Human By Day, Zeta By Night

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Human By Day, Zeta By Night Page 10

by Judy Carroll

  The following weeks proved to be quite a challenge for me. Each night found me on board the disc with Maris, and the other Elders and workers who were connected to that particular “Workshop,” as we affectionately refer to the huge Mothership on which some of our people spend their whole lives. For the first couple of weeks Maris came every night to fetch me, but once I got my confidence back, and a deeper understanding of the process, I was able to board on my own if Maris was busy.

  The first time I tried this exercise alone was quite amusing. Still not quite brave enough to walk through the closed door, I made my “escape” through an open window and walked around to the back of the house where I knew the disc would be waiting for me. As I rounded the corner I caught sight of my Teacher, who had thoughtfully come out to meet me. He was obviously expecting me to exit from the back door of the house, and so as I approached, his back was facing towards me as he casually leaned against a corner of the pergola.

  Just for a fleeting moment a deep tremor of fear ran through me at the sight of the tall, thin, black-clad being in the darkness of the garden. The disc had just landed, and a strong wind of displaced energy was still blowing, causing Maris’s cape to billow around him like some dreaded nightmare figure.

  Then, sensing my presence he turned, greeting me. “And how is my ‘angel in disguise’ tonight? All ready for a bit of work?”

  Immediately my Guardian consciousness awakened more fully, enveloping me in a wave of deep peace and love. The bond between a Worker and their Elder/Teacher is very deep, like that between a human child and parent. When we are separated, we feel as if an intrinsic part of our own being is missing — being together is our ultimate joy and completion.

  There was so much for me to learn, or rather simply remember, to bring things that I already knew to a more conscious awareness. Entire lifetimes had been forgotten as a result of the amnesia-inducing force-field of my human birth.

  After a while I began to more clearly understand the process which took place each night when it was time for me to go to work on the disc. At first I worried about what would happen if my parents came into my room and found me gone, but then one night I happened to glance backwards as Maris helped me up, and discovered to my amazement that my physical body was still lying peacefully on the bed, sound asleep. I looked at the “body” I was in and it seemed perfectly normal and solid, but I realized then that it was my astral body. So why couldn’t I walk straight through the closed door or walls of the house as Maris did?

  Then I saw a twinkle in my Teacher’s eyes. “Come on then,” he said. “Come and have a go. It’s just a matter of having faith and trust in yourself, and knowing you can. It will be the same when you’re able to fully accept yourself as part of the Guardian Consciousness as opposed to being an Earth human. Oh, don’t worry!” he chuckled, highly amused at the panicked thought that sprang immediately into my mind. “Your physical Earth human body will remain the same. After all, you have physically incarnated as a human on Planet Earth, so your human container is not going to suddenly turn into a gray container, but once you step out of that human ‘costume’ it’s a different matter. In the greater reality, of course, you are an immortal spiritual essence — a light body in physical form. Remember, as a Guardian soul, if you do need to carry out physical duties up on the disc or on one of our space stations, we’ll provide you with one of the gray ‘Zeta-type’ containers to put on, which have been specifically developed for such purposes.

  “However, Alarca,” he added, “we can take full advantage of the situation as we did when we visited the boy in Russia. There are a great number of others we are working with on Planet Earth who are just as afraid of our appearance, but with you accompanying us, dressed as you are in your present human form, you can speak to them and assist in calming and reassuring them.”

  “Can’t you just shape shift and take on such a disguise?”

  “Yes, we could, but you’re more accustomed to being an Earth human. Come on then, let’s get you walking through doors and walls! Don’t worry, I’ll help you.”

  Once I got the knack of it, it was great fun. After going backwards and forwards through the locked door of the house several times, Maris stopped me. “Come on Alarca, that’s enough. If you keep doing it over and over again you’ll wake up tomorrow with a pain in your stomach. Now let’s get on board. Duty calls!”

  School holidays passed way too quickly, as they always do, and in no time my freshman year in high school began, but with a slight difference — Maris expected me to also attend “Guardian school” every night. I thought Saturday Greek school was bad!

  The classroom setting on board the disc wasn’t very different from human school, except that the desks were set up in tiered rows more like a university lecture hall than a school classroom, and the other small difference was that everybody was a Guardian. We sat two to a desk, with a total of 30 students to each class.

  I soon came to realize that all of us attending these classes were ones who, like me, lived on other worlds in physical forms native to those worlds. In fact during break, we often amused ourselves by changing our form to that of the world on which we lived, and everyone else had to try to guess which planet it was. This was good practice in learning to control our thoughts, because unless we shielded our minds completely, the others could simply tune in telepathically to get the answer.

  Our classroom lessons were most necessary, to give us an intimate understanding of universal life-force energy, which we in turn would then be able to pass on to the native humanoid species of these various worlds in which we had taken up residence in order to carry out our work. We also had to learn about the history of our own people, and the important part we’ve played in the universe, as well as everything that we’ve forgotten about the many physical planets and their inhabitants, so the curriculum was quite extensive. Because Planet Earth is in the process of a major shift in vibrational frequency, many of us in class were manifesting physical human form on Earth at this time, to lend assistance.

