Sword of Inquest (La Patron's Sword Book 1)

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Sword of Inquest (La Patron's Sword Book 1) Page 20

by Addae, Sydney

  “Mistress, I found Angus.” She explained his condition while moving around the room checking to see if he was alert. She saw the pool of serum on the floor where it dripped from his mouth. Good, at least his body had a break from the full dose.

  “Silas is still working on his system and needs a few more minutes before he’s done.”

  “Okay.” She started toward the door. Angus’ eyes flickered and then opened. He nodded at her and then closed them again. She strode out the room and headed toward the Alpha who stood in a small room off the main area.

  “He still out, Sir,” she reported closing the door behind her.

  Andrei stared toward the monitors and she wondered if he had seen Angus respond to her. It had been quick and if she hadn’t been staring at him she would have missed it.

  “Get the case, give him another shot.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she said moving toward a small office where they kept the drugs.

  “Did you say other one died from serum?” Andrei asked stopping her.

  “No, Sir. I said other one dead when I went in room.” She waited for him to question her further. She planned to destroy or dilute that serum before leaving this place. First thing, Hawke needed to make an antidote for his concoction.

  “We wait to give him more. Stay here, watch monitors. I don’t know why, but Lord Roderick excited over that one.” Andrei turned and left the room. She watched him step into the room containing the serum supply. Once he entered she watched him through the monitor.

  “Mistress, I am in the room monitoring the security cams. Whenever Angus is ready to make his move he can. I need Jacques to set up a virus or something to disrupt the cameras. We will fight our way out of here and I don’t want anyone to see that footage.”

  “Got it. I’ll tell Silas and Jacques.”

  Andrei unlocked a drawer and pulled out a vial case similar to one she had seen in an underground tunnel months ago. Agents of the Liege had kidnapped La Patron’s son, Tyrese and her for testing. The doctor administered a shot to Tyrese changing his biology. Is that what the Liege offered the local Alphas? She wouldn’t be surprised. Adjusting the mounted camera, she zeroed in on the clear vials of liquid and then pulled back as Andrei injected the fluid into his veins.

  “Hawke?” she continued calling to him, aching for contact while watching the monitors. Andrei’s knees buckled, and he sat on a chair with his head in his palms.

  On another screen, she caught the tail end of Angus dragging the guard from in front of the room of his recent prison and placed him on the table. Angus exchanged forms with the guard and then locked the full-blood in the metal cuffs. Anyone looking in the room would see someone who looked like Angus and not sound an alarm. He tugged on the tight fitting pants and walked out of the room. He stared into the nearby camera and nodded.

  Asia rubbed her arms, to ease the persistent stinging but nothing helped. “Hawke…” she called out.

  “Asia.” His response was the sweetest whisper she ever heard.

  She closed her eyes and pushed at their link. “Let me in.” He remained closed off to her.

  “Not… yet.”

  She wanted to scream her frustration. “I am not a child, Hawke. I am your mate and I need you. Now open the damn link.”

  The link opened, and she fell to the ground as waves of sluggishness and pain beat at her, pushing, grinding, and knocking her back. She fought to stay conscious. How the hell did he pull out of whatever gripped him to answer her?

  After getting her breathing under control, Asia closed her eyes and made their relationship her focal point. She dredged up every memory of their time together, starting in the cave. She opened herself allowing the sunlight of her affection to dismiss the darkness and burn off the listlessness. She imagined them running through the forest, fighting the bluebirds, laughing in the shower and making love. A few moments later he added his memories, layering them with hers. Shaky, she stood. The more memories he added the clearer they became, the fog thinned. The pain downgraded to bearable.

  “Asia,” her name sounded like a prayer through their link.

  “I’m coming Hawke and don’t you dare tell me not to come.”

  “Argue later.”

  She gazed at the monitors and saw a reduction to three men in the main area. One of them had to be Angus. Andrei remained seated in the other room but began to stir.

