The Mountain Man's Baby: A Billionaire Secret Baby Romance

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The Mountain Man's Baby: A Billionaire Secret Baby Romance Page 10

by Alice Moore

  For a fraction of a second, I debated asking him, but James would tell me eventually. He’d let something slip- a tiny piece of something- just like he did with his experience with Frank. Reaching absently for a thick, hot steak fry, I set my burger down to hold my cheek in my hand.

  “We can go, if you want, James. I don’t know what happened between you three, but you’re obviously close. If you want to see your family, you should. They’re your little brothers, and I’m sure they miss you, too.”

  “Maybe.” Glancing up, I couldn’t help but frown at the apprehension on James’ expression. I didn’t comment on it, but a nagging in my brain told me he probably wouldn’t go see his brothers.

  At least, not today.

  “Have you ever gone to see your mom, Caroline?” Pausing with my fry between my teeth, I bit down automatically as my mind went blank. Forcing myself to chew and swallow, I took a deep breath as the mushy insides burned my tongue. Snatching my soda, the carbonized sugar washed my mouth out only to leave a sour taste behind.

  “No. But I’ve more or less made peace with her, James. If I don’t have to associate with her, I won’t. She’s still got two years on her stint, so I’ll worry about her popping into my life then.” My mother wasn’t a sensitive subject at all, but I wanted to shut it down quickly. This wasn’t a matter of ‘she messed up one time, maybe I should give her a second chance’, and I hoped James understood that. Watching him nod, I tried not to think towards the future too much; if she did try to find me, I knew it’d be a disaster. I wasn’t immune to wanting her no matter how many times I tried to kid myself. Her absence just made it easier to ignore her.

  “I remember when Ethan got jailed over the weekend for underage drinking. It was, like, a week before his 21st birthday, and his friends threw him a rager. I’m pretty sure it was Nick that called the cops- Ethan is the youngest, so he was still trying to find himself. Anyway, when I went to pick him up on Monday, he looked miserable and said he’d never get wasted again. I guess he drank so much he was still hungover then, but the cops didn’t give him any help at all. He had puke all over him, so I drove my car near the curb and made him walk home. We all drink pretty moderately, but as far as I know he’s never gotten drunk since.”

  “I had a bit of an experience when I was 21, too. My dad was on his last deployment, and I got a couple of friends and partied hard because he was coming home for good. The next morning, I woke up to a trashed house, all of my friends were gone, and Sheila looked ready to bust some capillaries. She made me clean the whole house while I was hung over. Since then, I’ve been sober.” Smiling at the memory, I picked up my burger as James snorted a laugh around his chili dog. “I never told my dad, and I’m pretty sure he still doesn’t know seven years later.”

  “So, I take it you’d say ‘no’ if I wanted to take you out for a beer?” James stared right at me, and I blushed hard around my cheeseburger. Rubbing my feet together under the table, I shook my head slightly to draw an almost goofy grin from him.

  We’d been through such an intense experience together that I had an uncertain expectation James would ask me out. In the past month, the notion floated in and out of my mind constantly. Staring at the sesame seeds on my bun, I furrowed my brows as I thought about what us dating would mean.

  If I dared to look into the future, what would I see? The idea was daunting, and my ring finger twitched against my burger.

  “What’s wrong, Caroline?” Flickering to James, my eyes narrowed at the pensive concern on his face. Wordlessly I shook my head, taking a bite of my cheeseburger that suddenly didn’t taste as good as it should’ve. Using my chewing to buy me time, I set down my food to prop my chin in my hand.

  “I was just thinking- I haven’t really gone on a date with someone I wanted to go on a second date with since my engagement fell apart. I mean, what we went through… what we’re still going through- I don’t want a date to be based on misguided feelings. I’m 28 years old, and I like to think I’m not naive like I was when I was 18.” Even as I said it, I knew that was what was happening, and I took a deep breath to heavy a sigh. “I do like you, James… I just don’t know if I like you because I want to help you, or because I really just like you.”

