Human By Day, Zeta By Night

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Human By Day, Zeta By Night Page 23

by Judy Carroll

“Don’t get me wrong;” I went on, “psychic ability is fine if it’s used to assist others to look within in order to help them find their own hidden potential, which hopefully will enable them to develop self-empowerment — but it must not be used in an interfering way. Remember our conversation on the disc about the astral plane — that it is not very much higher than the physical plane? Well there are parts of it that are actually lower in frequency.”

  “Do those lower parts by any chance relate at all to the Catholic’s view of hell and purgatory?”

  “Yes, and a spirit can certainly be drawn to these regions after physical death and become trapped in the torments of this plane of existence for as long as they refuse to let go of whatever negative-behavior patterns that drew them there in the first place, especially if that’s what they believe. However, for ones trapped in these lower regions, there is no such thing as eternal damnation, for no one is ever eternally lost. Help is always available if and when the trapped spirit truly seeks love and forgiveness and is ready to move on to higher frequencies.

  “What is really important to understand in all of this is that the raising of your vibrational frequency to higher levels is what soul evolvement and spiritual development is all about. This is the all-important link between science and religion that has been lost to the majority of Earth humans, and is the crux of the transmutation work that the Guardians are carrying out down here. To learn to meditate at this time is so important, because such practices have the effect of speeding up and refining the energy frequency of humans, whereas mind-altering drugs and alcohol have the very opposite effect, and so should be avoided.

  “The Source, or ‘God,’ if you prefer that term, vibrates at an incredibly high frequency, so, by raising your own vibrational frequency, you draw closer to that Source. Once a spirit reaches this very high frequency level, its vibrations synchronize and meld with those of the Source, thus the spirit ‘reunites with God.’ If, however, a person chooses to indulge in behavior that causes the opposite effect, that is, a lowering of the vibrational frequency rate, then they are effectively distancing themselves from the Source.”

  “And is meditation the only way to raise your vibrational frequency?” Paco wanted to know.

  “Certainly not,” I answered, “although if real progress is to be made, then meditation eventually becomes a necessity, for to truly ‘find God’ one must learn to go within. However, anything that brings you peace and upliftment affects the vibrations in a positive way. For example, listening to beautiful, harmonious and inspiring music has this effect — or looking upon a scene of beauty, or showing kindness and compassion towards others.

  “Some people raise their vibrational frequency by praying or attending religious services, which is very effective, providing it is done in love and sincerity, and in fact if you closely examine religious music, you will notice that much of it is set in certain keys. For example, the key of D major evokes a sense of devotion, happiness and joy, while E major is full and serene, and B minor puts one in a meditative mood. The Romany people understand the way music affects the mood of the listener, and certain scales and harmonics are used to bring about various healing effects. This is why sensitive people can detect ‘enchantment’ in Romany music.

  “Oh, yes. I can even detect people’s reactions to the different music in church.”

  “I’m sure you can. Music affects the human psyche very deeply, so much care must be put into the type of music you choose, for the wrong sort can be extremely harmful to your vibrational frequency. In fact, the Controllers are doing exactly that on Earth right now, using a certain type of music to exert mind control and bring disharmony into the energy field of many young people, causing untold damage to sensitive psyches. The only protection humans have against these Controllers is to raise their vibrational frequency through spiritual practice to a level beyond the astral plane, where the Controllers can’t access.

  “What level do the Guardians operate on? Are you from the astral plane or higher?”

  “As caretakers of energy within this galaxy,” I replied, “we are able to operate on all levels, wherever we are needed, including higher cosmic levels. However, much of the work we do with Earth humans is carried out on the plane of illusion, the astral plane. It is here that we are able to set up certain scenarios to test the level of spiritual evolvement that various souls have reached, sometimes tempting them with illusions of grandeur, or ‘great psychic abilities,’ just to see if they have overcome ego — or else we push them to the limits of their fears, to help them overcome this major block to their spiritual progress.