  “Mistress, Andrei just took a drug that reminds me of the one that altered Tyrese. He will be in the main area soon. Alert Angus. Is the virus ready to be uploaded to the system?”

  “Whew! Long day. I told Silas, he’ll tell Angus. Same deal as the castle computer, type in the code and a nice package will download. I’m with the kids if you need me, otherwise Silas has it covered.”

  “Yes, Ma’am.” Asia typed in the code and downloaded the virus just as Andrei stepped out the room and looked around the area.

  “Where the hell is everybody?” He growled and shifted into a large hybrid.

  He stepped toward one of the full-bloods, picked him up by his shirt collar and shook him so hard, the man lost control of his bowels. Andrei laughed and threw him across the room into the brick wall, his head split like a melon.

  “He has no control of his beast,” Asia murmured watching him pick up the next full-blood, and the computer as it uploaded the files necessary to erase her presence.

  Andrei flung the next full-blood against the wall, killing him on the spot as well. He threw his head back and roared, obviously feeling invincible. But only a fool would watch two comrades die in such a foul manner and remain for their chance to meet the Goddess.

  If Andrei’s thoughts were clear he would have realized the last full-blood in the main room waited for him. He would have realized this full-blood was different than the others. If Andrei had not been ramped up on drugs, he would have run to save his life. Instead, he entered the battle arena as the underdog.

  Virus loaded. The cameras showed reruns of Scooby-Do. Asia stepped out of the room and watched Angus bulk to his hybrid. The look of shock on Andrei’s face made her smile as she scooted around the dueling pair and made her way to the room Andrei had left.

  The locked door offered little resistance after she kicked it a few times. There were two cases with tranqs on the shelves. She dumped the capsules onto the floor. The vials from the desk drawer she added to the pile, stepping on them first breaking the seals and spilling the liquid. Next, she crushed the containers holding the tranq serum. When the noxious odors from the chemicals grew too strong, she left the room wishing she had a match. She walked two steps and realized Hiry, her new body, was a smoker. After a few pats on her pockets, she found his lighter and cigarettes. She pulled out a cigarette, tossed the pack into the room, lit and then threw it in the middle of the liquid.

  A loud swoosh filled the area. Smoke and heat billowed from the floor and licked the ceiling. Closing the door, she moved quickly to the area where Angus and Andrei continued their battle. She glanced at her watch. They needed to leave and get to the castle. If Roderick or his associates were on their way, they would have their own stash of the serum and she did not want to go through that cleansing again.

  Angus body slammed Andrei onto the unforgiving concrete floor. Based on the screams of pain from Andrei, the fight wouldn’t continue much longer. She headed toward the front of the building to search for transportation. After walking through numerous halls and getting turned around, she saw daylight. There were two full bloods walking the perimeter. In his arrogance, Andrei had not communicated with his pack. As pack beta she ordered a vehicle to be brought to the front.

  The men nodded and left to do her bidding. She remained out front scanning the area. She sensed Angus before she saw him. How fitting he had taken Andrei’s form. They waited in silence, her thoughts on her mate. Hawke’s chip had moved from his brain and she assumed passed through his system. But that would not stop Lord Boris from reinstalling another device.

  The bla
ck Land Rover pulled up front. The four of them entered the vehicle. Asia drove with a full-blood in the passenger seat. Angus sat in the back with the other full-blood. While driving she scanned them for devices. Neither had the deadly chips implanted in their brains. After thirty minutes Asia pulled to the side of the road. She and Angus got out and motioned the full-bloods out of the car.

  “Go to back to the pack lands. I’ll meet you there later,” Angus said.

  The two men frowned, and then nodded. “Yes Alpha,” they said one after the other.

  Angus climbed in the front seat as Asia returned behind the wheel.

  She gunned the accelerator. “Hawke, I’m coming.”


