The Mountain Man's Baby: A Billionaire Secret Baby Romance

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The Mountain Man's Baby: A Billionaire Secret Baby Romance Page 28

by Alice Moore

  Passing me a piece of stationary, Lillian smiled again as I took it in unstable fingers. The street address was unknown to me; I’d have to use GPS to find it. Waving the paper lightly, I walked as fast as I dared back towards the door to scurry to my car, clutching it tightly in my fist.


  “Well, what do you think? How do I even dress for this kind of thing?” Groaning at myself in the mirror, I picked at my high waisted shorts with a grimace. “God, help me.”

  Fluffing my dark green blouse, I smoothed the silk fabric as anxiety buzzed through me. I had spent an hour choosing this outfit, but now that it was on me regret was starting to cloud my mind. The clerk from the novelty shop hadn’t said anything about a dress code. Hell, she didn’t even tell me what, exactly, was going to be happening tonight.

  But I left work early, so I have to go. I can’t not go. I’m so screwed- holy shit…

  “Fuck it!” Turning away from the mirror, I ran my hand through my straightened hair before snatching my bag off the foot of my bed. It’d taken me longer to tackle my mane than it had to pick something to wear, and I was almost out of time. Fishing out my phone, I made sure it was charged before stomping out of my bedroom.

  My flat wasn’t large, but it still took longer than necessary for me to exit it. Glancing down the hallway, I took a deep breath at the emptiness that met me. The perks of living with a bunch of old people.

  “Just relax, Natalie- it’s noncommittal. There’s no harm in checking it out. I probably won’t even like it, and I can leave without feeling bad. Being a stereotypical baker with a dark secret…” Mumbling to myself on the way down from the second floor, I shook my head before a sharp ping sounded. Emerging in the lobby, my gaze instantly settled on the little, older than dirt lady that was always sitting on her handicap chair. She didn’t notice me, her own eyes trained on the door as if she was waiting for her dead husband to walk through them at any moment.

  It was sad, really, and I was as quiet as I could be as I snuck out. Her faded blue eyes didn’t even register me, her white, wispy curls clinging to a face that was too wrinkled to show emotion. Rumor in the building was that her family was just waiting for her to die, so none of them ever visited.

  I really didn’t want to end up like her, but she was a nice distraction until I made it to my car in the small lot next to the complex.

  “… This has to be the place. I’m going to literally smash my face into my car if it’s not.” My anxiety built up with each command my GPS gave me, and I sat in my car to stare at the ordinary looking, typical suburban house. Peering through the passenger window, I made sure I had the address right before finally turning off my car. Lights poured through the curtains, illuminating what must’ve been every room- and the bodies that mingled inside them.

  “Talk about an insane electric bill…” Hoisting myself out of my small, silver two-door, I grumbled to myself to ease some of my nerves. Dropping my keys into my bag, I smoothed down my shirt for the millionth time before rounding my car. The walkway was lined with small, purple flowers that were still blossoming under the early evening sun. My low heels clicked lightly against the concrete, and I held my breath as the beautiful, oak and glass front door came closer.

  “This is it. No turning back.” Knocking gently, I tensed when the door almost instantly opened. Staring with wide eyes, I looked up at the broad-shouldered man that met me, his form hidden behind a simply, dark gray button down. A black mask covered his entire face but his mouth, and my heart pounded against my ribs at the small smile he shot me.

  “Hello. Are you here for the seminar?” His voice was silky smooth and a little rough, and I nodded dumbly as my tongue failed me. Stepping to the side, he gestured me into the house with a grand sweep of his arm. “Come on in. We’re just about to get started with the generalized portion of our night.”

  My body moved without thought, stepping over the threshold, and I tore my gaze from the man to look around the entryway. The room was rather large, but there was nothing in it but a wall holding yet more masks. Each one was black, their styles ranging from what was easily discernable as masculine to feminine.