  In our day-to-day human lives, most of us were separated by great distances, living out our Earthly existences in many various places, but each night on board the disc we came together in mutual learning and support, helping and encouraging each other as much as we could. Each one of us was well aware of the difficulties we faced in human life on an immature planet like Earth. Some of us were aware of our dual identity in our human minds, some were not, but up on the disc everybody knew exactly who and what they were.

  Tonight’s lesson was history, and it was to be delivered by Maris, who specializes in this field. Having been a Guardian Elder of the Realm Consciousness for the span of many millennia, Maris has an intimate knowledge of both the first three levels of reality that comprise the physical universe, as well as those higher frequency bands that comprise our Guardian reality. As an Elder and Teacher, he is clearly cognizant of the role our people have played in the scheme of things from many millennia ago to the present day.

  Allowing us a few minutes to settle down, he took a sip of yellow-colored vitamin drink from the vial he kept in his pocket. He’d been working hard in the clinic all evening, carrying out genetic work on a number of Earth humans who’d been brought on board, and planned to return to this after the class, so he had not bothered to step out of the biological gray container he donned for that specific purpose. The ones we use for these medical procedures usually have four fingers on each hand to make the handling of delicate instruments easier, and being biological, these containers need to be nourished on a regular basis while we’re in them.

  “Now class,” he began, tucking the vial away safely and leaning back against the desk to regard us through huge, dark eyes. “I will begin tonight’s lecture with a quick overview of the universal cycle, or what we call the Human Ladder. I’m aware that many of you who’ve been assigned duties on Planet Earth and chosen birth into human bodies down there, have been adversely affected by the amnesia screens during th
e entry process, and so have temporarily forgotten this vital knowledge that is necessary for the type of work you are undertaking.

  “Before we start, how many of you don’t fully understand this cycle?”

  A number of hands went up, including mine.

  “Right, then,” said Maris, “it’s really important for all of you who carry out work on other worlds and in other dimensions to understand it clearly, so that you know what you are dealing with in your contacts with other galactic cultures. To put it simply, the Human Ladder is a term we use for the path of soul evolution that all human species follow through the universal cycle, gradually ascending through ten levels of deepening and expanding conscious awareness which we call ‘galactic levels.’

  “Those of you who are residing in Human containers on Planet Earth have probably been taught about the emergence of the Earthling species according to the beliefs of the culture into which you have been born. Needless to say, with such a diversity of cultures on Earth, there are many different versions of this Creation story. Why, in Western Society alone there are two vastly different mind-sets at play on this quite controversial subject! On one side there are those who believe without question that the Genesis story in the Bible is correct, while others insist equally strongly on the scientific concept of evolution. Then again, according to much of the Indigenous folklore, mankind emerged from inside the Earth so, as with many concepts on the planet, there is a great deal of divisiveness pertaining to this issue. As you have most likely gathered, Earth humans tend to be rather caught up in duality and separation, and just cannot manage to ‘get it together’ as it were!”

  A ripple of amusement ran through the classroom, especially among those of us who’d been assigned duties on Planet Earth for the span of a human lifetime.

  “Yes,” said Maris with a knowing look. “I see those of you who are enjoying a ‘working holiday’ on Earth can really relate to what I am saying.” Understanding looks were exchanged between a number of us, and several other heads nodded in sympathy, having “been there and done that” on previous assignments. Still others who were planning to carry out Earth Plane duties in the near future looked decidedly worried.

  Maris continued. “The understanding, or lack of it, of human evolution on Planet Earth is a prime example of the dualistic and divided way that human thought processes operate on that planet, and the reason for this is that they are only on the first galactic level of the Human Ladder — on the first ‘rung’ so to speak. Their conscious awareness is still very underdeveloped, for like all humanoid beings residing on the first universal level, they only have access to one-tenth of their full consciousness potential. Remember that some of them have not long evolved past the animal kingdom out of which their physical containers were developed, and so many of the natural instincts carried over from their predecessors are still deeply rooted within their psyches.

  “In fact, it is the territorial instinct of the animal kingdom that gives rise to the war-like nature of Earth Man. Many of them still feel an instinctive need to dominate their own territory and to invade the territory of others, to prove how ‘mighty’ and how ‘powerful’ they are. Some will even go so far as to reject, or even kill a fellow human who does not fit within the accepted physical or cultural pattern of a particular society, belief system or nation. It is this instinctive fear of outsiders, of anyone who is different and not part of the ‘herd,’ that is the root of all problems on Earth, and this is one of the main objectives that we are aiming for in our dealings with this planet. There is a great need for them to learn that just because someone may look different, does not necessarily mean that person is an enemy.