  “It’s in this way that we are able to gauge the areas in their development needing to be worked on. We act as mirrors to the human psyche, reflecting back what is in the heart and in the subconscious mind of those who look upon us. We can manifest as objective beings, but we can also enter the subjective realms to carry out our work.”

  “And what about ghosts? Why do they sometimes appear misty and vaporous?”

  “This is because they’re operating on a slightly higher frequency than physical beings, and the higher you go, the more dissipated your molecular structure becomes and therefore the finer the substance of your makeup. For example, solid ice molecules vibrate at a lower rate than those of water. By applying heat to ice the vibrational rate is sped up, and a liquid substance, water, is the result. If you continue to heat the water, the frequency rate rises still further and you are then left with a vapor — steam.

  “Ghosts can pass through solid objects such as closed doors and walls because the higher the vibrational rate of the molecular structure, the more widely dispersed the molecules become, so the molecules that make up the form or substance of a ghost are much more widely dispersed than those that form a seemingly solid wall. The ghost literally passes through, in between the more solid molecular structure of the wall, just like water being poured through a sieve.”

  Light suddenly dawned on Paco’s face. “Aha!” he exclaimed. “That’s how you sneaky little Greys come and go as you please through locked doors and windows, and also how you remove your human ‘guests’ from their bedrooms and take them on board your craft. So, you are you able to change their rate of molecular vibration, as well as your own?”

  “Aha!” I mimicked him. “We have our ways and our means! For us, changing vibrational frequency is as easy as changing our underclothes!”

  “Good grief!” said Paco, “I never thought about that. Do Guardians wear underclothes?”

  “Depends on the weather,” I replied, then added, “and also what type of container we’re wearing at the time….

  “Yes, well, I don’t need that picture in my head.”

  Now, moving on from the Guardians and our undergarments, or lack thereof — a ghost that is easily perceived by many people is one that is trapped on the etheric plane, which is between the physical and astral levels. These ones are easily seen because their frequency is so close to that of the physical plane. On the other hand, a more evolved spirit guide or guardian from a higher level would vibrate at a much higher rate, making it harder to perceive physically. However, these ones can lower their frequency rate to a certain extent to make it easier for their human charge to perceive them if contact is necessary. To do this they will often make use of past-life personalities to form a grid system between themselves and the one they wish to contact.”

  “How does that work?”

  “Those who meditate on a regular basis may come into contact with spirit guides. The first ones they encounter are usually of a lower vibrational frequency — a frequency that the physical channel can cope with. As the person develops through much training, gradually raising their vibrations to higher and higher frequencies, so the guides will change to higher ones. Sometimes the first spirit guides encountered are actually your own past-life personalities, because they are the ones closest to your physical wavelength. These can be the ‘Indian Chiefs’ and ‘High Priests of Atlantis,’ etc.
, channeled by many spiritualist mediums. This type of channeling can be done easily with minimal training, and, providing the channel controls his ego and doesn’t get caught up in manipulative behavior or a power trip, he can receive quite pleasant and positive messages, because he is, in fact, tapping into his own higher self.

  “However, if one wishes to access even finer frequencies which are potentially available, then one must eventually move beyond these ‘personalities’ to realms where the energetic frequencies are even higher and purer — cosmic realms beyond the astral where such things as personality and rank are left far behind. This is why much care must be taken, and why it is most important to be wary of anyone who claims to channel ‘high spirit guides,’ unless they have undergone many years of training and meditation. It simply cannot be done without this preparation and training. Unfortunately many in this field think they are tuning in to highly evolved beings, when, in actual fact, they have linked up with one of the Controllers, or perhaps an entity from the lower astral plane out to cause trouble at the expense of the human psychic. Remember, like attracts like, so look to the channel for their degree of purity, love, humility, unselfishness and compassion, for they will reflect accurately the spirit guides who speak through them.