  “Please pick one. You’ll be required to wear it at all times, and you can take it when you leave.” Scanning the ceiling to floor display, I flexed my fingers until one mask stood out to me. It would cover my whole face, minus my jaw and mouth, but it wasn’t molded plastic like the others. Instead, the mask was made of silk, with delicate swirls that looked suspiciously like cupcake icing swirls. Ribbons would keep it in place, and I reached for the delicate piece before turning to the man watching me.

  “Nice choice.” Still smiling, he took the lace fabric from my fingers and gestured for me to turn. My breathing shallowed, heart hammering against its cage as he carefully fitted the mask to my face. “Please let me know if it doesn’t fit well.”

  With practiced hands he held up the mask and worked on the ribbons, and I held my breath as the fabric molded to my features. The fit was perfect, soft against my skin, and I pursed my lips together. Carefully pulling the top ribbon along the length of my crown, he tied it off before grunting softly.

  “It fits perfectly- thank you.” Before I could twist around the man leaned along my side, popping open the door that led to the house. Low music instantly pumped up from under me, and adrenaline surged through me. People mulled everywhere, and I pulled my bottom lip between my teeth as I scanned them. Relief meshed with everything else swirling inside me at the casualwear around me.

  Anonymous eyes flickered to me as I slowly walked deeper into the house, and goosebumps washed my arms and across my chest. Most people wore black masks, but others wore red ones of varying sizes. My mind was blank in the face of so many faceless people, and I slipped behind a slim woman in a sundress to stand in a corner.

  Peeking around from my spot, the noise of conversation floated in one ear and out the other. There was too much to see, to hear, to really focus on anything. Energy buzzed along my skin, and I crossed my arms under my bust to take it all in.

  “It’s a little overwhelming, isn’t it?” Jumping at the deep, smooth voice that sounded behind me, I twisted to stare at a red masked face. An inviting smile tilted his lips, and heat crept up my neck as I nodded silently. “They’re going to start the generalized seminar in a few minutes. Would you like me to escort you?”

  “Sure… okay… thank you.” Dark, dusky brown eyes lit up, and an unsteady smile picked up the corners of my mouth. For a moment I only stared at him, quietly assessing his soft features and stocky build. He was only a few inches taller than my own 5’5” height, his frame hidden by a starched button down and plain, serviceable jeans.

  “Is this your first time at an event like this?” Nodding, I licked my lips while my fingers tingled with nerves, and the man hummed softly. “If you have any questions, feel free to ask me.”

  “How long have you been coming to these things?” Before answering my question the man slid his palm along mine to lead me away from my little, protected hovel. Following him deeper into the house on stiff legs, I gnawed on my bottom lip as we weaved through the crowd. Wandering from the living room to the dining room, my nerves skyrocketed at the rows of chairs that replaced where a table should’ve been.

  “Almost eleven years. What can I call you, if you don’t mind my asking?” Taking the very last chair in the very last row, I clasped my hands together as the man sat backwards directly in front of me. Resting his chin on his hands, his sheer comfort helped ease the tension in my shoulders, and I shook my head.

  “I don’t know?” Warm eyes narrowed on me, and everywhere they looked goosebumps welled up on my skin. Grinding my teeth, my chest tightened with each passing beat of my heart. Leaning in close, he took a deep breath, his eyelids fluttering and lips thinning.

  “You smell like peanut butter and chocolate. How about Peaco?” My mouth moved, silently rolling the nickname over my tongue, and my smile was all the answer he needed.
Rocking back, he reached to rub his hand through his wavy, dark brown hair before speaking up. “Peaco. I like that a lot…”

  The man trailed off, his eyes flickering to the entryway behind me, and I twisted to find what had stolen his attention. A woman in a red mask leaned elegantly on the door frame, and I scanned her tall, shapeless form. Even her floor length sun dress couldn’t give her any curves; she almost looked unhealthily skinny.

  I should ask her to come by my bakery. She could use it. The thought tugged down the corners of my lips, and I tore my gaze off her just as the man before me lifted himself to his feet.

  “I’ll be right back.” Sauntering away, he spared me no glance as a sour taste spread across my tongue. When I looked over my shoulder they were both gone, and I released a sigh filled with annoyance.