  “… Does that really matter?” James’ tone surprised me; there was no darkness in it, just seriousness that mirrored his expression. Licking my lips as he set down his half-eaten chili dog, I tilted my head in my hand and nibbled my inner cheek. “Isn’t that the point of going on a date? You know my darkest secret, Caroline… but you really don’t know anything else. When I call you, we don’t really talk about the small things, and those matter just as much as the big things. For that matter, I don’t know that much about you, either. Why don’t we have a light conversation or two, and then you can rethink it?”


  Sliding into the passenger seat of James’ car, I stuffed my fists into my lap while he put my crutch and Kiki in the back seat. I couldn’t get his words out of my head, and I took a deep breath as he rounded the car to get into the driver’s seat. Our lunch had been quiet after I voiced my worries, and my gut churned dangerously around my burger and fries.

  I’d stress eaten my entire meal, and now I felt sick at my own words.

  “I’ll take you home.” Sharing his intent with me, James started his car and pulled smoothly out of the parking space. Nodding quietly, I reached to run my hand through my hair before opening my mouth.

  “I’m really bad at this. I just- I don’t want to hurt you, James.” His hand wrapped around mine, and I closed my eyes to let my head fall back on the head rest. “You don’t deserve more crap.”

  “Relax, Caroline. It’s okay. You shouldn’t worry about me. I’ve been through some shit, sure- but it was never about a woman.” Squeezing my hand reassuringly, James’s touch sent a rush of warmth to my chest, and I cracked a smile. “Any man that gets his heart broken by you is lucky. I don’t think I’ve ever known someone that puts up with as much shit as you do for me.”

  “I don’t think of it like that. I like to tell you stories… I like giving you something you never had before. When you call me, it makes me feel useful- especially because my ankle is keeping me between a rock and a hard place.” Lolling my head to glare weakly at my foot, I twisted my lips in a scowl before James’ laughter filled the car. Sailing smoothly down the street, he released my hand to wrap his around the wheel while I wiggled my toes. My foot only hurt when I put my weight on it, and the doctor said I’d be able to walk on it in a week or so.

  “Listen… Caroline, if you’re unsure because we kissed- I won’t pressure you. I know your ex was d-“

  “N- no… that’s not it-“ Cutting James off, I twisted to watch his brows come together sharply even though he kept his eyes on the road. “I mean, before… I didn’t really fine you… physically attractive? I mean, you are- I just didn’t really notice… At the cabin, with my ankle- and your nightmares… but that’s… that’s not a problem. It was actually really nice.”

  “Oh…” Heat billowed into my cheeks, and James glanced at me with a half smirk quirking his lips. “Forget that, then. Seriously, though- I won’t push you. I made the same mistake, just in less time.”

  “Thanks, James.” Returning his smile, I twisted farther to look at Kiki as she panted in the back seat. James had played her ragged, and she didn’t even look at me. It’d been so long since she had a good, hard game of fetch, and I relished the heaviness of her eyelids.

  The ride home was quiet, pleasant, and James even walked me to my door. Turning awkwardly with my crutch, I pulled my lips between my teeth as he stood at the bottom of the steps. My heart beat hard, and I adjusted my grip on my crutch before opening my mouth.

  “Do you want to come in?” Holding my breath in anticipation, I tried to ignore the fluttering in my belly when James nodded. Reaching for the door knob, I pushed my way inside as Kiki rushed past me to head for her water bowl in the kitchen. James’ body heat
scorched my back through my thin shirt, and he shut the barrier with a firm click. The sound was like a judge’s gavel in my ears, and I let my breath out through my nose before setting my crutch against the wall.

  My home spun in slow motion as I turned, and the sexual tension in the air was almost suffocating. We’d managed to avoid it despite the near constant flirting and talk of relationship, but now it was inescapable. Hopeful anxiety splashed against my ribs, filling my chest and making it hard to breathe. James’ eyes scanned my body, sending delicious shivers down my spine with each pass. The intensity of his gaze caused goosebumps to rise on every inch of exposed skin I had, and I pulled my bottom lip between my teeth before he moved.

  Big, strong hands cupped my butt, whisking me off my feet before a shocked gasp could even leave my mouth. Wrapping my legs around James’ waist automatically, I shuddered at the display of pure manliness as I crashed my lips on his. His groan was low, traveling down my throat to nestle in my abdomen while my palms met his cheeks. Grinding my hips against his, I opened my mouth for his sweet invasion to taste the fried broccoli he’d eaten less than half an hour before.

