Dragon Lords Volume 1: BBW Fantasy Romance Bundle

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Dragon Lords Volume 1: BBW Fantasy Romance Bundle Page 6

by Lyra Valentine

  “Tough break. I guess they’re really hurting now that you have a dragon of your own.”

  “Ah, you know family. Still trying to control everything, despite the fact that they shouldn’t.” Layla shrugged. Her blonde hair shined brightly in the moonlight.

  “Is that why you wanted out of there so fast?”

  “Isn’t that why you did, too? You don’t even have them breathing down your neck here, and you just about tripped over yourself to leave the hall.” Layla raised an eyebrow at him over the rim of her mug.

  Raif snapped his mouth shut. She was good. Perceptive. It irritated him. He wasn’t used to being the one so easily sussed out. In his head, he felt his dragon rumbling with laughter. He liked that Raif was being bested by a little girl.

  No. He studied her profile out of the corner of his eye. He had to amend that classification. Even in typical dragon rider garb of pants and flowing shirt, her form was visible. Layla was all woman. Her hips were wide, and her firm globes of her breasts sat high. Her nose turned upwards at the tip, and he found himself wanting to kiss it, though not more than the full lips she snaked a tongue out to wet.

  “Come now.” He stood. Raif was surprised to see they had devoured the entire tray between them. He pulled her to her feet, and close to his chest. “I know a way we can get back a little control for ourselves.”

  She walked two fingers up his chest. “And exactly how is that?”

  He took her chin between his thumb and forefinger, and tilted her head upwards. He didn’t quite kiss her, but let his lips barely touch hers as he spoke. “Take me somewhere private and I’ll show you.”

  Chapter Three

  Shivering, Layla turned before Raif could let their lips touch. If he wanted to play games with her, she’d play back. Her eyes twinkled as she looked over her shoulder at him. She added a roll of her hips to each step, and smiled at the hitch in his breath when he noticed.

  Layla led Raif back down the narrow stairs and across the open courtyard. It wasn’t much in the night, but the day would lure small dragons out to bathe in the sun. The youngest clutch were housed in a large barrack at the end of the yard. Her flight group had just been moved to their individual quarters above the barrack. Each rider took turns acting as a babysitter and advisor to the younger ones, and would do so until they were deemed full dragon riders and moved into the mountainside.

  She wondered if his visiting flight group would be housed in the same row of rooms. There were only a small number occupied. Having him just down the hall sent a shiver down her spine.

  She led him upstairs and down an interior corridor, then opened the door into her room. Garra tooted a greeting, and curled back into a ball on the ledge. There wasn’t much of a view beyond the purple dragon, as the rooms weren’t higher than the wall they had sat on, but it was her space. It felt more like home than the croft where she’d been born.

  The door shut behind them, and she turned. She almost ran into his chest again, he was so close on her heels. She looked up and met his eyes, and dared him to start what he teased on the wall.

  He took her face roughly in his hands. His palms warmed her cheeks. He tilted her head upwards again, and bent to lower his face close to hers. They breathed in each other’s air, but still he didn’t close the gap between them. She looked deep into his eyes, and saw gold flecks highlighting the green of his eyes. They were impossibly beautiful. She shut her eyes against him and sighed as a small smile lifted her lips.

  He lowered his face and their lips finally touched. Layla moaned into his kiss. He rumbled low in his throat in response. The sound vibrated through her with a resonance that tickled at her core. Her clit throbbed an answer, and she whimpered wordless need against his invading tongue. She was a McAlister; they didn’t surrender to anything easily. But she was more than willing to be his.

  His hand slipped down her back to cup her ass, then jerked her flush against his body. Layla would have moaned again if not for their deep kiss. She could feel the outline of him against her stomach, and he was big. She trembled to think of him easing inside her, pushing her until she clenched even tighter around him.

  She fisted her hands in his shirt and pulled him further into the room. They bounced off the small table and into a wall before she pulled him into the little alcove that held her bed. From there, she could see Garra’s curled form and the mountains rising above the castle. And she could also see Raif.