  “Great… This was a mistake.” Standing up, I grumbled to myself and clutched my purse to my chest. “Shitty, shitty idea.”

  Irritation hardened my footfall as I left the dining room and made my way through the crowded living room. Inching around a pale cream, leather couch, I narrowed my eyes on the only barrier between this disaster and my freedom. My bee line was swift, and I reached for the handle only to pause. Against my skull my inner voices argued, drowning out the music that pumped softly through the house.

  Don’t be a quitter. Especially over a guy like that. Squeezing the door handle, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath as that voice became the loudest. When did a man stop me from doing anything?

  “Don’t be a little bitch…” Slowly releasing the brass handle, my whisper was filled with conviction that slowly beat back the scorn in my heart. “Fuck that guy. I’ll at least stay for the general seminar.”

  “Do you always talk to yourself?” Déjà vu hit me hard, and I jumped at the voice that sounded behind me. A warm, hard body stopped me from turning, trapping me face first against the door. My heart pounded against the wood so hard I was afraid it’d make a dent, and I squeezed my eyes shut as stiffness invaded my muscles. “Because if you do, just know that it’s sexy as all Hell.”

  “L- let me go.” Grinding out my demand, I silently cursed the weakness in my voice. Slowly pulling my hair over my shoulder, the man dipped his nose into the crook of my neck. Sucking in air with a whistle, I clenched my hands into fists even as his fingers wrapped around them to pull them up on either side of my head.

  “What if I don’t want to? What if you don’t want me to? I saw you in the dining room, and I wanted to know if you really do smell like peanut butter…” Gasping lightly, I bit down on my bottom lip as heat flushed my cheeks, and chapped lips curved against my neck. “I’m so glad you do. I love peanut butter.”

  “Now that you know, will you let me go, please?” My voice was a little steadier, and the man lifted his head to press a chaste kiss to my cheek.

  “Of course I will, Peaco. Before I go, I just want you to know that you have a glorious ass, and that is also something I find incredibly attractive. You should be more aware- that man you were with wasn’t one of the good ones… although I’m sure you figured it out already.” Blood rushed to my face at his compliment, mixing with mortification that he’d witnessed my blunder. The man made no move to let me go, and I shivered lightly as he kissed the pulse point in my neck. “I knew you were that kind of sub. Not having a choice makes it easier to think. You can say ‘no’, but that would mean you’d have to go back to dealing with all of those things you don’t want to deal with, right?”

  Gulping down the lump in my throat, I nodded slowly without thought. Against my back the man’s heart was steady, strong, and it carefully brought my own back into rhythm as he nosed the crook of my shoulder. Tiny, weak voices protested, wanting me to tell this stranger to let go of me.

  But I couldn’t, and he shuffled closer to sandwich me against the door.

  “You can call me Nash…” Taking a deep breath, Nash groaned softly and tightened his grip on my fists. “Fuck. Your smell- I wonder if you taste like peanut butter… You’re going to stay with me, and at the end of the night I promise you- I’ll find out just how delicious you are.”


  Leaning back in my chair, I pursed my lips together while my mind rushed to process everything I had just seen and heard. My gaze was glued to the woman only a few rows in front of me, following the lines of rope that bound her. She looked perfectly content, her vibrant, yellow hair held back from her face. Her hands were bound before her, and I rubbed my palms together as my chest tightened.

  “What do you think?” Tearing my eyes off her, my nervous smile was all Nash needed before he nodded firmly. His mask was different from the others, only covering half his face.

  His was the only one that was gold, creating the perfect scape to highlight his dark eyes.

  “I- I don’t think I would go too far… but-“ Trailing off, I let out a shaky laugh as discomfort swarmed my chest. “I don’t know. There’s a lot of things that I don’t seem to know when it comes to this.”

  “That’s perfectly okay, Peaco. There’s no shame in learning.” Draping his arm across the back of my chair, Nash tugged gently on my hair before opening his mouth. The quiet conversation of others did nothing to drown out his voice, but I still leaned closer to listen. “I don’t find tying you up attractive. It’s not part of my kink. I learned very early on that no two people’s preferences are the same, though they may be similar.”