  It was delicious, and I didn’t even like fried broccoli.

  James’ thick chest muscles twitched and swelled against my breasts, teasing my nipples through both our shirts with each shallow breath I took. Letting go of my thoughts, I just enjoyed the feel of him against my front- of his heat and chiseled perfection.

  We swayed; I almost didn’t realize we were moving until James stumbled on the first step of the staircase. Tearing my lips from his, I kissed down his jaw and neck to lick and suck his pulse point. Against my apex his member was noticeable between his jeans and my shorts, and I tightened my grip on him as he struggled up the stairs.

  “Tell me this is a good idea…” My breathless request only pulled a grunt from James, and I bit down hard on his shoulder muscle. His whole body jerked in erotic shock, his cock pulsing against my core, and I smirked when he let go of my left butt cheek to grab the railing.

  “Fuck- this is a great idea.” Slathering my saliva over the offended spot, I hummed in acknowledge before he started stomping up the stairs again. “I’ve never pictured you naked, you know.”

  The little tidbit of information pulled a delighted gasp from deep inside me, and I pulled away from James completely to check for any signs of a lie. His expression was completely serious, if a little red, and he jerked his head as if he knew what I was after. Reaching the top of the steps, he carried me with sharp huffs and straining muscles until I flung my hand out to grab my doorknob.

  In the time it took him to cross the room to my bed, James and I were kissing again. I didn’t even remember when it started, and I moaned softly when his tongue tangled with mine. Stradling his lap, my thighs started to burn from rubbing against his jeans, and my fingers tingled as they wrapped around the hem of his shirt.

  Removing James’ shirt in one, swift action, I pushed him back to trail kisses down his chest. The sweat that’d dried on his skin after our trip to the park was like the finest wine, and I dragged my tongue heavily between his pectoral muscles.

  “Tell me you’re on birth control, Caroline…” The rasping request came as I reached his navel, and I shook my head before crawling up his body. His protest was written all over his face, but I stopped his words from escaping with my lips.

  “Relax, James. I can only get pregnant when I’m ovulating, and I’m not. Just pull out…” Rounding my hips against his abs as I mumbled my response, I took his bottom lip between my teeth to tug gently. “I’ll let you cum on my ass. Please don’t not do this because you don’t have a condom.”

  A low groan was all I needed, and I smirked even as undue mortification surged into my chest. I was at the opposite spectrum of vanilla, but it’d just been so long…

  Speaking of long… Sliding down to James’ waist, impatience easily replaced everything else in me as I unfastened his jeans. His cock sprang out without any prodding, red and willing and hard. The veins pulsed wildly as they webbed around his length, and I ran my nose down the thickest one to take a deep breath.

  “Should I… or should I not…?” Flickering up to his face, my eyes narrowed on the pure rapture of James’ expression, and my smirk widened. The vein in his forehead pulsed noticeably, and I circled the head of his cock with my forefinger. It was the softest of touches, but he thrust his hips with a tortured groan that broke the dam inside me.

  “T- Tease…” Blinking slowly, I pulled away from him completely to stand with most of my weight on my good leg. Sliding down my shorts and panties, my hands trembled at the hunger written on James’ face while his own fisted the comforter.

  “I’m offended you think I’m enjoying watching you try to avoid cumming when I haven’t done anything.” Kicking my clothes away, I climbed back on James’ lap to sit directly on his cock. His hiss was music to my ears, and I ground his hot length between my folds with a moan. “Go-o-o-od…”

  Rolling my hips, I shivered as a slick sound echoed around my room before falling forward to brace on James’ broad shoulders. He was so close it was almost funny, but I couldn’t laugh.

  Not when I was just as close.

  My grinding drenched his silky smooth rod with my juices, and I ducked my head to kiss James as he struggled to breathe. His hands flew to grip my hips hard, and he forced me to move faster and harder. Moaning each time the bulbous head of his cock flicked my clit, I rocked and dipped as my need rose. My heart beat a rapid staccato, and my abdomen clenched tightly while our tongues danced within the seal of our lips.

