Dragon Lords Volume 1: BBW Fantasy Romance Bundle

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Dragon Lords Volume 1: BBW Fantasy Romance Bundle Page 8

by Lyra Valentine

  But the lashes of his tongue and nibbles with his lips were short lived. He moved further down her body, nuzzling the bottoms of her ribs until a ticklish laugh erupted from her mouth and she wiggled away from his laughing mouth. His thumbs found her hips, then his hands were tracing the insides of her thighs and urging her open.

  Her knees fluttered apart as her eyes dropped closed. His warm breath huffed over her throbbing clit and she moaned.

  Gently, so gently she wasn’t sure she felt it at first, his mouth closed over her clit. He rolled the little nub between his lips until her thighs quivered around him. He held her legs apart to reach her, but she had no wish to close herself to him.

  Her hips moved against him with a will of their own, lifting and dipping with the motion of his head. His fingers found her slick cunt and stroked her until she felt a shiver begin deep inside her core. She tossed her head from side to side, not caring at the mess she made of her hair.

  Her breath came in frantic gasps when she fisted her hands in his hair. She clutched him to her, driving her hips to his mouth.

  He knew what she wanted without words. He curled his fingers under her ass, and spread her further, pushing her legs over his shoulder in the process. His mouth and tongue sought out her most sensitive parts, and liquid heat rushed to meet him.

  He swept his tongue hard over her, again and again, until a high-pitched whine left her lips.

  He pushed his fingers deep inside her needy cunt. Layla sucked in a hard breath, and her eyes shot open. She stared down at him, her eyes blazing with the heat she felt surging in her veins.

  She fell back again as his fingers curled inside her, stroking her even as his tongue lapped again at her clit. He set a rhythm that matched the pounding of her heart.

  With a sharp cry, Layla came. She pumped herself against his mouth, and clenched around the fingers still buried inside her. He moved slowly, wringing the last convulsions of pleasure from her before he moved away.

  She watched him with half-lidded eyes as he settled next to her. He stretched his arms high above him, then crossed them behind his head. There was a shadow to him that she couldn’t identify, and she wondered if it had anything to do with what weighed on her mind.

  With her euphoria fading, Layla thought of where Raif had been seated during the ceremony. A chill ran through her that his warm body couldn’t banish. He was still a Dragon Captain. There was still a threat to them.

  “Why didn’t you tell me you were the Captain?” She asked.

  He shifted uncomfortably. “I just wanted to be a person. I didn’t want to be the son of Dragon Lord Lowry. I didn’t want to be the Dragon Captain. I just wanted to be me. I thought you understood that.”

  The explanation rankled her. “And I thought you understood I could see beyond that. I know how it feels to have someone see your clan’s name, and stare right through you. Couldn’t you trust that I would be different?”

  He pulled her down against him. Layla shivered in spite of herself. She liked when he pulled her where he wanted her. She wouldn’t be distracted, and rose up on her arms to look him in his eyes.

  Raif made an irritated face. His voice lost some of its soft playfulness. “There’s also the fact that I outrank you, even here.”

  “I would have known that if you told me.” She tucked her head against his chest with a sigh. She wasn’t ready for a fight.

  “I just wanted to postpone the inevitable. I didn’t want you to worry about us.”

  “Keeping me in the dark doesn’t help. I could have let it slip to the wrong person, and brought down a whole mess of trouble on our heads.”

  “I didn’t peg you for a gossip.” The edge left Raif’s voice, and she could hear a hint of smile again.

  “You know what I mean!” She lightly punched his side.


  Raif stroked her hair away from Layla’s face. The blonde locks came undone so easily from any style she tried. His breath hitched. He owed her the truth, especially after keeping his position as Captain hidden. He knew she would see him, not name or titles. And he needed to become accustomed to the weight of responsibility. “I need to tell you something.”

  “Hm?” She asked sleepily.

  “Layla. I received word this morning that my father died. I need to go back to Castle Kinley and take up his mantle as Dragon Lord.”