  “Yes, I’ve seen those differences among priests as well. As above, so below…”

  “Exactly! Very high levels of spiritual awakening can be attained without any of this astral-plane contact, and unfortunately, more often than not it is more of a block than an aid to your progress, so no one should get too caught up in it. You do not need to be particularly psychic or clairvoyant to make good progress. Sometimes you’ve already moved through the tests and potential entrapments of the astral plane in a former existence, so you no longer need to experience such things.”

  “So how do you know when you’ve reached the higher levels?” Paco asked.

  “That’s easy,” I replied. “True soul evolvement manifests as inner peace, inner contentment and inner knowing that reflect through into your physical life. A truly evolved soul may not seem to have any ‘special abilities,’ but you can detect them simply by the feeling of ease and peacefulness you experience when you are with them. A gentle, healing, relaxing aura emanates from their very pores, without a word being spoken.”

  “So, tell me again what is the end result of spiritual awakening?” he wanted to know.

  “The goal we are all striving for is to be reunited with our higher self/soul essence on a conscious level.” I answered.

  Again his eyes lit up with understanding. “And could this so-called higher self be what is referred to in the Biblical decree: ‘Man, know thy self’?”

  “Absolutely,” I assured him, “for that is the God-part of us. You see, Paco, the great truth that every human being must eventually come to is that God is within. This is the key, and it is the forgetting of this basic truth that causes a lowering of the vibrational frequency, which in turn keeps one in a state of separation from the Source.

  “Even as a priest I experience a conflict between the concept of God being ‘out there,’ and my heart that feels Him in here.” said Paco as he tapped his chest.

  “Yes, this is something many people must deal with, the Source or God is not something exterior to us, and is certainly not a white-bearded old man sitting up on a cloud watching over and judging us. God is within, so the basis of all meditation techniques is to learn to look within, not to become psychic or clairvoyant, although these things may occur along the way, but if we allow ourselves to get caught up too much in such distractions, our progress will be slowed and blocked, and the final goal will take just that much longer to attain.”

  “And how do we know when we are close to attaining it?” Paco queried.

  “Again, that is easy,” I replied. “A young, unevolved soul needs an external ‘God-figure’ as an incentive to do right. Like a child at school who needs the supervision of a strict teacher, it is only the dire threats of punishment or promises of a heavenly reward that keeps a young soul on the straight and narrow. Unfortunately the Controllers have exploited this, inciting Earth humans to use the ‘gods’ or ‘God’ as an excuse to maim and kill each other. So much for the commandments of ‘Love thy neighbor,’ and ‘Thou shalt not kill!’! Religion seems to have become one of the most common excuses of all for breaking the commandments as far as I can see!

  “However, Paco, to answer your question —a soul that is truly evolved doesn’t need any external god or goddess figure as an incentive to do right. Rightness and goodness are so much a part of their nature, they can be no other way. To hurt another either by word or deed is inconceivable to them, not because they fear retribution, or because they believe that by doing what is ‘right’ they will earn themselves a place in some heavenly paradise. Such a soul does not need these incentives. They do what is right simply because they are so closely aligned to the God within, and the God within is such an intrinsic part of them that they could express nothing other than goodness, kindness and compassion towards their fellow creatures.”

  Paco shook his head sadly. “You know, Ali, this is something that really gets to me at times. I see some people at Mass every week, coming to confession regularly and praying like good little Christians, absolutely sure that God is pleased with them and that they’ll go straight to heaven when they die. But I know that as soon as they leave the church and go home, they’re beating their wife, cheating on their husband, giving their kids hell, gossiping maliciously about their neighbors or mistreating their animals. Do you know what I mean?”

  “Unfortunately, yes, Paco, I do. If only Earthlings would practice a little less religion and a little more spirituality, this planet would be a much happier place. But so many do not understand the difference — that religion is the outer expression, and spirituality the inner. Still, I suppose they do have to work from the outside in. In fact, I have a brilliant idea! Why don’t you compose a sermon along those very lines!”