  Some deep, dark part of me wanted to see if I could get James to explode just like this- with everything but my all-too-willing genitals. This was harmless humping, and I wanted to see how long it would take.

  “Ah- fuck…” Gasping into James’ mouth, I sat up straight to slide down to his sack and back up again. Panting wildly, my throat burned and chest tightened as spasms raked down my spine. “Fuck- fuck… Just- j- just…”

  The rough pad of a thumb circling my clit harshly sent me over the edge, and my knees slammed shut. Twitches assaulted my body as I climaxed, eyes rolling in their sockets and fingernails digging into James’ thighs. Holding my hips in a vice grip, he thrust hard and erratic, and the friction only prolonged my orgasm as air got caught in my lungs. Lips parted in a silent scream, I clenched my core tightly as a flood of pleasure swept my nerves down to my entrance.


  “You make the most perfect face when you cum…” The worshipful note in James’ voice broke through the blood roaring in my ears, and I cracked my eyes open. Taking shallow, gasping breaths, I swallowed down the cotton in my mouth before flopping my head forward. Bright, brown eyes met mine almost instantly, and I shivered as his fingers slipped out from under my thighs.

  “I th- thought you would… guess I was wrong…” Speaking between pants, my lips quirked in a shaky smile before James grabbed my wrist. Pulling me down without resistance, he smirked smugly until capturing my mouth in a hot, promise-filled kiss. Carefully rolling us over, he held my hands above my head to thrust lightly against me. My own juices dribbled from his sack between my butt cheeks, and I tried to lift one leg only to fail miserably.

  “I guess you are.” Smiling at James’ mumble, I wrapped my arms around his neck to hold him close as he gyrated against me. Sliding down my arms sensually, his clammy palms pushed up my shirt until the cool air of my room pierced my nipples. Arching with a gasp, my spine tingled, and my breasts ached as he squeezed them hard.

  “Oh-h-h yeah-h…” My moans bounced around us, and James left my mouth to tease my nipples with his teeth. Tugging the firm buds one after another, he lingered to lick and suck and send me into a frenzy. Tilting my hips into his thrust in a silent plea, I clawed at his shoulders as he shuffled above me.

  Pulling back his hips, James released my nipple to attack my neck, leaving thick trails of saliva in his wake. Tilting my head to the
side, I closed my eyes to enjoy the pressure until the tip of his cock spread my folds. I took as big a breath as my straining lungs would allow to hold it, and he did the same before nudging past my entrance.

  James’ thick rod sunk into my channel slowly, eased by the wetness that spilled from me, and I tightened my grip on him. His cock stretched my walls, and I sucked in more air I wasn’t sure I could handle. My moan mingled with his low groan, and his jaw ticked against mine until he was fully seated inside me.

  “Fuck- you feel like Heaven.” Grinding the words out roughly, James propped his elbows against my shoulders to push even deeper into my cavern. “Oh shit…”

  “Amazing…” Gasping my reply when he pulled out, I arched sharply only to get the breath knocked out of me when James thrust hard. The tip of his cock hit my cervix, bruising the tender flesh there as the force of it cause my walls to tremble. “H- hard! Harder! I’m gun- gunna cum…”

  Smashing his lips on mine, James sent electricity to every nerve in my body. Moan after moan tore from my throat as he thrust with jarring snaps of his hips, and I scratched at his shoulders in sexual fervor. His light coating of chest hair rubbed my nipples raw, only adding to the mix of pain and pleasure that threatened to overwhelm me.

  James grabbed my thigh roughly, hiking my leg up around his waist to set off the orgasm that begged for release. Clenching my abdomen, I curled into his body as spasms harassed my muscles. Colorful spots littered my inner eyelids, and I threw my head back to let out a strained cry.

  The sound of skin slapping against skin was loud in my ears, and James pushed himself up onto his palm to shove his cock as deep as he could go. Twitching as he rode my orgasm, I sucked in shallow gasps only to hold them when he jerked his hips. His cock pulsed hotly, threatening to scorch my insides as he growled in pure satisfaction.


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