect her thoughts. She watched him cross the stream and gather up the horses.

  Sydney was too stunned to think straight. Both with Rian’s return and with Jake’s apparent dismissal of her.

  She crossed the stream and mounted her horse without waiting for Jake to help her.

  She urged her horse forward and started across the meadow. Jake had caught up with her in seconds but said nothing. Sydney knew if she tried to say anything, defend herself, or argue, she’d cry. So she kept her emotions in check and blinked back any tears that threatened.

  The drive back to Santa Rosa was silent. Sydney wiped at her cheeks a time or two but avoided sniffling. If anything, seeing Rian again would give her closure. And she wanted the opportunity to give him a piece of her mind. Jake... was an entirely different story. So they’d flirted, a lot, and kissed, a lot, but really, she’d only known him for a few days. They had no real history, just a lot of chemistry.

  From the corner of her eye, she could see that he was totally focused on the road and that his jaw seemed to be locked tight. After they’d put the horses away in the barn, she’d walked to the truck and climbed in. Her overnight bag was still in there. He’d gone inside the house to talk to his parents, or at least she assumed that was what he he’d done.

  When he’d climbed into the truck, he’d glanced over at her, and for a moment she’d thought he might say something, but instead he’d started the truck and begun driving.

  Now, as they pulled into the parking lot of Rian’s condo complex, Sydney’s stomach knotted as she saw Rian’s car in his usual reserved spot. The last time she’d seen his vehicle was before she found out all of his secrets.

  Jake parked the truck and shut off the engine.

  Sydney popped open her door before he could say anything, not that she was expecting him to speak anyway. They hadn’t talked for the past hour.

  Rian must have been watching out the window, because his door opened before she reached the landing.

  Rian looked like hell. His eyes had dark circles, as if he hadn’t slept for days, and his usual sexy scruff was overgrown. His clothing looked as if he hadn’t showered or changed in days, which he probably hadn’t.

  Rian folded his arms, staring at Sydney, and then his gaze reverted to Jake, who was coming up the stairs.

  “What’s going on?” he said, not to anyone in particular. Then his blue eyes went to Sydney’s. “Why are you with my brother?”

  “Oh, I didn’t know you had a brother,” Sydney said, continuing toward him. Over an hour of stewing in the car had her pretty pissed off. And the accusation in Rian’s gaze was pushing her over the edge. “I didn’t know you had parents, either, and grew up an hour from here on a ranch.”

  Rian dropped his arms to his side and took a step back into his condo.

  Sydney kept walking. “And I didn’t know you were married before, multiple times.”

  Rian’s gaze narrowed. “Sounds like you’ve been doing some investigating.”

  “No investigating necessary,” she shot back, stepping into the condo. “Jake was very helpful.”

  “I can see that,” Rian said in a harsh tone. “Jake has always been more than helpful.”

  Jake came inside the condo and shut the door. Then he turned to Sydney and grasped her arm. “Let me talk to him,” he said in a low voice.

  Sydney tugged out of his grasp. “I’m not finished,” she said without looking at Jake. She was equally mad at him.

  “You’re cozy,” Rian said, his gaze darting between the two of them. “Looks like you weren’t too upset with my leaving after all,” he added.

  Sydney took another step toward Rian and shoved him in the chest.

  Rian’s eyes bulged as he nearly stumbled from the unexpected force.

  “What I do is no longer any of your business,” Sydney said, her face heating and her voice trembling. “Our engagement ended when you decided to steal from your boss. Maybe it never really started. If I had known half of what you’ve done, I would have never even gone on a date with you.”

  Rian’s face twisted into a cocky smile. “Come on. I’m not all that bad. You can’t believe everything Jake says. Besides, you told me you were always drawn to bad boys. That you were tired of always being the perfect one out of your friends. You don’t think someone who looks like me would have a squeaky-clean history, do you?”

  “You’re a fraud, Rian,” she said.

  He shrugged and chuckled. “It depends on who you believe. There are always two sides to the story.�
� His gaze moved down the length of her body. “Let’s get out of here. Forget my brother and whatever he told you. Things were good between us, and I’ve got a killer job in Canada. You won’t even have to work.”

  Sydney stepped back. “You’re kidding, right?”

  “No.” Rian moved closer.

  “I don’t even know you anymore,” Sydney said, holding up her hand. She looked over at Jake. He’d been silent so far, but she could see that storm in his eyes.