  Chapter 34

  Hawke inhaled and blessed the Goddess for his stubborn mate. Thanks to her, he could push through the dark clouds in his mind and think of the best way to defeat Greggor. The overhead light had been dimmed and he could see everything in the old lab. He had not been away from the castle long but it seemed like a lifetime. So much had happened. Freedom tasted great and he refused to be a slave for Lord Boris or anyone again.

  How long he had been back in his old lab strapped to the table? He had no idea but did not think it had been long. Greggor had been mumbling about delays and missing fun while he strapped his inert body to the table. From what he sensed, there was no one else in the castle other than him and his captor who acted strange.

  Hawke heard Greggor on the phone. Someone called to tell him Angus had escaped and may be on his way to the castle. Greggor left the room to prepare a special surprise. Hawke had no idea what it could be, Greggor refused to talk to him, or look at him.

  Asia. They knew she and Angus were coming. He had to find a way to stop Greggor. “Asia.”

  “Don’t tell me not to come. I am almost there. How many are in the castle?”

  “Just Greggor, but something’s off with him.”

  “Just Greggor? That’s strange. I did not get a signal on those bluebirds the other day, is it possible you’re not picking up something?”

  “Yes. It’s possible, although I always get a read on them, one of the perks of creating things.”

  “Hmmm, we are going to have a long discussion about you and the things you do in the lab.”

  “Right now I’m strapped to a lab table.”

  “Let me guess. You modified it to hold a person with your strength,”

  He sighed. “Yes. I could kick myself for that.”

  “Instead of that, help me figure out how to kick Greggor’s ass.”

  “He is waiting for you. Someone called and warned him.”

  “Damn. I bet it was Lord Roderick; he probably arrived after we left. I wonder if he is on his way to the castle.”

  “I don’t know him. But be prepared to get shot with a tranquilizer and held in metal cuffs like mine. Greggor is no fighter; he probably has instructions to hold Angus for Roderick.”

  “I want to come in under the radar, is that possible?”

  “No. Every entry point is covered. That’s why no one has ever been successful attacking this place. Greggor is monitoring the security cams and will see you arrive.”

  “You created security for that place, Hawke. Tell me how to break in and surprise Greggor. I need to get you out of there. Please… think.”

  He swallowed hard. Creating security had been a huge chess match for him. He made moves and countermoves three steps deep, glorying in defeating of his imaginary opponents. There had been several attempts over the years to overtake the castle. But if anyone ever came close to success he shut down that avenue. No one ever breached their defenses, except Asia. Her simple strategy of impersonating staff to gain entry would never have worked with anyone else unless they had access to the same technology.

  “What if we came in from the roof?” Asia asked.

  “Cameras and beams.”

  “The hole in the wall?”

  “It’s a specific trap that tracks all and any movement. Plus, unless I open the passage you’re stuck in the antechamber.”


  “Second floor with bars, sensors and non-breakable panels.”


  “They are probably unlocked and you can walk in. Be prepared to be shot full of tranqs.”

  “Garbage chutes? Sewage tunnels? Caves? Anything?” she asked and he heard her frustration. He had spent decades achieving an impenetrable fortress and to the extent of known technology he succeeded.

  “All have sensors and beams. I shut them down that night we escaped. I can assure you they are back online now.”

  “I’m not losing you.” He knew how difficult it was for her to admit that. He echoed the sentiment. They would find a way to win against Lord Boris and Greggor.

  “No. You’re not. Give me a minute to think this through.”

  “Okay. We are going to run the last few miles, when does the cameras start picking up movement?”

  “Not until you’re in the tree line.”


  Where…. How could she slip in undetected? Below the castle on the ground where his wolf ran the length of the castle around the pillars that supported its weight. Someone tried to dig beneath the foundation twenty years ago. Lord Boris reinforced the exterior walls with solid stone creating a stair step effect. It would take heavy machinery to bore a hole through all that stone.