  The news wasn’t surprising, or even that upsetting. The man was a father in name only. He rarely acknowledged Raif, except to take credit for his accomplishments. The hatchling instructor had been more of a father than Dragon Lord Lowry.

  Still, he needed to accept his position. Most of the castle liked him, and many assumed he would fill the position once his father passed. He didn’t expect to face any challengers, but there was always a possibility.

  He didn’t want to part from Layla. It made his leaving more difficult. Relations between castles were strained, and she came with quite a set of complications. Her clan ties would help him, should a challenge be made, but he didn’t want her to think it was the only reason he desired her. He would be lying if he told her he hadn’t considered what her name would bring him.

  “Gods above, Raif! You let me spout off nonsense with that weighing on you? I’m sorry.” Layla kissed his cheek, and had concern lacing her eyes when she sat up.

  Raif let his eyes wander down her body. Her full breasts were marked from his mouth. Her waist tucked in before her hips flared out. He ripped his eyes away before he had a chance to become distracted again. “We weren’t close,” he insisted.

  “Still, it’s not an easy thing to lose a part of your family.” She was quiet for a moment, then asked softly, “Does this mean you’ll be leaving?”

  He pulled her down across his chest. Her face was near hers, and he took advantage. When they parted, he sighed. “I want you to go with me. You’d help ease any potential challengers.”

  She shot straight up and stared hard at him. She nearly spat with rage. “Is that all I am to you? A quick way to score points because of the name behind me? I thought we understood each other. I won’t be with someone because they only see the value of the McAlister name!”

  He ground his teeth together. He’d hadn’t meant the last about her family at all. She knew how to handle herself precisely from her upbringing. He could use someone of with her skills to help put others in their place, and to keep him from wanting to bang heads into walls.

  He had enough to deal with without her acting like a cat thrown into water.

  “That’s not what I meant! If you’re too stubborn to see that, then I’ll just leave. I won’t beg you to go with me. You either want to, or you don’t.” Raif sat up and angrily pulled on his pants.

  “So you don’t deny you want the McAlister name with you.”

  He sneered. “Maybe I should just speak with Boyd. If all is true and Rutherford is spoken for, I’m sure Boyd would happily welcome a match with another Dragon Lord.”

  “Don’t you dare involve my brother! I will be the one to decide whom I marry!” Her eyes flashed dangerously.

  “With that attitude, it’s no wonder your brothers had a hard time finding you a suitor.” He knew the words were too much even as they poured out of his mouth, hot with slighted anger. He stiffened his spine before he could take them back. He didn’t have time to coddle her. He had a castle to run.

  Chapter Three

  Boyd McAlister knew he was painted into a corner. His time to foist Layla on Dungan Rutherford and make a match between a Dragon Lord and the McAlister clan grew short. He had half a mind to smash the small egg that called to his woman and ruined his plans.

  He did what he did best and whispered to his allies on the council, and told his brother Graeme to do the same. They still had an opportunity, and Boyd was determined to take it.

  Dungan eyed the council as he entered the room. He hated to find their heads together without him present, and hated it even more to be summoned by them. It meant they plotted agai
nst him. Boyd knew, because he instigated most of the plots. They were at odds most of the time, and Boyd had quickly learned Rutherford’s behavior since he had challenged his way to Dragon Lord.

  One of the crofters Graeme McAlister held in sway spoke first. “My Dragon Lord, you cannot remain unmarried any longer. Castle Sherwin needs a strong leader. There must not be a stain of impropriety upon you. There have been…rumblings in the crofts. How can our traditions continue if even the Dragon Lord won’t make attempts to continue the dragon rider line?”

  Dungan’s eyes were flat and his jaw clenched. Boyd hid his smile. The man didn’t appreciate being told what to do with his life. He needed to be brought to heel like a disobedient dog.

  “‘Rumblings?’” Dungan asked.

  The crofter nodded empathetically. Graeme watched him closely, and Boyd wondered what his brother offered the man to be such a willing lackey. “Yes, Dragon Lord. The crofters want to see you married and planting the dragon rider seed in your wife’s belly. A woman is fine for a dalliance, but she cannot be permanent. Any children she may have won’t be proper heirs.”