  “What’s going on with you two?” Rian asked, looking at Jake. “Are you in cahoots against me? Took all my stuff? Cleaned me out?” He narrowed his eyes at Sydney. “Found my replacement, huh? In the saintly older brother? Was he good in bed, Sydney?”

  Sydney opened her mouth to speak, but Jake stepped in front of her and drove his fist into the side of Rian’s jaw.

  Rian stumbled back, grasping at his face and crying out, “You son of a—”

  Jake lunged at him, lifting Rian off his feet and slamming him against the wall. Rian slid to the floor with a thud.

  “Stop it!” Sydney yelled. The men didn’t pay attention. They were full-out fighting, and Sydney didn’t know what to do. Call the cops? Run to the building manager?

  Rian got a couple of good slugs in, but it was clear that Jake was dominating.

  “I’m calling the cops if you don’t stop right now,” Sydney said in a shaky voice.

  Jake raised his hands, taking a step back. Rian shoved at him one last time. But Jake continued to move away. Both men were bleeding, and Rian stayed on the couch, dabbing his bleeding nose with the edge of his shirt.

  “Let’s get out of here,” Jake said to Sydney, turning to her and searching her gaze, as if he was still questioning her.

  But this wasn’t the time to argue and to tell him she was still upset with him. So, with a final look at Rian, she walked to the door and opened it.

  “I’ll be pressing charges, brother,” Rian called out.

  “Go ahead,” Jake said, pausing at the door, his tone steely. “Let the investigators dig up your past.”

  Sydney wanted to get away from this place, but Rian had parting words for her too. “Don’t let the door hit you on the way out, Sydney,” he called out.

  Jake stiffened and turned, so Sydney grabbed his hand. “Come on, Jake.” She pulled the door shut, blocking out all sight of Rian. “You’ve done enough. We need to leave.”

  Jake didn’t move, but finally he looked at her, then exhaled. “Are you okay?”

  Sydney didn’t know whether to laugh or to cry from the stress of what had happened between the two brothers. “You’re the one who’s bleeding.” She touched the edge of his lip that had blood on it. He’d be sporting a nice black eye soon, too.

  The sound of a siren made her draw back. “Did the neighbors call the cops?”

  “Let’s not wait to find out,” Jake said, tugging her with him. They hurried down the stairs, then climbed into his truck. “I don’t want you going back to your apartment alone until Rian is gone for good.”

  “Do you think he’ll really go to Canada?”

  “I can’t say.” Jake pulled out of the parking lot, then glanced over at her. “I’m sorry about all of this. About what Rian said. About fighting him, and... mostly for not giving you the chance to defend yourself like I should have.”

  It didn’t matter, not anymore. Sydney reached over and grasped his hand. He threaded their fingers together. “So do you believe that I choose you?”

  “Yeah,” he said in a gruff voice.

  They drove the rest of the way to her apartment in silence, holding hands, the air between them thick with all that had happened.

  When Jake parked, he said, “Tell me what you want to do, Sydney.”

  She met his gaze and saw much more than a single question in his eyes. “Does the ranch have Wi-Fi?”

  “Only in the mornings,” Jake said with a half-smile. “Kidding. Yeah, it’s how my parents watch whichever series they’re hooked on at night.”

  “Really?” Sydney said, surprised. “Well, I could probably work remotely for a couple of days if I had to.” She looked out the front window. “If Rian doesn’t leave tonight.”

  Jake’s tightened his grip on her. “Want to grab some more of your stuff now so we don’t have to wait around?”

  “All right,” Sydney said. The thought of staying in her place, even if Jake was with her, and having Rian show up made her nervous. She didn’t want the two brothers fighting again. “Let’s go in and get you some ice, and then I’ll grab a few more things.”

  Jake followed her into her apartment, and it was strange to see it now with him at her side. She saw it through his eyes, and she noticed how yellow everything was. Yellow throw pillow, yellow accent rug, yellow vases, yellow tablecloth in the kitchen...

  “You like yellow, huh?” Jake asked.

  She laughed, grabbing some ice and putting it into a zip-top baggie. “I guess. What about you?” She pressed the bag of ice on the side of his head.

  “Hmmm,” he said, capturing her hand and pulling her against him. His arms slid around her waist, trapping her into place. “I don’t mind it.”