  He tugged at the laced on his shirt, then reached over his shoulder to grab the back and strip it off over his head. His abs rippled with the movement, and Layla almost groaned to see the sweet v lining his stomach and hips. Her hands ran up his chest blazing with heat, and she dragged her nails down his skin.

  Raif loomed over her. He planted a knee between her legs and urged her higher on the bed. His hands planted a cage around her body. He buried his face in the crook of her neck while his fingers quickly untied the laces on her shirt. She leaned up to ease the shirt off her shoulders, and saw his eyes fixed on the creamy flesh mounded underneath.

  He dropped his head to kiss the curve of her breasts. She tangled her fingers in his short, messy hair and held him to her. His hands reached to palm the heavy globes he had freed. He pinched her nipples between his fingers, the pink tips already pointed and pouting for attention. He kissed one, then the other. As she squirmed underneath him, he drew a wet spiral with his tongue and sucked one tight bud between his teeth.

  One nip, unexpected, made her hips buck upwards on his thigh. She gasped at the hard jolt to her clit. She dug her fingers into his hair, her breath panting. She rode his thigh again as he drew the other nipple into his mouth for the same treatment.

  A cool breath of air across the wet line he’d left on her chest made Layla writhe again. “And all this just from my tongue?” Raif asked huskily, blowing again on her chest. Layla responded by dragging her nails lightly down his back.

  Raif groaned, and she watched his eyes slip closed for a brief second. His nostrils flared with a deep sigh. She bit her lip. She wasn’t the only one who seemed to enjoy the other’s lightest touch.

  Raif broke their embrace, and Layla though he would remove his pants until she saw where he looked. He eyed the scarf crumbled on the stand next to her bed. She grew cold easily, and the wasn’t quite used to the chill of the open sky. It helped to have an extra layer between her riding gear and skin.

  But Raif wanted to use it for something that sent warmth spreading quickly through her veins. His eyes never left her face, even when he gripped her wrists. He stretched her arms over her head. She drew in a sharp breath as he looped the fabric around her wrists, then to the posts at the head of the bed. Even in his grasp, bound and helpless, she felt more in control than any other time of her life.

  Another scarf, dangling from a chest against the wall, was seized next. He lifted her head, and wound it tightly over her eyes. The world turned dark. Not even the tiny cracks of light above or below her blindfold revealed anything. Her heart raced in her throat, and she swallowed hard.

  “Tell me to stop, and I will,” Raif whispered in her ear. He nipped at the edge of her jaw, just hard enough to sting. Layla kept her lips closed.

  He reached a hand underneath her ass, fingers curling into the hem of her pants. She lifted her hips for him to whisk away the final piece of her clothing.

  Goose pimples followed a shiver throughout her entire body. Without her sight, or Raif’s warmth, Layla felt exposed. She could almost feel his eyes on her, studying her form spread out like a feast for him. She was bare, exposed, unprotected. Her heart pounded in her chest, and her cunt quivered just as heavily with liquid heat.

  “Gorgeous,” Raif’s voice filled her ear. His warm breaths heat her skin, and tickled down her neck. Then he disappeared again.

  A soft fingertip touched her, and she almost jumped. But there was nowhere to go. Raif had tied her securely to her own bed, and blindfolded her. She was his, utterly, and had no intention of telling
him to stop.

  She listened closely, trying to hear where he would touch her next. She couldn’t hear anything over the sound of her own panting breath and pounding heart. She jumped again when he caught her breasts in his hands again, rubbing tight circles over her soft flesh. She arched her back to push herself into his palms, but he already knew what she wanted. His fingers pinched at the tight peaks of her nipples, and she whined at the bolt that raced straight to her core.

  He kissed over the contour of her collarbone, up and down her neck, and back over her breasts. He drew his finger down her navel, down her thigh, and back up again and along the length of her wet cunt. She heard his breath catch as he searched out the little nub at her apex. Her lips parted and rounded around an invisible mouthful. She arched into his touch, unable to make any noise at all.