  “So, what is your… kink…?” Red flushed my cheeks as I stumbled over the word, still getting used to such casual language. Sighing, Nash lifted his shoulder in a half shrug before slouching slightly.

  “I enjoy using my hands. I want to feel your pulse racing without having to shuffle around rope of handcuffs. Compared to some, I’m fairly docile in that respect. Truthfully, though, the sex is secondary to what really boils my blood.” Stiffening as his lips caressed my ear, my breath caught in my throat at the warm air that tickled my skin. His tongue sneaked out to drag along the crest, and his tone was lower, rougher, when he spoke up again. “I like slaves. I like to take women like you that have the weight of their world on them and break them down to the core. Women that aren’t used to being ordered around but want it. Women that would never be caught dead in public being told what to do, how to do it, and when to do it. I want you to learn to trust that I would never make you do something that goes against who you believe is yourself. And then, I want you to submit to me knowing that no one will ever be able to shake that belief.”

  My pupils widened at that, and shivers raced down my spine even as Nash took my chin in his free hand. His face was so close; his breath racing down my nose and flecks of gold shining from his eyes. Holding my breath, I opened my mouth only to close it again until he smiled in understanding.

  “The goals of a master and a slave aren’t physical pleasure, Pe-“

  “Natalie-“ Cutting Nash off with a whisper, I gulped down the lump in my throat and clutched my bag tighter. “My name is Natalie.”

  Goosebumps washed my arms and chest, and Nash spread his fingers along my jaw. His mouth moved, silently rehearsing my name in the intense silence I had created. God- I’m an idiot. Why did I tell him my name?

  “Natalie… very pretty. I am more than happy to have you naked and thrashing underneath me- but there’s more to this life than that. This is about trust, respect, and giving. It’s a real relationship.” Every ounce of blood in my body rushed to my head, and he gave me a shit eating grin before releasing my face. My skin tingled where he’d touched, and I leaned back into my seat with a big sigh.

  “I- I haven’t been in a relationship in a while. I’ve been so busy… I don’t even know where to start.” Nibbling my lips, I stared at my lap until Nash stood up in my peripheral. Holding out his hand, he waited patiently as the weight of the situation settled on my shoulders. My gaze narrowed on the rumples in the old, used faux leather of my purse, and I furrowed my brows. His fingertips sat on the edge of my field of vision, outstretc
hed and speaking louder than anything else.

  This- this is where to start. I heard it clearly, tantalizing and sweet, and I carefully released my bag to reach for his palm. Nash didn’t immediately wrap his fingers around mine, waiting until my smaller hand was firmly above his. My heart pounded against my ribs, blood rushing in my ears to drown out the sounds and conversations around us.

  Leading me out of the dining room and a staircase at the back of the kitchen, Nash didn’t rush me even as a sense of urgency swathed my body. Ascending to the second story of the house, I followed in a blur of creams and light browns that coated the tunnel like hallway. Softly knocking on a closed door, he pushed open the barrier when no one sounded in protest to tug me inside.

  Alone, I clutched my bag to my chest as Nash’s height and build really became apparent. At least 6 feet tall, his form was clothed in a dark gray, silk shirt and black dress pants that seemed tailored. He didn’t give me much time to ogle him, carefully taking my bag to set it on the floor at the end of a bed I hadn’t even noticed.

  “Sit on the bed.” Blinking at the commanding undertone in Nash’s voice, I tensed and ground my molars together. The surge of defiance that swept through me was quelled by the expectant glint in his eyes, and I slowly climbed onto the bed to sit in the middle. My low heels threatened to puncture the dark green duvet, but before I could reach for them his hands were there.

  “Ehm- so… why is everyone else wearing red masks and you’re wearing a gold one?” Posing my question, I bit my lip when Nash dragged his fingers along my ankle and down my foot. The sensation flexed my toes, and a shiver lodged between my shoulder blades. Heat slithered up my leg, and I closed my eyes to fend off the almost unnoticeable pulse from my abdomen.


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