  She blinked up at him as her heart thumped. She hadn’t forgotten one moment of his kisses or his touches. “Good,” she whispered as she lifted up on her toes and gently kissed his cheek.

  “I’m not that injured,” Jake whispered back, moving his mouth to hers and kissing her. “Did I tell you thanks for choosing me?”

  Sydney drew back slightly to gaze into his eyes. “You did not.”

  His eyes seemed to bore into her, and he said, “Thank you.” He kissed the edge of her mouth. “Thank you.” Then he kissed her neck, sending a riot of shivers through her. “Thank you.”

  “Mmmm,” Sydney said, her breath rushing out. “I like your thank you’s.”

  He smiled against her skin. Then he straightened. “We should get going... before Rian gets any ideas. While you get your stuff ready, I’ll talk to the apartment manager about keeping watch on your place for few days.”

  Sydney reluctantly released him. “All right, I’ll hurry.” Once in her room, she closed her eyes and exhaled. So much had happened in such a short time. Her mind was spinning, but her heart was full.

  She’d had her phone on silent, and she checked it to find a missed message from her mother and several texts from Maria and June. Sydney sat on her bed for a moment and texted her mom, then replied to Maria and June. Rian’s back, and he and Jake got into a fight. I’m going back to the ranch with Jake for a few days to let things settle with Rian. Says he’s going to Canada for a job.

  Replies tumbled in top of each other.


  What kind of fight?

  You’re going back to the ranch with Jake? Really??? What’s going on with him?

  Have you kissed him yet?

  Sydney laughed at the last one. If only her friends knew, which they wouldn’t, at least not yet. Never kiss and tell, she wrote, following up with several winking emojis.

  Then she pocketed her phone as she heard Jake come inside the apartment and call for her.

  “Coming,” she said, grabbing the bag she’d added a couple of outfits to. When she walked into the living room, she stopped short.

  Jake was standing there with the apartment manager, Randy Brown.

  “Hi, Sydney,” Randy said. “This guy told me that you’re worried about your ex showing up and possibly trying to get into your apartment,” he said, indicating Jake.

  Sydney nodded. “He might still have the key.”

  “I’ll keep an eye out on the place and on your car,” he said.

  “Thanks, I appreciate it,” Sydney said.

  Jake moved to take the bag from her hands. “Is that everything?” he asked.

  “Yeah,” she told him. Then to the manager she said, “Please call my cell if there’s anything I need to know about.”

  “Will do,” the manager said. “I’ll be putti
ng a lock box on the door so he can’t get in, unless he breaks a window or something.”

  “I appreciate that,” Sydney said. They all walked out of the apartment, and Sydney locked her door.

  She and Jake said goodbye to the manager, then climbed into Jake’s truck.

  Sydney felt exhausted, and she leaned back against the seat, closing her eyes.

  “Do you want to grab something to eat?” Jake asked, starting the truck.

  “Only if you want to,” Sydney said. “I want to put some distance between me and Rian.”

  Jake reached over and grabbed her hand. “Let’s get out of here, then.”

  Sydney fell into a deep sleep that night. When she awoke around 2:00 am, she was surprised she’d even slept. Although exhausted, she was also wired from so many changes and emotions happening over the past few days. That, and the fact that Jake’s room was only two doors away. He’d kissed her before sending her off to bed, and she’d seen the longing in his eyes, matching her own, but he was also putting her first. Which she appreciated.

  But now, lying alone in the guest bedroom in the dark, she didn’t want to be alone. She wanted Jake’s arms around her, holding her, and him telling her that Rian was in the far, distant past and that the future would work out. That they would work out. Was it really possible, she wondered, to become so attached to a man in such a short period of time?

  On the drive back to the ranch, Jake had been quiet again, but this time they were connected, holding hands. She’d continued to hold his hand when Jake spoke with his parents and told them the latest developments. Sydney had received hugs from both parents, and still, she wished she could do more, bring them more comfort.

  A deep voice rumbled from the hallway, and Sydney stilled. Someone was talking... in the middle of the night. She rose from her bed and crossed the bedroom, then cracked open her door to listen.

  It sounded like Jake was talking in his bedroom. Was he on the phone?

  Sydney walked down the hall and stopped outside his bedroom door. She froze when she heard Jake say, “You called the wrong person, Rian.”


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