  “I bet no one has ever touched you like this, have they?” Raif’s voice sounded thick like honey.

  Layla nodded. She’d been with others, of course. One didn’t grow up in the shadow of the castle without feeling the lust of dragon’s mating. She’d also been chosen and captured by a rider during a Mating Moon Run. Even though she was no innocent, none had inflamed her every nerve the way Raif did.

  He eased one fingers, then two inside her, curling through her wet cunt to find all the quivering flesh he could want. And still, his thumb rubbed over her clit. Layla squirmed underneath him, and Raif answered by lower his head to her. His tongue replaced his thumb, and Layla cried out.

  He lapped at her gently, then swept his tongue hard over her. His fingers still curled inside played a beat against his tongue, and she was at his mercy.

  Layla gasped when he pushed her legs over his shoulders and sank further into her depths. He sought her pearl again, and lapped at the nerves until her hips bucked against him. Then he drew it into his mouth, mouthing her as he had her nipples. She keened low in her throat, and felt a rush of blood pounding in her ears.

  He played her right to the edge. Pressure bloomed in her core, and broke open, spreading throughout her body. Her heart beat hard against her chest as wave upon wave of pleasure crashed over her. Her legs trembled against Raif. He cupped her ass in his large hands, drawing out every last drop of the liquid heat that rushed through her veins.

  After an eternity, she felt the hot tip of his cock splitting her folds. Her mouth hung open to feel his weight against her and pushing inside her. The pressure of his thick cock sliding into her left Layla nearly cooing with pleasure. Her eyes slipped closed behind her blindfold.

  Her lips parted as soon as his met hers in a tender kiss. Her teeth found his lower lip and she bit sharply until he groaned. Briefly triumphant, she was wholly unprepared when his lips assaulted her again in a tangle of tongues and a clash of teeth.

  Her cunt twitched against him and begged him to move with her, but he only rested his weight against her. Her lips curved into a smile at his thoughtfulness; his size demanded accommodation. He wouldn’t take her roughly, even if she maddeningly wanted him to shove into her.

  He groaned as he sheathed himself to the hilt. Layla mimicked him with a cry of her own. She could feel him pressing against her and forcing her apart. Her skin prickled with the sensation, until she relaxed.

  A strong arm slipped under and around her to cup a breast. His fingers teased at her nipple slowly, circling the aching peak and then pinching it between his fingers. Just as she felt her hips bucking against him, she felt him slide out a fraction of an inch before planting himself back inside her.

  “Slowly, little pet.” He urged in her ear, a tension lining his words.

  Then he began moving.

  It felt right to be in his embrace. She could feel him filling her with each slow thrust, claiming her body, making her his one inch at a time. He timed his strokes to some infernally slow clock, each stroke longer than before. He lingered inside her, rocking against her, until her whole body shook with her oncoming release.

  She dug her fingers into her palms. He kept a beat with her, pushing inside while her hips rose to meet him. She quivered underneath him, and tugged him closer with her ankles locked behind his back. He sank further into her with a muttered curse.

  When his teeth clamped on a nipple, Layla came with a startled cry. The pain pushed her toward the pleasure, and every part of her exploded with it. She arched her back, and her cunt clenched hard against him. She choked back another cry as his fingers again found her swollen clit, and he carried her from more orgasm right into another.

  Layla breathed hard. She was dizzy even without her sight. And still Raif held her against him, softly lapping at her nipple as she regained some semblance of herself.

  But even as she enjoyed his gentle treatment, she craved more. She’d tasted it when he’d asked her about her experience, and she wanted it. She wanted him to claim all of her in his own way. The idea of being used for his purposes excited her more than anything.

  He loosed the ties to the bed, and rolled her over. Layla shivered as he pushed her forward to rest on her shoulders, and drew her arms behind her, tying them together. She tested the bonds and found she could barely make wings with her elbows.

  Raif parted her legs with his burning hands, but didn’t push into her. He rubbed his hands up the backs of her thighs, sending a wave of heat coursing through her. His hand rubbed the taut globes of her ass. Layla wiggled under him, desperate to feel him filling her again.