  If she attempted to gain access from the top she would be fried. He installed so many cross beams, anything as small as an infant’s foot couldn’t step across without touching a laser. At the time he had been certain the next attempt would come through the roof and went into overkill mode. In retrospect he realized the roof would be the last place anyone would attempt to enter the castle. The upper floors were the equivalent of a six story building and there were few flat surfaces.

  Stumped, he lay locked to the gurney wondering how to save his mate. There was no way he knew of for her to enter the building undetected.

  “Is the camera working in your lab? I remember you shut it down and locked it when we left.”

  He thought back to the day they broke out of the lab. “Yes, it should be. My system is separate from the rest of the building. I was told I was the only one who could access it but I sent a virus to shut down the entire system and it’s running again. I don’t know if I was told the truth.”

  “Shut down everything and isolate the sounds. Find the hum of the camera.”

  He shut out the air conditioning, then the lights, then the computer and then he searched for any other sounds. He heard nothing. Focused, he searched for more sounds and heard Greggor speaking to someone.

  “I am in the security room, no matter how they try to get in, I will stop them.” He paused. “Yes, Sir I’ll hold both of them for your men Lord Roderick.” He paused. “He is locked in the lab.” He paused again. “Yes, ironic he built his own prison. He will be reprogrammed when my uncle returns.”

  Sweat beaded and ran down Hawke’s brow at the plans they made for Asia. His mate in the hands of Lord Roderick… his wolf howled his displeasure. He pulled on the metal cuffs, nothing. A scream curdled in his throat, but did not escape. He swallowed hard.

  Frustrated, he clenched and unclenched his fists, he had to do something. He couldn’t lay there and not do anything.

  “I don’t hear a camera.”

  “Thank the Goddess,” Asia whispered.

  He didn’t understand, he couldn’t move from the table, couldn’t help her. “What?”

  “Nothing we have an idea, it’s a long shot but we’re running out of time. I think Lord Roderick or his men are on the way.”

  “You are right.”

  “Good I would love to greet him and rid the earth of another Liege Lord, but we need to free you first.” The cavalier way she said free him made him think it might happen even though he couldn’t see how.

  “Great.” He thought he should say something and stared at the ceiling.

Asia chuckled at the pout in her mate’s voice and looked at Angus, marveling how well he blended with the tree next to her. She told him what Hawke said.

  “It’s the best shot we have before there are reinforcements. I will open that door for you as soon as I gain access.”

  Asia swallowed hard. “Okay.” She watched the tree slide into the trees closer to the castle. She touched the tree, merged and followed Angus at a slower pace. It took longer to reach the portion of the forest in front of the hidden entrance she had used to re-enter the castle the last time. Angus had entered the same vent she and Hawke used to escape.

  Minutes passed. She swallowed her fear of failing Hawke. “This has to work. It has to work,” she murmured over and over while listening for the sound of approaching vehicles. The door clicked open.

  She stared in disbelief and then elation as she raced to the entry. Closing the door behind her, she morphed into Hawke and took the stairs two at a time. When she reached the exit she eased it open slowly and peeked out. Across the floor, Angus sat in the communications room working his magic. So far their plan worked. She waved at him and took the stairs down to Hawke’s lab and listened to the voices coming from inside.

  “How did you do that?” Greggor demanded. The sound of flesh connecting to flesh pissed her off. “Answer me or I’ll kill you.”

  Asia smelled Greggor’s anger and knew he was on edge. They calculated he would be disoriented and possibly violent. That’s why each moment outside wrecked her nerves. She strolled to the lab, placed her palm on the security panel and stared down at Greggor. His altered appearance stunned her and she forgot her punch line.

  Gone was the thin, dorky man who panted behind Hawke. His uncle had turned him into a human bluebird. The pale blue speckles on his skin were not good. His shaggy hair hung in thinned, lank clumps in a weird patchwork on his oversized skull. Thick legs and arms that hung lower than normal made him stoop forward.

  He stared at her and then blinked, wiped his face with his huge palm and blinked again. “What is going on?” Greggor yelled and stormed toward her.


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