  Another dragon rider added, “They don’t want a repeat of your rise to power, if you’ll forgive me. You have served us well, but how can they be sure a successor will be just as kind? They remember seeing dragons streaming away from the castle. Dragons that have yet to come home.”

  It was a good ploy, Boyd thought. He had only touched on the point in their private discussions, but the man knew what to say. Dungan Rutherford was still sensitive about causing the castle riders to fight amongst themselves. Many riders protested Rutherford taking power, and left to other castles.

  “Especially with the passing of the late Dragon Lord Lowry. The castle must be strong against any potential threat.”

  Boyd shot a glance at the speaker. He hadn’t heard the news. Perhaps Layla had a suitor in the wings if this move turned sour. He would prefer she be in a castle he also occupied. It was easier to control someone if he could be in constant contact. The majority of the McAlister clan had built themselves up in the shadow of Castle Sherwin. It would take many springs to gain that sort of influence at Castle Kinley, should she be wed to Lowry.

  “Marnie Allaway has heard the call of a dragon just this morning. Were the lot of you blind to that? I will marry her. Riders and crofters will surely wait until she is through her training.” Rutherford crossed his arms, evidently thinking the argument over.

  Now was time for the argument to fully develop. Boyd thought there had been enough doubt and concern cast about. He raised his eyebrow to signal his planted dragon rider.

  The man, a respectable sort who generally went along with Rutherford, coughed politely. He’d taken much convincing, but the inevitability of the future swayed him to Boyd’s way of thinking. “There’s no guarantee the dragon will even hatch. We know the smallest of them sometimes do nothing but sit. Even the mated pair have pushed it to the side. Isn’t that a sign of its lack of viability?

  The man continued, “And if it does hatch, how long will it survive? Will the other hatchlings allow a runt to grow with them? Will such a creature do more harm than good to any flight group it’s assigned?”

  Dungan slapped the table. “Enough. I won’t speculate on my woman’s chances to become a dragon rider. I won’t discuss this further.”

  “Pardon, Dragon Lord. But that brings us back to our original sentiment. You must be married. We cannot wait until we see if this dragon hatches, and if it survives the training.” The crofter’s point trailed off under Rutherford’s steely gaze.

  The Dragon Lord flicked his eyes over Boyd. “You’re unusually silent, Boyd. Do you have someone in mind for my wife?”

  Boyd smiled pleasantly. It didn’t matter if the man knew he was behind the council’s position, as long as he abided the decision. Keeping his mouth shut allowed him to deny any of it to outsiders, and continue pulling the puppet strings when needed.

  He spread his hands wide. “The Dragon Lord is well aware that the McAlister clan is your strongest supporter, inside the castle and the crofts. It would be fortuitous to combine the clans. My youngest sister Layla does have a dragon, and she will be eligible to marry by the time the clutch hatches in a few short days. The delay wouldn’t be as long as waiting for Marnie Allaway, in the unlikely event her dragon hatches or survives training.

  “If the Dragon Lord doesn’t find Layla appealing, we have several other options to consider.” Boyd would personally see those other options took a long fall from the top of the castle if they even thought to take Layla’s place. He would see a McAlister breeding more little lords.

  Dungan shook his head. “I won’t discuss this any further.” He held up a hand to stave off more objections. “Should any rider or crofter take issue, they can make time to see me personally. I will explain the delay.”

  Boyd smiled, but ground his teeth together as soon as Dungan turned his back. The man was insufferable, and didn’t know when he had been beat. Boyd eyed Graeme, and nodded. They would force the man’s hand.

  Chapter Four

  Layla scowled at everyone around her with the fury of a thundercloud. She wanted to pack her things on Garra and fly away to live out their days on the highlands. The bards could make stories about them. The Ghost and the Wraith, she supposed they’d be called. Hunting whatever they wanted, and making camp wherever they chose. The best part would be the lack of expectations. Broken hearted as she was, she was still expected to be at the feast welcoming the newest dragon riders into their midst.