  “My goodness,” said Paco, his eyes lighting up, “what a useful little gray space person you are at times! I wish I’d thought of that. And what’s more, I have an even better idea! You can write it for me so I can have an early bed for a change.”

  “You lazy wretch!” I said, picking up the nearest cushion and throwing it at him. “Go and write your own darned sermon!”

  Deftly ducking out of the way and making a dive for the door, he poked his head back around the corner. “By the way,” he added, “I’ll need it by 6:00 tomorrow morning — sharp!”

  A second cushion missed him by a whisker.


  Chapter 26 Forgotten Agreement

  “Ali Cat, what’s the matter? You’ve been acting strange all week, even for you. Is something bothering you?”

  Sitting at the kitchen table and staring off into space, I’d not heard my brother enter the room, and I jumped at the sound of his voice. “Paco, for goodness sake, don’t sneak up on me like that. You gave me an awful fright. I was miles away!”

  “Gee, I’m sorry,” he apologized, “but you’ve been so withdrawn and distracted lately. Is something wrong?”

  “Oh, I don’t know,” I sighed, with the effort of trying to externalize what I was feeling. “I think it’s more the frustration of having to be down here on Planet Earth in physical form. It’s really starting to get to me. I feel so lonely and isolated.”

  “But Ali, you’ve got me to talk to. I know who and what you are, and even though I’m an Earth human, I come onto the disc with you sometimes, and I understand the whole situation, so you’re not isolated. And after all, you do go ‘upstairs’ every night, where you can interrelate with your own people, so what’s the matter?”

  Again I sighed in frustration, still not sure in my mind what the full extent of the problem was. Then it hit me. “Paco, believe me, I really appreciate having you to talk to — in fact if it weren’t for you I’d have gone crazy long ago — but what I need is one of my own people fro
m ‘upstairs’ living down here in physical human form whom I can talk to, compare notes and exchange ideas with. Yes, it’s great having you, and I could never manage without you, but there’s no way you can truly know what it’s like to be in my position.”

  “Well, Ali Cat,” he shrugged, “I really don’t know what you can do about it. I mean to say, you can’t very well place an ad in the personal column of the local newspaper, can you — ‘ET person from Guardian Consciousness wishes to meet like-minded ET person also from Guardian Consciousness for friendship and outings. Non-smoker and social drinker preferred — although it might be fun to give it a go. You never know who, or what, might turn up!”

  “Gee, thanks a lot, Paco. You come up with some really brilliant ideas. In fact I don’t know how you ever manage to fit them all into a normal, human-size head.”

  “Yes, well,” he replied with a wink, “I even amaze myself at times!”

  With my human consciousness opened more to my Guardian consciousness, I would have expected that I could recognize that once there is a desire in the human psyche, you can bet there is a manifestation going on behind the scenes. But, no I still viewed it as a strange coincidence that very night up on the disc when my requests were answered. We’d just completed a standard procedure in which a small implant was placed in the nasal cavity of one of our human ‘guests,’ when Ashka turned to me. “Alarca, I’ve been thinking. I feel it’s time we linked up with each other on the Earth Plane, so I’ve been busy arranging things to help it happen.”

  “Have you? That is truly amazing! You know what, Ashka, you must be psychic or something!” I chuckled. “I’ve been feeling a bit down and thinking all week about how good it would be to link up with another Guardian in physical human form, but completely lost the fact that I could manifest it. I think I’m going backwards as a human!”

  “No, you’re not. Linking up with you has been on my mind for a while now, but remember it had to come from me since I was hesitant because of my children. So, I think I’m ready now to handle ‘both worlds.’ It’s down there that we really need each other to turn to for support and encouragement when things get hard. And believe me, things are going to get very hard if Earth humans don’t wake up to themselves soon.”


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