Human By Day, Zeta By Night

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Human By Day, Zeta By Night Page 6

by Judy Carroll

  “I’m sorry I can’t tell you exactly what the true name is, but I feel that when the time is right you’ll know. So there you are Ali Cat. I can’t explain this any more clearly because I really don’t understand it myself, but I just want you to know that your birth was not accidental or for no reason. In fact, I feel you have something very special and important to do with your life, and these abilities you have are a part of it. You know we love you very much, and will always be there for you whenever you need us.”

  I felt more tears welling in my eyes, and I threw my arms around her, holding her tightly. “I’m sorry!” I cried, “I’m so sorry! I love you too and I really didn’t mean that about wishing I’d never been born. It’s just that I get so frustrated sometimes because I know there’s something important that I have to remember, but it won’t come to me no matter how hard I try to think of it!

  “And now while you were telling me all of this, I felt like my head was going to burst with the effort of trying to remember. And you know something else that is really weird?” I went on. “How is it that I have all these strange abilities that others don’t have, but when it comes to doing ordinary ‘physical’ things, things like cooking and sewing, and playing games at school, that everybody else just takes for granted, I’m completely hopeless, almost as if I’m all fingers, or all thumbs. In fact, it’s almost like I have trouble getting my physical body together. Do you suppose there’s a connection here somewhere?”

  “Goodness me, Ali Cat,” my mother laughed, giving me a cuddle. “Who knows? Maybe you come from some strange and highly advanced race of alien beings who have long since moved away from the need for physical bodies and such mundane activities as cooking, sewing and playing tennis. I suppose that would explain your questionable abilities in the kitchen and on the sports field.”

  “Wow!” I exclaimed, “That would be funny, wouldn’t it? I’d better not mention that at school, especially around Patricia. Hey! Maybe she’s right — maybe I really do have some strange, alien body hidden away just below the surface of my human body, just like she said I did when I mysteriously appeared in her room that night.”

  My mother and I sat looking at each other, neither quite knowing what to say, then she broke the spell by jumping up from the couch in an uncalled-for flurry of nervous haste and brisk efficiency.

  “Come on then, Ali Cat! Let’s have another go at teaching you how to cook dinner!”


  Chapter 8 Making Soul Connections

  It was on one of my favorite walks through the bush land bordering our property when I decided to make a detour down a rough and rutted track that I had not previously explored. The time of day was perfect for adventure — early morning, with the dew sparkling on blades of grass like myriad diamonds, and tiny, scintillating flashes of life-force energy glinting and gleaming in swirling fragments of golden light around every leaf and branch, every tree and bush. I was filled with gladness and gratitude for the gift of this deeper way of seeing, and of being able to sense so intensely the vital forces of nature all around me.

  I rounded a bend in the track and came upon a clearing in which was parked an old and battered but brightly painted caravan of the type Gypsies favor. An old woman with the dark and weather-beaten features of the travelling folk was sitting under the shade of a tree, weaving a small basket out of lengths of dried grass. She looked up as I approached, smiling a warm and friendly greeting.

  “Good day to you, child. I see there is no need to ask if you are well this fine morning. You are all lit up like a Christmas tree. Have you been off dancing with the spirits of nature?”

  My mouth dropped open in surprise, and it was several moments before I could collect my thoughts enough to answer: “Yes, I have, but how can you tell? I thought I was the only one who seemed to be aware of such things. Can you really see my aura and the Nature Spirits?”

  “Oh, goodness me, yes child! Even easier than I can see you, now that my old eyes are beginning to fail. Some of our people have this gift or ability, not all mind you, but certainly those few who can trace their soul lineage back to that small group of us who first came to this planet long ago. Come and sit here beside me, and I’ll tell you, on one condition, that you don’t breathe a word of this to others. It is part of our sacred, secret lore that not even many of our own people know of, as it is only passed down to certain ones. Do you understand and promise me this?”

  “Yes, of course I promise! As I’ve found out from my own experiences, no one would believe me anyway, so your secret teachings are quite safe with me. But you don’t even know me. Why are you telling me these things?”

  “Because, child, I can see by the energy and colors surrounding you that you have a great deal of inner knowledge that you have not as yet been able to tap into, and this forgetfulness is causing you to feel a sense of deep loss and disquiet. I can also see that you are here on this planet to carry out certain work. I sense a deep and ancient link between us, and I feel that if you can come to understand a little more of who you are and where you came from, it will be helpful to you. I have my suspicions … but only time will tell.

  “Now come and sit down, child. You’re Ali, right?”


  “Ok, Ali. It’s good to meet you. I’m Mara.”

  She waited patiently for me to settle myself beside her, then continued: “Our people travelled here long, long ago as part of a group known as the Guardians, who came to Earth in order to help humans wake up to a higher level of soul awareness. These humans had been trapped in mortal bodies back in the time of Atlantis and had not been able to evolve spiritually to higher realms. As far as we knew, the ones who had perpetrated this cruelty had moved on, and so we set up our little community inside a mountain cave in the northern part of India to get on with our appointed task of making things right again.”