  Instead, he brought his hand down on her flesh. Hard.

  Layla jumped at the smack, which only earned her another. She struggled to move out from under him, but didn’t get far with her arms tied behind her back. “Raif!” She gasped.

  “Stop moving,” Raif ordered.

  Layla halted her protests, and remained still. His hands cupped her ass again, and she felt a little sting from the previous blows. It sent a thrill through her that she didn’t know existed.

  His cock slid up between the cleft of her ass to the small of her back. She sucked in a deep breath. Even feeling him inside, she had no idea just how large he was. His flesh was almost scalding hot.

  She tilt her hips and rubbed herself against him, earning another smack over the same aching handprint as before. She caught her lip between her teeth to hold in a moan.

  “That’s because you like it,” Raif said, with a touch of humor to his voice.

  Layla squirmed again, her thighs rubbing together in the slickness he’d teased out of her. Raif eased her hair off her neck, and planted his hot, wet lips against her nape. “You want more, don’t you, little pet?”

  Layla nodded. She managed to tear one ragged word from her throat. “Yes.”

  A flush heated her cheeks, and she knew it spread all over her body. She wiggled against him, knowing she was disobeying his order. As promised, his hand came down hard on her ass again. Layla couldn’t contain her moan as he brought her to the edge of pain.

  She wondered if he was able to indulge himself like this at Castle Kinley, or if she was a welcome release to his darkest desires. She felt a small pang of jealousy at the thought of sharing him with anyone else, especially in a way she’d never experienced before.

  All thoughts were brushed away as Raif nudged between her legs. His hand cupped her cunt. She worked hard to keep from grinding against him. She tried focusing on where his body was, but could only feel his hand on her entrance.

  “I can feel how you want more.” His voice dripped like melting wax on her skin, sending shivers down her spine.

  His hand rounded her curves, then swiftly landed on her ass again. As he did so, he plunged a finger into her depths. Her cunt clenched hard around him, riding the waves of pain and pleasure rocking through her stinging skin and stretching walls.

  Layla tried to catch her breath, but Raif’s hand came down again on her other cheek. He drew back from her cunt, only to plunge two fingers into her needy wetness. Layla stifled a moan as he began to pump his fingers.

  “Too much, little pet? I think you can tak
e everything I have to give you.” He whispered in her ear. He kissed the lobe, then rocked his hips hard into her until his hips rested against her ass. His thumb slipped between the warm globes of her ass, and she went still.

  Raif pressed against the tight opening, flexing his thumb in a slow circle. Layla’s breath stopped as she waited for his next move. Bound and blind, she was helpless against him.

  Raif mouthed his way up her spine to her ear. “But perhaps not tonight.”

  Layla tried to manage a response when Raif let loose a purely masculine noise. Pulling his fingers from her, he grabbed her hips and settled between her thighs. His thick cock probed at her cunt, stretching her open again. She whimpered at the sting on her ass and the pleasure of his burning rod pushing into her sensitive flesh.

  Even though he had taken her before, she needed a moment to fit him. Her heart thudded a fast beat in her chest. He stretched her apart, until every inch of her skin tingled. It was glorious and she didn’t want it to end. His breath brushed hot against her neck just before he pulled back and drove home.

  Layla let out a long breath that was immediately sucked back in when he fisted his hand in her hair and pulled her face to his. He kissed her deeply, filling her with his tongue and his cock at the same time. Grinding his hips into her ass, he reached around to find her clit. Demanding, almost brutal, he rubbed the tight bundle of nerves.

  It was overwhelming. Layla felt another release build inside her. It threatened to topple everything she considered to be herself, and replace it all with Raif pushing her to her limits. She shivered as his teeth grazed down the column of her throat and added to the knife’s edge of pain she already walked.

  His fingers dug into her hips, drawing her hard against him with each thrust. Skin slapped against skin as he pounded into her relentlessly. Layla felt a like a dragon curled inside her, ready to wake and breathe fire through her and over her.


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