  But, skulking around as she had with Raif, no one knew why she was upset. They just assumed she was more prickly than usual, likely due to her brothers roaming the halls like cats in the cream.

  She entered the hall and glared at Raif’s flight group. They were seated at a table together, and the spot for the Captain was filled by someone else. He’d flown off the previous day to go run his castle. She wildly hoped it burned to the ground.

  She started to walk toward the table where her flight group had started to gather, when a hard arm wrapped around her shoulder. Turning, she saw Boyd at one side, and Graeme taking up a spot on her other side.

  “What do you want?” She hissed. She vividly imagined calling Garra down on their heads, burning them where they stood.

  “Cooperate, or I’ll have your toy killed.” Boyd’s voice was like a whip crack across her face.

  He knew. By the flame, she didn’t know how, but he knew. Graeme’s questioning glance made her think he didn’t, but that wasn’t surprising. Unless Boyd wanted Graeme to know something, he was usually in the dark.

  The threat on Raif’s life made Layla stiffen between them. A deep chill settled in her bones. She knew Boyd meant the threat. One of her first lovers, a short boy with kind eyes, had disappeared from the croft after Boyd found them together. No suspicion ever fell on Boyd, and she knew better than to open her mouth to disparage the favorite son.

  A Dragon Lord in another castle would be a challenge. But she didn’t doubt Boyd would manage it, again so no one saw him in a bad light. He’d arrange a hunting accident, or have someone slip poison into Raif’s drink. No honor it in, but Boyd was past honor. He only wanted to hurt her.

  They said nothing more, but she wondered what schemes Boyd planned to hatch. His wide mouth curled in an unpleasant grin as he ushered her forward.

  She stumbled as they neared the dais at the head of the hall. She tried to stop, but they kept pushing her on. Panic clutched her throat. They knew about Raif. Were they going to bring her for punishment to the Dragon Lord?

  No. It was much worse. The seat next to Dungan was empty. Marnie Allaway, his woman, usually occupied the spot. A wild glance around showed Layla that Marnie was with the newest dragon riders. It made sense for her to become acquainted with her group, even though she held another position in the castle.

  Boyd yanked out the chair and forced Layla down. The rest of the council seated at the table didn’t
appear surprised.

  “What is the meaning of this?” Dungan asked.

  Boyd clapped loudly. It quieted the hall and turned everyone’s attention to him. “We’re glad you’ve come to reason and accepted my sister as your bride!” He said loudly enough for those in the back to hear.

  Layla started to shake her head, but Boyd’s fingers dug painfully into her shoulder. She stilled under his grip. ‘Cooperate, or I’ll have your toy killed’ repeated itself in her mind.

  God above, she hoped Marnie would forgive her.

  She hoped Dungan wouldn’t hate her.

  She prayed Raif would forget her.

  “As the men of the McAlister family, we see no reason to wait. Quickly, call in the priest!” Boyd waved someone in from the back of the hall.

  Layla’s eyes widened when she saw the castle’s old priest hobbling forward. He hiccupped, and she knew he was drunk. The man never let his flask run dry, and she was certain Boyd had filled him with wine before dragging him to wait for his call. The handfasting would take place that night in the hall, with the entire castle to witness. There would be no denying it took place.

  Dungan’s eyes flashed dangerously. Layla sat back, horrified by the anger she saw in the green. She looked to Boyd and Graeme, and saw both men take a step back.

  “I refuse.” The words were quiet, but sliced through the din of the hall.

  Layla clutched the collar of her dress. She knew he wasn’t refusing her, per se. He was refusing the marriage forced on them both. She wanted to kiss him for it, though she was scared what he’d do if she tried.

  Her eyes sought out Marnie in the crowd. She should be in her seat, waiting to complete the handfasting. Dungan and Marnie should be wed, not Dungan and Layla. Instead of finding someone inconsolable, Layla saw Marnie with a sly smile on her face. What was the woman up to?


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