  My eyes widened in wonder, and Mara asked if I understood. I nodded my head, so she continued.

  “Unbeknown to us, the negative group still had a base close by, and soon we came under attack. They were determined to stop the Earth humans from progressing any further, desiring to keep them in a state of ignorance and forgetfulness in order to make slaves of them. We did our very best to protect our charges, but there were only a few thousand of us — not nearly enough to hold out against the other group.

  “Our teaching tells us that these negative ones have a magical weapon which has the effect of trapping a person’s soul inside the physical body. The soul then forgets its true state of immortality and becomes imprisoned, never able to move on to higher realms beyond the illusions of the astral plane.

  “This terrible weapon was used to defeat our own people, and so we too became trapped on Earth along with our human charges, but because we are of the Guardian Race, we managed to retain a little of the higher knowledge. A very few of us, like myself, have even regained much of the memory of who and what we truly are.

  “For many millennia our people remained, trapped and forgetful, in the underground place, until eventually a small group of us managed to find our way out. Since then we have wandered on the face of Planet Earth, refugees from elsewhere and without a land to call our own. Whenever we make an attempt to settle somewhere, the dark forces of fear and superstition eventually intervene, forever seeking us out and moving us on, seeming to sense at some deep level that certain ones of us hold the key — the sacred knowledge from the dawn of time which would enable humanity to escape the bonds of ignorance and forgetfulness.

  “Rescue missions have been attempted, but they too have fallen victim to the traps set in place by the negative forces and became ensnared in a state of amnesia. However, I have lately been seeing certain signs and portents that others are now returning from higher realms to lend their assistance. We have waited patiently for them, guarding the ancient knowledge as best we could, and trying our hardest to preserve the sense of magic and sacredness that has almost disappeared from the face of the Earth, buried
beneath layers of fear-induced cynicism and superstition.

  “Earth humans have forgotten that it’s more important to have great spirit and imagination than great intellect and power. We miss our ancient family deeply, and the spiritual unfolding of all Earth humans has been blocked since their departure.”

  The old woman’s eyes filled with tears as she spoke of the lost family, and I too found my vision blurring and a lump rising in my throat that would not go away. Her talk of work needing to be completed on Planet Earth was stirring something deep inside me, and for a fleeting moment I had a vivid recollection of a blinding, wrenching crash, intense pain and fear, then blackness. Then I found the old woman bending over me, her eyes full of concern.

  “Are you all right, little one? You’ve gone as white as a ghost.” She placed her hand on my shoulder and I felt warmth and strength pass from her hand through my whole being, instantly making me feel better. I didn’t want to move. I wished I could just stay forever, drawing on this beautiful energy.

  Then another figure appeared, walking briskly along the dirt track leading to the campsite. I immediately recognized him as a boy from school. He was a year older, and, even though he was always kind to me, we had never really gotten to know each other.

  “Hello, Ali!” he called out in friendly greeting, “What are you doing here? I didn’t know you lived close by or that you knew my grandmother.”

  “Your grandmother!” I exclaimed, looking at the old woman in surprise. “I didn’t know you were Romany! Why haven’t you ever said so?”

  “Why bother!” he answered glumly, “You know how the other kids at school would carry on if they knew. As far as I’m concerned, the less they know the better. Look at the way they tease you all the time. I don’t want to cop that. It’s bad enough having a foreign name, but if they find out I’m a Gypsy too, and that I live in a caravan with my Granny, that would be way too much for their limited minds to handle!”

  “Paco!” the old woman scolded, “How many times do I have to tell you? They are young souls who do not know any better. Since your dear parents died and you have come to live with me, how often have I explained these things to you? They are children in both body and mind, and with most of them, even when their bodies grow to adulthood, their minds remain immature, so we must be tolerant and not reciprocate in anger. Two negatives do not make a positive, you know that! This is a lesson you especially must learn if you wish to become a priest, as you say you do. If a priest cannot practice tolerance and understanding, then who can?”

  Paco sighed and sat down beside me. “Yes, Granny, you’re right, and I’m sorry I got angry, especially in front of Ali, who is our guest. Please don’t let me interrupt. What were you talking about?”

  “Ali and I have been speaking of ages long past,” the old woman answered, and then turned to me. “Ali, do you have any questions?”

  “Yes, please,” I answered. “Could you explain something for me? You spoke of being able to see the Nature Spirits, as I can. Are these the Guardians you are talking about? Are they the same beings?”

  “In a way, yes, for they too are of a higher, finer realm than the physical plane, and they are also caretakers of energy. The role of the nature spirits is to take care of the mineral, plant and animal kingdoms, whereas the Guardians of whom I speak work more with human energy. In times gone by, when mortal man was more innocent and less technologically minded, on those occasions when one of them was taken by the Guardians, as still happens now, by the way, they believed that they had been transported to fairyland, because the wonder of what they saw and experienced on their journey was way beyond their comprehension.