  “On the subject of human evolution, there is a grain of truth in all of the various concepts taught on Planet Earth, but all are incomplete. The Indigenous folk come closest to the truth with their acknowledgement of our Star Nations having visited Earth in the distant past. In this way their beliefs encompass the whole universe rather than being limited to just one small planet.

  More ripples of amusement spread over the room.

  “Now, as I said before,” he went on, “Planet Earth is, at the moment, on level one, and therefore the native inhabitants of that planet are able to consciously access only 10% of their total mind capacity. However, Earth is in the process now of moving up to level-two consciousness. The vibrational frequency of the planet has increased quite dramatically over the past few years as part of this evolutionary process, and so those inhabitants who are not able to remain in harmony with their planet’s growth are going through all manner of problems, as we are so well aware.”

  One of the students who wasn’t familiar with human life on Earth put her hand up. “Maris, do you know when this process will be completed?”

  “Hopefully things will start to improve by 2012,” he answered, “providing of course that we can overcome the mind control and brainwashing processes that are still being carried out there on a daily basis. These are blocking Earth humans’ progress badly, but at the same time, free will still applies, and many of them simply do not want to progress. They believe that they are the ultimate life form in the whole universe and therefore do not need to improve themselves any further. Some of them even believe that, just because they have the technology to build the biggest bomb, they have reached the peak of ‘civilization!’ This concept is of course being promoted by the Controllers, with whom we must contend.”

  A wave of sadness passed through the whole room as we considered the problems facing this young and spiritually blocked race of beings that we, as Guardians and caretakers of energy, had to try to deal with in so short a space of time.

  Picking up on our feelings, Maris intervened quickly to get us back on track. “Now remember, all of you, everybody evolves eventually, so there is hope yet for Planet Earth! If we can just help her inhabitants to move up to galactic level two, they will then be able to consciously access two-tenths of their mind capacity, and of course their spiritual understanding will then deepen through subsequent lives as they gradually progress upwards. With a minimum of ten lives on each level, by the time Earth humans have even reached the second and third stages, as have our Pleiadian, Arcturian and other friends, they will have manifested lives in many diverse human forms and planetary cultures, and therefore will have much more understanding and appreciation of the oneness of all creation.

  “By the time they evolve to the top of the third galactic level, their physical bodies will begin to look more like the containers we use, with a very simple physical form and much larger head to accommodate the greater brain and consciousness capacity. It is of course at this stage that mind focus begins to move beyond limited physical plane reality.

  “Now then,” he said, looking around the room, “as I’m sure you all know, the next phase of soul evolution — that which has its beginnings at galactic level four, is where we Guardians are in our soul journey. From level four upwards, the need and desire to reincarnate onto worlds of physical matter has virtually disappeared. Those residing on these higher levels have moved beyond that to a point where we are fully cognizant of the fact that ‘we’ are not the body ‘We’ — the being, the personality — are pure soul essence, pure light energy. Thus those on levels four and five of the Human Ladder are moving even further away from the need for physicality and deeper into pure mind/spirit.

  “Once we evolve to galactic level six, our transmutation and healing work with members of the human kingdom becomes our main focus, as many of you here are now doing, and at level seven we begin training as Teachers, as others of you are involved in at the present time. Those at level eight are the Teachers and Elders like myself, and those at levels nine and ten are, of course, known on Earth as ‘Angels.’ They are caretakers of energy throughout the universe, and those of us working at the Guardian levels below them are their assistants, carrying out work in places and situations where the energy is too dense for level nines and tens to enter.”

do realize all this can be rather confusing, because within the Guardian consciousness, or what we call the Realm, we also have our own levels within the galactic levels, so those of us at level four on the Human Ladder are only at level one within the Realm. So to summarize, we begin interacting with humans at level three, teacher training is at four, and at level five of Guardian consciousness we become teachers. The angelic guardians are on ascending levels above that.”

  One sitting next to me asked, “So if as Guardians we’ve moved past the need for physical form, is that why, if we do have a physical body at all, it is always very simple, and rather different from a human container?”

  “Yes, absolutely!” Maris answered. “Unlike human races dwelling upon those planets on the first three levels of the Human Ladder, we are not permanently part of the physical universe, and therefore we are not focused on the physical plane. Earth humans direct so much of their energy into physicality and judge others on what they perceive as physical beauty. Consequently, when they see us in our very simple gray containers, they become scared. They do not understand that physical form and appearance is of no importance whatsoever. When we appear before them clad only in our light bodies, they believe we are angels or fairy folk, but if we put on our gray containers, as we must in order to carry out physical tasks, then they see us as ‘monsters’ or ‘evil aliens.’ That, unfortunately, is just how the Earth human mind works!

  “The Angelic Guardians of the ninth and tenth galactic levels are so completely focused in the reality of pure soul/God essence that they very rarely put on any sort of container or carry out physical work at all. When they do enter the world of human perception in order to assist in the dying process, they simply tune in to the mind of the one with whom they wish to interact, and manifest an image of what that person expects an angel to look like. This image often rather resembles the Pleiadians, or one of the other human species from the second galactic level.


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