  “For the Guardians, time runs differently, so the human ‘abductee’ would find to their amazement that hours and sometimes even days had passed, whereas to them only moments seemed to have gone by before they were returned safely to their home and bed. Sometimes they carried no memory at all of what had befallen them, but awoke to find strange marks upon their bodies seemingly inflicted by the ‘Fairy Folk.’ Often too they experienced a great fear which could not be explained, or else a deep sense of loss and sadness, which caused others to believe they had been bewitched.

  “You see,” she went on, “it was exactly the same experience then that those who are taken on board the UFOs are having now, but it is simply the Guardians continuing to carry out their work with humans.”

  As she spoke I sat entranced, for her words stirred strange feelings inside me that I could not quite manage to express. Then the moment passed as Paco interrupted my train of thought with a question of his own. “Granny,” he asked, “are these Guardians the Angels that we are taught about at school?”

  “Yes, sort of,” she answered him. “Probably more like assistants to the Angels. Angels are of a higher dimension, but all of these various ones work together like a grid system, filtering the sacred energy of the Source down through the levels so that it can be safely accessed by humans and other physical creatures, to assist in their growth and evolution. In the ancient Indian language of Sanskrit upon which our own Romany language is based, the word Deva is used to describe these ones. It translates simply as Shining One, and those humans who have had experiences with the beings of these finer dimensions will know that they often appear as a shining orb of light. Why, it is from this word ‘Deva,’ that our Romany word for God — Devlesa, is derived. It certainly has nothing whatsoever to do with the devil, as some folk have believed in the past, even going so far as to accuse us of devil worship because of it!

  “The Guardians are indeed a very ancient race of beings whose origin goes back way beyond that of the human race of Planet Earth, or possibly any other planets for that matter. Depending upon the sort of work they are carrying out, they do sometimes manifest upon the physical plane and can even take their place among us, looking like any other human. They work with energy, assisting first in the initial process of creation, then, as each being grows and evolves, the Guardians are responsible for assisting the transmutation of the soul energy of that being to higher and higher levels of spiritual awakening.

  “For eons past they were present in the universe, nurturing and watching, adjusting and assisting in the process of growth and development on many planets. Since the time of Atlantis not many of them have elected to manifest on Earth as physical beings, but have preferred to stay hidden in the finer dimensions, still close enough to keep an eye on our progress, but far enough removed to be protected from the disharmonies and imbalances which have befallen this planet since the interference which brought about the Fall of Man. They are interdimensional as well as extraterrestrial beings, which explains the strange and intangible nature of the contacts humans have had with them.

  “What many down here fail to understand, or perhaps have forgotten, is that true evolution takes place on the soul level through reincarnation. This is a natural path of spiritual growth, but on Earth this flow has been disrupted and blocked for many people. My sense tells me that it is now time for the Guardians to intervene — to bring things back into balance and wake the humans up before they destroy themselves and their planet with their technology and lack of soul awareness.”

  Then I just had to ask, “Mara, my family was talking to me about reincarnation only the other day. Can you tell me, have we shared past lives with the family we have in this life?”

  “Oh, yes, Ali, most definitely! Often the family we’re born into in the present life is actually part of what could be referred to as our ‘soul family,’ with whom we have shared many lives, and are intimately connected to on an energy level.”

  “What do you mean? I don’t quite understand.”

  “Well, child, to put it simply, everybody, whether in physical or spirit form, is part of a ‘soul family,’ which can span several dimensions. This is why sometimes when you meet up with someone for the first time, you feel an instant rapport with that person, and you may even see yourself reflected in them. Some people refer to this expe
rience as linking with their ‘soul mate,’ which simply means that they are part of the same soul family.”

  “But what is it that makes people part of the same soul family?” I wanted to know. “What makes them so similar?”

  “It’s a matter of vibrational, or energy frequencies,” Mara explained. “Tell me, child, do you learn about such things as radio and TV wave lengths at school, and how each station broadcasts on a particular frequency band of its own?”

  “Yes, we’ve been taught a bit about that.”

  “Well,” she went on, “to put it simply, each radio and TV station broadcasts on its own unique frequency band. That is why each station has its own identification or ‘call sign’ if you like, made up of certain letters and numbers, so listeners can know where it is on the dial, and differentiate between the various frequencies. In this way you can choose the station you wish to tune into.

  “For example, one station may be broadcasting a program of classical music, and others may be presenting a news report, a sports program, or whatever, all at exactly the same time, but they don’t impinge upon each other because of the fact that they are broadcasting on different frequency bands, whereas members of the same soul family operate on similar frequency bands. People, like radio stations, all have their own unique energy wavelengths, but some are more similar than others. When you have several operating on similar wavelengths, you have a soul family. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

  “Sort of, but you said before about soul families spanning different dimensions. If that’s the case, how can they vibrate on similar wavelengths? Aunt Malila once told me about ghosts, and how they vibrate at a higher frequency than people in physical bodies. She explained how that’s why they can pass straight through closed doors and solid walls, and why most often we can’t see them.”

  “Ah! That is quite easy to answer, Ali. You do know about different octaves in music, don’t you?”


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